What is ADHD, how do you get it, and how do you cure it?
(Please Visualize (Focus) on those Bankstas and World Leaders who refuse to do as GOD has directed and stabilize this planet and it's economy and ecosystem die immediately. Pres Putin may be next.)
AA) ADHD, ADD, and a host of other conditions is a condition is both children, and adults, where they are jittery and it is hard for them to concentrate.
BB) The causes are generally three fold:
1) Eating Bad Food: GMO Foods, Coloring, Sugar, etc. This really screws with such hings as Low Oxygen Levels, Blood Sugar Levels, Etc.
2) Many children find it comes on directly after a vaccination, sometimes within minutes, sometimes within days. I met a gal who was 17 and a day after a vaccination began developing Neuropathy. She was unable to connect the dots until we talked.
3) we hire teachers based on Affimative Action- so the IQs of most teaches is way below average. The New Teachers tend to be stupid and have a hard time keeping up with Bright Kids, so they send them away and want to Drug Them Up.
CC) Treatment: Rather than changing their eating regime and sending these Bright Over Achievers to better teachers we give them drugs. The ADHD children I know are taking LSD (Prozac) and Speed (Riddlin).
If course - we all know that Speed and LSD have no negative side effects, right?
Experiments with many children who have ADHD with the use of 3,000mg of Acetly L-Carnatine per day has found that in almost every case this "Cures" their ADHD. It raises their Usable Oxygen Levels in the blood and they can concentrate.
So we feed our kids crap, vaccinate them with garbage like Raw Monkey DNA, Mercury, etc and then send them to "Public" schools with stupid teachers and then pump them up on drugs and state they are Mentally retarded or "Off Base" and they become wards of the state and have no rights.
DD) Moms - Dads - There Is A Better Way
1) First -stop eating Crap - Genetically Modified Foods, Sugars, Food Colorings, chemical and anything that looks like an artificial chemical - like Aspertane, MSG, Propylene Glycol, Canola Oil, etc. This means NO Wheat, Corn, Soy Beans, Beet Sugars.
2) Eat Organic. Period.
3) Eat 1 teaspoon of Kelp per day from an unpolluted area.
4) Eat at least 5 drops of a surfactant per day - I prefer Immusist as it does not give you the runs for cramps.it drives the nutrients into the cells.
You are the parent - YOU control what they eat and where they go to school.
Every school in America is a Private Corporation and you DO NOT have to send your child to ANY school. They are Private.
Tacoma School District, owned by the City of Tacoma, charges $3,000 a month to educate these kids and classify as many of them as "Off Base" as they can.
The Lutheran church around the corner charges $300/Month and produces better students.
So where does all the extra money go?
It goes to programs to classify your child as Mentally Incompetent so their rights may be takes away - $2,700 per month, or about $25,000 per child per year.
Liberals (Fascist Pigs) at their finest hour.
So in summary -
Do Not Eat Garbage
Eat good Food, Kelp and Immusist.
One last thing - we eat one tablespoon of Baking Soda per day to make out bodies Basic. It drives diseases away, drives cancer away, and helps with the teeth. We eat Bobs Red Mill Non-Aluminum Baking Soda. My cravings for chips no longer exists.
The News You Need
Dr William B. Mount
Thursday, November 13, 2014
Monday, November 10, 2014
Prepare For What Is Coming
Please prepare your family for what is coming.
Please pray - visualize - that you and your family are prepare for what is coming upon us in the near future. So here is what is going on right now Title 40 Raw Intel Data:
1) The sun is sending us strange energy - more on this later.
2) It was just announced through US Bank (I Believe) that there 100 times the number of Silver Certificates issued tan there is Physical Gold. The Gold Market may be even higher.
As you recall this is the signal for the US Stock Market to drop.
3) As of Monday the US Treasury Bonds will no longer be purchased by the Federal Reserve Banks or System and the US Corporation is now forbidden to purchase US Stocks. No more propping up the Markets.
4) I see huge waves of energy emanating from the Chicago. I believe with the introduction of GMO Potatoes and GMO Rice that kill you the foreign markets for US/Canadian produce will fall - destroying farms across America.
5) There is a huge amount of confusion out there in the ether - as if a war is going on. What this means is since most US/UK leaders are completely Demon Possessed there is confusion there as well.
