The US has been at war since I can remember - and I am almost 60 years old.
(Please pray (visualize) that these War Hawks become so sick they cannot even speak for the rest of their lives)
This video tried to answer not only why the US Corporation has been at war for over 60 years but who is in charge as seen by an Ambassador - An Acting President.
US Continually At War - Why - YouTube
Dr William B Mount
Showing posts with label US Corporation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label US Corporation. Show all posts
Saturday, April 25, 2015
Monday, November 3, 2014
Eastern Ukraine Has Voted To Break Away
As you read this the vote tally is in - 95% have voted to break away from the Ukraine and form their own nation, or perhaps rejoin Mother Russia. In his latest speech the Russian Federation President seems to prefer them as an independent nation but the economy may force them to rejoin Russia.
(((Please continue to pray (Visualize) for Continual Gentle Rains in the American Southwest, and for those who serve Lucifer to become absolutely inept while on Planet Earth)))
As for Air FOrce One:
A Hearty Thank You APFN and Pravda - as you recall we reported on problems with the current Air Force One. After an exhaustive check it was ground that some of the Wing Flaps did not work. This is the 5th time we have reported mechanical, or structural, problems with Air Force One in 3 years and each time they were dead on and the plane was grounded.
Further - the president's planned travels to Asia have been modified so to avoid any shooters.
So - thank you APFN and Pravda for allowing me to post, in detail, exactly what is wrong with the President's Plane. No dead Obama Double this month.
What really surprises me is that after 5 times of grounding Air Force One the US Air Force has not contacted me. If I laid hands on the plane I would give them a more In Depth Analysis of what is wrong with each of the three planes but I do not believe they are smart enough to connect the dots. It required thinking.
By the way - the New Obama Double has heart problems - his arteries are cracking. May I suggest you begin feeding him 1,500 milligrams of EDTA once a week along with a Centrum VItamin three times a week, You have too much invested in this double to let this one have a stroke like the last one did. He plays this role very well.
If this one finds out what I just said, and you DO NOT do this, then he could cause some real damage.
Your Presidential Doctor ain't with the powder to blow him (Actually Her) to He.. with.
Let us hope the Secret Service, FBI, and US Marshals do not scream at me again, steal my money, put someone in my house, and hand cuff me and steal all my property for saving Obama this time - or try to poison me, shoot me, or stab me for doing this. I only wish that were a joke but they all seem dumber than a rock and lazy as a rug.
I have 3 passports. When my other President's tell this New Obama what is really going on soon - what do you psychopaths think will happen? President Putin may just do that to Upset the Apple Cart.
One last note: Christine Legarde of the IMF (She is a he, he has an Adam's Apple) has just stated that the IMF expects to devalue the dollar hard very soon.
See the story: "IMF Warns of Dollar Devaluation and Hyper Inflation"
See the story: "The IMF Just Talked it Over - They're Worried About Global Economy"
Today, about three hours ago, someone reset my phone - going down to the root directory and copying everything from my phone to their data base - shutting my phone down for several hours.
This was done while the phone was turned off and they used allot of my data.
Never buy a cell phone you where you cannot take the battery out.
You jerks who did this are so going to get your Butt kicked by the Living GOD, so HE has said it, so it shall be.
Do you idiots in US Intel think this is some kind of a game?
Have you idiots in the US Intel been exposed to the New US Stupid Virus?
Would you Idiots like me to forget the next time someone tries to bring a Nuke into Langley?
Since you never responded to me I suppose the answer is YES to all of the above. You are stupid enough not to assist me.
BRIC Nations - you are dealing with Idiotic Maniacs who have a real death wish,. They should be pretty easy to tackle. Oodachie.
The News You Need
Dr William B. Mount
(((Please continue to pray (Visualize) for Continual Gentle Rains in the American Southwest, and for those who serve Lucifer to become absolutely inept while on Planet Earth)))
As for Air FOrce One:
A Hearty Thank You APFN and Pravda - as you recall we reported on problems with the current Air Force One. After an exhaustive check it was ground that some of the Wing Flaps did not work. This is the 5th time we have reported mechanical, or structural, problems with Air Force One in 3 years and each time they were dead on and the plane was grounded.
Further - the president's planned travels to Asia have been modified so to avoid any shooters.
So - thank you APFN and Pravda for allowing me to post, in detail, exactly what is wrong with the President's Plane. No dead Obama Double this month.
What really surprises me is that after 5 times of grounding Air Force One the US Air Force has not contacted me. If I laid hands on the plane I would give them a more In Depth Analysis of what is wrong with each of the three planes but I do not believe they are smart enough to connect the dots. It required thinking.
