Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Coup Turns Deadly As New Evidence Emerges

The Coup has turned deadly as New Evidence arises

First - Julie Kelly - the one who paid Fusion GPS in September 2015 to begin this Fake Coup wa found murdered 2 days ago -as


In a law suit filed 297 December in DC by 400 defendants - wives of their dead soldiers killed in AfghAnistan

Case 1:19-cv-03833

The case clearly shows that the RBI initiated and perpetrated purposely in Afghanistan

Over 4,000 Americans, over 2,300 being US Soldiers - so as to create a War and Blame the Republicans for the loss, and the Sever Injury of over 20,000 US Soldiers

By using 5 US Defense Contractors the FBI orchestrated the attacks on US Soldiers and Civilian Contractors to prolong the War

This Lawsuit also clearly shows how the Top 25 FBI Agents were directly involved in these acts of Treason between 2009-2017 when President Obama was in office.

Since Obama directly funded ISIS - and the Taliban in Afghanistan - He is Directly Responsible for tee deaths of these soldiers

The Lawsuit is a "Who's Who" of who committed Treason against the United States.

Since this Lawsuit has now been printed out by thousands - thanks to Sorcha - it is doubtful this can be suppressed


VIDEO     (466) Coup Turns Deadly - YouTube

The Wall Of Truth

Dr William B. Mount

Immusist and Citricare may be found on Ebay

Sea Vegies and Take Down can found at:


As for yesterday - no one is asking where the missing Nuke went

Too bad, Too Sad, Touche

Coup Turns Deadly

Guess What's Missing At Warren Air Force Nuclear Arsenal ??

Monday, December 30, 2019

Guess What's Missing At Warren Air Force Nuclear Arsenal ??

Guess What's Missing Ar Warren AF Base

Guess What The Air Force Just Lost

A Paper Clip?

A Pen?

Maybe a 9mm Pistol?

Nope - Another Nuclear War Head - enough to make DC look like the middle of the Sahara Desert - I mean flat as a Pancake and a thump hard enough to destroy most of the structures undergound.


So - Colonel Boneti took over Command of the 90th Air Wing which controls 150 ICMB's containing 12 Warheads a piece. Combined with those in the Arsenal - that makes over 2,000 Warheads.

All 2000 Need to have their EED's replaced - 2 Year Project ----

Beginning In September - After inspecting about 80, 1 was missing - you do the math.

Earlier this year CAPCO began replacing the internal Detonation Devices (EED's) for 2 reasons

1) They were worn out and radioactive

2) At a particular Frequency given to the Chinese by a man working for the US - he found out the VA is still selling Active Duty Military Records World Wide so upon launch China could detonate all ICBM's 10 feet above the ground ---- OOPS!

CAPCO found one Missing Warhead

So - CAPCO just got raided for selling the US Army Faulty Grenade Launchers - the Pin will break upon prolonged use and the Barrels crack apart

So now they are replacing the Internal Detonators in our ICBM Fleet?

It gets worse ----

More On the Video:

VIDEO:   (421) Guess Whats Missing At Warren Air Force Base - YouTube

The Wall Of Truth

Dr William B. Mount

Time To Convert Your Savings To Gold NOW!


Then we called 1-877-646-5347

3 Jan Bullet To The Chest By One Of His Closest Friends in The Oval Office, After Lunch

14 Early Morning

17 March - High Noon

Understand Intel Folks?

Can't Say Any More - VA Just Denied Most Of My Dental Work

No More - My Teeth Hurt - Fix The VA Intel Geeks

Guess Whats Missing At Warren Air Force Base

Saturday, December 28, 2019

Gun Confiscation Begins 8 January

Gun Confiscation Begins 8 January

Thanks to the Massive Election Fruad still occurring Nation Wide Gun Confiscation is scheduled to begin 8 January of 2020

this confiscation begins in the State of Virginia - where one county had more votes than people in the county - electing a DEMON Possessed THING to be the Governor

Now This DEMON will order the theft of all weapons owned by Law Biding Citizens using forces of the Virginia National Guard

President Trump REFUSES to over turn the Election Fraud in that one county - Trump refuses to arrest ONE Election Official and recount hte REAL VOTES

One Little Tiny Fat Woman - and for this our President plans to start a Massive Revolution, killing perhaps tens of thousands of Law Biding Americans

All because president Trump refuses to fulfill One Little Election Promise - NO MORE VOTER FRAUD

Nor will he appoint someone to overturn the Election Fraud in Virginia

It appear s that President Trump is Missing In Action

President MIA Trump

Unless President Trump takes Direct action he will be responsible for the deaths of perhaps millions - it will be called the "MIA Trump Inspired Destruction Of America"

Only someone who wanted the destruction of America in the White House would take no action, sit on hos fat butt and do nothing

If that happens then GOD will take action against the President - so HE has said it  - so it shall be

When President Trump allowed Raytheon to destroy and murder those in Paradise California and the DOD to burn the hillsides in Los Angeles - burning out thousands of Americans and killing even more - these were crimes against America - and allowing all Fire Insurance to be cancelled 31 days before the fires began --- and taking NO ACTION against the murderers

But this Gun Confiscation in Virginia - GOD Draws The Line - Enough President  MIA Trump - GOD Will Be Forced To Take Action Against YOU

What GOD will do for outright MURDER - I do not know

But I do know HE Will Take Action

VIDEO:   (367) Gun Confiscation Begins 8 January - YouTube

The Wall Of Truth

Dr William B. Mount

Gun Confiscation Begins 8 January

The Storm Is Here

Friday, December 27, 2019

The Storm Is Here

The Storm Is Here

No matter whether Trump is in office or out of office -


The Road To Roota reveals all that is currently being done to reset the World's Economy so that:

1) The Evil Banksta Cabal Led By Lucifer is destroyed

2) The world goes back to the Gold Standard

Here is the difficulty in doing this -

How Do You Take Down the Entire World's Economy and move to a Gold Standard without any disruption?

