Tuesday, September 29, 2015

How Can Obama Once Again Black Mail You?

Once again President Obama has used his executive powers to blackmail YOU the America People for higher taxes.

This is what Fascists do - they kill their enemies and blackmail their friends.

Watch the video and find out how.

The News You Need To Survive What Is Coming

Dr William B. Mount

Monday, September 28, 2015

Very Important UN Broadcasts Sep 27th 2015

Those who speak at the UN conferences are usually at the Top Of The Food Chain and they represent those people who actually run this planet.

If you listen to these broadcasts and fully comprehend exactly what they are saying then these broadcasts will explain exactly what is coming, where the planned disasters will hit, who is conducting these Planned disasters and how YOU can be prepared for these upcoming catastrophes.

Just assume you are a Fallen Angel living in a Human Body - going from Human to Human as these UN Leaders state they are. They were kicked out of a Heaven (Higher Harmonic) where thought created objects and are now forced to live here on a Material Plane.

This month is the Celebration for the Libra Full Moon, where the Earth crosses over the part of the Galaxy where the change begins - you are going through a crossroads of energy you walk between the line of Materialism and Spiritualism/

For millions of years they lived in a Spirit World and now must experience the Material World and they feel at some time in the furture, when they have inhabited so many bodies - they will cast off their need for material goods and move back into the spiritual world.

They feel that every step they make is oriented toward this goal. Thus they

1) Create Pain DO Others Can Learn Love
2) Create War so others can learn about peace
3) Kill to learn about life
4) Prevent diseases from being cured to learn about suffering and thus learn love

Every thing they do is backwards to what the Living GOD has said to do.

The broadcast began discussing the theory that the Earth is a Living Organism and that it reacts to create  and preserve life here on Earth. The plant is self regulating and will change according to the outside influences. Since life began on this planet incoming solar radiation has increased by 30% and the planet has reacted to allow life to thrive. It is in a Balance - walking between two lines.

Today hte planet is out of balance and we all  need to bring it back into balance by decreasing our standard of living and inviting millions of refuges to share what we have.

The economy is is also sort of a Living Organism. It works best with little government interference. The more government interference the worse the economy becomes.

When a person designs and produces a specialty product that every one wants the price he can charge is very high. As others get into the market and sell the product the cost of the product comes down until the point where the inefficient producers are driven out of business.

The only purpose for the Government is to prevent monopolies.If they grow too big everything comes falling down and we end up with a dictatorship and democracy ceases - much like what we see today around the world. We have stepped across the balance and it must all come down now and be rebuitl.

The East has experienced a great wayof living since needs are simple and the desire for material goods is very small.

The Western "Christian" "White" Economy has simply put short term profits at the forefront of every thing and has thus destroyed the environment and unless it reforms quickly we shall see environmental damage to the point where the planet's ecosystem will begin to collapse.

It is always the poor who suffer the most - the very people who make the goods the rich demand.

The Pope discussed this at the UN Meeting - (And The Pope Also Refuses To Take In Any Refugees into the Vatican)

As we enter the constellation of Libra it is the Energy that is at the center of the wheel which all other energies run around - it is the changing point. So in Virgo we were warned about coming events it is in Libra these events begin to happen and then in Scorpio when the Really Heavy changes occur.

So there must now be enacted a penalty for destroying the lower Animal and Plant kingdoms upon the western economies for their lack of Spirituality and caring for these lower kingdoms.

A Montra of the UN: Let Pain Bring Light And Love

So as your taxes sky rocket, your money is diverted to build massive underground bases, as your infra structure crumbles, your costs rise out of sight and your pay stays the same, as your nation feeds millions upon millions of refugees who have 6-8 children all living on Welfare  (All Muslims) realize that this Pain brings Light and Love.

This current  refugee crisis was well planned and has been in the works now for 70 years - is is designed to take down boarders, destroy economies, and kill millions to bring us to the spiritual point of change where we give up what we have earned and learn love through sharing of our resources.

(((Personally - I love immigrants - Let us pray that the welfare systems are terminated and we can find all of those who need to work jobs they are comfortable with. Only with a good job can they feel self worth and be happy. GOD can provide. There is enough room if our leaders wold only change our economies)))

We stand at the crossroads.
The News You Absolutely Need

Dr William B. Mount

Be Ready Folks:::::

BE READY - YouTube

Sunday, September 27, 2015

The Wisdom Of The Wise Was Shown As Foolishness Tonight

An amazing thing happened tonight - we are all still alive despite thousands of predictions that we would all be dead by now. 

We passed through Y2K and we all lived. 

We passed through the Shimte and are all still alive

We passed through the Year 6,0000? and Jesus (Yeshua) did not return and Lucifer was not able to shoot down Jesus with Missiles and Laser Beams.

WE passed through the Purim - the day Yeshua was crucified and we are all still alive.

WE have now passed through the last Blood Moon, a Super Moon and a full eclipse in Israel and we are all still alive.

The Oppenheimer Nuke the US Navy towed to 100 miles SE of Houston failed to go off today - oops - fuse problems. My guess is they will now tow it home.

All those preachers, all those Imams, all those Gurus, all those Rabis, all those Illuminati members predicting the End Of The World are now made to look like fools.

Tomorrow the Sun will rise and the sun will set. 