By the way - the New Obama Double has heart problems - his arteries are cracking. May I suggest you begin feeding him 1,500 milligrams of EDTA once a week along with a Centrum VItamin three times a week, You have too much invested in this double to let this one have a stroke like the last one did. He plays this role very well.
If this one finds out what I just said, and you DO NOT do this, then he could cause some real damage.
Your Presidential Doctor ain't with the powder to blow him (Actually Her) to He.. with.
Let us hope the Secret Service, FBI, and US Marshals do not scream at me again, steal my money, put someone in my house, and hand cuff me and steal all my property for saving Obama this time - or try to poison me, shoot me, or stab me for doing this. I only wish that were a joke but they all seem dumber than a rock and lazy as a rug.
I have 3 passports. When my other President's tell this New Obama what is really going on soon - what do you psychopaths think will happen? President Putin may just do that to Upset the Apple Cart.
One last note: Christine Legarde of the IMF (She is a he, he has an Adam's Apple) has just stated that the IMF expects to devalue the dollar hard very soon.
See the story: "IMF Warns of Dollar Devaluation and Hyper Inflation"
See the story: "The IMF Just Talked it Over - They're Worried About Global Economy"
Today, about three hours ago, someone reset my phone - going down to the root directory and copying everything from my phone to their data base - shutting my phone down for several hours.
This was done while the phone was turned off and they used allot of my data.
Never buy a cell phone you where you cannot take the battery out.
You jerks who did this are so going to get your Butt kicked by the Living GOD, so HE has said it, so it shall be.
Do you idiots in US Intel think this is some kind of a game?
Have you idiots in the US Intel been exposed to the New US Stupid Virus?
Would you Idiots like me to forget the next time someone tries to bring a Nuke into Langley?
Since you never responded to me I suppose the answer is YES to all of the above. You are stupid enough not to assist me.
BRIC Nations - you are dealing with Idiotic Maniacs who have a real death wish,. They should be pretty easy to tackle. Oodachie.
The News You Need
Dr William B. Mount
Wednesday, July 30, 2014
The Conditioning For The Plague Has Begun
America is now being conditioned to accept the plagues to enter America.
(Pray hard - Visualize - that those destroying America and her freedoms are killed immediately - GOD is doing just that)
America is being programmed now to accept the Plagues and the Wars put forth by the Rothchilds.
COnsider the following stories - all released on form 12:07 to 13:01 - all within a few minutes of each other:
1) DHHS: Patient Tested at CMC Did Not Exhibit Eboli Symptoms --- the article describes a gal being brought into the EMergency Room who did not exhibit Eboli.
2) Passenger Dies on US Airways Flight To Phoenix,. Cause of Death Still Unknown.
The story states that a 50 (DC #50) year old woman flew form Honolulu to Phoenix on flight "369" and dies as the plane was landing at 7 (Seven) AM.
US Airways Flight 369 - upon checking out the story - did not fly from Honolulu to Phoenix -- it was a made up story to confirm Washington DC to be hit with a Plague.
If you wish to be prepared there are only 3 products I would have to counter these coming plagues and I have enough for my family members:
1) Citricare - From Vim and VIgor. I have 6 bottles.
2) Baking Soda - Non-aluminum. I bought Bob's Red Mill baking soda.
3) Immusist - If it can Cure HIV it can cure the plague.
Most of you will not buy these items - fine, explain to the Living GOD why you ignored HIM.
The US Corporation must have it's war. It shut down the Russian Stock Market yesterday while COngress is still trying to sanction Russia and the US DOD also sent 5,000 more missiles YOU paid for to Israel to kill more people.
They must have this war - but so many bankers are dying. There may be no one left to fund htis war.
Go Six Zeroes
The News You Are Not Supposed To Have
Dr WIlliam B. Mount
(Pray hard - Visualize - that those destroying America and her freedoms are killed immediately - GOD is doing just that)
America is being programmed now to accept the Plagues and the Wars put forth by the Rothchilds.
COnsider the following stories - all released on form 12:07 to 13:01 - all within a few minutes of each other:
1) DHHS: Patient Tested at CMC Did Not Exhibit Eboli Symptoms --- the article describes a gal being brought into the EMergency Room who did not exhibit Eboli.
2) Passenger Dies on US Airways Flight To Phoenix,. Cause of Death Still Unknown.
The story states that a 50 (DC #50) year old woman flew form Honolulu to Phoenix on flight "369" and dies as the plane was landing at 7 (Seven) AM.
US Airways Flight 369 - upon checking out the story - did not fly from Honolulu to Phoenix -- it was a made up story to confirm Washington DC to be hit with a Plague.