6) This is an angry confusion and the Assassinations among the leaders will accelerate. This is why my lack of Data to warn Putin, Medvedev, Obama, etc is so very critical. A story like this is almost no data but to look at data and pictures to determine just exactly who is poisoning you - requires data. I do not work for any agency or government - nor do I get paid to do this. I do this to stop the destruction of people and Planet Earth.
7) As you read this many of Putin's Staff have stomach upsets due to the Poison now being fed at his home and headquarters but I am out of Data so your staff will have to be sick. Sorry Russian President and PM and PM Secretary. Chinese and Indian Leadership is next. A Russian consulate is 30 miles North of me, as is a Chinese Consulate. So why are they not helping this Ambassador?
8) The Bank Audits by the US will increase as they attempt to seize Russian and Chinese assets to hold their Corporation together through Murder and Black mail and Bribery with Paper Dollars.
9) Do not think Eric Holder is done as of today. This Criminal ran over 10,000 AK47s, Machine Guns and Pistols to Mexico and countless arms to Western Brazil and most of South America to stir up as much trouble as he could. he is a very busy murderer.
10) If you listen to the Governor of Texas (Rick Perry) he recently stated that the Illegal Aliens murdered 3,000 Texans in the last 90 days, along with countless rapes. So while Obama is trying to steal your gun the FBI is currently Gun Running pistols into the hands of the Illegal alines so they can run their precious illegal drugs. Brazil, Columbia and Venezuela are their current targets down there as well as a few in the Caribbean.
11) Expect people to go crazy on the freeway and expect crazy people to go insane - this is the energy now reaching this planet. we have ignored GOD too long and now he is turning our Self Righteousness back upon us. The weather is also going bonkers. It is currently about -6F degrees in White fish Montana in November - We just got a call from a friend!
12) As for the earthquakes in Nevada - Another swarm of US Corporate Bases are being destroyed - systematically and in sequence. It will continue all over the planet - especially in the US where huge numbers of bases are. The Rothchids missed the 12 June deadline and now they must be completely killed and their bases uttely destroyed.
13) As for the Red Dragon Family - their bases will also be destroyed soon since they missed the 6 November deadline. It is now Open Season on the Rothchilds and the Red Dragon Family members, so says the I Am That I Am, who was and is and is to come.
14) This Open Season between the East and West family members will cease when they terminate their Octal Rectalitis with a Cranial Inversion So bad They Have to Polish Their Bellies Just to See."
In other words - get their heads out of their "Probocus" and do as GOD has directed. Unilt then the killing will continue. So GOD has stated, so it shall be.
It will be fun to watch form my perspective - to watch you fight over the Glamour of this material world.
The News You Need
Dr William B. Mount
Never Give Up
Expect allot of spelling errors - these Lucifarians never give up.
There is a way out - just walk away and devote your life to GOD. It is that easy. You do not have to hurt any one else.
Please pray - visualize - that you and your family are prepare for what is coming upon us in the near future. So here is what is going on right now Title 40 Raw Intel Data:
1) The sun is sending us strange energy - more on this later.
2) It was just announced through US Bank (I Believe) that there 100 times the number of Silver Certificates issued tan there is Physical Gold. The Gold Market may be even higher.
As you recall this is the signal for the US Stock Market to drop.
3) As of Monday the US Treasury Bonds will no longer be purchased by the Federal Reserve Banks or System and the US Corporation is now forbidden to purchase US Stocks. No more propping up the Markets.
4) I see huge waves of energy emanating from the Chicago. I believe with the introduction of GMO Potatoes and GMO Rice that kill you the foreign markets for US/Canadian produce will fall - destroying farms across America.
5) There is a huge amount of confusion out there in the ether - as if a war is going on. What this means is since most US/UK leaders are completely Demon Possessed there is confusion there as well.
6) This is an angry confusion and the Assassinations among the leaders will accelerate. This is why my lack of Data to warn Putin, Medvedev, Obama, etc is so very critical. A story like this is almost no data but to look at data and pictures to determine just exactly who is poisoning you - requires data. I do not work for any agency or government - nor do I get paid to do this. I do this to stop the destruction of people and Planet Earth.
7) As you read this many of Putin's Staff have stomach upsets due to the Poison now being fed at his home and headquarters but I am out of Data so your staff will have to be sick. Sorry Russian President and PM and PM Secretary. Chinese and Indian Leadership is next. A Russian consulate is 30 miles North of me, as is a Chinese Consulate. So why are they not helping this Ambassador?
