Tuesday, January 27, 2015

US Corporation Continues To Push For WW3

These handlers who run those in the White House continue to push for World War 3 in every way they can possibly think of.

(((Please continue to focus - Pray - that those who wish to harm other humans or harm Planet Earth become violently sick for the rest of their lives while here on this planet.)))

These Cowardly War Mongers stand up and beat their chests and stamp their feet, all the while ordering US made weapons and cash into the hands of those who will do their dirty work.

These are the current ways this Depraved group of Perverts are forcing the world into a Nuclear Confrontation:
1) S & P Downgrades Russian Bonds to Junk Bonds.

Way back in August of 2009, just after Obama recklessly eliminated a budget, the S & P realized that the US Corporation was in trouble. You cannot withdraw $10 trillion every year form the US Treasury and only put $3 Trillion back - a practice that has continued since this time.  So the S & P downgraded long term US Corporate Bonds and Obama's Handlers went ballistic.


This would mean that Obama's Deficit is around $6.5 Trillion every year, or about $32.5 trillion since taking office, not $9 Trillion as the Wall Street Journal states. This $32.5 Trillion is not simply to help "Stabilize" the operation of the US Treasury. The currency is stashed all around the world to help start wars.

That's $32,500,000,000,000.

The Corporation of the S & P is now entirely run by the SS - Department of Homeland Security. Thus it has become a Weapon of War and the White House Handlers can taste WW3 they want it so badly.

So this week the US Corporation downgraded Russia's S & P rating to strike at their budget, as if the US Corporate seizing Russian Oligarchs Accounts was not enough.

2) It was discovered a few day ago that US Troops were found dead in the rubble of the Donetsk Airport the United States shelled with both Conventional and Nerve Gas Agents. I suppose a Train Wreck does not dispose of these deadly chemicals fast enough, now they  are openly shelling Russians and Ukrainians with these deadly chemicals for fun.



When a person goes into the military the VA is able to acquire their records. These records are then sold around the world for Grant Moneys.

When a Soldier then joins a US Corporate Killing Agency like Blackwater when they are killed their finger prints, DNA, SOcial Security Number, etc is available worldwide by any government that gives the VA a little chump change.

So when a NATO Uniformed Soldier is killed their US Dog Tags and DNA are used to identify htem and it is then matched with their current military record.

Thus when it is announced in Russia that US Service Men were in the Donetsk Region with US Made Weapons transporting them to Terrorist to kill Russians - it is a pretty good bet that it is true.

The White House Handlers allow this violation of the Espionage act to - of course - kill more Americans, especially those conducting Clandestine Operations. They have been sold out by the White House Handlers.

Since those in the White House are pretty stupid right now - allowing a drone to crash on the White House Lawn - the only possible way to stop this leak of Information and stop the killing of CIA Agents is to push my Legal Case through the Supreme Court ----- or, let more Black Water and CIA Agents die.
3) In order for PLAN C to be implemented we must have Nuclear War,. This plan would give the US DOD complete Control of everything in this nation - even the food in your pantry. It would be Adolf Hitlers Greatest Dream: Al unstoppable NAZI Pig Nation with "Permanent War."

Try HQ-66-19009, 19012, 19016, 19017, 19018

4) The US FBI apparently broke up a "Russian Spy Ring" in New York City. What they really did was arrest those who have assisted in stopping New York City from being nuked.

Of Course they were communicating with the SVR is Russia - Duh. How do you think htey were able to stop the last 50 Nuclear False Flags in America?

The VA sells military records around the world and you do nothing about this - a blatant violation of hte Espionage Act - so why arrest these Russians?

To stir up trouble that's why.

FBI - you are idiots.

These are the only people who can stop the Rockefellars from being nuked you simpletons. Do you not have the brains even of a moron?

FBI - are you suicidal or just plain stupid?

You take away the right to keep and bear arms so no one can stop these Terrorists and now you arrest the only people who can help stop this destruction of New York City?

You do not think Brazinski and the Rockefallars and Morgans are not going to go Ballistic when they find out you are trying to kill them?

