Showing posts with label Arcane School. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Arcane School. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

UN Broadcast 7 October 2014

Coming to you from the heart of the United Nations another live broadcast from their Headquarters in both New York and London.

(((Continue to pray for Gentle continuous rain in hte American Southwest, and that the Evil on this planet vanishes both within our own hearts but that the entities spreading this evil capitulate)))

Once again, here is a summary of how your World Leaders think on this Full Moon of Libra - the Balancing Scales.

The purpose of these meetings is to come together and unite in common purpose - a "Mass Conciousness Exercise." So around 450 people around the world come together every full moon to achieve their goals of bringing down the energies from Shamballah and the Ascended Masters.

The message given to the members prepares them for Group Meditation so that they are all focussed on the same message in their meditation.

What this meeting discussed is as follows:

The human mind is a complex set of inter-workings that display for us what our reality is. When we look at our fingers, for example, is it our mind that generates the image of the fingers or is it the fingers that bring light into our mind. Is our reality in our minds or actually around us?

Is what we see really an illusion?

These questions have been asked by philosophers for centuries.

Now that we have some form of Modern Science we are actually beginning to look ask the mathematical energy fields that surround a Human hough and by modifying them may be able to actually change reality.

We know that at this level Matter vibrates slowly and the soul much faster.

The full moon at Libra represents a distinct line where we try to balance our world of desires with our desire to climb the Spiritual Ladder.

The laws of right and wrong must be written within our hearts.

We are learning that these laws must be taught in schools while the children are still very young. We must teach them in the schools to be harmless and travel through life balancing Matter with Spiritual.

There are also large pyramid structures of Syrias B (Blue Temple) and in the Pleiades system that interconnect us spiritually with them.

SInce all souls vary in their levels of Spiritual development we must find ways to gather together and unite to pull everyone forward and leave no one behind. Therein lies the challenge.

One last thing - before the Evil is purged form this planet we must first purge it form ourselves.  It is our constant desire for more, more , more - our Greed, which calls in this evil and we must ascend above these desires to have peace within ourselves. Then, and only then, can we expect things around us to change.
A Personal Note:

This was a very unusual Full Moon in that the moon was red, there was an eclipse, and it was 3 hours late as given by the Farmers's Almanac. More than that though - the entrance to Shamballah (Area where China meets Afghanistan) is being shaken hard - see --- IRIS World Earthquake Map.

The Ascended Masters and the Great White Brotherhood are being shaken because they have not done as they should have so we may see some very swift and large changes here on this planet - but that is just a personal note.

I felt, however, huge amounts of positive and negative energies being emitted form above. Time will tell.

One other note: A large number of internal meetings are now going on in the UN building in New York and at the London, Frankfurt and Rome Financial Headquarters for the New World Order. It feels like they are ready to fall apart, break up. (They missed 12 June and GOD is not happy).

Time will tell.
The News You Need

Dr WIlliam B. Mount

Sunday, August 17, 2014

UN Broadcasts 10/11 August 2014

There were two more interesting UN broadcasts over the weekend. Sometimes they take a while to sink in.

(Please pray that you learn what you are supposed to learn)

The two broadcasts were centered around the Full Moon - the largest Full Moon in 15 years with the moon being only about 221,904 miles form the Earth.

This is a Full Moo Broadcast and as such the Group gathers together, either by Computer, hone, or physically  to create a form of Group Fusion -- kind of like combining prayers.

As a group, for example,

1) We pray for light and gentle rains (as we read this story) across the Pacific South West and they happen - and are continuing to happen - to refill the aquifers.

2) We pray that those destroying Freedom and America (As we read this) are destroyed and they are being killed world wide.

So last weekend the UN group came together to support the group effort in changing Humanity to accept the New Christ coming from Shamballa.

The latest broadcast centered around the Leo Full Moon as represented by: "I Am That And That I Am."

During this full moon we extend our souls to reach up the Harmonics and across the galaxy through Shamballa and the Sun and into Syrius - the star that gave Earth it's life - our overseers so to speak. SO thus we go a distance and up through the Harmonics by a factor of 2 I believe.

The three levels of the illuminati are Red (Bottom) White (Middle) Top (Blue) with the top temple  - the Blue Temple - being on the Syrius A star system.

Red/White /Blue

The alignment with Shamballa and Syrius A allows up to reach up more easily and draw down energies form above.

By the way - the Full Moon was 30 minutes late as calculated 30 days ago - so things in the Heavens are really screwy right now.

As members of the New World Religion we must learn to emulate Ghandi and remember that we are not of this world and this is all temporary and an illusion. We walk on this Earth but do not belong to it.

Some of the most interesting speakers come to these events. So here are some random thoughts:

For Example:  When dinosaurs roamed the Earth the Earth had not full formed and gravity was much less. This is larger creatures roamed the Earth. Today gravity is much stronger because the Earth has condensed and  so today the creatures are very dense so creatures are smaller.