8) The Bank Audits by the US will increase as they attempt to seize Russian and Chinese assets to hold their Corporation together through Murder and Black mail and Bribery with Paper Dollars.
9) Do not think Eric Holder is done as of today. This Criminal ran over 10,000 AK47s, Machine Guns and Pistols to Mexico and countless arms to Western Brazil and most of South America to stir up as much trouble as he could. he is a very busy murderer.
10) If you listen to the Governor of Texas (Rick Perry) he recently stated that the Illegal Aliens murdered 3,000 Texans in the last 90 days, along with countless rapes. So while Obama is trying to steal your gun the FBI is currently Gun Running pistols into the hands of the Illegal alines so they can run their precious illegal drugs. Brazil, Columbia and Venezuela are their current targets down there as well as a few in the Caribbean.
11) Expect people to go crazy on the freeway and expect crazy people to go insane - this is the energy now reaching this planet. we have ignored GOD too long and now he is turning our Self Righteousness back upon us. The weather is also going bonkers. It is currently about -6F degrees in White fish Montana in November - We just got a call from a friend!
12) As for the earthquakes in Nevada - Another swarm of US Corporate Bases are being destroyed - systematically and in sequence. It will continue all over the planet - especially in the US where huge numbers of bases are. The Rothchids missed the 12 June deadline and now they must be completely killed and their bases uttely destroyed.
13) As for the Red Dragon Family - their bases will also be destroyed soon since they missed the 6 November deadline. It is now Open Season on the Rothchilds and the Red Dragon Family members, so says the I Am That I Am, who was and is and is to come.
14) This Open Season between the East and West family members will cease when they terminate their Octal Rectalitis with a Cranial Inversion So bad They Have to Polish Their Bellies Just to See."
In other words - get their heads out of their "Probocus" and do as GOD has directed. Unilt then the killing will continue. So GOD has stated, so it shall be.
It will be fun to watch form my perspective - to watch you fight over the Glamour of this material world.
The News You Need
Dr William B. Mount
Never Give Up
Expect allot of spelling errors - these Lucifarians never give up.
There is a way out - just walk away and devote your life to GOD. It is that easy. You do not have to hurt any one else.
Free On Veterans Day 2014
Here are 2 websites to go to where a Veteran can find free food on Veteran's Day.
The Military Wallet, Free on Veteran's Day:
Free On Veteran's day freebies.com:
Please keep in mind Dr Will P Wilson's (All Day Live TV Show, 9 years, Ch 77, Seattle) Experiences two veteran's days ago: Many restaurants have employees that know nothing about this and many require ID.
Have a Great Day!
Dr William B. Mount
The Military Wallet, Free on Veteran's Day:
Free On Veteran's day freebies.com:
Please keep in mind Dr Will P Wilson's (All Day Live TV Show, 9 years, Ch 77, Seattle) Experiences two veteran's days ago: Many restaurants have employees that know nothing about this and many require ID.
Have a Great Day!
Dr William B. Mount
Sunday, November 9, 2014
Never Give Up
My father had the honor to ba an honored guest at Winston Churchhill's SpeEch to the graduating class at Princeton University so many years ago. This was the man who was the English Chancelor who single Handidly stood up to NAZI Germany and organized the defeat of Fascism in Central Europe in the War years of 1939-1945. The world needed a hero and he was chosen, a role he played so very well..
After a short introduction Winston stood up and said: "Never give up." and then stepped back a foot.
The audience cheered and quieted down
He moved forward again and he said a little louder: "Never Give Up." and then backed away a foot or so.
The audience cheered and quieted down.
Winston moved forward again and he said in a very loud voice: "NEVER GIVE UP."
The Audience gave him a standing ovation for over 5 minutes.
Winston Churchill never publically spoke again. These were his final words to the world and these are my words to you:
In the fight against Fascism and the Lucifarian US Corporate and English NAZIs and those NAZIs in Frankfurt and Rome you can never give up, never surrender. The word FREEDOM must be embossed across you heart and GOD must be your leader.
You must give up your Lying TVs, your Lying Radios. your Lying Newspapers and ask the Living GOD what YOU can do to fight these Evil NAZIs - and they are evil beyond your comprehension.
Just in the Catholic Church in Tuam, Ireland - over 4,000 dead babies hacked to death and thrown down a Cistern.