Maybe these terrorists should divert their attention instead from the Rockefellar Center on 16 February to the FBI Headquarters, or maybe one of the air Shafts along the river near Langley?

Remember why you closed the Denver Airport - the old "Nuke Down The Airshaft Trick"?


If we have a Nuclear Terrorist Attack it will be because the FBI wanted one.


5) This one takes the Cake: President Putin is soon to visit Israel and the US Corporation is currently setting up his assassination using several folks in the CIA who they have promised the US Corporate Presidency to. Sound familiar George Bush Senior?

This time with a special weapon that can be concealed and cause a Heart Attack at 100 yards. Pretty sophisticated stuff, but pretty archaic as well.

Same O Same O. Same thing, different day.

Avoid Israel President Putin. If you go - be prepared. You have been warned.
On a personal Note: When the FBI put a family in my home and stole my money to print up Fake Bonds (Dumbest Thing They Ever Did) I investigated them as a Retired Federal Officer and when I stated what I stated above - I was understating their intelligence and desire for WW3. Their leaders are powerful and evil to the core yet dumb as a rock.

Their leaders wish this Nuclear War - for fun. It is a game to them and you are worthless pawn in their game. They openly publish things like Operation devolution just to scare you - for fun.

Pray - visualize - that the Corporation of Homeland Security needs to go away and is not replaced with any other entity to take their place.

The News You Need

Dr William B. Mount

Saturday, January 24, 2015

Red Dragon Family Financial Plan For America

As it stand today the Red Dragon Family is simply going along with the Financial Plan for the United States today. I managed to pull out of a source working with the Secret Service that what we have said is going to happen to America is 100% correct.

(((Please pray - Visualize -  that those wishing to harm America and Planet Earth are made violently sick this very moment and remain so until they are out of this solar system)))
(((A)))So here is what will happen:

1) The New US Treasury "Shist" Dollar (See Jim Willie) is printed and has a date on the new bills of 2015.

2) The Treasury dollar is planned for release sometime after April, perhaps as far out as September. At first there will be a 1/1 trade in value, then 90/100, then 80/100, etc so trade them suckers in early.

3) From the start the Treasury Dollar will look strong but fall by over 80% in value as compared to other currencies within a year.

4) Rumors are wild about the revaluation about the Iraq Dollar.

5) As the dollar falls Gold and Silver will go up in proportion.

6) No Chip on your arm - no dollar exchange. Worship Lucifer or die.

7) The US economy will be allowed to collapse and KILLER WHEAT will be available to all that are chipped. Either you eat the GMO KILLER WHEAT or you die.

8) The US Economy will collapse and the New World Order Dollar will be issued to replace it. If you worship Lucifer in this New World Religion being preached by the United Nations you will be given food and not hauled off to the FEMA camps.

9) The Red Dragon Family Leaders are too calcified in the brain to stop this. Since they have not been smart enough to do as GOD has directed them to do then do not expect them to be smart enough to counter the Rothchilds/Frankfurt Banks/ Roman Pope. 

10) These Red Dragon Family Members will be slaughtered starting immediately. They have been in slavery to the West for 300 years now and will remain so. 

Many western Bankstas will also be slaughtered in this Covert War now going on. 

This will continue until the Red Dragon Family Enders ignore GOD's Requests: So HE has said it, so it shall be.
(((B)))  So here is the False Flag about to occur:

1) As you remember the Secret Service shot up VP Biden's House pretty good a few days ago thinking Obama was there - but Obama remained underground as he was instructed by GOD 3 months ago. He got pretty shaken when a man just walked into the White House ann into the room he was in - the man was Black, as are most of the shooters after Obama. 

2) The Next attempt will also be by a shooter on 17 February. 

3) The shooting  may be proceeded by the following events:

4) 15 Feb a Red "Bucket" containing a Nuclear Weapon will be detonated just Due South of the Chicago Stock Exchange.