How Many Child Rapists and Elite Demon Possessed Pigs do you kill before you have terminated enough of them to allow a Smooth Transition into the New World Economy?

This is exactly what resident Trump is wrestling with currently

At What Point do you pull the plug?

When do these Traitorous Governors and Congressman, FBI and CIA Agents - get rounded up for murder and child rape?

Can it be done without sparking off a Nuclear War?

How do you stop the Deep State form killing President Trump and torching off Nukes before thsi RESET can be done?

Remember - the NSA has ALL Emails, Phone Calls, and millions of Videos to boot - they know where every elite is and - according to Jim Willie - 90% of the Mid-Level Bankstas world wide have either flipped to the GOOD SIDE or been killed by the Triad

The CIA/FBI Merely kill the Good Guys - those ready to take the power away from Lucifer and his CABAL.

VIDEO:    (314) The Storm Is Here - YouTube

The Wall Of Truth

Dr William B. Mount

Is This A Sign Of Things To Come?

Thursday, December 26, 2019

Is This A Sign Of Things To Come?

A Sign Of Things To Come


What is happening all across China is happening across the globe

We have reached a Global Debt Saturation

We The People are working harder and harder for less and less

Incomes froze over 30 years ago - yet prices double every 10 years

It is designed to make a race of Slave Laborers

On top of that - great efforts are now being done to reduce populations through Vaccinations/ Food Shortages/ 5G/ Chemtrails/ Poisonous GMO Foods.... the list goes on and on

Do Not expect Trump to stop any of this - he has NO GUTS

So as we go into 2020 China's Debt (All Nations) will skyrocket causing huge currency downgrades - which- since all Debt is based on the Dollar - cause Massively More Lending Until


Can Trump hold it together until after the November 2020 election?

Or will he be force to face THE TRUTH

And let the Globalists crash the markets by turning in US treasuries in Exchange for Dollar Bills, tehn returning Dollar Bills for their currency - this causing Massive Hyper Inflation here in the USA..... 


More Tomorrow on the Continuing Saga of - AS OUR STOMACH TURNS

The Wall Of A Truth

Dr William B. Mount

Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Merry Christmas & The Coming Earthquakes

Merry Christmas

Here we describe exactly who St Nick

Further - in an Intel Report we discuss the coming earthquakes next year

VIDEO:  (200) Merry Christmas, Legend Of St Nick & Trump/Putin Intel - YouTube

The Wall Of Truth

Dr William B. Mount

The future is not guaranteed so this Patriot Flashlight is just one more tool you may need in the coming Civil Unrest


We have 1 for each car and one for home use


Guess Who Ran The Coup - Written Proof

Monday, December 23, 2019

Guess Who ran the Coup - Written Proof

Written Proof Obama Ran The Coup - TREASON!

Not only did President Obama try to over turn the 2016 election he also:\

1) Ran The Coup Against President Trump After He took Office

2) Had Trump Spied On After the Election By The FBI Pigs

3) Gave Part Of Iraq To Iran - In An Attempt To Start WW#

4) Screwed Up Us/ China and US/Russia Relations to attempt to obey his master Loozifer and start WW3

VIDEO   (143) Guess Who Ran The Coup - Written Proof - YouTube

The Wall Of Truth

Dr William B. Mount

Get The Famous Patriot Flashlight NOW -

They will accept it after Christmas as a Christmas President because it is so darn useful

Goto; http://www.patriotflashlight.com

An Overloaded Internet?

Trump Now Takes On The Pope

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Where It The Gold Really Going

Where is all the gold really going?

Could it be taken by some nefarious entity for some purpose we have never heard of?

Does someone, or something, need is gold for space travel?

Find out in this video.

VIDEO:   (106) Where Is the Gold Really Going?? - YouTube

Th Wall Of Truth

Dr William B. Mount

This little Solar Powered Device comes With Lifetime Replacement


DC Is In Military Lockdown

Friday, December 13, 2019

Be Ready As Our Entire System Begins To Fall-Ter

Be Ready as Our Entire System Begins To Fall-Ter

We wish every Americans to be ready as our entire system begins to fall-ter

Wednesday's Display of Wantan Regard for our Bill Of Rights by Governor Inslee should have been a clue - you are a worthless puke to our politicians - to be pushed around and bullied

So now we see Powell - head of the Feds state that they will inject $500 Billion into our banks to keep our economy afloat for the next 3 weeks?

The Borrow on that $500 Billion to make it a whopping $5 Trillion to help stabilize our Hedge funds?

the Number is actually $4 1/2 Trillion, Borrowed on at $450 Trillion --- Holy cow !!!

No financial system can deal with this kind of Treason

Treasonous Bankstas

Treasonous Governors

And A President That Refuses To Eliminate Election Fraud so these Demon Possessed CIA Libtards just get rte-elected over and over again

If they used that top pay off all Credit Card Loans and Home Loans - Our Economy Would Explode

But no - it goes to the Bankstas -

So be ready

As Our Entire Economy Begins To Fall Apart

VIDEO:  (731) Be Ready As Our Entire System Begins To Fall-Ter - YouTube

The Wall Of Truth

Dr William B., Mount

Yesterday I used the Sedona Mat - 1 1/2 Hours - very little Pain today

Call Coach Jimmy K And Find Out What You Need - 503-395-4142

SEDONA Pro PEMF Wellness System - USA Sales, Support & Training

Be Ready As Our Entire System Begins To Fall-Ter

Is It About To Get Very Bad Very Fast ???

Thursday, December 12, 2019

It's Getting Very Bad Very Fast ?