Isiah 29: 13 :: Yhwh says because these people come near me with their lips, yet their hearts are far form me. Their worship of me is made up of only rules made up by men. Therefor once more I will astound these people with wonder upon wonder; the wisdom on the wise will parish and the intelligence of the intelligence will vanish."

GOD has made the "Wise Men" who made predictions using mathematics and signs to look like fools men - yet they have made millions upon millions off of their predictions. Now they all look like fools in the eyes of GOD and men.

Now GOD will stretch out HIS hands and watch HIS wonders - wonders not even Lucifer can stop.

Watch with your heart.

Dr William B. Mount

Supermoon lunar eclipse 2015: Amazing pictures of once in a generation event - live - Telegraph

Isaiah 29:14 Therefore once more I will astound these people with wonder upon wonder; the wisdom of the wise will perish, the intelligence of the intelligent will vanish."

Friday, September 25, 2015

The Cure For Heart Disease

Following is a video explaining how to reverse Heart Disease.

A remarkable thing has also occurred - Stroke Damage has also been reversed.

The Video on You Tube: The Cure For Heart Disease:

The Cure For Heart Disease - YouTube

The News You Absolutely Need

Dr William B. Mount

Thursday, September 24, 2015

USDA Blackmails Congress: Pay Us More Money Or We Will Create Food Riots

The US Department of Agriculture has threatened to terminate funding for EBT Cards -Food Stamps - is they do not get more money from Congress by 1 October 2015.

The United States Department of Agriculture corporation is a Tax Free Corporation owned by the English Crown.

The English Crown has over $100 Trillion Dollars in trust that they cannot distribute because Prince William Mount cannot take the crown after Queen Elizabeth Died because he is not of the Royal Blood Line. Apparently during the Edmonton Castle rebuild it was discovered a Knights Templar (James Erskine)  stole  the crown and proclaimed himself King after killing Jacob the 4th.

So with over 4100 trillion dollars in their account the USDA Corporation is conducting Black Mail to extract more money out of the America People or not pay on their financial obligations. IS: Food Riots of Pay Up with higher taxes.

Here is a copy of the letter - Unbelievable.

Pure and simple Black Mail - and the USDA Corporate Employees are not under arrest - why?

The Video showing the letter:

USDA Letter Cutting Off Food Stamps? - YouTube

Good reason to start buying food from the internet - Potential race Riots?

Ours comes to our front door via UPS, and it is cheap and tastes good.

Dr. William Mount - Thrive Life Consultant

Be Ready Folks

BE READY - YouTube
The News You Need

Dr William B. Mount

The Letter:


Steve Mitten And Radioactive Radio

Steve mitten is a Radio talk Show Host located in Burley, Idaho - about 100 miles due East of Boise.

Steve has been doing radio since 1979 and began his radio career in Ogden Utah.

In the 1980's Steve moved to Japan and hosted a program called: Pop On The Rock.

There, in Japan, he became fluent in Japanese.

Steve currently hosts a radio program on Am 1130  KBAR radio form 11AM -1PM Western Standard time.

Steve is a hard hitting talk show host. He  is polite and asks tough question and will call out a guest if they appear to be lying. He is not an easy interviewer - no "Soft Treatment" here.

This means Steve loves the truth and thrives on getting right on down to the Nitty Gritty of any story.

This makes his programs both fun and very informative.

His topics are all across the board - from the Cure To Cancer to Hopi Prophesy, from Jade Helm to the Obama Muslim Plan.

You will enjoy him immensely if you tune in during this time.

Steve's Blog:

Steve's Radioactive Blog | Radio Active

My two interviews with him:

Dr William Mount Hr 2 : Steve Mitton : Free Download & Streaming : Internet Archive

Dr William Mount Hr 2 : Steve Mitton : Free Download & Streaming : Internet Archive

So if you want the truth and wish also to be entertained tune into Steve Mitten's, Radio Active Radio.

One last note - if you live in a large city the local news and commercials are a breath of Fresh Air and will restore your faith in America. You know - in the small cities they still arrest people for rape, burglary and murder?

The News You Need

Dr William B. Mount

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Survival Cooking - With Thrive Life

There are so many questions we receive about emergency cooking that we have decided to create a cooking channel to show just how to cook this survival food so it tastes good and keeps you on your toes.

If the grid goes out for a few weeks you need to be able to prepare, and eat, this food and say healthy with it.

The idea that eating Rice and Beans every meal is a good idea - think again. It is boring and tasteless. Besides - how do keep a 50 pound bag of rice food for 5 - 10 years?

Survival Crackers are not really good either - they are made up mostly of Sugar and White GMO Flour - sure to make you slow and sick.

Have you ever tried to survive on Hard Tack/ it lasts forever but has no nutrition. Some US Soldiers in 1917 in France were issued Hard Tack made in 1863. Eck.

So we will try to show you how store, cook and eat food that can last for 20 years + and is healthy, easy to make, tastes good, and will not drive you up the wall.

Forgive my humor as I was not married for so many years.

We will try to incorporate meals for large families and how to keep your kids happy even though we are both retired.

We have chosen Thrive Life as a base for our cooking as they can handle the volume of new client in their business at this time.

If you are a Federal Agency - watch closely as we describe how to order large quantities of store-able foods.

So here is the New Channel: Thrive cooking for Fun

Thrive Cooking For Fun 1 - Introduction - YouTube

Where you need to go to order food:

Dr. William Mount - Thrive Life Consultant

The News You Need

Dr William B. Mount