Saturday, February 6, 2021

XXX RATED - When there I Treason at The Top


VIDEO: (137) The Mount1 Report 02-6-21 For Your Entertainment - YouTube

When there is treason at the top the nation will fall

Supreme Court just outlawed singing in churches across America

Zieg Hiel

When the President now opens up a War Front in a dozen nations without the consent of Congress

Zieg Hiel

When Congress passes laws that are Unconstitutional

Zieg Hiel

When The Joint Chiefs of Staff Send Troops Over Seas to start wars on amny fronts

Zieg Hiel

When the President is elected Illegally

Zieg Hiel

There Is Treason At The Top

All f these things were down by Adolf Hitler, Joseph Stalin And Mao and dozens of other Lucifarian Tin Pot Dictators that always start wars

Then we have Treason At The Top

And the nation will parish.

For 63 years I have watched America go down hill as these Treasonous Presidents working for Lucifer tore us apart

For 63 Years I have watched the US Space Program working for Lucifer tear nations apart and create wars to hide themselves behind

Now the bill comes due and we as Americans are asking - what happened?

How could Trump commit Treason against the American People and spit on GOD?

Because WE THE PEOPLE trusted a man, watched TV and were indoctrinated, sent our kids to Satan's Public Schools and did absolutely nothing

So those of you reading this - take care of your families and watch

Trump may ride in on a White Horse - only time will tell


We can't even broadcast the next hit on the President - so in hos treason Pres Trump may have even sighed his own death warrant 

that Non armor Piercing Bullet that hit his bedroom window 11 days ago )we warned him about the day before our main You Tube Channel was pulled last time) was just meant as a Wake Up Call - but he has yet to wake up.

Pray President Trump begins to listen to GOD, not Lucifer and his minions...

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Dr William B. Mount


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