It is getting very bad very fast

Zoltan Pozsar set up a Financial System after the First Crash in 2007 (Oct 13Th) that held ht entire system together - moving Hundreds Of Thousands of Trillion of Dollars into the control of the Banksta while prices soared and our wages remained stagnant

So now the system is beginning to unwind

108 Million Full Time Non Govt Employees are holding up:

1) 35 Million Retirees

2) 15 Million SS Retires

3) 20 Million SS Disabled - of which only 3 million are physically disabled as a result of Job Related Injuries

4) 160 Million Welfarites - of which include 22 million being Illegal Liens

5) Over 80 Million Refugees - of which only 1/2 live full time in the USA but must spent 2 weeks here in the states to verify  their status -and they get Full Dental and Full Medical

6) Over $56,000 Trillion In Loans & Assets

7) The TERM Asset Loan Facility

8) Backed By The ABS "Backdrop"

So what Zoltan Pozsar did was create FAKE ASSETS out of thin air to hold up a crumbling economy

And he has stated - there is nothing more ewe can do - it's over

So the IMF says not only is it coming down but we must increase the taxes on the poor - agreeing with Bloomberg as he runs for President

And amongst of of these $1,000,000 Trillion there is not enough money to pay off the world Sovereign Debt at $300 Trillion

So Now The System Is Breaking Down

Layoffs Began In June & They Can't Hide It Any More

VIDEO: It's Getting Very Bad Very Fast - YouTube

The Wall Of Truth

Dr William B. Mount

As the system comes down so will medical

We have the Sedona Mat - Wow

SEDONA TimmyZzz PEMF Pillows - USA Sales, Support and Training

Call Coach Jimmy K At 503-395-4142

Get What You Need

Financing Available


Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Trump Wins Victory After Victory

Our President Trump just keeps winning victory after victory.

he is actually making the Demon-Rats so nervous many of them are jumping ship and voting for those budgets the President sends to Congress - Like the Defense Authorization Bill.

congress has yet to produce a yearly budget for 2020 - which is their sole responsibility.

So a sour President keeps moving forward Congress has been paralyzed by this FAKE Impeachment - an International Clown Show

As long as the President allows these Demon-Rats and reporters to commit Treason they will

And in this DC Environment of total Confusion President Trump finds it easy to get things done.

VIDEO:   (643) President Wins Victory After Victory - YouTube

Finally - Pray he has the guts to arrest those who raped and murdered children on Pedo Island and on Epstein's Ranch and those now committing Treason

The Wall Of Truth

Dr William B. Mount

This little pillow - perfect for Colleges Students as it allows the body to go to sleep, un-stress and stay awake at critical times

SEDONA TimmyZzz PEMF Pillows - USA Sales, Support and Training

Call Coach Jimmy ZK and find out what's right for you

Call Him At 503-395-4142

He is really responsive and really nice


It's D-Day For Demo's - IG Report Goes Public

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

It's D-Day For Demo's - IG Report Goes Public

It's D-Day For The DEmos As The Horowitz Report Goes Public

On 6 June 1944 the Allies landed on Normandy to free France form the NAZI Occupation and put an end to Nazhional Zoshialism - NAZI'ism

75 Years Later - 10 December the Horowitz Report was released implication g all Nazional Zozhaleets Congressman (Democrats) in a Coup to take down an active president.

Without these Demon Possessed Democrats the entire march towards Nazhional Sozhaleesm ends - as does their desire to terminate the Human Race

It is these Libtard appointed perverted Agents - like Mueller and Comey - who have been trying ot start this Nuclear War - we have been fighting them for over 13 years now

So in response the Demon- Rats have declared they are writing up 2 articles of Impeachment against President Trump  even thought they have never voted to impeach the President.

The Demon-Possessed Demon-Rats have turned Dc into a Clown Show - complete with barkers ans Shills and Murderers and those pushing for Nuclear War

The world is laughing at the fact that President Trump refuses to arrest those in DC committing Treason - all that he does ow is worthless - so GOD has said it- so it shall be. He must obey GOD now to be effective - so GOD has said it, so it shall be,

Pray that President Trump does just that.

VIDEO:.   (598) It's D-Day For Demo's - IG Report Goes Public - YouTube

The Wall Of Truth

Dr William B. Money

As medical Care collapses across the planet we all need to learn how to take charge of it for Ourselves

The PEMF TESLA Coil is a great start from:

EarthPulse PEMF - USA Sales, Support and Training

Coach Jimmy K's Number is 503-395-4142





Has The Day Of Reconning Come?

Monday, December 9, 2019

Has The Day Of Reconning Come?

the Day Of Reconning Has Come

Has The Day Of Reconning Come For the Demon-Rats

Has the day of reconning come for The Demon-Rats

Are these Demon-Possessed Rats who inhabit Congress about to loose control of the Wars and Financial System they helped set up to destroy Planet Earth?

Already the Demon-Crats in Congress have been conducting so many illegal activities in an Active Attempt at an ongoing COUP - that every one of them could be put in jail

What is most amazing is that as we continue to Save President Trump's Life he has gone missing in action - conducting NO ACTION to preserve those who protect him or arrest those who are actively committing Treason world wide

In the mean time - it was just released that one of the 40-10 Systemically Important Banks (SCIFI BANKS) has

1) Over $1,000 Trillion In Loans


2) Over $400 Trillion In Securities

3) They Are Broke

4) Are sucking Over $240 Trillion Dollars A Night Out Of The Federal Reserve System just form the over night markets - let alone the 3 Day, 30 Day, etc - which have all now become POMO - Permanent

For You Intel Geeks - The rest Of the "2 Sweet Cherry Intel Report" - hope you listen and act.

Pray YouTube/Google do not pull our channel off he air tomorrow

VIDEO:  (551) The Day Of Reconning Has Come - YouTube

The Wall Of Truth

Dr william B. Mount

We are still testing the Sedona Mat - the results still amaze us

.. SEDONA Pro PEMF Wellness System - USA Sales, Support & Training

Then Call Coach Jimmy K At 503-395-4142

"The Fed Was Suddenly Facing Multiple LTCMs": BIS Offers A Stunning Explanation Of What Really Happened On Repocalypse Day | Zero Hedge





Worship GOD Alone, Tell Lucifer To Take A Hike

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Grand Daddy Of The Tesla Devices - From Russia W/Love

Worship GOD Alone, Tell Lucifer To Take A Hike

Worship GOD Alone - Lucifer Take A Hike

This video you are about to watch will expose that the world is run by those who worship the Devil - Diablos, Lucifer, Shatan, Satan...