If you wish to be prepared there are only 3 products I would have to counter these coming plagues and I have enough for my family members:
1) Citricare - From Vim and VIgor. I have 6 bottles.
2) Baking Soda - Non-aluminum. I bought Bob's Red Mill baking soda.
3) Immusist - If it can Cure HIV it can cure the plague.
Most of you will not buy these items - fine, explain to the Living GOD why you ignored HIM.
The US Corporation must have it's war. It shut down the Russian Stock Market yesterday while COngress is still trying to sanction Russia and the US DOD also sent 5,000 more missiles YOU paid for to Israel to kill more people.
They must have this war - but so many bankers are dying. There may be no one left to fund htis war.
Go Six Zeroes
The News You Are Not Supposed To Have
Dr WIlliam B. Mount
Monday, March 10, 2014
US Corporation Loots Ukrainain Gold This Morning
This morning an unmarked Jet from the United States pulled into the
Ukrainian Airport and loaded all of the gold from the Ukraine.
The Gold was, I believe, was loaded from the Ukrainian Central bank next to the Large Angel Statue in the center of Kiev and then transported along the river to the main airport and then moved to the US.
Along the route were posted about 1,800 US Mercenaries hired by the Avanti Corporation to kill - a subsidiary of the CIA. They are paid HIT MEN, mostly Jesuits.
This gold - all of what the Ukraine had - belongs to the Ukrainian Church and was the gold stripped from the churches and hid underground in the caves during WW1, the Revolution, and WW2.
Since this gold belongs to the Russian Orthodox Church, and since this church is legally centered in Russia (St Petersburg by Treaty) the US Corporation - under orders from the Roman Pope - just stole 40 large boxes of Russian (Not Russian Federation) gold.
This is an ACT OF WAR
The US Corporation will now loot the Russian Church Silver and Art Work and send it to - more than likely - the underground base we talked about under Nebraska for redistribution.
It is not about the fact that they can grow gold and have stolen most of what exists around the world - it is about control. They steal your gold, put in 2,000 Mercenaries, kill a few hundred people, and the Ukrainain Generals Bow Down to the US Corporation like Children and Voila - another take over.
If the Chinese and Russians really wanted to stop this they would - but they are (I Believe) simply part of this march towards war - Putin included.
Whatever technology these idiot Grays and Blues and Purples (Etc) gave us we will now use it to destroy ourselves.
Non-Intervention my rear end.
We have tried giving the world the Cure For Cancer and very few people took it to heart. I spoke with a friend this after noon and they had a hard time even believing Cancer IS reversible even after reading all the stories and testimonies.
We have tried Praying - really visualizing - that this war ends yet few of the readers really even tried.
Now on the verge of Nuclear War most readers even have a hard time believing we are so close.
So what more can be done.
As for the engagement over Alpena Michigan a few weeks ago:
Well US Corporation --- the folks you engaged over Alpena Michigan a few weeks ago were not impressed and took out a major underwater base yesterday about 60 miles off of Ferndale, California. That is why we had about 50 quakes - one was a 6.9. I am not sure about the quake off of South Western Mexico but it may be connected.
Scared yet US Corporation and New World Order - you had better be. There is another one scheduled to be taken out in about 43 days, so says the I AM That I AM, who was and is and is to come. You also stole some money and need to return it or those who are unimpressed by your actions over Alpena will take out another base. It is all interconnected.
Understand US Corporation and Rothchilds?
Will it be the one under Cambridge with over 35,000 Radionics Machines?
Will it be under South Central Nebraska?
Will it be under Denver - your precious Alternate HQ you are currently moving?
Will it be on your Super Duper Top Secret alternate planet in the Second Harmonics?
My GOD is a powerful GOD and will let this happen and then HE will deal with your souls.
Two Last Things the Living GOD will now do:
1) The American Indians who trusted Obama will now begin to loose everything - especially those in Wyoming. You will answer to GOD now.
2) Obama and his doubles will all now get sick - and I mean sick. GOD has had enough - so HE has said it, so it shall be.
You heard this first here on APFN
Dr William B. Mount
The Gold was, I believe, was loaded from the Ukrainian Central bank next to the Large Angel Statue in the center of Kiev and then transported along the river to the main airport and then moved to the US.
Along the route were posted about 1,800 US Mercenaries hired by the Avanti Corporation to kill - a subsidiary of the CIA. They are paid HIT MEN, mostly Jesuits.
This gold - all of what the Ukraine had - belongs to the Ukrainian Church and was the gold stripped from the churches and hid underground in the caves during WW1, the Revolution, and WW2.