5) An attempt ot detonate a Nuke outside the Rockeffellar Building in New York 16 Feb. The mayor was stupid enough to disarm the population so no one really has the power to stop these CIA Terrorists. Idiot New York Governor and NYC Mayor.

6) One outside the White House - but I do not see clearly where it will be placed simply becuase I live in hte wrong area. FBI - you stole my money - if I am wrong and one goes off - you and your little Freaky Feebies are to be blamed, although I do not think it will matter much when the US launched 65,000 Nukes simultaneously.

Chew on that for a while Red Dragon Grandfathers.

Please pray - visualize - that they eat Immusist and they begin to think clearly and do what they are called to do and eliminate those who wish to harm them. They really do have a good heart and need to wake up out of their long slumber.
(((C))) Who Killed The King of Saudia Arabia:

1) The king was a very old man, being born in 1925. He lived to the ripe old age of 90 and had several strokes before he died.

2) If he had done what we preach on "William Mount THE CURE FOR CANCER" on You Tube he would have lived another 100 years at least and his stroke damage would have been reversed within 3 months.

3)  Unfortunately a member of his own staff was feeding him a White Powder that assisted him in dying, and had been doing so for about 10 years.

4) The powder was provided by a member working for/with the CIA out of the US Embassy in their capitol and came through by Diplomatic Bag to the US Embassy and was picked up in the market weekly by one of the King's Food Buyers. The powder comes form some Snake and is widely used by CIA Snakes.

5) His Nightmares were horrible and he has chosen the Smoking Section of the after Death Experience.

6) His younger brother, who now rules, will be given the same food as his brother and begin to fall ill very soon due to  "Exhaustion" caused by the White Powder - which is completely undetectable by all testing standards available to the Saudi Family.
(((D))) The NEW GMO Cows Used To Breed The New Ebola Vaccinations:


The News You Need

Dr WIlliam B. Mount

Do your best to bugger this article up US Cyber Command - maybe no one will read it and you can have your Full Scale Nuclear War after all.

Bucket, Get the hint?


PS = Watch the Video 15 Year Old Malamute and you will realize we have exceeded the Red Dragon Anti-Aging Formula. 

Thursday, January 22, 2015

15 Year Old Malamute Puppy

Old 15 Year Old Malamute Puppy

Our 15 or 16 year old Malamute dog has a new life, we fed this to our old 16 year old Rescue Cat and his seizures stopped in 48 hours.


Dr WIlliam Mount


Red Dragon Leader Speaks at Davos, the War Is On

A few hours ago the Premier of China Li Keqiang, a representative of both the Red and Golden Dragon Families, spoke at the current Economic COnference in Davos, Switzerland. He was polite and gave a pretty standard speech proclaiming peace and economic prosperity in the future.

Behind closed doors he was also cordial and said very little - a credit to his Masters and Handlers. He is a good representative and can be trusted.

((Please pray that those hurting Planet Earth and Humans become violently sick while within 1 Million miles of the planet)))

Quietly and peacefully Li Keqiang left the stage.

What is happening behind the scenes is the US Economy is collapsing, as can be seen by the following stories:

1) Obama Proposes Tax on 529 College Savings Accounts

2) US Steel To Idle Two Oil, Gas Pipe Plants, laying off 756 .

3) Milgard Windows Business Slows and all of hte worlers were just laid off  - this came to me from an Employee.

4) 2,000 jobs threatened as United mulls outsourcing at US Airports.

5) Schulmberger to cut 9,000 jobs on Oil-Price plunge

6) Baker Hughes Inc, A Huge Oil Company, to lay off 7,000

7) Ebay to lay off 2,400 and could split from Paypal.

8) Macy's to close 14 stores this month

9) American Express to cut more than 4,000 jobs before year's end.

10 Sears filing for Bankruptcy

11) GMO Cows will be used to vaccinate humans against E-Boli

12) There is Blood On The street, Obama Economy In "Recovery"? Banks just cut 50,000 jobs. Bank revenues lowest in 8 decades - since Great Depression."