Most of the US Politicians, despite their "Church membership" worship Lucifer

Now it is all being exposed

The Demon- Rats Wild Sex Orgies, their Murdering of Little Children - all exposed for the world to see

And not that a Lucifarian Sex Murdering Club has been opened in Moscow we can see how even in Moscow they worship Lucifer - Putin, Lavrov, Medvedev and the rest of them.

Even throughout the Banking System - Human Sacrificing Pig are at the top

They would rather die than give up their worldly riches - and many of them are now dying - being killed because of their evil --- like the Deutsche Bank executives.

So They have chosen an eternity in Hell to protect their riches.

VIDEO:  (501) Worship GOD Alone, Tell Lucifer To Take A Hike - YouTube

The Wall Of Truth

Dr William B. Mount

As the world exposes these Monsters our Health Care is breaking down

So Go Here and Check It Out:

USA Headquarters for DENAS Products, Support & Training

Then Call Coach Jimmy K At 503-2395-4142

Find out what is right for you


UN 2030 Agenda Exposed - "The Grim Reaper" + Intel Rpt

Saturday, December 7, 2019

UN Agenda Exposed + Another Intel Report

The UN Agenda 2030 reads like the Grim Reaper

(((The goal here is to keep this planet in one piece - and that means no Presidential Assassinations that would lead to Nuclear War or any form of Nuclear War.)))

Their goal has been, and will continue to be, the death of 90% of humanity and complete and total control of the other 10% - to begin 21 December 2019

The Democrats under Obama imbedded these agendas so deep in US Law that it may not be stoppable

So we pray

We pray that all those coming against America are neutralized immediately and forever.

This includes - especially - those on FOX News purposely giving only half of the truth

VIDEO    (453) UN 2030 Agenda Exposed + 2 Cherry Intel Report - YouTube

The Wall Of Truth

Dr William B. Mount

The Bestest Christmas Present

The Trump 2020 Coin - Pure Silver

Use Promo Code MOUNT and save $10/coin

Goto: htttps://www.trumpcoin2020.com

No one will ever get rid of this coin - not even a Libtard

It is of our humble opinion that the death of Xi Jinping and Putin #4 would not initiate a Nuclear War so we are going to drop all Assassination Attempts of these "Leaders" than you Sergio Lavrov

So for now - we will focus on Trump - Be Careful in 14 -17 Days Sergio Lavrov and Vladmir Putin - Shooter Alert and change your Food Testers NOW

Hint Hint

And - Oodachie

UN 2030 Agenda Exposed + 2 Cherry Intel Report

RESET Imminent As Massive Gold Movement Occurs World Wide

Friday, December 6, 2019

RESET Imminent As Massive Gold Movement Occurs World Wide

RESET Imminent As Massive Gold Movement Occurs World Wide

RESET IMMINENT - Massive Gold Movement World Wide

We have concluded that there is a Massive Movement of Gold World wide

This Massive Realignment of Wealth can only signal on thing -

The Destruction of Fiat Currency and the RESET

The UN also just put out the revised goals for 2030 - and one of them include a One World Currency completely digital as we are all chipped.

The CIA/FBI will always need some sort of Trading Material to run their illegal drugs - but for you and I - Here It Comes

If you have Any Wealth - NOW is the time to convert it to Gold/Silver/ Etc.

VIDEO:... (409) RESET Imminent As Massive Gold Movement Occurs World Wide - YouTube

The Wall Of Truth

Dr William B. Mount

We went to Noble Gold Investments to convert our Wealth to Gold & Silver

They still have Physical Gold & Silver to sell

Go To:  Noble Gold Investments - #1 Gold & Silver IRA Advisor

We asked about:

1) Tax Consequences

2) How To Store It

3) Where To Store It

4) Can we bury it in tte Back yard ad How To Bury It?

You See- I Gave Jane Everything - so wherever she wants to store our silver (Can't Afford Gold) is OK with me.

Men can live in a cave - and Jane does a great job with our check books so She called Noble Gold and I listened

Giving Jane the check books - Best Thing I Ever Did

RESET Imminent As Massive Gold Movement Occurs World Wide

RESET Imminent As Massive Gold Movement Occurs World Wide

US Officially In A Recession

Thursday, December 5, 2019

US IS Officially In A Recession

Numbers Released By The Manufacturing Association Clearly Show That The US Is Officially In A Recession

The Unemployment Numbers will not show this because they are all fake, false and Feloneous

So we are paying our Department of Labor to lie over and over and over again.

What is even worse is because the Dept Of Labor Lies there are no extensions on the Unemployment Benefits so people cannot even eat or pay rent

The Layoffs began in June,

Eviction Notices For Americans Began in September

(Immigrants Get Free rent)

Legal evictions Using Local Police have begun

Homeless Populations Will Now Swell

Our profits from You Tube are stretched to the limit as we are keeping 8 Americans Families from hitting the street so if we get cut off You Tube - 52 people will go homeless

So pray that Trump listens to GOD and stops this insanity where the rest of the world is now laughing at him and Vice President Pence.

VIDEO:  (357) US Officially In A Recession - YouTube

The Wall Of Truth

Dr William B. Mount

Time For A Little Christmas Cheer

Get The New Trump Coin and Use MOUNT to Save $10 Per Coin

Goto:  New Home - Trump Coin

US Officially In A Recession

Opium Wars - Why Global Economies Must Be RESET

Why Did 70 Nations Just Sign The Outer Space Treaty?

Why have 70 nations just completed the signing of the Out Space Traaty - Including the USA, Russia, China and Luxembourg?

Why is Luxembourg so heavily involved in this Treaty?

As economies crash world wide we just signed the Outer Space Treaty?

How To Contact the United Nations Outer Space Treaty Organization...

