In the mean time National Socialists (NAZI') are fighting over who gets more delegates.
And the Iowa Democratic Delegate Vote was released. Even though "Bernie The NAZI" got more vote, he only received 12 Delegates while "CIA Buttigeig" got 14 Delegate.
So the Demon-crats can;t count - can't put out a budget in 14 years - and they want to run the nation?
Further - the President has just signed a Preliminary SALT Nuclear Arms Treaty with Russia and will add in China, German, North Korea and other Nuclear Armed nations very soon.
Further - a Peace Treaty was just signed in Afghanistan and - if it holds - US Troops will no longer be there protecting the Bush Opium Fields and leave Afghanistan.
Why build bridges in Afghanistan and Iraq when we need them here?
Further President Trump just secured funding to build 1,000 miles of the US/Mexican Wall and Mexico IS paying for the wall.
"The Wall" means the Drug Wars in Mexico may go way down - with a registered murder rate of over 31,000 per year and the flow of guns into Mexico by the Demon-Rats will plummet.
As for the caves that run under the Boarder Wall - our Military Cell Phones could read caves up to 100 feet deep almost 30 years ago - along with Blood Sugar Levels and lots of other very interesting things - like what your vehicle's computer says is wrong with your vehicle.
Much more on the video:
VIDEO: (52) Trumps Wins Again & Again & Begins Withdrawing US Army From Iraq - YouTube
the Wall Of Truth
Dr William B. Mount
We are preparing to be healthy - so we just bought 6 bottles of Astraxanthin from:

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