13) A Credit Card Manager just told me that Credit Card Use in in the toilet nation wide.

OK - Too Much Information.
It gets worse.

I am getting call after call from Military Veterans that are being targeting by the IRS for total destruction. Some are being jailed for IRS Debt, some are having their homes seized for no reason and one poor Retired Master Sergeant has a $253 Billion Dollar Bill from the IRS so they have seized everything he owns. Yup - $253 Billion and even his lawyer cannot find out why.



Either the Red Dragon Family will do as GOD has directed this very night of there will be a shooting war between the Family Heads and I promise you - the Rothchilds are vicious and Evil to the core.

My guess is that since these Red Dragons have been conquered for almost 300 years they will not act in accordance with GOD and choose death -and the smoking Section of Valhalah.

Major Ed Dames Remote Viewed into the future and talked about what he saw on Coast To Coast. He saw China as a Nuclear Induced Hole In The Ground.

What happens at this point is a choice by hte Red Dragon Elders. Will they do as GOD has directed them to do or fall into the Dust Bin of History.

OK - Enough

The News You Need

Dr WIlliam B Mount
Focus on how to protect your family and pray.

Good News: You can stay healthy during this mess pretty cheaply:



Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Be Still And Know HE Is GOD

Be still and know that HE is still GOD.

(((Please pray that those who would harm Humans or Planet Earth become violently sick when within 1 million miles of Earth)))

In Deuteronomy 29:1  Moses gave his last speech to the people of Israel and said in verse in Hebrew: He summoned all of Yisrael (God's People) and he said to them: "You have seen before your eyes all that Yahway did to Pharaoh and his officials and to his lands. Before your own eyes you saw the great trials, the signs and the wonders. Not did Yahway give you a mind to understand, or eyes to see, or ears to hear."

Moses then went on to explain that if you disobey GOD you will be destroyed  and if you follow GOD and HIS laws you will be blessed.

A Chinese representative has arrived in Davos Switzerland for a financia cinference that begins in about 36 hours. and there is panic throughout the financial world. About ten thousand of the most influential leaders are arriving by Private Jet, or are already there.

Absolute panic is sweeping the financial world tonight.

Tonight we see:

1) Hedge Funds Exploding

2) Credit Bubbles Bursting

3) Oil Prices falling to perhaps $20 a barrel

4) Economies in Venezuela, Brazil and Argentin collapsing

5) Greece and the Netherlands (Both legally owned by the Queen of England) planning to leave the Euro and Iceland formally leaves negotiations of joining the Euro.

6) Monsanto abotu to produce it's New Killer Wheat - all under 5 in a test in Australia died after eating the New Killer Wheat in a test.

7) The Subprime Car Loan Market (Affirmative Action Loans) are defaulting at an extremely high rate.

8) Food shortages appearing throughout the world.

9) Obama  #3 gave an hour long speech tonight reminiscent of Nero playing the violin as Rome burned.

The Economic Confusion is increasing every where - just like GOD said it would months ago here.


After these stories are posted GOD has directed me to step outside and create a World Wide Earthquake - if ever so slight - that will shock the the planet.

Red Dragon Family, Russia, Pentagon, White House, Pentagon Officials are still ignoring GOD so HE has one question: When you die do you want smoking or non-smoking?

The Sun Goes Up, The Sun Goes Down - GOD is still sovereign.
The News You Need

Dr William B. Mount

Be Prepared for anything: Copy this, duplicate it, put it on your web page, put it on Twitter and Face Book, pt it on your computer - this is public information for you -  but be ready:


Monday, January 19, 2015

Red Dragon Family: Ready For Currency Reset

The Red Dragon Family will send a Chinese Representative to the Davos Switzerland World Financial Conference starting in about 36 hours. The purpose is to lay the ground work for the New Financial reset.

((Please pray - Visualize Hard -  that those who are harming Humans or Planet Earth become violently sick when within 1 million miles of this planet.)))

Since we stopped the Global Nuclear War way back in 2007 and the BRIC Nations formed the world economy has been hit hard with a sever Depression - Recession if you are working, Depression if you are unemployed. This was specifically created to help in this Global Economic Reset.

