There was a horrible report put out stating that the Hillary Campaign was considering initiating some pretty nasty things to take control of the White House.
It appears that the Benson Strategy Group was implicating in recommending to Hillary options like Nuclear Detonations across America, UN Invasion of the US, spreading Cobolt across America, and some other pretty nasty options.
So we called the Benson Strategy Group and could not get past the Operator - but they assured us they did not put out the report - so if they do go down it will be their arrogance that sinks them
Benson Strategy Group is apparently a Think Tank with some pretty powerful connections that help corporations with Branding Battles. Corporate Reputations, mergers and Acquisitions. Etc.
Clients include companies like Bank of America, McDonalds, ESPN, Campbell's Soup, NFL, but not the Clinton Foundation
So who put out this report and why did I get so many calls asking me to investigate this report?????
The Report was put out by a sector of the CIA under Project Monarch and was reported by one of their many corporations - this one - Word Press.
For every Truth Teller there is a CIA News Outlet.
So - Before you jump on a story check out it’s sources.
On another front - there are thousands of North Dakota Pipeline Protesters all up and down the Pipeline.
The organization sponsoring these protests across the nation are apparently flush with cash.
Apparently the main camp was trespassing on someone else’s land and the Police came to keep the peace.
There was a large bang and that was it - they are getting arrested as we speak.
I met a guy who told me he was spiritually guided to go protest the pipeline and so he went. Bad advice - bad spirits - now he will have to live with the fact that he committed a felony Trespass with the intent to do harm for the rest of his life. He trespassed and willfully defecated and left trash on some one else’s land.
If 150+ people came and pooped and threw trash all over your property you would file charges too, right?
It is likely the charges will be reduced if he cooperates.
The North Dakota Oil - great oil bubbling out of the ground, is still selling for $1.50 per barrel and it will eliminate the US Trade Deficit within the next 60 days and the funds headed to the Middle East will simply dry up as the US sell oil for 1/10-th the price they can sell it for in Saudi Arabia and Libya.
No oil money, no weapons, no Al Kada, I.S.I.S., or Daesh.
So the protests were paid for by someone who wants more war and the organization says it was paid for by George Soros - who is allot older that you have been led to believe.
George Soros takes his orders from his master - Baron Nathan Rothchilds.
Please pray that those who wish to destroy this planet are neutralized immediately.
Pray that your family is ready
Per YOUR request we will now show you how to buy the products we use for less money.
After doing this for about a year we finally figured it out/
Buy nothing for full price
Apparently the Big H collapsed once again on June 30th of this year - blacking out during a plane ride.
Her plane landed at Andrews Air Force Base and she was rushed ot the hospital on base (Malcolm Grow Medical Facility) and then - on the insistence of some “SS” guards that pulled their guns on the doctors - was then immediately transferred her to Medstar Montgomery Medical Center where she received medical care regarding her brain and chip implants and her blood clots next to one of the Implanted Chips.
You see - her and all 3 of her clones are interconnected through these chips.
If one collapses they all suffer horribly.
It would be unwise to let us “Little People” know about the 4 computer chips in her brain.
Her ’Private Brain Doctor” - Amjad Anazai - cousin to her Top Aid Huma Adadin (Helps fund the Muslim Brotherhood) was rushed to Medstar to work on her.
Dr Sandeep Sherlekar was called to be the Anestheiologist at Medstar for this operation --- who, after learning about the Computer Chip Implants causing the Blood Clots in the Big “H’s” Brain, was discovered dead exactly 3 months later just before he was to testify in court about the Fraud he exposed at the clinic he was working at. There were no obvious signs of trauma
Dr Sherlekar he was Suicided.
So the Big H Death Count rises by 1
Second: In another story it appears that the Big H was at it again - this time in Iran. In a private email sent Jake Sullivan (Big “H” Advisor and now an Obama Holocaust Aid) sent by Stuart Eizenstat (Obama’s National Security Advioser and now Top Foreign Policy advisor for the Big “H” presidential campaign) in 2015 stated in an emial:
“This will transfer billions to Iran and enhance it’s funding for terrorism and it’s efforts to gain hegemony in the region”
In other words - Iran is being funded by the US to promote murders across the Middle East.
In another part of the emial he stated:
“Enriched Uranium will stay in Iran”
We worked very hard with the Russians over the last 9 years to keep nukes out for the hands of the Iranians and now for the US State Department to once again to alloiw Iran to accumulate nuclear Material is absolutely insane.
Finally - How would you feel if you were living a peaceful life and a bunch of thugs funded by your tax paying dollars just began shooting up your neighborhood??
Well - Black Lives Matter is promoting just this. An organization funded by George Soros - a man who initially was funded by Adolf Hitler and his NAZIs - has stated they plan to loot across Eastern Florida as the Hurricane ravages their state and the Governor took no action to shut them down.
AS the Jews were arrested in their Ghettos of Germany in the late 1930s and early 1940s George Soros followed the trail of dead Jews and stole all of their gold and money and he is now funding Black Lives Matters.
Folks - we talk about being prepared for these coming CIA/NED riots.
This morning we drank Get The Tea Life Change Tea with Colostrum in it, Immusist, and a few drops of Citricare and we added a little D-365 to it because we went out last night and ate some GMO food.
This morning we played with our cats knowing our Pantry was full thanks Food For Liberty.
So as the storms rage outside - we had a doozer yesterday - things remain calm in our house - which makes my wife feel very good, very good.
As the Storms of Life Outside get worse we get more prepared and that makes our home life feel normal.
God bless each and every one of you.
Please pray that those who are destroying this planet are removed immediately or turn back to GOD
Pray that your family is ready and your pantry is filled.
Please pray that our Free Cancer “Cure” Clinics are built - all across the nation - so your children never have to face this Demon.