In the previous two articles good protocols for treating Morgellon's Disease were given.
Now for an update:
So - what exactly is Morgellon's Disease?
There seem to be two distinct categories of this disease:
1) First, There appears to be a form that occurs when someone has Mercury Toxicity. This form of toxicity is described in US Medical Books from the mid 1800's. This over toxicity causes a person to become very light headed and, as in the case of those who made hats (Mad Hatters) to become quite Insane.
The Pores exude Mercury and it comes out in long strands that are very painful.
We do find this form in children than have had large numbers of Vaccinations, primarily Autistic Children. Detoxification is what we always begin with, as well as Immusist (
2) The Second form seems to be Man Made, and can appear in 2 different forms. This form was created over a ten year period by over 150 different biologists.
It was released about 10 years ago onto the American Public and 149 of the 150 scientists that created it were killed with a few short months after it's release by various causes: Gun Shots, Car Accidents, etc.
The last Scientist - the 150th one - is still on the run.
(((Remember Victor Bout, who sold Marvin Bush 150 Tons of Russian CDX Plastic Explosives to fit into the World Trade Center Towers, the next day a Warrant for his arrest was issued by the CIA? Work for these Creeps and you end up dead.)))
These types of Morgellons Diseases appear to be activated when a Cell Tower (GWEN Unit) pulses a particular frequency and the Morgellon's then leaves the body in a very painful way.
((((When a Douglas Fir tree is infested with bark beetles (Say, Dendroctonis Valens) the larva grow and then all appear to leave the tree all at once - looking for a new host.This type of release has just been duplicated Cybernetically.))))
These "Bugs" apparently feed off of your own electrical pulses in your body. They eat what you have in your body - the perfect "Replicators."
The two types we find here are:
a) Strand Form: Here long strands come out of your pores and it is very painful. When you pull one out one strand the other strands tend to leave - indicating some form of self-survival mechanism - a rudimentary communication form.
b) The second type seems to be like tiny fleas that can spread if you sit next to someone.
Both can be spread through Mosquitoes or Real Fleas and Ticks.
Both can drive a person to insanity and then to suicide.
Both were created and released by the US DOD and are a sign of the coming Tribulation Lucifer is attempting to create.
So - how do I get rid of it?
First - do not panic. It can be knocked back into the next century. You CAN get your life back.
Second - Read: THE CURE FOR CANCER UPDATE 3 and add Immusist.
Third - wear magnets - as this disrupts their cybernetic controls.
This guy really has some great ideas as he had this disease and is now free of it.
So why publish all these protocols?
To help doctors help you.
All a doctor has to do when raided by the FDA NAZI SWAT TEAMS is say: ""I was only recommending my patients follow Dr William B. Mount's Protocols.""
You get the money.
You get the credit.
Let me take the hit for you, and you just keep on healing folks.
Thank you for reading and please go to MORGELLONSCURE.COM. 832-343-5425
Dr William B. Mount
Monday, March 31, 2014
1) What is HIV
Way back in the early 1960's the US Department of Agriculture, in conjunction with the Plum Island US Army Bio Weapons Program, went to Montana and collected samples of Sheep Wasting Disease. It was broght back to the lab and grown.
This bug is what we refer to as a "Super Virus."
2) How did it get released?
During the Metal Wars of the 1970's the Russians placed a "Ring of War" around Rhodesia and South Africa, forcing Millions of Blacks to move into these nations. This overload of population was meant to over stress their economic systems and force the closing of Chrome Mines in these countries.
South Africa responded by mining their northern boarder - but too many Elephants were blown up on the northern boarder so, due to international pressure, the mining ended.
In response the US sent Hep B vaccinations to give to the population around the Rothschilds Chrome and Diamond Mines laced with HIV.
Rhodesia was invaded by Cuba, they came back and sent their Sick Gay Troops (Being GAY is illegal in Cuba) who got HIV in Rhodesia to Miami, New York and San Francisco.
For many years in the Intel Community it was a joke: AIDS is not working fast enough to kill off the liberals.
3) How can I get HIV:
First - sex with another HIV carrier. Condoms do no good to prevent the spread of HIV.
Second - Mosquito or tick bite. It a Mosquito bites an HIV carrier and bite you then you have a 5% chance of getting HIV. This was determined in an internal US Army Study. It is available on the VA restricted Archives to VA doctors and nurses only.
Third - Blood Transfusion.
Fourth - A Kiss. Yes - a kiss can spread all sorts of VD, including HIV. Think about it.
4) So how do I get rid of this horrible HIV?
Remember - Magic Johnson Announced he had AIDS way back in 1991m, and he is still alive after 21 years.
First - see your doctor and treat yourself for all the other diseases you have picked up.
Second - there are several products that eliminate HIV. If the FDA or a state outlaws them there are 100 waiting in the wings. I will simply republish this article. These products are:
a) Ed Skilling Photon Genie. It runs about $3000 and kills all HIV cells in your body.
b) Hyperbaric Chamber - this is very effective. They run around $24,000 but do so much more for your body.
3) Citricare form Vim and Vigor. This runs about $40 shipped to you and knocks back the HIV virus into infinity. They make no claims about this - but I do.
I wish I had a million bottles of this to give to our dying troops who came back from the First Gulf War. Many were given the HIV Virus - see the Senate and Congressional Reports we talked about last night on APFN for verification.
Over 100,000 of the 660,000 Gulf War ground Troops were Dying or dead within 2 years of coming home.
4) Immusist. Try it. Go to Read the testimonies. Cost: $100 shipped. Just do it.
5) Tumeric. Just use it - it reduces inflammation.
As in all "Cures" you need a vitamin base - I recommend starting with 1 Centrum Silver every other day.
If you can afford it - use 5 -10 Kelp Tablets a day instead of Centrum. The added minerals will keep you from getting HIV Associated Cancer.
By the way - we in the US Army have had the cure for HIV/AIDS since before it was released. Now you know - we have gone public. It was in our US Army Field Manuals before the First Gulf War.
After the First Gulf War most references to Nuclear/Chemical and Bio weapons were burned. Even President Ronald Regan's First Army Film as a Second Lieutenant - a film on Foot care - was burned.
Remember - HIV can lay dormant in your cells for years so keep this stuff around just in case it comes back. No disease is ever really CURED, just knocked back long enough to let your immune system recover.
The Cure for HIV was published in Honor of Michigan Governor Snyder and Michigan Senator Randy Richardville for purposely destroying the small farmers in Michigan.
This article would not have been published without them - so call them and thank them.
Thank you for reading the: SNYDER/RICHARDVILLE CURE FOR AIDS.
Pray - Visualize p- that you go sown a path that leads you to being healthy - whatever path is right for you.
You Deserve the Truth
Honorable Grace
Dr William B. Mount
Knight of Malta - Not a Catholic Pretender
Cpt (Ret) USA
This is update #3 on the cure for cancer. This article will literally cover the cure for about anything that ails you - form Cancer to Lupus, from Diabetes to Lyme's Disease.
So here goes:
1) First you must decide to live. Whatever your ailment you must decide that the modern medical community got you here - sick - so lets us look outside the "American Medical Box."
2) Begin with vitamins. We recommend you use Centrum Silver. Kelp is much better and if you can afford this use it.
I personally found in me that Osteoperosis went away in 3 months, bone mass went from 65% - 105% in 3 months by using 1 Centrum every other day. VA records as shown on Ch 23 and 77 in Seattle.
3) Clean out your Liver and Kidneys wit a tea of Burdock Root and Rose Hips. One teaspoon of each per week should do you.
4) To cure cancer add iodine.
We sue one water purification tablet every other day - 8MG every other day. If you can afford Kelp Tablets instead - all the better.
1 Teaspoon of Kelp has 1.25MG iodine, you need 3 per day.
If you are allergic to Iodine clean out your system with the Ion Cleanse from E-bay for $120.
The "Cure" rate for the use of vitamins and Iodine is 97% over 10 years. Try that on for size and see how it fits.
In Chernoble the Russian Governement Workers were fed Potassium Iodide and were all dead within 2 years.
My adopted family in Kiev shoveled Radioactive Charcoal and were fed Miso Soup and Sea Weed and they are alive today to talk about it.
When the US Army went into Hiroshima and Nagasaki just after the end of WW2 we discovered that those Japanese that moved back into the cities just after the blast that ate Miso Soup and Kelp lived, those that did not dies.
We used this method on my wife and here are the results: Cancer Tumors and Melanoma stopped growing in 6 weeks, the Melanoma and Tumors were gone in 6 months --- no scarring.
5) So what about Malaria (Parasite): Make a tea of the following ingredients all of equal parts - use 1 /2 teaspoon er day: Burdock Root, Marshmallow, Dandelion Root, Rose Hips, Cloves, Bitter Wormwood (Artemesia Annua).
6) Plaque Build Up and high Blood Pressure: We use 1,000MG EDTA once per week only. Within 1 year my wife's blood pressure went down 35 points.
7) Age Extension: We are currently trying Blue Green Algea form Klamath Lake. The manufacturers claim it extends Human Life, got sued by the FDA and won - so - we are trying it.
8) Full Body Cleanse. The Ion Cleanse is found on Ebay for about $120. It will help detoxify your body and according to many extends Human Life by 7 times. This machine is essential - buy lots of extra coils.
Remember - It takes 6 months to see real results so be patient.
1) Cancer: Many report the use of 1 Teaspoon of Baking Soda per day makes the body basic and the Tumors stop right now.
2) Tumeric: This little spice not only stops tumor growth but reduces swelling and thus reduces your chances for a heart attack In fact - prolonged use softens your veins and arteries and Plaque slowly comes off. No more strokes, heart attacks, Aneurysms go down because blood pressure goes down, and cancer simply stops growing.
We use this daily on everything. We can afford it.
3) Citricare for Vim and Vigor: This is Glycerine Based citrus seed extract. The results against Fungal Infections (Including Cancer) are off the charts.
4) Hyperbaric Chambers. The claims here are remarkable - everything from Lyme Disease to Cancer is reduced to almost Zero, giving your body time to rest and recover.
Cost for a treatment runs about $100. The actual Hyperbaric Chamber runs around $10,000 a piece.
5) The Skilling Institute. The cells of each disease explode at a particular frequency. Ed has mapped the frequencies of so many diseases and added them to one single machine. Walk in with Cancer of Malaria - walk out Cancer or Malaria free.
The Photon Genius runs about $16,000 and every hospital should have one.
The portable Photon Genie runs about $3,500.
The other thing Ed has programmed into this machine are frequencies to stimulate you own cells - so you feel invigorated.
Imagine if a hospital had this machine - No more Malaria, Lyme Disease, Cancer, etc.
6) Surfactants. We have been using these gems for a while and te results are beyond belief.
a) Citricare uses Glycerine and gets rid of so many diseases including HIV - but it tastes horrible. When My wife or I get sick we reach for the bottle and use 100 drops and are fine the next day. It also is extremely effective as a Water Purifier - better than Iodine.
b) Immusist. This is a combination of 80 different Surfactants that are beneficial to Humans. I have been told by those involved incredible stories that I am personally finding true: Diabetes reversed in 2 months, Stage 4 Lung Cancer gone in 4 weeks, Autistic Children can speak in 12 months, in High School in 3 years. More on this product later.
I have even been told by an individual that his plaque in his veins and arteries are gone, and so is his Black Longs form 54 years of heavy smoking. WOW!
He said that 54 years of tar in his lungs - gone. No emphysema, no Athesma, no wheezing in 6 months of using Immusist.
The blood test on a child that could not speak - and the mom was told there was nothing the Medical Community could do for him - speaking in 12 months, his eyes were no longer glazed over. Hundreds of moms telling the same story over and over again.
Military Moms with deformed children by the dozens - their children complete idiots - now in school - normal schools.
If I had no money I would buy Immusist and Kelp.
Wow - when a Mom sees her child able to speak for the first time in 10 years - watch out. She will tell the world, and this is just what is happening. You can't take away a mom's license to speak out, can you?
I bind those who are to come against the techniques and Companies in this article and I turn you over to the destruction of your flesh and and I command the demons in these people to the Firey Pit for all eternity, in the name of the King of Kings and Lord of Lords, who was and is and is to come, and in the name of HIS son Jeshua.
APFN Readers -make this go viral, thanks.
Honorable Grace
Dr William B. Mount
Knight of Malts - Russian, not Catholic. I belong to GOD, not the Pope
Cpt (Ret) USA
So here goes:
1) First you must decide to live. Whatever your ailment you must decide that the modern medical community got you here - sick - so lets us look outside the "American Medical Box."
2) Begin with vitamins. We recommend you use Centrum Silver. Kelp is much better and if you can afford this use it.
I personally found in me that Osteoperosis went away in 3 months, bone mass went from 65% - 105% in 3 months by using 1 Centrum every other day. VA records as shown on Ch 23 and 77 in Seattle.
3) Clean out your Liver and Kidneys wit a tea of Burdock Root and Rose Hips. One teaspoon of each per week should do you.
4) To cure cancer add iodine.
We sue one water purification tablet every other day - 8MG every other day. If you can afford Kelp Tablets instead - all the better.
1 Teaspoon of Kelp has 1.25MG iodine, you need 3 per day.
If you are allergic to Iodine clean out your system with the Ion Cleanse from E-bay for $120.
The "Cure" rate for the use of vitamins and Iodine is 97% over 10 years. Try that on for size and see how it fits.