Tell Them Dr Mount Sent You

For further information, please contact:
Ottavia Pesce
United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs
Telephone: (+43-699) 1459 8718
Email: pesce@un.org 

The Wall Of Truth

Dr William B. Mount

Buy A Trump Coin For Your Family Members For Christmas

I Promise You They Will Keep It, No Matter How Liberal They Are

It's Solid Silver

Use Promo Code MOUNT - Save $20


Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Drug Wars - Why The RESET Must Be Done

When you watch this video you will learn why this economic RESET must be done

These Opium/Cocaine Wars - Forcing Welfare Populations Through The Roof - Are Now Causing The ENTIRE World Economy To Be Reset

The only problem is that it must be done in a slow, meticulous manner - to find these Welfare Rats work.

The Elites, however,  are just throwing in the Towel - trying to crash it in a Hap Hazard Manner

As Greg Hunter would say - the Elites have gone Whackydoodle and need to be contained

Pray those coming against the USA are neutralized immediately

VIDEO:   (319) Opium Wars - Why Global Economies Must Be RESET - YouTube

The Wall Of Truth

Dr William B. Mount

As the economy begins to crumble - dis it not "Prudent" to preserve your wealth in Gold/Silver?

We went here: Noble Gold Investments - #1 Gold & Silver IRA Advisor

They know about tax consequences, how to convert IRA's/ Etc.

Their Gold Depository in Texas can protect your assets from a Nasty Divorce

Call 877-646-5347


Economy Alert - Elites Trying To Crash Economy Globally

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Economic Alert - Elites Attempting To Crash Markets Globally

This morning the Elites put out a call on many loans and are trying to crash the markets Globally

Watching in Horror these same  Financial Managing Elites are watching in Great Horror as the Demon-Possessed Demon-Rats try to do anything to remove Donald Trump from power - Form a Financial Crisis, to assassination Attempts.

How this will end time will tell

If trump follows GOD - Well - it will end well

Otherwise -- we can expect the same thing just to drag on month after more and more people loose their jobs

Already Homeless Populations are beginning to Spike and this can no longer be hidden from WE THE PEOPLE

So many people loosing their homes jobs - so many ---

You can see it on Zillow

You can see it in your neighborhoods

More On Our VIDEO: (266) Economy Alert - Elites Trying To Crash Economy Globally - YouTube

The Wall Of Truth

Dr William B. Mount

As Powell has announced Byper Inflation to be set in this month

Do we not think converting your assets to Gold.Silver is a good idea?

We went to: Noble Gold Investments - #1 Gold & Silver IRA Advisor

The We Called 877-646-5347

They still have Physical Gold To Buy

As for Jim Willies Newsletter - Go Here

We signed up for it - $110/6 Months

Subscribe to the Hat Trick Lettern - by Jim Willie

He gave us a heads Up on this action last month in his Newsletter

Economy Alert - Elites Trying To Crash Economy Globally

Major Banks Now Crumbling Worldwide

Monday, December 2, 2019

Major Banks Now Crumbling Worldwide

Major Banks Now Crumbling Worldwide

Major Banks Now Crumbling World Wide

The Largest Banks World Wide - the ones that control the world - are in big trouble.

These are called


SCIFI  Banks

Out of 40 we have traced at least 8 nearing, or in, Bankruptcy proceedings

Books are being cooked

$240 Billion Dollars of Federal Reserve Funds are being added nightly  from the REPO Marketa which have become the POMO Markets

P - Stands for Permanent



So we are seeing - in essence - $240 Billion Dollars a day of QE

$240 Billion X 210 Days Per Year = Over 50 Trillion Dollars A Year Of QE Alone

And Black Friday Sales were way down this year

Add to that the other QE

Plus the fact that Powell wishes to Double the cash supply in December here in the US

Hunker Down Folks

The Feds have run out of answers to hold the markets together

They are counting on Nuclear war by 29 December - Just as the Fallen Angels said they would do 10 December 2018

Pray the Fallen Angels fail and Trump does as GOD asks him to do

Video:   (213) Major Banks Now Crumbling Worldwide - YouTube

The Wall Of Truth

Dr William B. Mount

Jim Willie - You News Letter Explained This In A Way We Could Understand It - Thanks

Time To Convert Paper Wealth To Gold?

Noble Gold Investments - #1 Gold & Silver IRA Advisor

Call Them At 877-646-5347

They Still Have Physical Gold/Silver To sell You

Convert Your Wealth to land or Gold

Friday, November 29, 2019

Main Stream Media Is Imploding

Main Stream Media Imploding

The US Main Stream media Is Imploding

Advertisers are leaving in Mass Droves

The number of people who trust the Main Stream Media is below 65 While the likely legal voters ready to re-elect President Trump tops 79%

News Week just sold for $1.

Here in Seattle the 2nd Largest Radio Station only has 11 listeners between 11PM and 4AM

SO your ad money in KIRO may only be reaching 11 people

CNN - Less Than 500,000 Daily Viewers

Libtard Fox - Around 1 Million

ABC + NBC,+ CBS - Around 2 Million Daily Viewers

NPR - Less than 50,000 Nation wide Daily Viewers

A Good Conservative News Outlet on our Tube reaches 4 Million Daily Viewers

The Russia Papers see this, the Chinese Papers see this, the German Papers see this.

Further - the world is dropping the US Dollar as President Trump refuses to arrest over 20,000 Raping, Lying Murderers

Expect allot ob Bad Economic News simply because President Trump refuses to do his job.

VIDEO:   (133) Main Stream Media Is Imploding - YouTube

The Wall Of Truth

Dr William B. Mount


If you freaks and geeks wish to stop this coming Full Scale Nuclear War - listen very carefully to the video

Otherwise - ignore it

And Yet another Deutsche Banksta was suicided -

Want to see a Curse form GOD - look at Deutsche Bank

GOD says this is now coming to the Bank Of London, Bank Of America, St Petersburg (Russia) Banks, Chase Manhattan Bank, and Putin's Staff. So HE has said it - so IT shall be. Many shall die - trading their souls for a fe good years on Earth, Slaves of the Pig Lucifer.

Finally - GOD says shame on you Sergio Lavrov for allowing this Curse to go for so long. GOD's Judgement will now be swift and complete on those mentioned above... What GOD has set in motion let no man try and stop.