Since this gold belongs to the Russian Orthodox Church, and since this church is legally centered in Russia (St Petersburg by Treaty) the US Corporation - under orders from the Roman Pope - just stole 40 large boxes of Russian (Not Russian Federation) gold.
This is an ACT OF WAR
The US Corporation will now loot the Russian Church Silver and Art Work and send it to - more than likely - the underground base we talked about under Nebraska for redistribution.
It is not about the fact that they can grow gold and have stolen most of what exists around the world - it is about control. They steal your gold, put in 2,000 Mercenaries, kill a few hundred people, and the Ukrainain Generals Bow Down to the US Corporation like Children and Voila - another take over.
If the Chinese and Russians really wanted to stop this they would - but they are (I Believe) simply part of this march towards war - Putin included.
Whatever technology these idiot Grays and Blues and Purples (Etc) gave us we will now use it to destroy ourselves.
Non-Intervention my rear end.
We have tried giving the world the Cure For Cancer and very few people took it to heart. I spoke with a friend this after noon and they had a hard time even believing Cancer IS reversible even after reading all the stories and testimonies.
We have tried Praying - really visualizing - that this war ends yet few of the readers really even tried.
Now on the verge of Nuclear War most readers even have a hard time believing we are so close.
So what more can be done.
As for the engagement over Alpena Michigan a few weeks ago:
Well US Corporation --- the folks you engaged over Alpena Michigan a few weeks ago were not impressed and took out a major underwater base yesterday about 60 miles off of Ferndale, California. That is why we had about 50 quakes - one was a 6.9. I am not sure about the quake off of South Western Mexico but it may be connected.
Scared yet US Corporation and New World Order - you had better be. There is another one scheduled to be taken out in about 43 days, so says the I AM That I AM, who was and is and is to come. You also stole some money and need to return it or those who are unimpressed by your actions over Alpena will take out another base. It is all interconnected.
Understand US Corporation and Rothchilds?
Will it be the one under Cambridge with over 35,000 Radionics Machines?
Will it be under South Central Nebraska?
Will it be under Denver - your precious Alternate HQ you are currently moving?
Will it be on your Super Duper Top Secret alternate planet in the Second Harmonics?
My GOD is a powerful GOD and will let this happen and then HE will deal with your souls.
Two Last Things the Living GOD will now do:
1) The American Indians who trusted Obama will now begin to loose everything - especially those in Wyoming. You will answer to GOD now.
2) Obama and his doubles will all now get sick - and I mean sick. GOD has had enough - so HE has said it, so it shall be.
You heard this first here on APFN
Dr William B. Mount
Tuesday, February 4, 2014
The Corporation of hte United States of America - Video
As you read this visualize (Pray) that America takes it's nation back form the crown of England and Lucifer's plans to kill us are stopped.
This is perhaps the best explanation of what the United States is in video format.
1) Created in 1607 by the Virginia Charter
2) The Treasury belongs to the King of England
3) The 1871 Organic Constitution forces the takeover of the entire nation by DC
4) DC flag has 3 stars,
a) 1 for the US Military,
b) 1 for Spiritual Leadership in Rome,
c) 1 for financial Leadership in London by the Rothchilds.
5) The 1913 Federal reserve Act gives all Gold and Silver to England and then we rent our Debt Notes (Money) from an English Corporation owned by the Rothchilds at interest.
6) US Senate Report 93-549 discusses the destruction of the rights of Americans by the DC government.

The above pertains to most nations formerly invaded by Britain. such as: australia, New Zealand, Canada, Ireland, France, India, China, Rhodesia, South Africa, Scotland.....and hte US Corporate Military is there to support these Corporate Bankers.
Any Questions?
Any questions.
Dr William B. Mount
This is perhaps the best explanation of what the United States is in video format.
1) Created in 1607 by the Virginia Charter
2) The Treasury belongs to the King of England
3) The 1871 Organic Constitution forces the takeover of the entire nation by DC
4) DC flag has 3 stars,
a) 1 for the US Military,
b) 1 for Spiritual Leadership in Rome,
c) 1 for financial Leadership in London by the Rothchilds.
5) The 1913 Federal reserve Act gives all Gold and Silver to England and then we rent our Debt Notes (Money) from an English Corporation owned by the Rothchilds at interest.
6) US Senate Report 93-549 discusses the destruction of the rights of Americans by the DC government.
The above pertains to most nations formerly invaded by Britain. such as: australia, New Zealand, Canada, Ireland, France, India, China, Rhodesia, South Africa, Scotland.....and hte US Corporate Military is there to support these Corporate Bankers.
Any Questions?
Any questions.
Dr William B. Mount
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