In Chernoble the Russian Governement Workers were fed Potassium Iodide and were all dead within 2 years.
My adopted family in Kiev shoveled Radioactive Charcoal and were fed Miso Soup and Sea Weed and they are alive today to talk about it.
When the US Army went into Hiroshima and Nagasaki just after the end of WW2 we discovered that those Japanese that moved back into the cities just after the blast that ate Miso Soup and Kelp lived, those that did not dies.
We used this method on my wife and here are the results: Cancer Tumors and Melanoma stopped growing in 6 weeks, the Melanoma and Tumors were gone in 6 months --- no scarring.
5) So what about Malaria (Parasite): Make a tea of the following ingredients all of equal parts - use 1 /2 teaspoon er day: Burdock Root, Marshmallow, Dandelion Root, Rose Hips, Cloves, Bitter Wormwood (Artemesia Annua).
6) Plaque Build Up and high Blood Pressure: We use 1,000MG EDTA once per week only. Within 1 year my wife's blood pressure went down 35 points.
7) Age Extension: We are currently trying Blue Green Algea form Klamath Lake. The manufacturers claim it extends Human Life, got sued by the FDA and won - so - we are trying it.
8) Full Body Cleanse. The Ion Cleanse is found on Ebay for about $120. It will help detoxify your body and according to many extends Human Life by 7 times. This machine is essential - buy lots of extra coils.
Remember - It takes 6 months to see real results so be patient.
1) Cancer: Many report the use of 1 Teaspoon of Baking Soda per day makes the body basic and the Tumors stop right now.
2) Tumeric: This little spice not only stops tumor growth but reduces swelling and thus reduces your chances for a heart attack In fact - prolonged use softens your veins and arteries and Plaque slowly comes off. No more strokes, heart attacks, Aneurysms go down because blood pressure goes down, and cancer simply stops growing.
We use this daily on everything. We can afford it.
3) Citricare for Vim and Vigor: This is Glycerine Based citrus seed extract. The results against Fungal Infections (Including Cancer) are off the charts.
4) Hyperbaric Chambers. The claims here are remarkable - everything from Lyme Disease to Cancer is reduced to almost Zero, giving your body time to rest and recover.
Cost for a treatment runs about $100. The actual Hyperbaric Chamber runs around $10,000 a piece.
5) The Skilling Institute. The cells of each disease explode at a particular frequency. Ed has mapped the frequencies of so many diseases and added them to one single machine. Walk in with Cancer of Malaria - walk out Cancer or Malaria free.
The Photon Genius runs about $16,000 and every hospital should have one.
The portable Photon Genie runs about $3,500.
The other thing Ed has programmed into this machine are frequencies to stimulate you own cells - so you feel invigorated.
Imagine if a hospital had this machine - No more Malaria, Lyme Disease, Cancer, etc.
6) Surfactants. We have been using these gems for a while and te results are beyond belief.
a) Citricare uses Glycerine and gets rid of so many diseases including HIV - but it tastes horrible. When My wife or I get sick we reach for the bottle and use 100 drops and are fine the next day. It also is extremely effective as a Water Purifier - better than Iodine.
b) Immusist. This is a combination of 80 different Surfactants that are beneficial to Humans. I have been told by those involved incredible stories that I am personally finding true: Diabetes reversed in 2 months, Stage 4 Lung Cancer gone in 4 weeks, Autistic Children can speak in 12 months, in High School in 3 years. More on this product later.
I have even been told by an individual that his plaque in his veins and arteries are gone, and so is his Black Longs form 54 years of heavy smoking. WOW!
He said that 54 years of tar in his lungs - gone. No emphysema, no Athesma, no wheezing in 6 months of using Immusist.
The blood test on a child that could not speak - and the mom was told there was nothing the Medical Community could do for him - speaking in 12 months, his eyes were no longer glazed over. Hundreds of moms telling the same story over and over again.
Military Moms with deformed children by the dozens - their children complete idiots - now in school - normal schools.
If I had no money I would buy Immusist and Kelp.
Wow - when a Mom sees her child able to speak for the first time in 10 years - watch out. She will tell the world, and this is just what is happening. You can't take away a mom's license to speak out, can you?
I bind those who are to come against the techniques and Companies in this article and I turn you over to the destruction of your flesh and and I command the demons in these people to the Firey Pit for all eternity, in the name of the King of Kings and Lord of Lords, who was and is and is to come, and in the name of HIS son Jeshua.
APFN Readers -make this go viral, thanks.
Honorable Grace
Dr William B. Mount
Knight of Malts - Russian, not Catholic. I belong to GOD, not the Pope
Cpt (Ret) USA
This is update #3 on the cure for cancer. This article will literally cover the cure for about anything that ails you - form Cancer to Lupus, from Diabetes to Lyme's Disease.
So here goes:
1) First you must decide to live. Whatever your ailment you must decide that the modern medical community got you here - sick - so lets us look outside the "American Medical Box."
2) Begin with vitamins. We recommend you use Centrum Silver. Kelp is much better and if you can afford this use it.
I personally found in me that Osteoperosis went away in 3 months, bone mass went from 65% - 105% in 3 months by using 1 Centrum every other day. VA records as shown on Ch 23 and 77 in Seattle.
3) Clean out your Liver and Kidneys wit a tea of Burdock Root and Rose Hips. One teaspoon of each per week should do you.
4) To cure cancer add iodine.
We sue one water purification tablet every other day - 8MG every other day. If you can afford Kelp Tablets instead - all the better.
1 Teaspoon of Kelp has 1.25MG iodine, you need 3 per day.
If you are allergic to Iodine clean out your system with the Ion Cleanse from E-bay for $120.
The "Cure" rate for the use of vitamins and Iodine is 97% over 10 years. Try that on for size and see how it fits.
In Chernoble the Russian Governement Workers were fed Potassium Iodide and were all dead within 2 years.
My adopted family in Kiev shoveled Radioactive Charcoal and were fed Miso Soup and Sea Weed and they are alive today to talk about it.
When the US Army went into Hiroshima and Nagasaki just after the end of WW2 we discovered that those Japanese that moved back into the cities just after the blast that ate Miso Soup and Kelp lived, those that did not dies.
We used this method on my wife and here are the results: Cancer Tumors and Melanoma stopped growing in 6 weeks, the Melanoma and Tumors were gone in 6 months --- no scarring.
5) So what about Malaria (Parasite): Make a tea of the following ingredients all of equal parts - use 1 /2 teaspoon er day: Burdock Root, Marshmallow, Dandelion Root, Rose Hips, Cloves, Bitter Wormwood (Artemesia Annua).
6) Plaque Build Up and high Blood Pressure: We use 1,000MG EDTA once per week only. Within 1 year my wife's blood pressure went down 35 points.
7) Age Extension: We are currently trying Blue Green Algea form Klamath Lake. The manufacturers claim it extends Human Life, got sued by the FDA and won - so - we are trying it.
8) Full Body Cleanse. The Ion Cleanse is found on Ebay for about $120. It will help detoxify your body and according to many extends Human Life by 7 times. This machine is essential - buy lots of extra coils.
Remember - It takes 6 months to see real results so be patient.
1) Cancer: Many report the use of 1 Teaspoon of Baking Soda per day makes the body basic and the Tumors stop right now.
2) Tumeric: This little spice not only stops tumor growth but reduces swelling and thus reduces your chances for a heart attack In fact - prolonged use softens your veins and arteries and Plaque slowly comes off. No more strokes, heart attacks, Aneurysms go down because blood pressure goes down, and cancer simply stops growing.
We use this daily on everything. We can afford it.
3) Citricare for Vim and Vigor: This is Glycerine Based citrus seed extract. The results against Fungal Infections (Including Cancer) are off the charts.
4) Hyperbaric Chambers. The claims here are remarkable - everything from Lyme Disease to Cancer is reduced to almost Zero, giving your body time to rest and recover.
Cost for a treatment runs about $100. The actual Hyperbaric Chamber runs around $10,000 a piece.
5) The Skilling Institute. The cells of each disease explode at a particular frequency. Ed has mapped the frequencies of so many diseases and added them to one single machine. Walk in with Cancer of Malaria - walk out Cancer or Malaria free.
The Photon Genius runs about $16,000 and every hospital should have one.
The portable Photon Genie runs about $3,500.
The other thing Ed has programmed into this machine are frequencies to stimulate you own cells - so you feel invigorated.
Imagine if a hospital had this machine - No more Malaria, Lyme Disease, Cancer, etc.
6) Surfactants. We have been using these gems for a while and te results are beyond belief.
a) Citricare uses Glycerine and gets rid of so many diseases including HIV - but it tastes horrible. When My wife or I get sick we reach for the bottle and use 100 drops and are fine the next day. It also is extremely effective as a Water Purifier - better than Iodine.
b) Immusist. This is a combination of 80 different Surfactants that are beneficial to Humans. I have been told by those involved incredible stories that I am personally finding true: Diabetes reversed in 2 months, Stage 4 Lung Cancer gone in 4 weeks, Autistic Children can speak in 12 months, in High School in 3 years. More on this product later.
I have even been told by an individual that his plaque in his veins and arteries are gone, and so is his Black Longs form 54 years of heavy smoking. WOW!
He said that 54 years of tar in his lungs - gone. No emphysema, no Athesma, no wheezing in 6 months of using Immusist.
The blood test on a child that could not speak - and the mom was told there was nothing the Medical Community could do for him - speaking in 12 months, his eyes were no longer glazed over. Hundreds of moms telling the same story over and over again.
Military Moms with deformed children by the dozens - their children complete idiots - now in school - normal schools.
If I had no money I would buy Immusist and Kelp.
Wow - when a Mom sees her child able to speak for the first time in 10 years - watch out. She will tell the world, and this is just what is happening. You can't take away a mom's license to speak out, can you?
I bind those who are to come against the techniques and Companies in this article and I turn you over to the destruction of your flesh and and I command the demons in these people to the Firey Pit for all eternity, in the name of the King of Kings and Lord of Lords, who was and is and is to come, and in the name of HIS son Jeshua.
APFN Readers -make this go viral, thanks.
Honorable Grace
Dr William B. Mount
Knight of Malts - Russian, not Catholic. I belong to GOD, not the Pope
Cpt (Ret) USA
So here goes:
1) First you must decide to live. Whatever your ailment you must decide that the modern medical community got you here - sick - so lets us look outside the "American Medical Box."
2) Begin with vitamins. We recommend you use Centrum Silver. Kelp is much better and if you can afford this use it.
I personally found in me that Osteoperosis went away in 3 months, bone mass went from 65% - 105% in 3 months by using 1 Centrum every other day. VA records as shown on Ch 23 and 77 in Seattle.
3) Clean out your Liver and Kidneys wit a tea of Burdock Root and Rose Hips. One teaspoon of each per week should do you.
4) To cure cancer add iodine.
We sue one water purification tablet every other day - 8MG every other day. If you can afford Kelp Tablets instead - all the better.
1 Teaspoon of Kelp has 1.25MG iodine, you need 3 per day.
If you are allergic to Iodine clean out your system with the Ion Cleanse from E-bay for $120.
The "Cure" rate for the use of vitamins and Iodine is 97% over 10 years. Try that on for size and see how it fits.
In Chernoble the Russian Governement Workers were fed Potassium Iodide and were all dead within 2 years.
My adopted family in Kiev shoveled Radioactive Charcoal and were fed Miso Soup and Sea Weed and they are alive today to talk about it.
When the US Army went into Hiroshima and Nagasaki just after the end of WW2 we discovered that those Japanese that moved back into the cities just after the blast that ate Miso Soup and Kelp lived, those that did not dies.
We used this method on my wife and here are the results: Cancer Tumors and Melanoma stopped growing in 6 weeks, the Melanoma and Tumors were gone in 6 months --- no scarring.
5) So what about Malaria (Parasite): Make a tea of the following ingredients all of equal parts - use 1 /2 teaspoon er day: Burdock Root, Marshmallow, Dandelion Root, Rose Hips, Cloves, Bitter Wormwood (Artemesia Annua).
6) Plaque Build Up and high Blood Pressure: We use 1,000MG EDTA once per week only. Within 1 year my wife's blood pressure went down 35 points.
7) Age Extension: We are currently trying Blue Green Algea form Klamath Lake. The manufacturers claim it extends Human Life, got sued by the FDA and won - so - we are trying it.
8) Full Body Cleanse. The Ion Cleanse is found on Ebay for about $120. It will help detoxify your body and according to many extends Human Life by 7 times. This machine is essential - buy lots of extra coils.
Remember - It takes 6 months to see real results so be patient.
1) Cancer: Many report the use of 1 Teaspoon of Baking Soda per day makes the body basic and the Tumors stop right now.
2) Tumeric: This little spice not only stops tumor growth but reduces swelling and thus reduces your chances for a heart attack In fact - prolonged use softens your veins and arteries and Plaque slowly comes off. No more strokes, heart attacks, Aneurysms go down because blood pressure goes down, and cancer simply stops growing.
We use this daily on everything. We can afford it.
3) Citricare for Vim and Vigor: This is Glycerine Based citrus seed extract. The results against Fungal Infections (Including Cancer) are off the charts.
4) Hyperbaric Chambers. The claims here are remarkable - everything from Lyme Disease to Cancer is reduced to almost Zero, giving your body time to rest and recover.
Cost for a treatment runs about $100. The actual Hyperbaric Chamber runs around $10,000 a piece.