As we move into this new age we will os man's ability to perceive what is out there increase exponentially for some, and not at all for others. We must be open to the gifts that will be bestowed upon us.

The UN believes that the Astral Plane may begin to Open up to all of us by the end of next year so hang on Boys and Girls because it may be a fun ride.

OK - Enough for now.

I would like to thank the UN for trusting me as a member of the press to report in a true manner what is said within the walls of the UN and their meetings.

Maybe through these broadcasts we can learn a bit.
The news You Want To Read

Dr WIlliam B. Mount

Lucis - Festival of Leo Talk

Thursday, June 12, 2014

UN Broadcast 12 June 2014

UN Broadcast 12 June 2014

This was one of the most remarkable broadcasts I have ever heard.

(((Please Pray that you take away form this what you are supposed to.)))

For those critics - I have been through the Bible many many times and that is in Greek and Hebrew - the way it was written. I have also read many of the books the Roman Pope cast off and would not allow into the scriptures. I have also been through the Koran and in Abram 28 it states: First there were the Profits, then Yeshua, then GOD had so say it all over again with Mohammed. 

Please understand that these broadcasts are taken with those beliefs as a foundation.

Please also understand that most Muslims and Christians have never fully read the Bible or Koran in it's Original Language and therefor have a hard time understanding these books.

With that in mind:

The Broadcast began asking the question: What would happen is The Christ, Yeshua, came back today with all his Flames and Glory in this day of Mass media and Instant News?

Would there be Mass Paranoia, Hysteria, Panic, Collapse of the Financial System?

This Day Of Good Will Celebration today is the last Main Holy Day of the year for the New Group Of World Servers - on the Full Moon that happened around 1 hour ago.

By the way - nothing happened - business as usual.

"The Sun Came Up and the Sun Went down."

For a little explanation for those of you who are new:

There are 12 Dimensions with 12 Harmonics between each Dimension. 

The Beings from the 4th Dimension came to the 3rd Dimension and used 7 "Sacred" Sounds (Vibrational Frequencies) to cause Gas Bubbles to form Suns and then spun off the suns to form planets and thus "Life."

As the Earth enters the Age Of Aquarious the Solar System passes up and through the upper regions of the Milky Way Galaxy and through some pretty stupendous Magnetic Interference - that interferes with these 7 Sacred Sounds.

As these frequencies are interrupted they cause the Earth to not only expand (To Some Degree) but to also allow the barriers between the various harmonics to begin to collapse.Also - our sun goes a little nuts.

These changes not only cause Great Earth Changes but we begin to see the beings from the higher harmonics and into the IR and UV spectrums.

The immense energies now associated with thunder storms and Hurricanes are associated with the Increased Energies associated with these barriers coming down.

In many areas the Life Forms from the Higher Harmonics (Many are very large) are now being seen in clouds and in the storms.

This increased energy and rise in frequency is causing some pretty interesting things to occur - the Middle East is falling apart, what was is being brought down in preparation for what is to come.

The year of 2015 is the United Nations Year Of Light - remember, like Dr Will P Wilson says on the All Day Live TV Show - All Matter is light that has been slowed down.

It is estimated that by the year 2025 the 4th Harmonics will merge with the 6th Harmonics they will have all have some down to this Physical Plane. In other words - life is about to get really really exciting.

There are structures all across this Solar System that are being build in Higher Harmonics that will aid in this crashing together of the higher Harmonics.

The thousands of Pyramids here on Earth have something to do with this change since the Earth sems to do this every 36,000 years.

To put it in plane English - the 3rd Dimension is collapsing because the 7 frequencies have been disrupted and we will be pulled up into the 4th Dimension. Life is going to get a bit strange.

Here in the energy of Gemini things you have been hoping for happen - here is where we can do things on the Physical Plane we have been designing on higher planes.

We must learn Pure Reason without Emotion, to think with "Intelligent Love." This is what the New World Teacher will come to teach us.

The coming Christ will teach us how to live in these higher Harmonics and create a New Earth through using these new tools available when as these energies rise. Those tied into these energies will begin to literally Glow as they reach the higher energies in their bodies. They will act as Conduits and literally draw this energy down form above.

These Planetary Crisis caused by these rising energies will bring about a temporary Caos and then there will be a Divine Order that will be established by the Divas (Spirits) that come with the merging of the different planes in the Harmonics.

The Third Eye is opened when you use not only your Pineal Gland but also your Petuitary. You must form a Shield of White Light and merge these two glands to use this eye.

So now the United Nations will begin to change it's way of reaching out to Younger People as the energy rises and the Vail Is Torn Asunder  between this physical plane and the energy planes.

I would like to thank those at the United Nations who entrusted me with writing this brief summery of the Broadcasts today.

The News You Are Not Supposed To Read

Dr William B. Mount