Yes - under Operation Devolution the plan here is to exchange the Federal Reserve Dollar for the US Treasury Dollar, then devalue that to the point where we need to bring in the New World Order Gold Backed Currency and then kill off 300 Million Americans.
Yes - some pretty powerful people are behind these changes like the Roman Pope, head of the Jesuits, etc.
We can collectively ask the Living GOD (Visualize) right now to immediately and completely immobilize the people who are driving Jade Helm to the point where they are unable to even move for the rest of their lives.
If we humble ourselves before the Living GOD then HE will act accordingly.
Do not fear the chip. In Deuteronomy GOD says that HIS mark will be on our forehead and on our right hand - it is what we say and do that defines us as GOD's children.
These Demon Possessed Creeps can tatoo me with numbers, cut off a finger, or implant a chip in you but how does that change your relationship with GOD?
Keep in mind "Jesus" means light, or Lucifer.
GOD's name is "The I Am That I Am" - "Yeshu Raha Yeshu"
His Number one sons name is "Yesh- A", servant of Yehsu Raha Yeshu.
Deny Jesus - it means nothing. Sign documents, swear on a stack on Bibles you deny Jesus - you are saying you deny Lucifer.
Deny Yeshua - not a good idea.
There are some pretty powerful folks who do not want Jade Helm to progress the way the US CIA wants it to.
They US Corporation currently has about 65,000 Active Nukes, around 1,500 Active Hand Held Nukes, around 250,000 Surface to Air and Air to Air Nuclear Tipped Missiles, 135 Doomsday Bombs deployed (1 Would destroy Planet Earth), and around 3,000 Missing Nuclear Weapons, not including Davy Crockets, artillery shells, and the like.
These numbers do not include the small, and large, Nukes pre-planted in the Congressional and Presidential Bunkers world wide ---- yes --- they are also in the Chinese and Russian Bunkers.
If some creepy CIA Fudge Boys choose to obey the Rothchilds in London, and begin to destroy this nation somebody is going to go nuts and start torching off these weapons. Since they are located World Wide - by by Chinese, Russian, US, UK, Indian, Iranian, Syrian, German, French, Spanish, Italian.......leaders. You will vanish in a flash.
Ever see a Nuke go off?
It ain't pretty. Pretty much everything in it's path goes away.
So again - keep praying and we may see some pretty powerful allies step up to the plate and stop these Mad Men who are initiating Jade Helm around the world.
For You Intel Geeks:
1) As for the nuke on the move set to go off 17 May - it is currently moving in squares - teh carrier is driving around deciding where to move it to. The two ares he is considering are the Tennessee Nuclear Processing Plant discussed earlier and the second location is two blocks due West of the White House. It would be a pretty good ides to Quietly and Covertly patrol these areas 14-20 May 2015. It would also be a pretty good idea to use some High Tech Stuff to snag the Nuke before another day goes by - DOD, Hint, Hint.
2) There is yet another plot to kill the a Presidential Double in the White House set for 12 June. The Shooter will simply walk in with one of Obama's Friends (Buds) and shoot him. Please - take these Presidential Doubles out for coffee in Paris of Chicago this day and DO NOT use the Current Air Force 2, it's left front landing gear has some issues - tired metal on a shaft.
3) I do not know what is wrong with the Air Force Mechanics - they have missed so much lately. Maybe they need some additional training on spotting fatigued metal - or maybe some new equipment. That Jolt in the last Air Force One you rode in was a computer issue causing the Brakes to malfunction.
Secret Service, FBI, and US Marshals - do not bother to cuss me out again for stopping yet another attempt on Obama - and having the local Police handcuffing me again and parading me about as an AMBASSADOR will not stop my resolve.
Do Not Shoot Obama Or Let It Happen - is this clear Secret Service, US Marshals and FBI?
USC 5: You have sworn to protect and defend this Sitting Presidential Double - so do it and stop complaining about it. If you do not wish to do it then quit. It is your job.
Any Questions Secret Service, FBI, Etc - you have my number. If you call ---- Be nice - You play Macho and I will hang up on you.
OK - Too Much Info .....
The News You Need
Dr William B. Mount
PS - You Were Warned About this here. Thank GOD you listened. I am surprised you did not call me - since I posted the problems ON LINE so you can find them. This is what - the 4th time we have done this for you Mr President?
If I was recalled I could make a closer examination of these OLD jets and then you could nip these problems on the bud - Ya Think?
It's your life not mine.
Obama switches to new plane after mechanical problem grounds Air Force One - The Washington Post
Do not worry, there is nothing wrong with the sun. Be happy, do not worry.........N3KL.ORG