We are outgunned, overpowered and outnumbered - but we are fighting something so hideous - people like Obama, Bush, Cheney, Lagarde - what can we do but fight?
Look at the news today:
1) Obama vows to Defy GOP Congress and Pass Immigration Reform With Executive Orders
2) UN Declares Arms Trade Treaty To Go Into Effect Dec 24.
3) FDA Approves Genetically Modified Potato to Be Sold On US Markets
You don't get much more ZEIG HEIL than that, do you?
Not only have they declared themselves our MASTERS and we their SLAVES they are feeding us food to kill us.
So I say to you the words of Winston Churchill so many years ago America and Freedom Fighters all over the world:
For You Freaks, Liars and Thieves In Intel:
1) President Putin - you need a new Food Taster. Somehow your most trusted cook is slipping in some GMO food into your diet so you are aging rather fast. More - but.....
2) Pres Obama - the Right Front Wheel on AF2 (Just out of Commission) has a loose wheel nut - but it is only on 1 wheel and the tech did not mean to do it wrong, he just got the specs confused, and.....
3) Sorry Boys and Girls - I am out of data on my phone. I wish I could tell you more but - oh, and the Right Window is loose on Air Force ..... sorry, you will have to check them all. I am out of data and without a specific type of Pressure Test you will not find it. This test can be conducted by.....
4) So if Putin gets sick, or Air Force 1 or 3 depressurizes at 40,000 feet - too bad. I am out of data on my phone, which I tether to my computer to write these stories.
A dead president because I am out of data - good thinking Intel Geeks.
Maybe heads should roll in the intelligence fields?
The News You Need
Dr William B. Mount
After a short introduction Winston stood up and said: "Never give up." and then stepped back a foot.
The audience cheered and quieted down
He moved forward again and he said a little louder: "Never Give Up." and then backed away a foot or so.
The audience cheered and quieted down.
Winston moved forward again and he said in a very loud voice: "NEVER GIVE UP."
The Audience gave him a standing ovation for over 5 minutes.
Winston Churchill never publically spoke again. These were his final words to the world and these are my words to you:
In the fight against Fascism and the Lucifarian US Corporate and English NAZIs and those NAZIs in Frankfurt and Rome you can never give up, never surrender. The word FREEDOM must be embossed across you heart and GOD must be your leader.
You must give up your Lying TVs, your Lying Radios. your Lying Newspapers and ask the Living GOD what YOU can do to fight these Evil NAZIs - and they are evil beyond your comprehension.
Just in the Catholic Church in Tuam, Ireland - over 4,000 dead babies hacked to death and thrown down a Cistern.
We are outgunned, overpowered and outnumbered - but we are fighting something so hideous - people like Obama, Bush, Cheney, Lagarde - what can we do but fight?
Look at the news today:
1) Obama vows to Defy GOP Congress and Pass Immigration Reform With Executive Orders
2) UN Declares Arms Trade Treaty To Go Into Effect Dec 24.
3) FDA Approves Genetically Modified Potato to Be Sold On US Markets
You don't get much more ZEIG HEIL than that, do you?
Not only have they declared themselves our MASTERS and we their SLAVES they are feeding us food to kill us.
So I say to you the words of Winston Churchill so many years ago America and Freedom Fighters all over the world:
For You Freaks, Liars and Thieves In Intel:
1) President Putin - you need a new Food Taster. Somehow your most trusted cook is slipping in some GMO food into your diet so you are aging rather fast. More - but.....
2) Pres Obama - the Right Front Wheel on AF2 (Just out of Commission) has a loose wheel nut - but it is only on 1 wheel and the tech did not mean to do it wrong, he just got the specs confused, and.....
3) Sorry Boys and Girls - I am out of data on my phone. I wish I could tell you more but - oh, and the Right Window is loose on Air Force ..... sorry, you will have to check them all. I am out of data and without a specific type of Pressure Test you will not find it. This test can be conducted by.....
4) So if Putin gets sick, or Air Force 1 or 3 depressurizes at 40,000 feet - too bad. I am out of data on my phone, which I tether to my computer to write these stories.
A dead president because I am out of data - good thinking Intel Geeks.
Maybe heads should roll in the intelligence fields?
The News You Need
Dr William B. Mount
Friday, November 7, 2014
If Not You Then Who
If you are not willing to fight for our veterans and our freedom then who will?