It was either Nuclear War or an 8 year period to reset the World's Economy - the latter seemed most plausible as a Nuclear War could get out of hand very quickly.
(A) There is enormous evidence for this Global reset and a New World Currency as:

1) Medvedev showed us the New World Order Currency 6 years ago during a G-8 meeting.

2) Pope Francis has called for the coming NEW WORLD ORDER during a Lucifarian Ritual a year and a half ago.

3) Christine LaGuard, Head of the IMF,  told us this morning to prepare for a NEW MULTILATERALISM in the Reserve Currency.

What Multilateralism means in the Political World of Nations is that many nations are now unified in what is about to be announced - 186 of them to be exact.
(B) For us in they United States what this may mean is:

1) Exactly what Jim Willie (Golden Jackass) says: A New US Tresury Dollar as the Republic of the "united states of America" is re-instituted.

2) The New US Treasury Dollar will be issued and be re-evaluated to be worth the value of a Yuan, about 16 cents in a year - so imports will increase in costs - maybe. The mark-ups are criminal so we may not see much effect.

3) The cost of Gold and Silver will skyrocket.

4) If successful - those in Monsanto and all others producing the new Killer Wheat will be killed or placed in a FEMA camp.

5) We may even bring our troops home. We may bring cancel the position of the SUPREME ALLIED COMMANDER  and the hundreds of thousands of troops now instituting Marshal Law in Europe right now.

6) The Toys of the US DOD will be severely cut -lot os Budget Cuts - and if they even squirm whatever is above us will swat them down like a fly. That is all I can say.

7) The exchange of the New US Treasury "Shist" Dollar (Jim Willie) for the New World Currency.

8) Real Alternate Energy Products will be produced - the Petro-Dollar is dead. This is why the House of Saud is pumping oil just as fast as they can - to get as much money as they can before the need for oil dries up.

(((Let us pray - Visualize -  that Fracking using anything but Steam dies with the need for Oil.)))
If this is done in accordance with the Will of the Living GOD then it will all work out very well - everyhting will be peaches and cream, Kumbaya stuff.

Unfortunately I have a very bad feeling about this. This feeling, in the bottom of my gut, says these people at the top could care less about what GOD says.

GOD is not in this financial re-organization or the Red Dragon Family and the Russians would have done as GOD has directed by now - and they have not.
I will tell you this - with what is coming you will need to stay healthy because you will not be able to afford medical care - especially if you are a senior.

I put the following video together for our Veteran - to remove Nuclear, Biological and Chemical (Agent Orange) form their bodies and heal the nerves in their brains after they  were close to an explosion.

Yes  - yea - the procedures have been know since 1854 - Dr Chase's Last Complete Works - but they are not well published so here we go again.

The clinics I contacted using these procedures have about a 99% - 10 year Cancer Cure Rate. My Wife's 3 cancers are gone, her brother's brian has re-grown and her blood pressure went form 195/175 to 120/80 with only loosing a few pounds - but at least her clothes fit now. That's a huge benefit.

I have lost 80 pounds since following these procedures.

The News You Need To Survive

Dr William B. Mount

PS - The Pope almost died as he landed in the Philippines this week and it almost skidded off the Runway. We warned you about this what - in October on APFN and Pravda?

Next you will set up an attempt on your self by a shooter within a few days to correspond with DAVOS meeting - but your actors will fail to materialize.

As for the attempted Nuclear Attack and Obama Assassination planned for 17 February - this is a go by members loyal directly to the Rockefellars. This may be stopped by the coming in of the New American Republic and the arrests of the Brazinskis and Rockefellars - time will tell. There are 6 cities targeted and with over 1,000 missing US Nukes -- who knows.

There is a very distinct possibility that DC and New York City (Perhaps Chicago as well) may go away. Too much effort to tell you more, and I am tired. I live too close to a GWEN Unit - so you figure it out MI5, CIA, KGB, or whatever.




