We are all saddened by the announcement this morning that the Boy Scouts of America are filing Chapter 11 Bankruptcy.
We have watched for over 40 years as the DOJ has endevoured to shut down Farming, Fishing, Forestry, and Kill Birds and destroyed the Land and the Oceans with their rulings\
Now we watch the DOJ shut down the Boy Scouts by forcing them to put as Scout Masters criminal after criminal that raped and killed our scouts around the nation.
Any of the Churches have already pulled their support for individual scout troops - which has caused their number in the Pew to dwindle.
So now William Barr, and the rest of those Demon Possessed DOJ Lawyers can laugh as their master Loozifer has destroyed another organization that has meant so much to so many.
This was - by the way - one of the largest corporations on the planet
See Exactly How These Loozifarian Judges Did It:
VIDEO; (10) Boy Scouts File Bankruptcy - Thanks DOJ - YouTube
There is a price the members of the BAR - (British Authorized Registry) these lawyers will pay for their evil and it is coming fast - so says the I Am That I Am, who was, and is, and is to come.
One last note - GOD has just stated that this Crime will rest on the head of the DOJ's Shoulders for all eternity simply because he is not Man Enough to take responsabilty for the DOJ's crimes. . So GOD has said it - so it shall be.
You have gotten away with Impeachment, Murder, Rape and Treason - but GOD says this is enough... YOU will pay DOJ.
The Wall Of Truth
Dr William B. Mount
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Boy Scouts of America, hobbled by multiple sex-abuse lawsuits, files for bankruptcy protection

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