(((Pray (Visualize) you get your intestinal fortitude back)))
Do not expect anyone to else to fight if you are unwilling to fight.
Got a family and a job?
Change your name an d write under a Pen Name.
No Time?
Yea, right. Throw the TV away and write.
I remember standing ion a bridge in St Petersburg Russia wondering if I should jump or fight - the pressure was on. The next day was a big meeting with some of the most incredible people I have ever met. Was I man enough for the job why me, what am I here for 8,000 miles form home, are the Russians not smart enough to know what I know?
All these questions ran through my mind.
I got truned around and found myself totally lost in this city on foot at 1Am in the morning - looking at the Hermatage. These men who build Russia were no cowards, but I am not a great man.
Your mind plays tricks on you at this time in the morning and things can run through it at Hyper Speed.
The next day I wrote my letter informing the Russians why I went there and covertly gave it to a person who protected Government Officials.
Then the Acolades came - the knighting, the Bishophood, etc.
A month later I found myself back in America and had recovered my house but every thing I owned was gone - every lamp, every tool, every rifle - all gone and the local Police laughed about it.
So here I had stopped a Nuclear war twice and the US President from being assassinated twice and my reward was to be stripped of all my savings and every scrap orf material goods in the world - even my underpants were gone.
I sat in my truck for 4 days - ready to just leave and let the next presidential assassination occur.
I went to the bank to put $300 in a homeless gal's account at the Bank of America and that's when the FBI decided to hand cuff me for 45 minutes in public.All of those who handcuffed me are now dead.
These US Corporate Enforcement Agents are not only evil but suicidal. They want to die.
So - what do you do at this point---- crawl into a hole and die?
I sure felt like it but I am a fighter.
I stood up lie a man, broke, not even a bed to sleep in bed, and decided that I would fight back. I would expose all I had seen and tell the world just how evil and suicidal the FBI is, just how awful and ungrateful the US Corporate Giants were, and show the world how evil they really are.
There are no Nobel Peace Prizes for those who stop wars or Cure Cancer, only for the evil.
I had no idea the leaders in the rest of the world were just as Evil and Stupid as those in the US. Powerful, but stupid.
For example: President Putin and his staff are facing US Investigations for Money Laundering --- which means the Federal Reserve System is about to seize Russian Accounts - like they did to me for stopping a Nuclear War.
President Putin -would it not have been easier, and cheaper, just to do as GOD had directed you to do: Pay the standard rewards and return the blessings to Russia?
Powerful - yes, but apparently not that smart.
So I fight.
President Obama, before he knew he was scheduled to go to China to an APEC meeting this week, I announced another assassination attempt against him in China on the day he was to arrive there.
Before President Obama took off on Air Force One on Tuesday I announced a problem that grounded Air Force One - the Flaps did not work. If the plane had crashed the Russians would have been blamed and Nuke would have been fired.
If I laid hands on the jet I would give you rmore information about what is wrog with it - 5 times in 3 years I have been respponsible for grounding Air Force One.
Does this make me part of the Air Force One Grounding Crew and do I get a free jacket because of it?
Probably not.
Not one thank you, not one hello from those who's lives were saved - but if I can save the lives of these leaders then we do not have a Nuclear War and we do not have to send more of MY soldiers over seas into a Nuclear Conflict.
I do not work for Obama, I do not work for Putin, nor any other leader. I work for the Living GOD.
I fight to stop these wars to prevent more of MY soldiers for coming home wounded or in a box.
I made a promise to a man I sent out and he came back in a box. I promised him I would "Make it better". He was only an E-7 and it was only a Forest Fire and he was only a driver --- but I sent him out. The world would not even know he was gone but I knew.
As for President Putin - you do not honor your debts so the Living GOD will allow the Federal Reserve System to strip you of your wealth and your supporters of their wealth and they will continue to strip you until you honor the debts GOD says you must pay. You apparently are a Skin Flint, a Chisler and YOU and your friend are about to pay for it.
I remember I was taken to the Hermitage in Russia on my last day there and shown what a Knight of Malta was all about, and that I was one. A real knight - wow. So what exactly does that mean?
I also was taken to the area where it showed Russian Royalty - and I was one. I thought, great, I am some Long Lost Barron.
Then I was taken to get a picture so my bust and photo could go into some main Russian Church -- all the busts and painting s of all Russian Orthodox Bishops go. I was not ready for any of this.