5) The Skilling Institute. The cells of each disease explode at a particular frequency. Ed has mapped the frequencies of so many diseases and added them to one single machine. Walk in with Cancer of Malaria - walk out Cancer or Malaria free.
The Photon Genius runs about $16,000 and every hospital should have one.
The portable Photon Genie runs about $3,500.
The other thing Ed has programmed into this machine are frequencies to stimulate you own cells - so you feel invigorated.
Imagine if a hospital had this machine - No more Malaria, Lyme Disease, Cancer, etc.
6) Surfactants. We have been using these gems for a while and te results are beyond belief.
a) Citricare uses Glycerine and gets rid of so many diseases including HIV - but it tastes horrible. When My wife or I get sick we reach for the bottle and use 100 drops and are fine the next day. It also is extremely effective as a Water Purifier - better than Iodine.
b) Immusist. This is a combination of 80 different Surfactants that are beneficial to Humans. I have been told by those involved incredible stories that I am personally finding true: Diabetes reversed in 2 months, Stage 4 Lung Cancer gone in 4 weeks, Autistic Children can speak in 12 months, in High School in 3 years. More on this product later.
I have even been told by an individual that his plaque in his veins and arteries are gone, and so is his Black Longs form 54 years of heavy smoking. WOW!
He said that 54 years of tar in his lungs - gone. No emphysema, no Athesma, no wheezing in 6 months of using Immusist.
The blood test on a child that could not speak - and the mom was told there was nothing the Medical Community could do for him - speaking in 12 months, his eyes were no longer glazed over. Hundreds of moms telling the same story over and over again.
Military Moms with deformed children by the dozens - their children complete idiots - now in school - normal schools.
If I had no money I would buy Immusist and Kelp.
Wow - when a Mom sees her child able to speak for the first time in 10 years - watch out. She will tell the world, and this is just what is happening. You can't take away a mom's license to speak out, can you?
I bind those who are to come against the techniques and Companies in this article and I turn you over to the destruction of your flesh and and I command the demons in these people to the Firey Pit for all eternity, in the name of the King of Kings and Lord of Lords, who was and is and is to come, and in the name of HIS son Jeshua.
APFN Readers -make this go viral, thanks.
Honorable Grace
Dr William B. Mount
Knight of Malts - Russian, not Catholic. I belong to GOD, not the Pope
Cpt (Ret) USA
Huge Developments in the World
This very hour we are seeing some huge developments on this planet.
Please pray with me - focus - that Lucifer's Plan to start this Nuclear War fails miserably.
1) Fukushima was pounded by a very large wave today. The US is again playing with Tidal Wave Makers in the form of large "explosions off of Sendai.
We have the technology to neutralize the radiation at Fukushima but someone needs to want to clean up Japan and so far - no one has come forward.
2) John Kerry gave a speech were he stated he met with a Russian Delegate, who happened to be on the opposite side of the Globe at a Nuclear Security Meeting.
Minutes of his speech 30 March:
"""""This afternoon when I spoke with Prime Minister Yatsenyuk, I reiterated the United States’ commitment to coordinate closely with Ukraine and to sustain our strong support throughout this process. With the full support of the Ukrainian people, Prime Minister Yatsenyuk is moving ahead with constitutional change, democratic elections, and painful but necessary economic reforms. And as we have seen in the past week at the IMF and the UN, as well as in the EU and the G7, the international community stands firmly with Ukraine. We will continue working in lockstep to provide them with the economic and the political support that they need during their transition."""""
3) Further - John Kerry is fully implicated in working with Turkey to start a major Nuclear War in Syria, something the US has planned since 2006.
4) Thus before The President Obamas (6 of them) thus took office the war with Syria was planned. Pres Obama is just an actor - a puppet on a string.
5) The US is planning another False flag - from what I can read 14 April (+-3) in Boston using a plane crashing into the commons and an already in place Nuke on the ground - set up by the Jesuits centered in Chicago. Alternate target is currently Seattle - the center of the city.
This is why all the Hubub surrounding Flght 370.
6) APFN - you are right. The patents held were very important - they allow the Rothchilds to directly track, and control, everyone on the planet from London.
These chips can be placed in weapons and preset so if you are an "Undesireable" they can kill you from 8,000 miles away. This gives them Great Pleasure.
I had to wait to release this information until I knew where the next false flag was planned.
7) John Kerry also talked about the Russian Troops on the Ukraine Boarder - there are none and NBC confirmed it.
John Kerry's Speech again:
"""""Both sides made suggestions on ways to deescalate the security and political situation in and around Ukraine. We also agreed to work with the Ukrainian Government and the people to implement the steps that they are taking to assure the following priorities: the rights of national minorities; language rights; demobilization and disarmament of irregular forces and provocateurs; an inclusive constitutional reform process, and free and fair elections monitored by the international community."""""
8) Tour Of Ukraine Boarder finds NO Russian Troops. The entire crisis is Made Up by the US State Department.
Nothing John Kerry or Pres Obama says is true - nothing.
9) Today Russia has come out with a Gold Backed Rubble. Forced to trade without the US Dollar the BRIC nations are now falling behind the new Rubble. Further - Russia has flushed the Dollar from Russia.
10) Within a few days China will follow Russia.
11) A little about the coming False Flag to start WW3:
The Rothchilds and Rockefallars and their coward Jesuits kill openly because no World Leader is man enough to kill them and if you try you will be tortured until the day you die.
They kill Ambassadors. Presidents, plan loads of people, start World Wars and fly planes into buildings. As we speak they have teams of folks who get their jollies by shooting folks with Microwave weapons. This is who they are.
Flight 47, Flight 800, Flight 370, 9/11, Oklahoma City, WACO, Ambassador Christopher Stevens and the Japanese Ambassador to Japan (Same Day) - the list of their murders goes on and on and on.
TMI - Too Much Information, Enough.
This is a spiritual war. Pray - Visualize - the Living GOD neutralizing their weapons permanently.
For you Intel Geeks:
If I am wrong even once -all of you die in one big fire ball.
You heard this first here on APFN
Dr William B. Mount
Please pray with me - focus - that Lucifer's Plan to start this Nuclear War fails miserably.
1) Fukushima was pounded by a very large wave today. The US is again playing with Tidal Wave Makers in the form of large "explosions off of Sendai.
We have the technology to neutralize the radiation at Fukushima but someone needs to want to clean up Japan and so far - no one has come forward.
2) John Kerry gave a speech were he stated he met with a Russian Delegate, who happened to be on the opposite side of the Globe at a Nuclear Security Meeting.
Minutes of his speech 30 March:
"""""This afternoon when I spoke with Prime Minister Yatsenyuk, I reiterated the United States’ commitment to coordinate closely with Ukraine and to sustain our strong support throughout this process. With the full support of the Ukrainian people, Prime Minister Yatsenyuk is moving ahead with constitutional change, democratic elections, and painful but necessary economic reforms. And as we have seen in the past week at the IMF and the UN, as well as in the EU and the G7, the international community stands firmly with Ukraine. We will continue working in lockstep to provide them with the economic and the political support that they need during their transition."""""
3) Further - John Kerry is fully implicated in working with Turkey to start a major Nuclear War in Syria, something the US has planned since 2006.
4) Thus before The President Obamas (6 of them) thus took office the war with Syria was planned. Pres Obama is just an actor - a puppet on a string.
5) The US is planning another False flag - from what I can read 14 April (+-3) in Boston using a plane crashing into the commons and an already in place Nuke on the ground - set up by the Jesuits centered in Chicago. Alternate target is currently Seattle - the center of the city.
This is why all the Hubub surrounding Flght 370.
6) APFN - you are right. The patents held were very important - they allow the Rothchilds to directly track, and control, everyone on the planet from London.
These chips can be placed in weapons and preset so if you are an "Undesireable" they can kill you from 8,000 miles away. This gives them Great Pleasure.
I had to wait to release this information until I knew where the next false flag was planned.
7) John Kerry also talked about the Russian Troops on the Ukraine Boarder - there are none and NBC confirmed it.
John Kerry's Speech again:
"""""Both sides made suggestions on ways to deescalate the security and political situation in and around Ukraine. We also agreed to work with the Ukrainian Government and the people to implement the steps that they are taking to assure the following priorities: the rights of national minorities; language rights; demobilization and disarmament of irregular forces and provocateurs; an inclusive constitutional reform process, and free and fair elections monitored by the international community."""""
8) Tour Of Ukraine Boarder finds NO Russian Troops. The entire crisis is Made Up by the US State Department.
Nothing John Kerry or Pres Obama says is true - nothing.
9) Today Russia has come out with a Gold Backed Rubble. Forced to trade without the US Dollar the BRIC nations are now falling behind the new Rubble. Further - Russia has flushed the Dollar from Russia.
10) Within a few days China will follow Russia.
11) A little about the coming False Flag to start WW3:
The Rothchilds and Rockefallars and their coward Jesuits kill openly because no World Leader is man enough to kill them and if you try you will be tortured until the day you die.
They kill Ambassadors. Presidents, plan loads of people, start World Wars and fly planes into buildings. As we speak they have teams of folks who get their jollies by shooting folks with Microwave weapons. This is who they are.
Flight 47, Flight 800, Flight 370, 9/11, Oklahoma City, WACO, Ambassador Christopher Stevens and the Japanese Ambassador to Japan (Same Day) - the list of their murders goes on and on and on.
TMI - Too Much Information, Enough.
This is a spiritual war. Pray - Visualize - the Living GOD neutralizing their weapons permanently.
For you Intel Geeks:
If I am wrong even once -all of you die in one big fire ball.
You heard this first here on APFN
Dr William B. Mount
Woodpecker Frequencies
Illustration after Soviet Military Power, Department of Defense, 1985, p. 45
In July 1976 the U.S. received very special Bicentennial greetings from the Soviet Union.
At that time, communications systems of the world in the 3-30 megaHertz band suddenly met substantial interference from extremely powerful, chirped Soviet transmitters which were suddenly activated. These transmitters continue their transmissions to this day.
Estimates of the power of these enormous transmitters vary, but figures range as high as several hundred megawatts, with a nominal figure being 100 megawatts.
These powerful transmitters were promptly nicknamed "Woodpeckers" because of the characteristic sound of the chirped signal when received. That is, the received signal made a "pecking" sound much like a woodpecker’s beak hitting a block of wood. You can hear the Woodpecker signal here:
Several nations protested, but the powerful signals have continued, right down to this day. The only Soviet response was to add a "spread spectrum" capability, so that the transmitter did not dwell too long on one specific frequency, but shifted periodically to other frequencies.
These transmitters have apparently never been precisely located by U.S. intelligence, but their beams carry much of the characteristics of an over-the-horizon (OTH) radar. They have been dubbed OTH-radars by U.S. intelligence, and can without question perform that mission, in addition to some very interesting missions which U.S. intelligence does not assess.
Soviet Military Power, Department of Defense, 1985, p. 45 shows the direct intersection over the United States of the Woodpecker radar beams used in an OTH-role. We show an illustration of that intersection on this slide.
In addition, we show an additional "scanner" beam which can be scanned across the intersection "grid" over the U.S., formed by waveform interference of two main Woodpecker beams.
These Woodpecker transmitters have a great many diverse functions.
First, they can be used in a conventional over-the-horizon radar node, since their beams follow the earth-ionosphere waveguide and curve around the earth. In this mode they can detect missiles at launch and thereafter, and strategic bombers when taking off and thereafter.
However, these scalar interference grid weapons have many other uses.
First, they can be used to biologically attack entire populations in a targeted area. This aspect is not covered in this briefing. Suffice it to say that phase-locked ELF modulation signals to 10 Hz and less are often detected on multiple Woodpecker frequencies simultaneously. In a target area, this modulation -- if sufficiently stronger than the Schumann resonance of the earth’s magnetic field -- will entrain a percentage of the brains into "forced entrainment." In that case, these human brains are "synchronized" to the Woodpecker signals so that multiple coherent frequencies are phase-locked into them. That is, multiple coherent EM channels directly into these entrained brains now exist. At that point, Fourier expansions may be used to attack specific portions of the brain geometrically.
In addition, scalar EM disease patterns can be modulated upon the carriers, again with Fourier expansions. Specific biological effects can be induced in the entrained populace at will, limited only by the state of the art of the Soviet technology used to attack them. Possible induced effects include instantaneous death, heart seizure, severe emotional disruption, loss of control of internal functions, diseases, disabling of the immune system, and even implantation of thoughts, emotions, and ideas which are interpreted by the targeted subjects as their own.
While further discussion of this area is beyond the scope of this briefing, the biological aspects of the Woodpecker transmitters are horrible. It suffices to say that, in thousands of experiments, Kaznacheyev demonstrated that almost any kind of cellular death and disease pattern could be electromagnetically transmitted. Kaznacheyev reported the effect in the near ultraviolet. Experimenters at the University of Marburg in West Germany duplicated the experiments in the infrared.
The bottom line is that photons themselves can carry death and disease patterns between cells. Scalar EM technology allows the synthesis of the actual potential pattern (which after all represents total control of charge and charge distribution, hence biochemistry in the cell) of a particular cellular disease or death mechanism. Symptoms (and cellular death from them!) of nuclear radiation, chemical poisoning, bacterial infection, and other mechanisms were successfully induced by the Kaznacheyev experiments.
Dr. Popp of West Germany has published an analysis of the virtual photon master control system of the cells. Since scalar EM represents the deliberate ordering of virtual particle flux into deterministic patterns, the master control system can readily be entered with scalar techniques to induce disease and disorder at will.