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

President Makes Incredible Moves To Stop World Conflict - (WE LOVE YOU T...

Trump Makes Incredible Moves To Stop WW3 In December

The first thing our President did was to reclaim the Military from the Queen of England and retake most of the US Nukes - Almost 70,000 now.

Unfortunately somewhere around 332 US made Nukes are no longer in the US Air Force Inventory - of which about 123 are still active and hidden.

So could some of these active nukes be used to fake a Nuclear Strike?

You Betcha

So we are in for a very interesting December

Enjoy Thanksgiving

Understand what is going on around you

Prepare Your Family

And Be Ready

VIDEO:  (59) President Makes Incredible Moves To Stop World Conflict - (WE LOVE YOU TUBE) - YouTube

The Wall Of Truth

Dr William B. Mount

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Five Eyes Intel Agencies Collapsing From Within

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Five Eyes Intel Agencies Collapsing From Within

5 Eyes Intel Agencies Imploding

The 5 Eyes Intelligence Agreement was an agreement between 5 nations to share intelligence to eliminate both Imperial Japan and NAZI Germans

About 30 years ago the US Embarked on a Deadly Game of Affirmative Action.

the Security Checks were cancelled to acquire Top Secret Security Clearances for all Non-Whites to create "Diversity" within the world place.

Since 1992 ALL Us Top Secret Developments have been passed to the Chinese by their own citizens working in Top Secret labs in the US. Australia, Canada, UK and New Zealand.

to add insult to injury - ALL Military Records are sold by the VA for grant money for testing New Drugs on our veteran and Active Duty Personnel.

Our entire nation has been Compromised - and not ONE Arrest


Not only has the US DOJ refused to arrest these Traitors who set this up - our President ignores this as well.


To make it even worse - the President refuses to stop the Suppression in You Tube so even the warnings of Nuclear Detonations and Presidential Assassinations may be removed 10 December

Time will tell - pray Trump/Putin a& Xi Jinping wake up - their very lives depend on it very soon.

VIDEO:  Five Eyes Intel Agencies Collapsing From Within - YouTube

The Wall Of Truth

Dr William B. Mount

Stock Up On Food AS Storms Now Wage Across The Western US and more and more farmers declare Bankruptcy.

Goto:   2-Week Emergency Food Supply


Five Eyes Intel Agencies Collapsing From Within

US Navy Goes Rogue --- With 44,000 Nukes

Trump Retakes Military As Bond Market Cracks Globally

Monday, November 25, 2019

Trump Retakes Military As Bond Market Cracks Globally

Trump Retakes Military As Bond Market Cracks Globally

Trump Retakes Military As Bond Market Cracks Globally

Trump Retakes Military As Bond Markets Crack Globally

This is a must see video

The US Government Debt is now topping not $21 Trillion - but over $71 Trillion

this includes Inter Agency Debt -

Unbelievable but true

When you see the numbers you will be shocked

The amount of Digital Dollars just keep going through the roof

The IMF Computer is out of control

December should prove to be a very interesting month

VIDEO:   (368) Trump Retakes Military As Bond Market Cracks Globally - YouTube

The Wall Of Truth

Dr William B. Mount

Get The World Famous Patriot Flashlight! Click Here!


Use Promo Code MOUNT for 25% off


Ready To House The Homeless In YOUR Home?

US Navy Goes Rogue --- With 44,000 Nukes

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Ready To House The Homeless In YOUR Home?

Ready To House The Homeless In YOUR Home?

Ready To House Homeless In YOUR Home?

This - along with many other strange and devious bills, have been proposed by yet Illegal Immigrant and Cross Dresser Ilmar Omar, who married his brother and claims to be a Muslim.

Yes Sir Re Bob This proposal for you to house the Homeless, Welfare Recipients and Illegal Immigrants in your home have been proposed and is up for vote - along with a $1 Trillion Dollar Bill to build Housing for the Immigrants by gutting the Pentagon.

These - and other more evil proposals are now being voted on in Congress - awaiting the day they can get these Bills Passed

You think you own your home?

Stop paying Property Taxes and see how quickly they seize your home

More On The Video:   (310) Ready To House The Homeless In YOUR Home? - YouTube

The Wall Of Truth

Dr William B. Mount

The Futture Of America Is Not Guaranteed, Not  Is the Value Of The Dollar

Place Your Wealth In Silver & Gold - Period

We Go To: Noble Gold Investments - #1 Gold & Silver IRA Advisor

Then Call Them At 877-646-5347

And Order While Gold 7 Silver Is Still Available

Use Promo Code MOUNT to save, and tell them Dr Mount sent you

Ready To House The Homeless In YOUR Home?

Trump Retakes US Navy, Gives The Queen An Ultimatum

Friday, November 22, 2019

Trump Retakes US Navy, Gives The Queen An Ultimatum

Trump Retakes US Navy, Gives The Queen An Ultimatum

Trump Retakes US Navy, Gives the Queen An Ultimatum

Trump Retakes Navy & Gives Queen An Ultimatum

President Trump is in the process of retaking the US Navy

Further - President Trump has given an Ultimatum to Queen Elizabeth 2nd (#4) to either fully cooperate in the Coup Investigation 'Or ELSE"

The Queen has decided to comply


1)  As the FAKE Queen Complies

2) Congress Is hearing the  FAKE (No Vote) Impeachment Hearings Continue

3) The US Supreme Court Listens to the FAKE Sandy Hook Shooting Hearings

4) New Media Discusses FAKE Stories

5) The President continues funding these FAKE US Government (Corporate) Departments

6) As FAKE reports circulate about our troops coming home

7) As FAKE Crop reports are issued

7) As FAKE Economic News claiming we have a great economy emerge

Do we see a similarity in each one???