Since I refused to change my name to William Yuri and accept a position in their Dumas they got mad and had to change the awards and passports back to my real name. GOD does not hide or lie about names. I am who I was born as.
The fact that the current Russian Leadership is not willing to do as GOD has directed them to do is not my problem - it is there problem. They must face the consequences with the Living GOD.
So what would a knight do - would he curl up into a ball and run away at the smallest sense of trouble?
No he would fight. He would consider it his duty, honor, no privelidge to stand and fight for the right of the individuals and challenge the unchallengable.
To fight an unbeatable foe and watch them topple like a statue.
That is my quest - my mission in life. To stop these Unbeatable Foes from blowing this planet up and give Humanity time enough to unify and jointly push these evil ones off the planet.
Do not be fooled by the media about Russia either - it was just announce that rather than building 1 Million Tacheon Generators and cleaning up planet Earth Russia has just announced another Natural Gas Pipe Line to Southern Europe.
Do not be fooled by the Red Dragon Family - rather than paying the Debts GOD directed them to pay they are allowing the Evil to prosper and the economies to tumble. They could stop it - they were given the way out of this mess --- but they do not wish the economy to recover or they would do as GOD directed them to do.
If the Red Dragon Family is so high and mighty they need to prove it by doing as they said they woud do and now that they control the IMF fund the projests we liste here on APFN.
Yup - the Red Dragon Family Members are just as all the other leader, . as are their Ascended Masters - the Great White Brother Hood - and they hide in the shadows like little children afraid to show themselves . They are Cowards.
So I fight to expose all of this.
If Not You Then Who?
Who Will Do GOD's Work and fight these Evil Folks?
The News You Need
Dr William B. Mount
(((Pray (Visualize) you get your intestinal fortitude back)))
Do not expect anyone to else to fight if you are unwilling to fight.
Got a family and a job?
Change your name an d write under a Pen Name.
No Time?
Yea, right. Throw the TV away and write.
I remember standing ion a bridge in St Petersburg Russia wondering if I should jump or fight - the pressure was on. The next day was a big meeting with some of the most incredible people I have ever met. Was I man enough for the job why me, what am I here for 8,000 miles form home, are the Russians not smart enough to know what I know?
All these questions ran through my mind.
I got truned around and found myself totally lost in this city on foot at 1Am in the morning - looking at the Hermatage. These men who build Russia were no cowards, but I am not a great man.
Your mind plays tricks on you at this time in the morning and things can run through it at Hyper Speed.
The next day I wrote my letter informing the Russians why I went there and covertly gave it to a person who protected Government Officials.
Then the Acolades came - the knighting, the Bishophood, etc.
A month later I found myself back in America and had recovered my house but every thing I owned was gone - every lamp, every tool, every rifle - all gone and the local Police laughed about it.
So here I had stopped a Nuclear war twice and the US President from being assassinated twice and my reward was to be stripped of all my savings and every scrap orf material goods in the world - even my underpants were gone.
I sat in my truck for 4 days - ready to just leave and let the next presidential assassination occur.
I went to the bank to put $300 in a homeless gal's account at the Bank of America and that's when the FBI decided to hand cuff me for 45 minutes in public.All of those who handcuffed me are now dead.
These US Corporate Enforcement Agents are not only evil but suicidal. They want to die.
So - what do you do at this point---- crawl into a hole and die?
I sure felt like it but I am a fighter.
I stood up lie a man, broke, not even a bed to sleep in bed, and decided that I would fight back. I would expose all I had seen and tell the world just how evil and suicidal the FBI is, just how awful and ungrateful the US Corporate Giants were, and show the world how evil they really are.
There are no Nobel Peace Prizes for those who stop wars or Cure Cancer, only for the evil.
I had no idea the leaders in the rest of the world were just as Evil and Stupid as those in the US. Powerful, but stupid.
For example: President Putin and his staff are facing US Investigations for Money Laundering --- which means the Federal Reserve System is about to seize Russian Accounts - like they did to me for stopping a Nuclear War.
President Putin -would it not have been easier, and cheaper, just to do as GOD had directed you to do: Pay the standard rewards and return the blessings to Russia?
Powerful - yes, but apparently not that smart.
So I fight.
President Obama, before he knew he was scheduled to go to China to an APEC meeting this week, I announced another assassination attempt against him in China on the day he was to arrive there.
