Saturday, January 7, 2017

Incredible Galactic Conference March 2017

Special Report:

There is an incredible conference coming to Olympia this 10 - 12 March 2017

VIDEO:  Incredible Upcoming Conference In Olympia Wash - YouTube

The Galactic Wisdom Conference

The conference will be held at the Olympia: Land and Yacht Harbor RV Park only minutes away from the I-5 Nisqually Park Exit.

Hotels and restaurants abound in this area.

The conference will be hosted by Ted Mahrs, who himself has a radio program on 1150AM called ”Out Of This World” and has over 150,000 listeners world wide.

He has also just started a TV Program that is on COMCAST.

Last year when Jane and I attended it was wild. Imagine an entire weekend filled with UFO-logy, Spiritual Healing and the like.

If you have any questions about what an Alien is, what is out there, why are we here, and why is this planet is not one “Big Ball of Flames” right now this is the place to start.

Speakers include, although they are subject to change:

1) Billy Woodard - Former Commander of Area 51 and a Retired Colonel, US Army. He is one very nice guy and fun to talk to. He is actually a Hermaphrodite. Please treat hi with respect because he is also a retired US Army Colonel.

2) Scott Lemriel - Author and a fascinating man in his own right and f8n to talk to as well.  He is in contact with the Seres. I am told that they are from Dimensions way above anything our military has actually interacted with.

3) Ariana -  A Star Child - Who speaks to those in higher Dimensions and a very personable gal and fun to talk to.

4) Professor Gerald Pollack - University of Washington. His experiments are leading to powering large US Navy ships by using the 4th Phase of Water rather than Nuclear Reactors

5) Michiko Hayashi and Dr Yoshi - From Tokyo, Japan - who are working on both healing your body through frequencies and cleaning up large bodies of water using these same frequencies - a type of “Radionics”  - very high frequencies.

6) Greg Sullivan - Commander of the SETI Program of Japan - very nice fellow to talk with. He may come, maybe not. There is so much activity out there right now he may be tied up. He was there last year - a very young guy with an enormous amount of enthusiasm.

7) Emma Loiuse Hansen - From Norway - She came from Andromeda Galaxy and is who is currently being visited from folks from there and has pictures of these folks she is interacting with. Wow - I look forward to meeting her.

8) Simon Parks - an incredible guy from England who’s mother worked for MI5 and father worked for MI6 - the James Bond People. He is in contact with several alien races and has a unique perspective on the US Secret Space Program and will come via Skype.

9) Jim Mars - The Author of so many books. No introduction is even needed. This guy is incredible.

Friday night is free and the cost of the entire conference for Saturday and Sunday is $197.

Last years conference blew our minds.

If you do not go then how will you know???

We saw some really strange things there last year.

In the sky, for example,  there were some very strange ships that showed up on our Cell Phones.

Apparently the  Galactic Alliance is supposed to be there this year so hang on to your hats and prepare for a low fly-over.

If you have any questions please go to:

See you there.
The News You Need

Dr William B. Mount

Congress Certifies Trump As Biden Laughs

Congress Certifies Trump Vote - Biden Laughs


VIDEO: Congress Certifies Trump As Biden Laughs - YouTube

It’s all a game - except this time the stakes are real.

There is a New Sheriff in town - GOD’s Angels are back thanks to you, this audience.

Those not cooperating, and who have not specifically done as GOD has asked them to do, are being rounded up and dealt with by the thousands. There is no more wiggle room.

Those who have tried to assassinate Putin or Obama, or start a Nuclear War and thus turning this planet into Wiffle Dust, ARE being contained at this moment.

Do Not Kill My Presidents and Do Not Crack This Planet In Half.

And - if you do not do as GOD has asked you - well - over 100 Bankstas dead - GOD will deal with you Face To Face. You were warned…

This will be the number one topic at the Economic Forum in Devos Switzerland 17 -20 January 2017.

“Who Ain’t There”

By the way - I have been informed privately that the NAZIs in Antarctica are in full cooperation with this elimination of those wishing to crack this planet in half and they are now becoming actively involved in stopping it. It only took them 10 years to get around to it.

In other Great News:

1) Biden just received $1.6 Billion Dollars from President Obama to “Study Cancer”

Yea - OK - see video: THE CURE FOR CANCER


2) All directors at the White House are being replaced as of 20 January and if they steal one letter from one keyboard it will be considered Treason and the War Tribunals have already begun. Trials will only be used to gather information.

3) My favorite: All US Ambassadors - pack your bags. If you were appointed for political reasons you are fired 20 January 2016.

John Shapiro, Assistant Secretary of State: The Purpose of the State Department is to sell weapons.

That ends 20 January 2017.

Military Industrial Complex: Look around you - there is someone here now who is not happy with your performance and they have no problem dealing with your arrogantly ignorant staff.

4) It was just announced that ALL living presidents will attend Trump’s Inauguration and will be brought to sit in the Front Row. Any attempt to blow Trump Up will also kill all former President’s and their handlers.
For You Intel Geeks:

President Elect Trump: I recommend wearing a DRAGON SUIT and search the tunnels leading away from the White House AND have a Battery Back Up for the microphones.

The Power Lines coming into the White House have strategically placed mini bombs imbedded in the Mud behind the Main Power Lines - so you will need to inspect these lines by hand and with Bomb Sniffers. Look for Looses Cement in the George Washington Evacuation Tunnel and look at the tunnel below this one as well.

I know - tunnel upon tunnel upon tunnel.

Please also use Frequency Generators to Neutralize any threat from the surrounding buildings. One has a view of where the podium is - clear it our and keep it clear.

I live near allot of electronics - sorry I cannot be of any more help.


Please pray to contains these Satanic NAZIs who wish to do harm to Trump and his staff.

Please also pray that GOD shows you how to protect your family.


The News You Need

Dr William B. Mount



Now is the time of real deals

My wife picked up a $120 sweater for $23 yesterday at Chicos.

Also - The Anti Aging Test is going well. Yesterday I had so much energy I had to come home and rest for 3 hours - I was beat to a frazzle.

We eat GMO free food from Food For Liberty and from Get The Tea we are still eating one Grape Seed Extract, One Pine Bark and one 8th Element daily along with about 25 drops of Immusist per day to ensure the Resveratrol in these herbs is absorbed - a problem they had in the other Human and Mice Studies.

Do not leave out the Citricare.

Jane went to visit an old friend and he said: “Man, You have lost allot of weight”

So subscribe and stay tuned.


U.S. Congress certifies Trump's Electoral College victory | Reuters

Trump Fires All Obama Politically Appointed Ambassadors Effective Inauguration Day

Donald Trump Appoints Top Deputies, More White House Staff - Breitbart

Fugitive Nazis who built a paedophile paradise in the sun | Daily Mail Online