Related Searches:
History Of Political Philosophy
John Stuart
Western Philosophy
Ancient Greek Philosophy
Philosophy Of Science
Illustration after Soviet Military Power, Department of Defense, 1985, p. 45
In July 1976 the U.S. received very special Bicentennial greetings from the Soviet Union.
At that time, communications systems of the world in the 3-30 megaHertz band suddenly met substantial interference from extremely powerful, chirped Soviet transmitters which were suddenly activated. These transmitters continue their transmissions to this day.
Estimates of the power of these enormous transmitters vary, but figures range as high as several hundred megawatts, with a nominal figure being 100 megawatts.
These powerful transmitters were promptly nicknamed "Woodpeckers" because of the characteristic sound of the chirped signal when received. That is, the received signal made a "pecking" sound much like a woodpecker’s beak hitting a block of wood. You can hear the Woodpecker signal here:
Several nations protested, but the powerful signals have continued, right down to this day. The only Soviet response was to add a "spread spectrum" capability, so that the transmitter did not dwell too long on one specific frequency, but shifted periodically to other frequencies.
These transmitters have apparently never been precisely located by U.S. intelligence, but their beams carry much of the characteristics of an over-the-horizon (OTH) radar. They have been dubbed OTH-radars by U.S. intelligence, and can without question perform that mission, in addition to some very interesting missions which U.S. intelligence does not assess.
Soviet Military Power, Department of Defense, 1985, p. 45 shows the direct intersection over the United States of the Woodpecker radar beams used in an OTH-role. We show an illustration of that intersection on this slide.
In addition, we show an additional "scanner" beam which can be scanned across the intersection "grid" over the U.S., formed by waveform interference of two main Woodpecker beams.
These Woodpecker transmitters have a great many diverse functions.
First, they can be used in a conventional over-the-horizon radar node, since their beams follow the earth-ionosphere waveguide and curve around the earth. In this mode they can detect missiles at launch and thereafter, and strategic bombers when taking off and thereafter.
However, these scalar interference grid weapons have many other uses.
First, they can be used to biologically attack entire populations in a targeted area. This aspect is not covered in this briefing. Suffice it to say that phase-locked ELF modulation signals to 10 Hz and less are often detected on multiple Woodpecker frequencies simultaneously. In a target area, this modulation -- if sufficiently stronger than the Schumann resonance of the earth’s magnetic field -- will entrain a percentage of the brains into "forced entrainment." In that case, these human brains are "synchronized" to the Woodpecker signals so that multiple coherent frequencies are phase-locked into them. That is, multiple coherent EM channels directly into these entrained brains now exist. At that point, Fourier expansions may be used to attack specific portions of the brain geometrically.
In addition, scalar EM disease patterns can be modulated upon the carriers, again with Fourier expansions. Specific biological effects can be induced in the entrained populace at will, limited only by the state of the art of the Soviet technology used to attack them. Possible induced effects include instantaneous death, heart seizure, severe emotional disruption, loss of control of internal functions, diseases, disabling of the immune system, and even implantation of thoughts, emotions, and ideas which are interpreted by the targeted subjects as their own.
While further discussion of this area is beyond the scope of this briefing, the biological aspects of the Woodpecker transmitters are horrible. It suffices to say that, in thousands of experiments, Kaznacheyev demonstrated that almost any kind of cellular death and disease pattern could be electromagnetically transmitted. Kaznacheyev reported the effect in the near ultraviolet. Experimenters at the University of Marburg in West Germany duplicated the experiments in the infrared.
The bottom line is that photons themselves can carry death and disease patterns between cells. Scalar EM technology allows the synthesis of the actual potential pattern (which after all represents total control of charge and charge distribution, hence biochemistry in the cell) of a particular cellular disease or death mechanism. Symptoms (and cellular death from them!) of nuclear radiation, chemical poisoning, bacterial infection, and other mechanisms were successfully induced by the Kaznacheyev experiments.
Dr. Popp of West Germany has published an analysis of the virtual photon master control system of the cells. Since scalar EM represents the deliberate ordering of virtual particle flux into deterministic patterns, the master control system can readily be entered with scalar techniques to induce disease and disorder at will.
Related Searches:
History Of Political Philosophy
John Stuart
Western Philosophy
Ancient Greek Philosophy
Philosophy Of Science
Flight 370 Again?
You have to be kidding me.
The runway on a carrier is 1000 feet long, Diego Garcia 1,208 feet long.
A B-52 is 40 feet shorter than a Boeing 777-200.
Following is a picture of a B-52 on a carrier deck.
Think it actually landed there?
So with one line in and one line out how does an "Engineer" call out?
Now we hear rumors that Osama Bin Laden took the plane to an underground underwater Super Duper Top Secret Cave so they can refuel it using Clam Shells and fly it into New Your carrying a Nuke made out of Sea Weed?
Maybe there is a duplicate in Tel Aviv or India, or even in a Super Top Secret Base on Gilligan's Uncharted Island?
Please. You sound like Idiots.
While this may look like a gag shot, it is actually a “transport of a transport†necessity. The B-52 was in Beirut, Lebanon undergoing routine fuel tank cleaning. Workmen accidentally damaged the bladder system and had to install the bladders from smaller C-130s temporarily. The plane was flown to nearby McCollough Air Base where it was lifted upon a barge bound for Tyre on the Mediterranean. Once there it was off-loaded onto the carrier deck for transport to Crete where the appropriate tank bladders were installed. It was then flown back to Beirut. Military cooperation in action.
B-52 Bomber on an aircraft carrier
While this may look like a gag shot, it is actually a “transport of a transport†necessity. The B-52 was in Beirut, Lebanon undergoing routine fuel tank cleaning. Workmen accidentally damaged the bladder system and had to install the bladders from smaller C-130s temporarily. The plane was flown to nearby McCollough Air Base where it was lifted upon a barge bound for Tyre on the Mediterranean. Once there it was off-loaded onto the carrier deck for transport to Crete where the appropriate tank bladders were installed. It was then flown back to Beirut. Military cooperation in action.
B-52 Bomber on an aircraft carrier
So please - the next time someone discusses this plane they are completely and with intent misleading you and trying to create a fight among those who really know the truth.
Please pray the real truth comes out.
For you Intel Geeks:
1) The Earth is being pulled too and fro by the magnetic fluxes we are now seeing on the sun.
2) IE: A really bad 5.1 earthquake in Los Angeles with lots of after shocks.
3) Yellowstone is now on the move with a 4.8 quake there. Dr Will Wilson, All Day Live TV Show, is on top of that one.
4) Japan - you folks asked about future Earthquakes. Yes - Japan will begin to roll very soon - near Sendai and Tokyo, and some near Kuru. It could be intense. Your Govt was told what to do, you ignored GOD, and GOD WILL NOT BE MOCKED.
5) Ask me later about other Super Duper Real painted out military bases near Diego Garcia - but the Boeing Plane is not there either. I "Heard It Through The Grape Vine."
Please pray with me - visualize - people wake up quick and join in our prayers.
You heard this first here on APFN.
Dr William B. Mount
The runway on a carrier is 1000 feet long, Diego Garcia 1,208 feet long.
A B-52 is 40 feet shorter than a Boeing 777-200.
Following is a picture of a B-52 on a carrier deck.
Think it actually landed there?
So with one line in and one line out how does an "Engineer" call out?
Now we hear rumors that Osama Bin Laden took the plane to an underground underwater Super Duper Top Secret Cave so they can refuel it using Clam Shells and fly it into New Your carrying a Nuke made out of Sea Weed?
Maybe there is a duplicate in Tel Aviv or India, or even in a Super Top Secret Base on Gilligan's Uncharted Island?
Please. You sound like Idiots.
While this may look like a gag shot, it is actually a “transport of a transport†necessity. The B-52 was in Beirut, Lebanon undergoing routine fuel tank cleaning. Workmen accidentally damaged the bladder system and had to install the bladders from smaller C-130s temporarily. The plane was flown to nearby McCollough Air Base where it was lifted upon a barge bound for Tyre on the Mediterranean. Once there it was off-loaded onto the carrier deck for transport to Crete where the appropriate tank bladders were installed. It was then flown back to Beirut. Military cooperation in action.
B-52 Bomber on an aircraft carrier
While this may look like a gag shot, it is actually a “transport of a transport†necessity. The B-52 was in Beirut, Lebanon undergoing routine fuel tank cleaning. Workmen accidentally damaged the bladder system and had to install the bladders from smaller C-130s temporarily. The plane was flown to nearby McCollough Air Base where it was lifted upon a barge bound for Tyre on the Mediterranean. Once there it was off-loaded onto the carrier deck for transport to Crete where the appropriate tank bladders were installed. It was then flown back to Beirut. Military cooperation in action.
B-52 Bomber on an aircraft carrier
So please - the next time someone discusses this plane they are completely and with intent misleading you and trying to create a fight among those who really know the truth.
Please pray the real truth comes out.
For you Intel Geeks:
1) The Earth is being pulled too and fro by the magnetic fluxes we are now seeing on the sun.
2) IE: A really bad 5.1 earthquake in Los Angeles with lots of after shocks.
3) Yellowstone is now on the move with a 4.8 quake there. Dr Will Wilson, All Day Live TV Show, is on top of that one.
4) Japan - you folks asked about future Earthquakes. Yes - Japan will begin to roll very soon - near Sendai and Tokyo, and some near Kuru. It could be intense. Your Govt was told what to do, you ignored GOD, and GOD WILL NOT BE MOCKED.
5) Ask me later about other Super Duper Real painted out military bases near Diego Garcia - but the Boeing Plane is not there either. I "Heard It Through The Grape Vine."
Please pray with me - visualize - people wake up quick and join in our prayers.
You heard this first here on APFN.
Dr William B. Mount
World Leaders Wearing Bizaar Pyramid Symbols on Lapels
As you read this visualize that your eyes are opened to the extent as
to what is really going on around the world. According to the UN
Lucifer's Teacher is about to return.
The Story:
In a meeting that just concluded most of the world leaders were wearing the symbol of the Pyramid on their lapels.
In the center of the room was a bizaar Hologram of a spinning Pyramid.
The meeting in Hague was supposed to be about Nuclear Security - yet after identifying over 70 Nuclear False Flag around the world not one Intel Agency bothered to pick up the phone and call.
In other words - it was not about Nuclear Security.
Note several things:
1) All of the World Leaders were wearing the Pyramid except Pres Obama.
2) No one openly greeted the US President.
3) Pres Obama had no Enterage' surrounding him this time.
4) The symbols around the table were those found in the Main Egyptian Pyramid.
Note there are two videos. They do not care any more what is released to the public.
You, the American Public, will believe whatever you are told and do whatever they tell you to do. You have been assimilated.
You believed a full sized jet hit the Pentagon on 9/11 then you will believe a 777-200 fully loaded could land on a carrier deck.
They are all actors on a stage set now to kill 6.5 Billion Humans.
The Videos:
You saw these two together first here on APFN
Dr William B. Mount
B52 on a Carrier Deck:
Hole in Pentagon a full sized airliner went through?
The Story:
In a meeting that just concluded most of the world leaders were wearing the symbol of the Pyramid on their lapels.
In the center of the room was a bizaar Hologram of a spinning Pyramid.
The meeting in Hague was supposed to be about Nuclear Security - yet after identifying over 70 Nuclear False Flag around the world not one Intel Agency bothered to pick up the phone and call.
In other words - it was not about Nuclear Security.
Note several things:
1) All of the World Leaders were wearing the Pyramid except Pres Obama.
2) No one openly greeted the US President.
3) Pres Obama had no Enterage' surrounding him this time.
4) The symbols around the table were those found in the Main Egyptian Pyramid.
Note there are two videos. They do not care any more what is released to the public.
You, the American Public, will believe whatever you are told and do whatever they tell you to do. You have been assimilated.
You believed a full sized jet hit the Pentagon on 9/11 then you will believe a 777-200 fully loaded could land on a carrier deck.
They are all actors on a stage set now to kill 6.5 Billion Humans.
The Videos:
You saw these two together first here on APFN
Dr William B. Mount
B52 on a Carrier Deck:
Hole in Pentagon a full sized airliner went through?
Thursday, March 27, 2014
Oh Boy - More on Flight 370
The world is at the verge of nuclear War and we are talking about flight 370.
OK - so it turned course and flew a very long way to Diego Garcia and no civilian jets or military jets form Malaysia or Cambodia or Ceylon of Vietnam, or Thailand or India or Australia saw this missing plane?
Then this Boeing 777-200 Jumbe Jet fully loaded with Passengers and Luggage landed on an Air Strip the size of an Air Craft Carrier and none of the passengers made a call to their family or loved ones in those three extra hours of flight?
"Hey Momma - we took a left turn and are off course"
Not one telephone call to their family members in a three hour period flying to Diego Garcia?
It was a clear day. The moment you made a left turn at 35,000 feet and fly over Malaysia Again you would look down and notice the Island, right?
And there are all sorts of Cell Towers and radar in hte huge cities it woudl have flown over, right?
The Thailand and Malaysian and Indian Air Force would have an immediate military response due to a large Jumbo Jet entering their Air Space that was not expected - especially after 9/11 - right?
Ever flown before?
We are talking about a Jumbo Jet lading on a 1,208 (On a good Day) foot air strip that has passengers and luggage?