Before President Obama took off on Air Force One on Tuesday I announced a problem that grounded Air Force One - the Flaps did not work. If the plane had crashed the Russians would have been blamed and Nuke would have been fired.
If I laid hands on the jet I would give you rmore information about what is wrog with it - 5 times in 3 years I have been respponsible for grounding Air Force One.
Does this make me part of the Air Force One Grounding Crew and do I get a free jacket because of it?
Probably not.
Not one thank you, not one hello from those who's lives were saved - but if I can save the lives of these leaders then we do not have a Nuclear War and we do not have to send more of MY soldiers over seas into a Nuclear Conflict.
I do not work for Obama, I do not work for Putin, nor any other leader. I work for the Living GOD.
I fight to stop these wars to prevent more of MY soldiers for coming home wounded or in a box.
I made a promise to a man I sent out and he came back in a box. I promised him I would "Make it better". He was only an E-7 and it was only a Forest Fire and he was only a driver --- but I sent him out. The world would not even know he was gone but I knew.
As for President Putin - you do not honor your debts so the Living GOD will allow the Federal Reserve System to strip you of your wealth and your supporters of their wealth and they will continue to strip you until you honor the debts GOD says you must pay. You apparently are a Skin Flint, a Chisler and YOU and your friend are about to pay for it.
I remember I was taken to the Hermitage in Russia on my last day there and shown what a Knight of Malta was all about, and that I was one. A real knight - wow. So what exactly does that mean?
I also was taken to the area where it showed Russian Royalty - and I was one. I thought, great, I am some Long Lost Barron.
Then I was taken to get a picture so my bust and photo could go into some main Russian Church -- all the busts and painting s of all Russian Orthodox Bishops go. I was not ready for any of this.
Since I refused to change my name to William Yuri and accept a position in their Dumas they got mad and had to change the awards and passports back to my real name. GOD does not hide or lie about names. I am who I was born as.
The fact that the current Russian Leadership is not willing to do as GOD has directed them to do is not my problem - it is there problem. They must face the consequences with the Living GOD.
So what would a knight do - would he curl up into a ball and run away at the smallest sense of trouble?
No he would fight. He would consider it his duty, honor, no privelidge to stand and fight for the right of the individuals and challenge the unchallengable.
To fight an unbeatable foe and watch them topple like a statue.
That is my quest - my mission in life. To stop these Unbeatable Foes from blowing this planet up and give Humanity time enough to unify and jointly push these evil ones off the planet.
Do not be fooled by the media about Russia either - it was just announce that rather than building 1 Million Tacheon Generators and cleaning up planet Earth Russia has just announced another Natural Gas Pipe Line to Southern Europe.
Do not be fooled by the Red Dragon Family - rather than paying the Debts GOD directed them to pay they are allowing the Evil to prosper and the economies to tumble. They could stop it - they were given the way out of this mess --- but they do not wish the economy to recover or they would do as GOD directed them to do.
If the Red Dragon Family is so high and mighty they need to prove it by doing as they said they woud do and now that they control the IMF fund the projests we liste here on APFN.
Yup - the Red Dragon Family Members are just as all the other leader, . as are their Ascended Masters - the Great White Brother Hood - and they hide in the shadows like little children afraid to show themselves . They are Cowards.
So I fight to expose all of this.
If Not You Then Who?
Who Will Do GOD's Work and fight these Evil Folks?
The News You Need
Dr William B. Mount
Thursday, November 6, 2014
Canadian Parlaiment Shooting Was A False Flag
Notice all the Cop Cars at the Parliament Building 15 minutes before the CIA Planned Shooting:
Any Questions?
In addition, just after the shooting it was revealed that the Prime Minister was in Hiding in an "Undisclosed Location"?
Please pray that this Prime Minister goes down for his crimes immediately.
Dr William B. Mount
Only 6 miss-spelled words and one lost picture - you are slipping US army Cyber Command.
Any Questions?
In addition, just after the shooting it was revealed that the Prime Minister was in Hiding in an "Undisclosed Location"?
Please pray that this Prime Minister goes down for his crimes immediately.
Dr William B. Mount
UN Broadcast 6 November 2014
Coming to you from the heart of the United Nations is a broadcast form the Lucis Trust arcane Library in London.
(Please pray the Living GOD opens you mind to the truth and lies in every thing)
The broadcast focused on what is really out there and began with a story about Dr Alexander.