We are being fed FAKE crap allover the place and all this is funded with OUR TAX DOLLARS

And our President refuses to stop funding these FAKE Sources





It;s All Coming Out - All of It:

My American Name:

william b mount or William B Mount I Believe

Not subject to corporate rule o, arrest of indictments from FAKE government agencies - private corporations owned by non-Americans

My Corporate Name

Subject to ALL "FAKE" US Government Departments & Arrest Warrants

It's All FAKE - We even have 3 Trumps, 2 Malnia's

VIDEO:   (255) Trump Retakes US Navy, Gives The Queen An Ultimatum - YouTube

The Wall Of Truth

Dr William B. Mount

Invest In Something Solid

Go To... Noble Gold Investments - #1 Gold & Silver IRA Advisor

The Future Of America Is Not Guaranteed

The Value Of Gold/Silver Is

Use Promo Code MOUNT, Or Tell Them Dr Mount Sent You - It Will Make Them Laugh

Call 877-6466-5347




Political Armageddon In 18 Days - Tic Toc Tic Toc

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Political Armageddon In 18 Days - Tic Toc Tic Toc

Political Armageddon In 18 Days !

Here it comes

Like a huge wave ready to wash away everything in it's path

On 9 December the Much Tauted and Feared Horowitz Report will be released to the world - we think

What ever happened tot the FISA Report (April 2019)

From previous reports form the head of the US Senate the report will include Indictments for several Obama Officials.

Oooooh - up to 20 people may be arrested- not the 20,000 Murdering, Raping Demon Possessed Freaks that were exposed by Jefferey Epstein.

the bad part is the CIA/FBI "RATTFINKS" are planning to release their Rioters upon America somewhere around the 20th - Big operation - and increase the hits on the Real red Tied President Trump.

Further - with 6 Rogue Nukes the CAI could now strike anywhere

Why give away their locations if the US/Russia/Chinese Intel are no longer on board with stopping this mess - which makes DC, NYC, Moscow,, Beijing and London Primary Targets --- no loss there.

It should be a very interesting next 39 days

Remember - 39 days to the UN Planned World War and 47 Days to their Planned Nuclear War.

Pray the UN Fallen Angels fail  and are thrown off this planet immediately.

VIDEO:   (214) Political Armageddon In 18 Days - Tic Toc Tic Toc - YouTube

The Wall Of Truth

Dr William B. Mount

The Future Of America Is Not given

Be Ready With A Work Station That Is Recharged Form The Sun


Use Promo Code MOUNT - Save 20%

Political Armageddon In 18 Days - Tic Toc Tic Toc

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

US Navy Goes Rogue --- With 44,000 Nukes

US Navy Goes Rogue --- Holy....

US Navy Goes Rogue --- Holy....

US Navy Goes Rogue - W/Over 44,000 Nukes

Certain Admirals in he Navy have gone rogue and are now working with the Communist red Chinese in military drills designed for Urban Warfare here in the United States.

What the Hell Can you say when large portion sf the military begin working with another nations in preparation to invade the USA?

Whey the HELL are they not fired?

What is the End Game here?

according to the Directors of the United Nations - WHO CALL THEMSELVES fallen angels - they have

a) 41 Days to start a World War

b) 49 Days to terminate Humanity - to include President Donald Trump


GOD still has use of President Trump

Pray we can stay on the air on You Tube

Pray that the Suppression of our Channel ceases immediately

VIDEO:  (161) US Navy Goes Rogue --- Holy.... - YouTube

The Wall Of Truth

Dr William B. Mount

Get The Portable Work Station


Get 20% OFF W/Promocode MOUNT

Buy 2 to last all day and all nght




So What Happens Next? Trump Was Just Poisoned - Pray

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

So What Happens Next? Trump Was Just Poisoned - Pray

So What Happens Now? - Trump Was Just Poisoned - Pray

So What Happens Next To Us Little People?

This is the $64 Dollar Question

This video outlines what has been announced to occur in December - it should be a VERY event full month.

VIDEO:   (127) So What Happens Next? Trump Was Just Poisoned - Pray - YouTube

Stay Tuned For More Of The Coming Events That Will Rock Our Lives

The Wall Of Truth

Dr William B. Mount

The Patriot Solar charger - the Work Place Critical Load Bank - can be has with a 20% Discount

Use Promo Code MOUNT

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So What Happens Next?

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Syrian President Exposes The CIA

Syrian President Exposes The CIA

Pres Assad Discusses CIA Role As World wide Terrorists

The president of Syria - in a remarkable interview, openly discusses the CIA's Role as the World Intelligence Agency

Further - he discusses how the CIA will kill some one  once the CIA determines your role is over.

Si supposed you stater the White Helmet Terrorist Group or run ISIS - Once ISIS and the White Helmets are no longer needed they do not send you somewhere else - they just kill you.

There is now Thank You, you  do not collect $200 and Pass Go - you are just killed --- shot and hten disposed of

Look at the latest leader of ISIS - El Bagdaddy - he was killed 4 times already.

As for Osama Bin Laden - he dies almost 15 years ago - yet he has been killed several times since then.

Si if you wish to be famous and a CIA Asset your life will end VERY SOON.

This is what President Assad & President Trump are up against

And many in the CIA are awakening as the UN is attempting to start a Full Scale Nuclear War by 29 December - only 42 days away

There will be no place to run and hide as the Caves the Elites plan to hide in will be crushed like a man stepping on an Ant's Hill and then torching it off with Gasoline.

It is going to be a very,, very, very interesting 43 days....

Pray the UN Fails and the Fallen Angels are completely Neutralized

VIDEO:   (22) Syrian President Exposes The CIA - YouTube

The Wall Of Truth

Dr William B. Mount

A Single TESLA Coil is the PEMF - We use it almost 24/7 for our healing

One is under my Easy chair and reached Jane and I all day

One is in bed so we get Energized at nigh love them

We just turn them on and they run for 8 hours

Go Here: EarthPulse PEMF - USA Sales, Support and Training

We then called Coach Jimmy K At 503-395-4142

His Webinars are - Priceless




Is This An Engineered Economic Take Down To Destroy The Deep State?

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Is This An Engineered Economic Take Down To Destroy The Deep State?

Is This An Engineered Economic Take Down To Destroy The Deep State?