OK - we can land a 50 year old B-52 there but their wings are stiff (Not Flexible like on ht 777-200 JUMBO JET) and their landing gear beefed up to land on this strip.
So now we suddenly have some US paid "Al Kada" member telling us this hijacking was planned what - 15 years ago?
Then the plane was stored in a hanger?
What next - a monkey claiming it saw the jet on it's island?
Besides - Diego Garcia has no large hangers.
There ain't squat on Diego Garcia except nice beaches and Military Women.
Look at the Aerial Photos.
Think About It..............
The Rothchilds know we are all watching them - focusing our energy to kick them off this planet.
So they create a controversy so we fight among ourselves.
So rather than watching these demon Possessed Creeps we fight each other.
Move on People - we were tricked into believing some master conspiracy.
Ain't no large hangers on Diego Garcia, ain't no good women to date there and housing for us military folks stinks and the food is not that good and the water is horrible - but the beaches are great if you want a tan and it is very peaceful there.
You heard this first here on APFN
Dr William B. Mount
Retired Army Captain
OK - so it turned course and flew a very long way to Diego Garcia and no civilian jets or military jets form Malaysia or Cambodia or Ceylon of Vietnam, or Thailand or India or Australia saw this missing plane?
Then this Boeing 777-200 Jumbe Jet fully loaded with Passengers and Luggage landed on an Air Strip the size of an Air Craft Carrier and none of the passengers made a call to their family or loved ones in those three extra hours of flight?
"Hey Momma - we took a left turn and are off course"
Not one telephone call to their family members in a three hour period flying to Diego Garcia?
It was a clear day. The moment you made a left turn at 35,000 feet and fly over Malaysia Again you would look down and notice the Island, right?
And there are all sorts of Cell Towers and radar in hte huge cities it woudl have flown over, right?
The Thailand and Malaysian and Indian Air Force would have an immediate military response due to a large Jumbo Jet entering their Air Space that was not expected - especially after 9/11 - right?
Ever flown before?
We are talking about a Jumbo Jet lading on a 1,208 (On a good Day) foot air strip that has passengers and luggage?
OK - we can land a 50 year old B-52 there but their wings are stiff (Not Flexible like on ht 777-200 JUMBO JET) and their landing gear beefed up to land on this strip.
So now we suddenly have some US paid "Al Kada" member telling us this hijacking was planned what - 15 years ago?
Then the plane was stored in a hanger?
What next - a monkey claiming it saw the jet on it's island?
Besides - Diego Garcia has no large hangers.
There ain't squat on Diego Garcia except nice beaches and Military Women.
Look at the Aerial Photos.
Think About It..............
The Rothchilds know we are all watching them - focusing our energy to kick them off this planet.
So they create a controversy so we fight among ourselves.
So rather than watching these demon Possessed Creeps we fight each other.
Move on People - we were tricked into believing some master conspiracy.
Ain't no large hangers on Diego Garcia, ain't no good women to date there and housing for us military folks stinks and the food is not that good and the water is horrible - but the beaches are great if you want a tan and it is very peaceful there.
You heard this first here on APFN
Dr William B. Mount
Retired Army Captain
Wednesday, March 26, 2014
The Six Zeroes Come Home To Roost
Before we begin please focus on the idea - pray with me - that those attacking APFN are immobilized and cannot do it any more.
As we begin discussing the coming Nuclear War we must first understand what a "Petro-Dollar" is. This was explained to me by a former Director of the CIA: The Petro Dollar is measured in the Federal Reserve Notes (US Dollars) necessary to by a 45 gallon barrel of oil.
Current Petro Dollar is worth $15.
Current Speculative cost of a Barrel of Oil is around $107.3 for Brent Crude Oil.
The coming war was set up years ago and is proceeding as planned - with the exception of the fact that most of NATO does not want anything to do with the sanctions placed on Russia.
Just a few hours ago both Germany and Switzerland told the "I F/UK/US U nion" to get lost.
This means that there are about 10 nations that stand against the world - so be it.
Poland just called up there reserves.
Russia is currently conducting military drills in Moldovia and Serbia, as well as near Arch Angel. Their Submarine Fleet is also fully deployed.
Turkey this morning sent in large "UN" convoys to help kill Syrian Military Personnel. There were about as many "Band Aids and Medical Supplies" on those convoys as I have in my truck.
The Chinese and Japanese - Black and Golden Dragon Societies are still undecided but my guess is that most of the BRIC nations will stand together.
seven Years Ago I talked about this coming war at THIS TIME.
The seven year cycle of warning the world is over.
I am only a messenger from the Living GOD. I am the lowest ranked individual there is. I only deliver messages.
While we are fixated on watching some films about a lost plane, fighting amongst ourselves over whether or not Sorcha is correct (Their Video of the lost plane was altered purposely - watch it closely, no object darting across the screen). SO be very careful when quoting them. I love their reporting ---- but sometimes they alter the facts just a bit.
Russia is stirring up this war as well. In the latest developments in Iran they are planning on building TWO new Nuke Plants to generate power near Tehran.
Knowing what is posted on You tube about water powered cars and other alternate energy forms they are just as culpable in the creation of this coming Nuclear War.
Please focus with me - pray - that Lucifer fails to start this Nuclear World War and there Six Zeroes are satisfied or our entire financial system will fall, so says the I AM That I AM, who was and is and is to come.
GOD WILL NOT BE MOCKED - not by Obama or by Putin.
For your understanding of what is occurring, following is a video clearly showing an alternate form of energy,one of dozens we have talked about here on APFN.
Following is a Video showing the burning of Sea Water to get Free Energy:
This is a made up war and it's issues are also made up and we are the victims because we are too easily deceived and too lazy to stop it.
For You Intel Geeks
First - your HQ is targeted in this coming war, and you can kiss the underground bases you have by by as well. I really hope you like Well done Intel Geeks. Not kidding - GOD says you are the first to go because you did so little to help stop it --- if it kicks off in April. You should have helped when you could have.
This means YOU CIA and Naval Intel.
As for Fort Langley, the Pentagon, Fort Belvior and San Diego Underground Bases - have you made out your wills?
Bunker Busters and Wood Pecker Frequencies?
You are all sitting Ducks if YOU let this happen.
Second - Pres Obama just stated he is more worried about a Nuke going off in Manhattan than the Russians.
If you would help a little bit we might just be able to stop the next one form Coming Into Manhattan. We have stopped - what - A dozen from being detonated in Manhattan in the last 7 years?
President Obama - if you Value Manhattan you will Satisfy the Six Zeroes or the Living GOD may not be so merciful next time. It is HIS call.
You heard this first here on APFN
Dr William B Mount
As we begin discussing the coming Nuclear War we must first understand what a "Petro-Dollar" is. This was explained to me by a former Director of the CIA: The Petro Dollar is measured in the Federal Reserve Notes (US Dollars) necessary to by a 45 gallon barrel of oil.
Current Petro Dollar is worth $15.
Current Speculative cost of a Barrel of Oil is around $107.3 for Brent Crude Oil.
The coming war was set up years ago and is proceeding as planned - with the exception of the fact that most of NATO does not want anything to do with the sanctions placed on Russia.
Just a few hours ago both Germany and Switzerland told the "I F/UK/US U nion" to get lost.
This means that there are about 10 nations that stand against the world - so be it.
Poland just called up there reserves.
Russia is currently conducting military drills in Moldovia and Serbia, as well as near Arch Angel. Their Submarine Fleet is also fully deployed.
Turkey this morning sent in large "UN" convoys to help kill Syrian Military Personnel. There were about as many "Band Aids and Medical Supplies" on those convoys as I have in my truck.
The Chinese and Japanese - Black and Golden Dragon Societies are still undecided but my guess is that most of the BRIC nations will stand together.
seven Years Ago I talked about this coming war at THIS TIME.
The seven year cycle of warning the world is over.
I am only a messenger from the Living GOD. I am the lowest ranked individual there is. I only deliver messages.
While we are fixated on watching some films about a lost plane, fighting amongst ourselves over whether or not Sorcha is correct (Their Video of the lost plane was altered purposely - watch it closely, no object darting across the screen). SO be very careful when quoting them. I love their reporting ---- but sometimes they alter the facts just a bit.
Russia is stirring up this war as well. In the latest developments in Iran they are planning on building TWO new Nuke Plants to generate power near Tehran.
Knowing what is posted on You tube about water powered cars and other alternate energy forms they are just as culpable in the creation of this coming Nuclear War.
Please focus with me - pray - that Lucifer fails to start this Nuclear World War and there Six Zeroes are satisfied or our entire financial system will fall, so says the I AM That I AM, who was and is and is to come.
GOD WILL NOT BE MOCKED - not by Obama or by Putin.
For your understanding of what is occurring, following is a video clearly showing an alternate form of energy,one of dozens we have talked about here on APFN.
Following is a Video showing the burning of Sea Water to get Free Energy:
This is a made up war and it's issues are also made up and we are the victims because we are too easily deceived and too lazy to stop it.
For You Intel Geeks
First - your HQ is targeted in this coming war, and you can kiss the underground bases you have by by as well. I really hope you like Well done Intel Geeks. Not kidding - GOD says you are the first to go because you did so little to help stop it --- if it kicks off in April. You should have helped when you could have.
This means YOU CIA and Naval Intel.
As for Fort Langley, the Pentagon, Fort Belvior and San Diego Underground Bases - have you made out your wills?
Bunker Busters and Wood Pecker Frequencies?
You are all sitting Ducks if YOU let this happen.
Second - Pres Obama just stated he is more worried about a Nuke going off in Manhattan than the Russians.
If you would help a little bit we might just be able to stop the next one form Coming Into Manhattan. We have stopped - what - A dozen from being detonated in Manhattan in the last 7 years?
President Obama - if you Value Manhattan you will Satisfy the Six Zeroes or the Living GOD may not be so merciful next time. It is HIS call.
You heard this first here on APFN
Dr William B Mount
Osa Rescuers Please Read This
A few short days ago a huge portion of a mountain came down on a town
in North Western Washington called Osa. This small town is up a narrow
highway and pretty well disconnected form the mainstream cities so
getting rescue workers there was pretty tough.
as you read this visualize - pray - that the rescue efforts go well in Snohomish County and pray that the county begins using the product they could use to prevent this from happening again.
One real stroke of luck was that local Sheriffs Helicopters were currently working in the area and within minutes began pulling people out of the mud.
The total dead has now near 200.
First: Rescue Workers be careful because the mus is still slipping.
Second: The State of Washington Corporation has within it's control to send you well over 50 Cats, over 50 Dump Trucks all within a matter of 24 hours. We have 5 Engineer Battalions YOU already pay for and my experience with the national Guard is that you could have well over 300 Volunteers show up at your door step if the Governor would release funds for food and duel.
Third: Not too long ago we did a story of why landslides occur and how to prevent them. Your county chose to ignore these warnings.
Fourth: Your own county decided not to take action 4 years ago in this area because of cost.
So why do Hillsides slide:
1) Excessive Rain.
2) Acid rain has been hitting the Washington West Coast for decades. This hgas caused several actions to occur:
a) The rain contains oils and these oils clog soil particles and plant root depth decreases - thus destabilizing the hillside.
b) Immobile Elements wash out of the soil - like Magnesium, Zinc and Manganese - causing the plants to get sick, root depths to shorten, and again destabilizing the hillside.
c) Calcium washes out of the soil due to this acid rain - nw measuring between 5.0 and 4.8 - enough to sizzle baking soda on your driveway.
It is this Calcium that is the primary stabilizing element in the soil. No Calcium - the soil becomes a mush.
Think of Cement or your teeth - mostly Calcium, right?
So how do you stabilize a hillside:
1) Drain it. In this case put in lateral drainage pipes. Get out there with Sledge Hammers and drive Metal Pipes with hole in them to create a dry hillside.
2) We offered to teach the county how to make a product that contains a Surfactant, all elements essential for plant life and high levels of Calcium to use on top of the area to stabilize the soils.
They said: No.
So did the State of Washington Highway Department.
Cost: $1/Ac/Mo.
I offer my 25 years of research to the county at no cost. I do wish to see more Americans die die to Snohomish County Arrogance and Greed.
It would cost the county about $10,000/month to stabilize their roadbeds in this county using this product.
Repair costs for roads would be cut in half.
Now we have almost 200 dead - how much tax revenue and cost in Law Suits will you now incur Snohomish County?
Perhaps you folks should consider using this product again?
You heard this first here on APFN
Dr William B. Mount
as you read this visualize - pray - that the rescue efforts go well in Snohomish County and pray that the county begins using the product they could use to prevent this from happening again.
One real stroke of luck was that local Sheriffs Helicopters were currently working in the area and within minutes began pulling people out of the mud.
The total dead has now near 200.
First: Rescue Workers be careful because the mus is still slipping.
Second: The State of Washington Corporation has within it's control to send you well over 50 Cats, over 50 Dump Trucks all within a matter of 24 hours. We have 5 Engineer Battalions YOU already pay for and my experience with the national Guard is that you could have well over 300 Volunteers show up at your door step if the Governor would release funds for food and duel.
Third: Not too long ago we did a story of why landslides occur and how to prevent them. Your county chose to ignore these warnings.
Fourth: Your own county decided not to take action 4 years ago in this area because of cost.
So why do Hillsides slide:
1) Excessive Rain.