This Neuro Surgeon had no real beliefs about religion but as a Neuro Surgeon he believed in getting into hte Human Body and fixing it.
Dr Alexander also did not believe in Out of Body Experiences he thought they were caused by an Oxygen deprived Brain - Until......
He caught a very bad bacteria and went into a coma very rapidly. At this point he was taken around by an "Angel" or "Orb" and shown many things about the higher planes of existence.
When he came out of his come he remembered nothing until - he saw a picture of his dead Half Sister,. He knew he had one, but never knew what she looked like. This woman was the "Angel" that took him in to the higher harmonics for about 7 days - all the memories came flooding back into his mind.
After we die he described the plane where our souls are as a plane of Orbs, very happy and content Obs, all glowing with happiness and radiating love.
Our goal here on the material planes is to come down here and over come our desires for material goods and then, once conquered, return to this plane and progress up into the higher harmonics.
Almost all Seances are Spirit-ists who can contact spirits from the Astral Plane (3rd Dim, 2nd Harmonics) and these spirits who come down are Mimickers - liars. They pretend to be a lost loved one but in fact remember parts of your dead ones lives because they were there to cling onto them, suck off of them like parasites.
When these Mimickers come down into this plane they suck off of your pain over your desire to speak to you lost love ones.
(Be careful - once called they do not like to return. They hate Harp music.)
Once we give up these material desires we can often hear from those who have passed on before us trying to guide us, help us, understand what is real and not real.
Mars currently rules Planet Earth and this means our 5 senses are very heavy right now. Mars is going away and our ability to reach into the higher planes is returning. The Veil is being rendered between the Harmonics.
Once we learn to master the higher energies then death and decay cease. We will be able to manifest on this physical plane all that we need and merge the Spiritual Planes with the material planes.
These were the teachings of the United Nations "Teachers" today and I am grateful to be one of about 400 of us to attend via the internet.
Apparently these teachers meditate 3 days before and 3 days after the Full Moon and the meditation rooms are not always quiet.
During the hums I noticed non-human sounds and a large amount of dis-unity from these spirit beings - they were highly agitated.
Dr William B. Mount
(Please pray the Living GOD opens you mind to the truth and lies in every thing)
The broadcast focused on what is really out there and began with a story about Dr Alexander.
This Neuro Surgeon had no real beliefs about religion but as a Neuro Surgeon he believed in getting into hte Human Body and fixing it.
Dr Alexander also did not believe in Out of Body Experiences he thought they were caused by an Oxygen deprived Brain - Until......
He caught a very bad bacteria and went into a coma very rapidly. At this point he was taken around by an "Angel" or "Orb" and shown many things about the higher planes of existence.
When he came out of his come he remembered nothing until - he saw a picture of his dead Half Sister,. He knew he had one, but never knew what she looked like. This woman was the "Angel" that took him in to the higher harmonics for about 7 days - all the memories came flooding back into his mind.
After we die he described the plane where our souls are as a plane of Orbs, very happy and content Obs, all glowing with happiness and radiating love.
Our goal here on the material planes is to come down here and over come our desires for material goods and then, once conquered, return to this plane and progress up into the higher harmonics.
Almost all Seances are Spirit-ists who can contact spirits from the Astral Plane (3rd Dim, 2nd Harmonics) and these spirits who come down are Mimickers - liars. They pretend to be a lost loved one but in fact remember parts of your dead ones lives because they were there to cling onto them, suck off of them like parasites.
When these Mimickers come down into this plane they suck off of your pain over your desire to speak to you lost love ones.
(Be careful - once called they do not like to return. They hate Harp music.)
Once we give up these material desires we can often hear from those who have passed on before us trying to guide us, help us, understand what is real and not real.
Mars currently rules Planet Earth and this means our 5 senses are very heavy right now. Mars is going away and our ability to reach into the higher planes is returning. The Veil is being rendered between the Harmonics.
Once we learn to master the higher energies then death and decay cease. We will be able to manifest on this physical plane all that we need and merge the Spiritual Planes with the material planes.
These were the teachings of the United Nations "Teachers" today and I am grateful to be one of about 400 of us to attend via the internet.
Apparently these teachers meditate 3 days before and 3 days after the Full Moon and the meditation rooms are not always quiet.
During the hums I noticed non-human sounds and a large amount of dis-unity from these spirit beings - they were highly agitated.
Dr William B. Mount
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