Is This The Engineered Economic Take Down To Destroy the Deep State?

Are we now watching an Engineered Take Down of the Entire Economic System to destroy the Deep State?

or is this some sort of Federal Reserve Game to bring about the destruction of 7 Billion Humans

Or Both?

Time will tell as things begin to unwind.

one thing is very clear - those committing Treason  and Murder(IE: Mueller, Comey, Shiff, etc.) who are the "Selected Satanic Elites" will never be put away in jail.

What may happen is the death of the US Dollar and the NEW WORLD DOLLAR being toyed with by China.

Time will tell

VIDEO:   (1180) Is This An Engineered Economic Take Down To Destroy The Deep State? - YouTube

The Wall Of Truth

Dr William B. Mount


SEDONA Pro PEMF Wellness System - USA Sales, Support & Training



Is The Pacific Ocean About To Die

Is The biblical Death of the oceans about to happen?

Have the nuclear Tests from half a century ago condemned this generation to death?

Is our current political Giants unwilling to do what is necessary to prevent the death of Billions of people that would occur as the Oceans die?

Is President Trump really unwilling to put up Lightning Rods at our Used Nuclear Storage Facilities to neutralize the radioactive substances?

Was French Captain Jaques Custeau right - we have killed the oceans - it's only a matter of time?

VIDEO:  (1178) Is The Pacific Ocean About To Die? - YouTube

The Wall Of Truth

Dr William B. Mount
Be ready for being pummeled with 5G, 6G and radiation by using this unusual collection of TESLA coils?

Yea - 6G Is On The Way

SEDONA Pro PEMF Wellness System - USA Sales, Support & Training

Ha - We got it from Coach Jimmy K because we get all his Webinars for FREE

Call Him at 503-395-4142

Love this machine

Friday, November 15, 2019

What Happens When You Combine 17 TESLA Cols - Shocking

We got a device that contains 17 TESLA coils and assists the body in healing itself

There are 17 Smaller TESLA Coils and a pillow with a 6 1/2 pound Tesla Coil

Our healing just sped up really fast

My toe is healing so fast and Jane's Back is not hurting much after only 3 days of using the Pillow

Right now, as we speak, there are tests around the world to extend the Human Life just by using certain programs on this machine

This thing goes from 1 to 15,000 hertz

The Real Test is what it does

yesterday - 6 weeks after crushing my middle Backbone I worked for about 2 hours -

So we use the PMC6 Electronic Frequency Generator and the 1 Smaller Tesla Coil in the PEMF while using the Sedona Pillow

We will begin testing the Full Matt today as we look at reversing the aging process

At the Earthing Setting - it makes your body feel - effervescent

The results - wow -

Until now this thing was over 40,000 and mostly Doctors had one and charged you as a Patient big bucks to use

I make no money sponsoring these folks - it all goes to a non-profit - but I believe this Sedona Matt

VIDEO:  (1145) 17 Tesla Coils Combined - Amazing - YouTube

The Wall Of Truth

Dr William B. Mount

So how does one get this thing for under $40,000???

SEDONA Pro PEMF Wellness System - USA Sales, Support & Training

Mostly I call Coach Jimmy K At 503-395-4142

Buy from him and you get a Lifetime of Webinars for free

So he can let you know how to use this


The Denas Hospital Test Results as they go through each and every frequency

And we still love our PMC6 and use it daily

It turns our Easy Chairs into Sort Of - Healing Centers



17 Tesla Coils Combined - Amazing

17 Tesla Coils Combined - Amazing

Thursday, November 14, 2019

America's Streets Of Shame

The Shameful Streets Of America

All across America - thanks to the poor economy and Massive Drug Use across this nation, more and more people are becoming Homeless

Rather that sending them to Work Camps where they can work and live they powers that be collect $40,000/Year in grants per homeless person and pocket the money and not 1, NOT 1 Mayor has been arrested for this TREASON by the Useless Dept Of Justice and the HOT AIR BAG WILLIAM BARR

Thus - As American's Homeless Population now tops 10,000,000 people the drugs are now making these Homeless Violent

Yes - the surveys of Homeless do not count those in Hospital Rooms or Recovery Centers, those sleeping in dark alleys, those outside the Metro Areas or those parked along a river.

So here we are - with a lawless society - where Homeless Criminals randomly attack people for fun and if you defend yourself YOU will be arrested.

Years ago GOD showed us this and we began to protect ourselves from it

For 10 Years I worked with the Homeless - now all our Video Profits go to keep people from being homeless because once there - it's almost impossible to get them back in a home.

After the FBI made this Ambassador Homeless by stealing everything I had - I lived out there for over 5 months and learned a little about it - it stinks -there is no help - and these Homeless are mostly Violet Criminals wit ha Drug Habit

So these Criminal Drug Users are accumulating in the Libtard Cities like Seattle, San Francisco and Los Angeles and now randomly attacking the public.

You do learn one thing on the streets - EVERY level of the Government is totally and completely Corrupt and is there to destroy EVERY level

The Bigger the Government - the more corrupt it is

So when President Trump has a $137 Billion Dollar Federal Deficit this month - it is because he is finding a Bigger Government - with an Annual Deficit of around $2 Trillion Dollars.

So our streets are becoming Toxic -

No Arrests For Treason At The Top - Trump is 0 for 20,000 do far

Then No Arrests At The Bottom for TREASON

Not very complimentary for our Savior Donald Trump - is it?

So now nation after nation is pulling away from the United States as these Demon Possessed Traitors seem to have taken over America.

Watch a flood of International Businesses leave America now

& Watch as GOD tears up our weather and destroys our crops

& Tears our Social Infrastructure Apart

So GOD has said it - so it shall be.

Pray for President since GOD still has a plan for him

VIDEO....  (1109) America's Streets Of Shame - YouTube

The Wall Of Truth

Dr William B. Mount
Prepare by going here

SEDONA Pro PEMF Wellness System - USA Sales, Support & Training

Or Just Call Coach Jimmy K at 503-395-4142