2) Acid rain has been hitting the Washington West Coast for decades. This hgas caused several actions to occur:
a) The rain contains oils and these oils clog soil particles and plant root depth decreases - thus destabilizing the hillside.
b) Immobile Elements wash out of the soil - like Magnesium, Zinc and Manganese - causing the plants to get sick, root depths to shorten, and again destabilizing the hillside.
c) Calcium washes out of the soil due to this acid rain - nw measuring between 5.0 and 4.8 - enough to sizzle baking soda on your driveway.
It is this Calcium that is the primary stabilizing element in the soil. No Calcium - the soil becomes a mush.
Think of Cement or your teeth - mostly Calcium, right?
So how do you stabilize a hillside:
1) Drain it. In this case put in lateral drainage pipes. Get out there with Sledge Hammers and drive Metal Pipes with hole in them to create a dry hillside.
2) We offered to teach the county how to make a product that contains a Surfactant, all elements essential for plant life and high levels of Calcium to use on top of the area to stabilize the soils.
They said: No.
So did the State of Washington Highway Department.
Cost: $1/Ac/Mo.
I offer my 25 years of research to the county at no cost. I do wish to see more Americans die die to Snohomish County Arrogance and Greed.
It would cost the county about $10,000/month to stabilize their roadbeds in this county using this product.
Repair costs for roads would be cut in half.
Now we have almost 200 dead - how much tax revenue and cost in Law Suits will you now incur Snohomish County?
Perhaps you folks should consider using this product again?
You heard this first here on APFN
Dr William B. Mount
New Executive order: Obama Care Not Mandatory
his is correct.
While you were watching CNN talk about whether or not they had enough coverage of the lost airliner the President was busy signing several more Executive Orders even though he was not around to sign them.
In the first part of his mandate the Coverage was extended to 2016.
In the second part of his latest mandate (Page 2) we are told we do not even have to sign up for this insane coverage designed by an insane man.
The following seven page technical bulletin outlines the fact that this coverage is not mandatory.
Of course - this could change at any moment based on whoever is in the White House and whoever is signing the Executive Orders for him.
Since President Obama has taken office he has put out 1 Executive Order per day - that's about 2,000 Executive Orders.
Can we Zeig Heil yet?
Please Visualize with em - pray - that this entire Lucifarian Executive Branch completely falls apart and a Godly Man is put in place to lead this nation.
You heard this first - here on APFN
Dr William B. Mount
The Bulletin Front Page:
Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services
Center for Consumer Information
Insurance Oversight
200 Independence Avenue SW
Washington, DC 20201
, 2014
Gary Cohen, Director, Center for Consumer Information and Insurance Oversight
Insurance Standards Bulletin Series
Extension of Transition
Policy through October 1, 2016
Extended Transition to
Affordable Care
Compliant Policies
On November 14, 2013, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) issued a letter to the State
Insurance Commissioners outlining a transitional policy for non-
grandfathered coverage in the small
group and individual health
insurance markets.
CMS announced in its
November 14, 2013 letter that, if
permitted by applicable State authorities, health insurance issuers may choose to continue certain
coverage that would otherwise be cancelled, and affected individuals and small businesses may choose to
enroll in such coverage. CMS further stated that, under the transitional policy, non
health insurance coverage in the individual or small group market that is renewed for a policy year
starting between January 1, 2014 and October 1, 2014 will not be considered to be out of compliance with
certain market reforms if certain specific conditions are met
While you were watching CNN talk about whether or not they had enough coverage of the lost airliner the President was busy signing several more Executive Orders even though he was not around to sign them.
In the first part of his mandate the Coverage was extended to 2016.
In the second part of his latest mandate (Page 2) we are told we do not even have to sign up for this insane coverage designed by an insane man.
The following seven page technical bulletin outlines the fact that this coverage is not mandatory.
Of course - this could change at any moment based on whoever is in the White House and whoever is signing the Executive Orders for him.
Since President Obama has taken office he has put out 1 Executive Order per day - that's about 2,000 Executive Orders.
Can we Zeig Heil yet?
Please Visualize with em - pray - that this entire Lucifarian Executive Branch completely falls apart and a Godly Man is put in place to lead this nation.
You heard this first - here on APFN
Dr William B. Mount
The Bulletin Front Page:
Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services
Center for Consumer Information
Insurance Oversight
200 Independence Avenue SW
Washington, DC 20201
, 2014
Gary Cohen, Director, Center for Consumer Information and Insurance Oversight
Insurance Standards Bulletin Series
Extension of Transition
Policy through October 1, 2016
Extended Transition to
Affordable Care
Compliant Policies
On November 14, 2013, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) issued a letter to the State
Insurance Commissioners outlining a transitional policy for non-
grandfathered coverage in the small
group and individual health
insurance markets.
CMS announced in its
November 14, 2013 letter that, if
permitted by applicable State authorities, health insurance issuers may choose to continue certain
coverage that would otherwise be cancelled, and affected individuals and small businesses may choose to
enroll in such coverage. CMS further stated that, under the transitional policy, non
health insurance coverage in the individual or small group market that is renewed for a policy year
starting between January 1, 2014 and October 1, 2014 will not be considered to be out of compliance with
certain market reforms if certain specific conditions are met
All For The loss of Six Zeroes
We are all familiar with the poem For
"For want of a nail the shoe was lost,
for want of a shoe the horse was lost,
for want of a horse the knight was lost,
for want of a knight the battle was lost,
for want of a battle the kingdom was lost.
So a kingdom was lost—all for want of a nail."
In this case Lucifer is loosing his grip on his kingdom all for the loss of 6 Zeroes. Now these Zeroes are the size of about 15 electrons across but they are very powerful zeroes. They have the power to let the Living GOD kick this Pinheads rear-end so hard his kingdom will un-glue itself.
Let those with Eyes to see and Ears to hear understand this riddle.
So it has been stated, so it shall be.
For You Intel Geeks:
1) Animals are currently fleeing Yellow Stone NP as the US turns up it's Satellite Microwaves aimed at the park.
Please visualize that Yellow Stone NP does not blow.
2) The Governor of Wyoming never removed the 850KT Nuke AMEC placed underneath the park - he's a coward.
Please Pray - visualize - this Nuke breaks and never detonates.
3) I am hearing reports form all over that Homeland Security is taking down Alternate Media Guys and Gals. Either their computers are shutting down or the FBI Joy Boys are threatening folks with prosecution for telling the truth.
Please Pray - Visualize - that this stops immediately.
You heard this first here on APFN
Dr William B. Mount
"For want of a nail the shoe was lost,
for want of a shoe the horse was lost,
for want of a horse the knight was lost,
for want of a knight the battle was lost,
for want of a battle the kingdom was lost.
So a kingdom was lost—all for want of a nail."
In this case Lucifer is loosing his grip on his kingdom all for the loss of 6 Zeroes. Now these Zeroes are the size of about 15 electrons across but they are very powerful zeroes. They have the power to let the Living GOD kick this Pinheads rear-end so hard his kingdom will un-glue itself.
Let those with Eyes to see and Ears to hear understand this riddle.
So it has been stated, so it shall be.
For You Intel Geeks:
1) Animals are currently fleeing Yellow Stone NP as the US turns up it's Satellite Microwaves aimed at the park.
Please visualize that Yellow Stone NP does not blow.
2) The Governor of Wyoming never removed the 850KT Nuke AMEC placed underneath the park - he's a coward.
Please Pray - visualize - this Nuke breaks and never detonates.
3) I am hearing reports form all over that Homeland Security is taking down Alternate Media Guys and Gals. Either their computers are shutting down or the FBI Joy Boys are threatening folks with prosecution for telling the truth.
Please Pray - Visualize - that this stops immediately.
You heard this first here on APFN
Dr William B. Mount
Monday, March 24, 2014
Gee - Where Oh Where Could Flight 370 Be?
Lets see....
Where oh where could this lost just be?
Could it be in Alaska?
Could it be in the Indian Ocean?
Could it be in London?
Duh - it crashed exactly where the radar shows it to have crashed.
SO - why is the media fixed on this story?
What are they hiding?
The Radar:
The letter form a guy who saw it crash exactly where the radar says it crashed:
Please pray - visualize - that whatever Lucifer is hiding is exposed.
Could it be that ALL isra4eli Embassies are closed world wide and all Israeli Ambassador's are heading to underground shelter?
Could it be that the G-7 is about to crash and have the value of the Euro and Dollar fall in a large way, leading to Nuclear War?
Could it be that news reporters - like John B Wells of Coast To Coast - are being fired world wide for speaking the truth?
Pray to expose this fact.
You heard it first here on APFN
Dr William B. Mount
Where oh where could this lost just be?
Could it be in Alaska?
Could it be in the Indian Ocean?
Could it be in London?
Duh - it crashed exactly where the radar shows it to have crashed.
SO - why is the media fixed on this story?
What are they hiding?
The Radar:
The letter form a guy who saw it crash exactly where the radar says it crashed:
Please pray - visualize - that whatever Lucifer is hiding is exposed.
Could it be that ALL isra4eli Embassies are closed world wide and all Israeli Ambassador's are heading to underground shelter?
Could it be that the G-7 is about to crash and have the value of the Euro and Dollar fall in a large way, leading to Nuclear War?
Could it be that news reporters - like John B Wells of Coast To Coast - are being fired world wide for speaking the truth?
Pray to expose this fact.
You heard it first here on APFN
Dr William B. Mount
The Cure For Autism Update 13
We have established that through the use of Immusist and Sea Weed most diseases - including Autism - begin to subside.
When you stop eating garbage Monsanto Foods (Canola Oil, Wheat, Soy Stuff, Sugar, Dairy, Cashews) and eat good stuff your body does better.
Adding Immusist and Sea Weed really kicks your body into a healing mode.
One of the most horrible things we find is that after giving your child a Vaccination you have a hard time accepting that you just made your child Stupid and often times it moves into Autism.
The behavior of a young child made autistic is very much different than a normal child.
In the case of one child we have been following for years the child was number two.
The Mom had child one at 25, child two at 27 and the third at 30 years of age.
The second child (Autistic One) reacted much differently than number one. She could not speak, had problems eating, and she could barely walk at 3 years of age.
The father refused to admit his child was Autistic.
When Number 3 was born the Autistic Child (#2) would cry every time Number 3 cried - only she would really let loose. The Third Child would cry a little bit for a bottle at about 10PM and then go to sleep after eating -- unfortunately the Autistic Child would cry for 2-3 hours after the other child began crying.
This type of crying kept the entire family up until after 1Am every night.
When the Autistic child would cry the Father would march into the bedroom and show the child who was boss and would begin beating the child to shut her up. It did not work but he continued to try.
The mother - horrified - would grab the youngest child and as she fed him on the bottle she would stand between the father and the Autistic Child to prevent this beating from happening.
The mother got hit quite often. She had the physical strength to flatten her husband but tried to "keep it together."
This went on for about three years and day after day the mother stood guard over the Autistic Child.
This kind of behavior is very common in a family with an Autistic Child.
This is what the vaccination companies have done to the American Family Structure.
Today the relationship between the Father and Mother is - shall we say - very strained at best.
The Good side of this story is that the Autistic Child is progressing at an incredible rate and we are all now very proud of this mother and the Autistic Child was never really beaten thanks to the mom.
If this has happened in your family please realize that you are normal and that there is NO excuse for a father to behave like this.
Realizing that this is normal behavior does not excuse it but somehow make it kind of OK, sort of.
Please APFN - pray that the Vaccine Industry (((Lucifer's Exclusive Little Needle Pusher))) goes down and stops killing people and destroying lives.
You heard this first here on APFN
Dr William B. Mount
When you stop eating garbage Monsanto Foods (Canola Oil, Wheat, Soy Stuff, Sugar, Dairy, Cashews) and eat good stuff your body does better.
Adding Immusist and Sea Weed really kicks your body into a healing mode.
One of the most horrible things we find is that after giving your child a Vaccination you have a hard time accepting that you just made your child Stupid and often times it moves into Autism.
The behavior of a young child made autistic is very much different than a normal child.
In the case of one child we have been following for years the child was number two.
The Mom had child one at 25, child two at 27 and the third at 30 years of age.
The second child (Autistic One) reacted much differently than number one. She could not speak, had problems eating, and she could barely walk at 3 years of age.
The father refused to admit his child was Autistic.
When Number 3 was born the Autistic Child (#2) would cry every time Number 3 cried - only she would really let loose. The Third Child would cry a little bit for a bottle at about 10PM and then go to sleep after eating -- unfortunately the Autistic Child would cry for 2-3 hours after the other child began crying.
This type of crying kept the entire family up until after 1Am every night.
When the Autistic child would cry the Father would march into the bedroom and show the child who was boss and would begin beating the child to shut her up. It did not work but he continued to try.
The mother - horrified - would grab the youngest child and as she fed him on the bottle she would stand between the father and the Autistic Child to prevent this beating from happening.
The mother got hit quite often. She had the physical strength to flatten her husband but tried to "keep it together."
This went on for about three years and day after day the mother stood guard over the Autistic Child.
This kind of behavior is very common in a family with an Autistic Child.
This is what the vaccination companies have done to the American Family Structure.
Today the relationship between the Father and Mother is - shall we say - very strained at best.
The Good side of this story is that the Autistic Child is progressing at an incredible rate and we are all now very proud of this mother and the Autistic Child was never really beaten thanks to the mom.
If this has happened in your family please realize that you are normal and that there is NO excuse for a father to behave like this.
Realizing that this is normal behavior does not excuse it but somehow make it kind of OK, sort of.
Please APFN - pray that the Vaccine Industry (((Lucifer's Exclusive Little Needle Pusher))) goes down and stops killing people and destroying lives.
You heard this first here on APFN
Dr William B. Mount
Sunday, March 23, 2014
The Snowden Documents
How Covert Agents Infiltrate the Internet to Manipulate, Deceive, and Destroy Reputations
By Glenn Greenwald 24 Feb 2014, 6:25 PM EDT 1,156
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Featured photo - How Covert Agents Infiltrate the Internet to Manipulate, Deceive, and Destroy Reputations A page from a GCHQ top secret document prepared by its secretive JTRIG unit
One of the many pressing stories that remains to be told from the Snowden archive is how western intelligence agencies are attempting to manipulate and control online discourse with extreme tactics of deception and reputation-destruction. It’s time to tell a chunk of that story, complete with the relevant documents.
Over the last several weeks, I worked with NBC News to publish a series of articles about “dirty trick” tactics used by GCHQ’s previously secret unit, JTRIG (Joint Threat Research Intelligence Group). These were based on four classified GCHQ documents presented to the NSA and the other three partners in the English-speaking “Five Eyes” alliance. Today, we at the Intercept are publishing another new JTRIG document, in full, entitled “The Art of Deception: Training for Online Covert Operations.”
By publishing these stories one by one, our NBC reporting highlighted some of the key, discrete revelations: the monitoring of YouTube and Blogger, the targeting of Anonymous with the very same DDoS attacks they accuse “hacktivists” of using, the use of “honey traps” (luring people into compromising situations using sex) and destructive viruses. But, here, I want to focus and elaborate on the overarching point revealed by all of these documents: namely, that these agencies are attempting to control, infiltrate, manipulate, and warp online discourse, and in doing so, are compromising the integrity of the internet itself.
Among the core self-identified purposes of JTRIG are two tactics: (1) to inject all sorts of false material onto the internet in order to destroy the reputation of its targets; and (2) to use social sciences and other techniques to manipulate online discourse and activism to generate outcomes it considers desirable. To see how extremist these programs are, just consider the tactics they boast of using to achieve those ends: “false flag operations” (posting material to the internet and falsely attributing it to someone else), fake victim blog posts (pretending to be a victim of the individual whose reputation they want to destroy), and posting “negative information” on various forums. Here is one illustrative list of tactics from the latest GCHQ document we’re publishing today:
Other tactics aimed at individuals are listed here, under the revealing title “discredit a target”:
Then there are the tactics used to destroy companies the agency targets:
GCHQ describes the purpose of JTRIG in starkly clear terms: “using online techniques to make something happen in the real or cyber world,” including “information ops (influence or disruption).”
Critically, the “targets” for this deceit and reputation-destruction extend far beyond the customary roster of normal spycraft: hostile nations and their leaders, military agencies, and intelligence services. In fact, the discussion of many of these techniques occurs in the context of using them in lieu of “traditional law enforcement” against people suspected (but not charged or convicted) of ordinary crimes or, more broadly still, “hacktivism”, meaning those who use online protest activity for political ends.
The title page of one of these documents reflects the agency’s own awareness that it is “pushing the boundaries” by using “cyber offensive” techniques against people who have nothing to do with terrorism or national security threats, and indeed, centrally involves law enforcement agents who investigate ordinary crimes:
No matter your views on Anonymous, “hacktivists” or garden-variety criminals, it is not difficult to see how dangerous it is to have secret government agencies being able to target any individuals they want – who have never been charged with, let alone convicted of, any crimes – with these sorts of online, deception-based tactics of reputation destruction and disruption. There is a strong argument to make, as Jay Leiderman demonstrated in the Guardian in the context of the Paypal 14 hacktivist persecution, that the “denial of service” tactics used by hacktivists result in (at most) trivial damage (far less than the cyber-warfare tactics favored by the US and UK) and are far more akin to the type of political protest protected by the First Amendment.
The broader point is that, far beyond hacktivists, these surveillance agencies have vested themselves with the power to deliberately ruin people’s reputations and disrupt their online political activity even though they’ve been charged with no crimes, and even though their actions have no conceivable connection to terrorism or even national security threats. As Anonymous expert Gabriella Coleman of McGill University told me, “targeting Anonymous and hacktivists amounts to targeting citizens for expressing their political beliefs, resulting in the stifling of legitimate dissent.” Pointing to this study she published, Professor Coleman vehemently contested the assertion that “there is anything terrorist/violent in their actions.”
Government plans to monitor and influence internet communications, and covertly infiltrate online communities in order to sow dissension and disseminate false information, have long been the source of speculation. Harvard Law Professor Cass Sunstein, a close Obama adviser and the White House’s former head of the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs, wrote a controversial paper in 2008 proposing that the US government employ teams of covert agents and pseudo-”independent” advocates to “cognitively infiltrate” online groups and websites, as well as other activist groups.
Sunstein also proposed sending covert agents into “chat rooms, online social networks, or even real-space groups” which spread what he views as false and damaging “conspiracy theories” about the government. Ironically, the very same Sunstein was recently named by Obama to serve as a member of the NSA review panel created by the White House, one that – while disputing key NSA claims – proceeded to propose many cosmetic reforms to the agency’s powers (most of which were ignored by the President who appointed them).
But these GCHQ documents are the first to prove that a major western government is using some of the most controversial techniques to disseminate deception online and harm the reputations of targets. Under the tactics they use, the state is deliberately spreading lies on the internet about whichever individuals it targets, including the use of what GCHQ itself calls “false flag operations” and emails to people’s families and friends. Who would possibly trust a government to exercise these powers at all, let alone do so in secret, with virtually no oversight, and outside of any cognizable legal framework?
Then there is the use of psychology and other social sciences to not only understand, but shape and control, how online activism and discourse unfolds. Today’s newly published document touts the work of GCHQ’s “Human Science Operations Cell,” devoted to “online human intelligence” and “strategic influence and disruption”:
Under the title “Online Covert Action”, the document details a variety of means to engage in “influence and info ops” as well as “disruption and computer net attack,” while dissecting how human beings can be manipulated using “leaders,” “trust,” “obedience” and “compliance”:
The documents lay out theories of how humans interact with one another, particularly online, and then attempt to identify ways to influence the outcomes – or “game” it:
We submitted numerous questions to GCHQ, including: (1) Does GCHQ in fact engage in “false flag operations” where material is posted to the Internet and falsely attributed to someone else?; (2) Does GCHQ engage in efforts to influence or manipulate political discourse online?; and (3) Does GCHQ’s mandate include targeting common criminals (such as boiler room operators), or only foreign threats?
As usual, they ignored those questions and opted instead to send their vague and nonresponsive boilerplate: “It is a longstanding policy that we do not comment on intelligence matters. Furthermore, all of GCHQ’s work is carried out in accordance with a strict legal and policy framework which ensures that our activities are authorised, necessary and proportionate, and that there is rigorous oversight, including from the Secretary of State, the Interception and Intelligence Services Commissioners and the Parliamentary Intelligence and Security Committee. All our operational processes rigorously support this position.”
These agencies’ refusal to “comment on intelligence matters” – meaning: talk at all about anything and everything they do – is precisely why whistleblowing is so urgent, the journalism that supports it so clearly in the public interest, and the increasingly unhinged attacks by these agencies so easy to understand. Claims that government agencies are infiltrating online communities and engaging in “false flag operations” to discredit targets are often dismissed as conspiracy theories, but these documents leave no doubt they are doing precisely that.
Whatever else is true, no government should be able to engage in these tactics: what justification is there for having government agencies target people – who have been charged with no crime – for reputation-destruction, infiltrate online political communities, and develop techniques for manipulating online discourse? But to allow those actions with no public knowledge or accountability is particularly unjustifiable.
Documents referenced in this article:
The Art of Deception: Training for a New Generation of Online Covert Operations
How Covert Agents Infiltrate the Internet to Manipulate, Deceive, and Destroy Reputations
By Glenn Greenwald 24 Feb 2014, 6:25 PM EDT 1,156
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Featured photo - How Covert Agents Infiltrate the Internet to Manipulate, Deceive, and Destroy Reputations A page from a GCHQ top secret document prepared by its secretive JTRIG unit
One of the many pressing stories that remains to be told from the Snowden archive is how western intelligence agencies are attempting to manipulate and control online discourse with extreme tactics of deception and reputation-destruction. It’s time to tell a chunk of that story, complete with the relevant documents.
Over the last several weeks, I worked with NBC News to publish a series of articles about “dirty trick” tactics used by GCHQ’s previously secret unit, JTRIG (Joint Threat Research Intelligence Group). These were based on four classified GCHQ documents presented to the NSA and the other three partners in the English-speaking “Five Eyes” alliance. Today, we at the Intercept are publishing another new JTRIG document, in full, entitled “The Art of Deception: Training for Online Covert Operations.”
By publishing these stories one by one, our NBC reporting highlighted some of the key, discrete revelations: the monitoring of YouTube and Blogger, the targeting of Anonymous with the very same DDoS attacks they accuse “hacktivists” of using, the use of “honey traps” (luring people into compromising situations using sex) and destructive viruses. But, here, I want to focus and elaborate on the overarching point revealed by all of these documents: namely, that these agencies are attempting to control, infiltrate, manipulate, and warp online discourse, and in doing so, are compromising the integrity of the internet itself.
Among the core self-identified purposes of JTRIG are two tactics: (1) to inject all sorts of false material onto the internet in order to destroy the reputation of its targets; and (2) to use social sciences and other techniques to manipulate online discourse and activism to generate outcomes it considers desirable. To see how extremist these programs are, just consider the tactics they boast of using to achieve those ends: “false flag operations” (posting material to the internet and falsely attributing it to someone else), fake victim blog posts (pretending to be a victim of the individual whose reputation they want to destroy), and posting “negative information” on various forums. Here is one illustrative list of tactics from the latest GCHQ document we’re publishing today:
Other tactics aimed at individuals are listed here, under the revealing title “discredit a target”:
Then there are the tactics used to destroy companies the agency targets:
GCHQ describes the purpose of JTRIG in starkly clear terms: “using online techniques to make something happen in the real or cyber world,” including “information ops (influence or disruption).”
Critically, the “targets” for this deceit and reputation-destruction extend far beyond the customary roster of normal spycraft: hostile nations and their leaders, military agencies, and intelligence services. In fact, the discussion of many of these techniques occurs in the context of using them in lieu of “traditional law enforcement” against people suspected (but not charged or convicted) of ordinary crimes or, more broadly still, “hacktivism”, meaning those who use online protest activity for political ends.
The title page of one of these documents reflects the agency’s own awareness that it is “pushing the boundaries” by using “cyber offensive” techniques against people who have nothing to do with terrorism or national security threats, and indeed, centrally involves law enforcement agents who investigate ordinary crimes:
No matter your views on Anonymous, “hacktivists” or garden-variety criminals, it is not difficult to see how dangerous it is to have secret government agencies being able to target any individuals they want – who have never been charged with, let alone convicted of, any crimes – with these sorts of online, deception-based tactics of reputation destruction and disruption. There is a strong argument to make, as Jay Leiderman demonstrated in the Guardian in the context of the Paypal 14 hacktivist persecution, that the “denial of service” tactics used by hacktivists result in (at most) trivial damage (far less than the cyber-warfare tactics favored by the US and UK) and are far more akin to the type of political protest protected by the First Amendment.
The broader point is that, far beyond hacktivists, these surveillance agencies have vested themselves with the power to deliberately ruin people’s reputations and disrupt their online political activity even though they’ve been charged with no crimes, and even though their actions have no conceivable connection to terrorism or even national security threats. As Anonymous expert Gabriella Coleman of McGill University told me, “targeting Anonymous and hacktivists amounts to targeting citizens for expressing their political beliefs, resulting in the stifling of legitimate dissent.” Pointing to this study she published, Professor Coleman vehemently contested the assertion that “there is anything terrorist/violent in their actions.”
Government plans to monitor and influence internet communications, and covertly infiltrate online communities in order to sow dissension and disseminate false information, have long been the source of speculation. Harvard Law Professor Cass Sunstein, a close Obama adviser and the White House’s former head of the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs, wrote a controversial paper in 2008 proposing that the US government employ teams of covert agents and pseudo-”independent” advocates to “cognitively infiltrate” online groups and websites, as well as other activist groups.
Sunstein also proposed sending covert agents into “chat rooms, online social networks, or even real-space groups” which spread what he views as false and damaging “conspiracy theories” about the government. Ironically, the very same Sunstein was recently named by Obama to serve as a member of the NSA review panel created by the White House, one that – while disputing key NSA claims – proceeded to propose many cosmetic reforms to the agency’s powers (most of which were ignored by the President who appointed them).
But these GCHQ documents are the first to prove that a major western government is using some of the most controversial techniques to disseminate deception online and harm the reputations of targets. Under the tactics they use, the state is deliberately spreading lies on the internet about whichever individuals it targets, including the use of what GCHQ itself calls “false flag operations” and emails to people’s families and friends. Who would possibly trust a government to exercise these powers at all, let alone do so in secret, with virtually no oversight, and outside of any cognizable legal framework?
Then there is the use of psychology and other social sciences to not only understand, but shape and control, how online activism and discourse unfolds. Today’s newly published document touts the work of GCHQ’s “Human Science Operations Cell,” devoted to “online human intelligence” and “strategic influence and disruption”:
Under the title “Online Covert Action”, the document details a variety of means to engage in “influence and info ops” as well as “disruption and computer net attack,” while dissecting how human beings can be manipulated using “leaders,” “trust,” “obedience” and “compliance”:
The documents lay out theories of how humans interact with one another, particularly online, and then attempt to identify ways to influence the outcomes – or “game” it:
We submitted numerous questions to GCHQ, including: (1) Does GCHQ in fact engage in “false flag operations” where material is posted to the Internet and falsely attributed to someone else?; (2) Does GCHQ engage in efforts to influence or manipulate political discourse online?; and (3) Does GCHQ’s mandate include targeting common criminals (such as boiler room operators), or only foreign threats?
As usual, they ignored those questions and opted instead to send their vague and nonresponsive boilerplate: “It is a longstanding policy that we do not comment on intelligence matters. Furthermore, all of GCHQ’s work is carried out in accordance with a strict legal and policy framework which ensures that our activities are authorised, necessary and proportionate, and that there is rigorous oversight, including from the Secretary of State, the Interception and Intelligence Services Commissioners and the Parliamentary Intelligence and Security Committee. All our operational processes rigorously support this position.”
These agencies’ refusal to “comment on intelligence matters” – meaning: talk at all about anything and everything they do – is precisely why whistleblowing is so urgent, the journalism that supports it so clearly in the public interest, and the increasingly unhinged attacks by these agencies so easy to understand. Claims that government agencies are infiltrating online communities and engaging in “false flag operations” to discredit targets are often dismissed as conspiracy theories, but these documents leave no doubt they are doing precisely that.
Whatever else is true, no government should be able to engage in these tactics: what justification is there for having government agencies target people – who have been charged with no crime – for reputation-destruction, infiltrate online political communities, and develop techniques for manipulating online discourse? But to allow those actions with no public knowledge or accountability is particularly unjustifiable.
Documents referenced in this article:
The Art of Deception: Training for a New Generation of Online Covert Operations
Pres Obama's Stolen Social Security Number
What you are about to read is the real story behind Pres Obama's Stolen Social Security Number.
Please pray that those involved in this scam are all taken down legally immediately.
This stolen SSN means that not only is this man Barack Heussein Obama in violation of the UCC he is also in illegal alien and therefor needs to be deported in compliance with International Law.
As you have read, there are several charges pending against this man and the only Legit legal way to arrest him is through the Joint Chiefs of Cowards (Staff). These men are such Weenie Cowards that they are allowing Pres Obama to meet with the G-7 in Hague in a few days, thus excluding Russia.
So hang on tight:
An intensive investigation has revealed the identity of the man whose Social Security Number (SSN) is being used by President Obama: Jean Paul Ludwig, who was born in France in1890, immigrated to the United States in 1924, and was assigned SSN 042-68-4425 (Obama's current SSN) received on or about March, 1977.
Mr. Ludwig lived most of his adult life in Connecticut. Because of that, his SSN begins with the digits "042", which
are among only a select few reserved for Connecticut residents.
Barack H.Obama never lived or worked in that state! Therefore, there is no reason on earth for his SSN to start with the digits 042. None whatsoever!
Now comes the best part!
J. P. Ludwig spent the final months of his life in Hawaii,
where he died.
Conveniently, Obama's grandmother, Madelyn Payne Dunham,
worked part-time in the Probate Office in the Honolulu Hawaii Courthouse, and therefore had access to the SSNs of deceased individuals.
The Social Security Administration was never informed of Ludwig's death, and because he never received Social Security benefits there were no benefits to stop and
therefore, no questions were ever raised.
The suspicion, of course, is that Dunham, knowing her grandson was not a U.S. Citizen, either because he was
born in Kenya or became a citizen of Indonesia upon his adoption by Lolo Soetoro, simply scoured the probate records, until she found someone, who died who was not receiving Social Security benefits, and selected Mr.
Ludwig's Connecticut SSN for Obama.
Just wait until Donald Trump gets past the birth certificate and onto the issue of "Barry O's" use of a stolen SSN. You will see leftist heads exploding, because they will have no way of defending Obama.
Although many Americans do not understand the meaning of the term "natural born" there are few who do not understand that if you are using someone else's SSN it is a clear indication of fraud.
Let's all get this information out to everybody on our mailing lists.
If the voters of this great nation can succeed in bringing this lying, deceitful, cheating, corrupt, impostor to justice it will be the biggest and best news in decades for our country and the world.
If you can just say "oh well; ho hum" after reading this you get what you deserve.
We shall see what will now happen.
The continued violations of both the Social Security Laws and the UCC will now lead to the downfall of the Western Banking System, so says the I AM That I AM, who was and is and is to come.
(((What this means to you America is Hyper Inflation for sitting on your butts and doing nothing.)))
Perhaps when another underground base is destroyed these idiots will come for assistance - but more than likely they would rather die in their arrogance.
For You Intel Geeks:
1) President Obama's Teeth Hurt form continued over use of cocaine.
2) KOMO - you recent Helicopter Crash was caused by the pilot having a Heart Attack. He was a fairly young man but had been having Heart Troubles recently due to his diet and he just tried to hide it from you - that's all.
You heard this first here on APFN
Dr William B. Mount
Please pray that those involved in this scam are all taken down legally immediately.
This stolen SSN means that not only is this man Barack Heussein Obama in violation of the UCC he is also in illegal alien and therefor needs to be deported in compliance with International Law.
As you have read, there are several charges pending against this man and the only Legit legal way to arrest him is through the Joint Chiefs of Cowards (Staff). These men are such Weenie Cowards that they are allowing Pres Obama to meet with the G-7 in Hague in a few days, thus excluding Russia.
So hang on tight:
An intensive investigation has revealed the identity of the man whose Social Security Number (SSN) is being used by President Obama: Jean Paul Ludwig, who was born in France in1890, immigrated to the United States in 1924, and was assigned SSN 042-68-4425 (Obama's current SSN) received on or about March, 1977.
Mr. Ludwig lived most of his adult life in Connecticut. Because of that, his SSN begins with the digits "042", which
are among only a select few reserved for Connecticut residents.
Barack H.Obama never lived or worked in that state! Therefore, there is no reason on earth for his SSN to start with the digits 042. None whatsoever!
Now comes the best part!
J. P. Ludwig spent the final months of his life in Hawaii,
where he died.
Conveniently, Obama's grandmother, Madelyn Payne Dunham,
worked part-time in the Probate Office in the Honolulu Hawaii Courthouse, and therefore had access to the SSNs of deceased individuals.
The Social Security Administration was never informed of Ludwig's death, and because he never received Social Security benefits there were no benefits to stop and
therefore, no questions were ever raised.
The suspicion, of course, is that Dunham, knowing her grandson was not a U.S. Citizen, either because he was
born in Kenya or became a citizen of Indonesia upon his adoption by Lolo Soetoro, simply scoured the probate records, until she found someone, who died who was not receiving Social Security benefits, and selected Mr.
Ludwig's Connecticut SSN for Obama.
Just wait until Donald Trump gets past the birth certificate and onto the issue of "Barry O's" use of a stolen SSN. You will see leftist heads exploding, because they will have no way of defending Obama.
Although many Americans do not understand the meaning of the term "natural born" there are few who do not understand that if you are using someone else's SSN it is a clear indication of fraud.
Let's all get this information out to everybody on our mailing lists.
If the voters of this great nation can succeed in bringing this lying, deceitful, cheating, corrupt, impostor to justice it will be the biggest and best news in decades for our country and the world.
If you can just say "oh well; ho hum" after reading this you get what you deserve.
We shall see what will now happen.
The continued violations of both the Social Security Laws and the UCC will now lead to the downfall of the Western Banking System, so says the I AM That I AM, who was and is and is to come.
(((What this means to you America is Hyper Inflation for sitting on your butts and doing nothing.)))
Perhaps when another underground base is destroyed these idiots will come for assistance - but more than likely they would rather die in their arrogance.
For You Intel Geeks:
1) President Obama's Teeth Hurt form continued over use of cocaine.
2) KOMO - you recent Helicopter Crash was caused by the pilot having a Heart Attack. He was a fairly young man but had been having Heart Troubles recently due to his diet and he just tried to hide it from you - that's all.
You heard this first here on APFN
Dr William B. Mount
We have already discussed the NWO plan to again re-initiate Operation Bite starting 16 April 2014 and what that means.
Unbenounced to the UN I received a personal message concerning the coming FIRST FULL MOON in the Age Of Aquarius - which began 16 March 2014 at 10:09 Seattle time. We have passed through some Galactic Plain and are now in the "Cumbaya Stage" - yea, right.
The First Full Moon of this New Age Of Peace in the heavens (War On Earth) will be 15 April at 43 Minutes GMT.
What they discussed is what this Full Moon is all about. Let me summarize it:
1) We pray and focus on bringing down the New World Teacher.
2) New Birth of the Plant through fire and destruction, a form of Cleaning by Fire. "Jungles of Expanse are set on fire.....The path stands clear and an unobstructed view stands before us."
3) Reuniting us with our Spiritual Selves. "We must now rise forth form the Tomb of Matter and go to the Immortal."
Never before have I seen such a call for "Going to the Immortal."
Whatever this NWO is planning is huge.
Visualize with me that Lucifer Fails in his plans.
1) Belgium (National GDP 100 Billion) went form owning $166 Billion in US bonds to over $300 Billion in 8 months. They jut add Zeros to their bank accounts.
2) Israel has just closed all embassies world wide - the Rothchilds consolidated the Jews in Israel in WW2 to wipe them out completely in WW3.
The Israeli Defense Force (Army) now realizes this fact but will not come forward for GOD's Word to save their nation.
Jews are now being killed world wide thanks to an order given by the White House and through the IMF to companies like the CIA and Avanti, Black Water, etc.
3) The US has closed over 21 Embassies just in August of last year - and several more since them. Most were closed in the Middle East.
4) The Dollar is climbing in value at an alarming rate - making it profitable to import everything. The world does not like being the slaves for the "I F/UK/US U" nion Welfare State any more. They work and we sit back in the Lap of Luxury. GOD says it is time to end this.
Pray (Visualize) that as Lucifer Falls and all of his plans fail the working man is not harmed.
4) The US has now stirred up so much garbage around the world the US State Department has place a Travel Alert in over 20 separate nations due to an organization the CIA Arms - AL Kada - the name of the doorway to Lucifer's First Temple at Tel-Dan.
Something is again panned to happen that is not good in just a few short weeks and after receiving this private communication from the UN it scares the Hell out of me.
Just a Personal Note:
I began all of this 1 Mach 2005 when I went to the VA hospital as a 100% physically disabled vet and the head of Orthopedics looks at a lump in my left hand and said: "WE WANT TO WATCH IT GROW."
I later found out the VA sells military records around the world to get grants to study diseases. Watching a tumor grow gets these individual doctors lots of bonuses through Grant Research.
Nine years later here I am.
If the VA had removed the lump in my left hand none of this would have been revealed. Since I have no more Health Care from the VA - it was terminated when I refused to participate in another MRI study) it is likely I will dig up even more stuff in the days to come.
On April 2007 I opened an Embassy in the Ukraine and began negotiations to start this new nation I was part of and my life took a left turn.
You cannot tun the hands of time backwards, can you?
So here I am.
Whatever these folks have planned for mid April is big and we need Your prayers and visualizations to stop this Lucifer and his minions to stop it.
Maybe the Age of Aquarious is all about uniting the world into one Gigantic Focused Planet to rid this world of this evil.
We are the only News Agency capable of doing this APFN.
So step up and join is in praying - visualizing - World Peace.
Maybe Dr Will Wilson is right after all - (All Day Live TV Show).
You heard this first here on APFN
Dr William B. Mount
Wednesday, March 19, 2014
Why We Must Have Full Scale Nuclear War
As you read this pleas Visualize - pray - that Lucifer's Pans for war stop immediately.)))
First APFN - you did is again. Through visualization and prayer the war in the Ukraine is off. President Obama just gave a speech were he said the US Corporation will not openly invade this tin nation.
So how did we get to the point where we need Nuclear War?
Were the Russians can drop one of our 900 Nukes on Pres Obama's head at any time or any moment without him even being able to wipe the white powder form his none and get tot the elevator leading to the underground shelters?
Way back in 1814 the Rothchilds (Bauery Boys from Bohemia) took cotrol of the English Banking System through a series of illegal moves and the English Royalty was too wimpy to stop it.
Form 1814 through 1914 the English Navy (And Army) "Ruled The World."
WW1 was supposed to destroy this Empire and hand it over to the United States after destroying Russia - and it worked.
During WW2 the Bretton Woods Agreement (14 July 1944) was signed - ensuring the Federal Reserve would become the World Bank - ruled out of London. The US Corporate Military was strengthened to do the bidding of these Evil Rothchilds. So far so good for Lucifer, right?
In 1966 the Rothchilds forced the Cloward-Pivens model onto the US Corporation and began a 40 year plan to destroy the entire worlds economy and then start WW3, killing of all but about 500 Million people.
To this end plans were written like:
1) Operation Devolution
2) OPLAN 8010-12
3) CONPLAN 8010-12
4) CONPLAN 8044-12
5) Agenda 21
There were hundreds and hundreds of plans written that were supposed to start WW3 BEFORE we enter the Age OF Aquarius - which we entered last Sunday at 5:09 GMT.
God had that one handled.
This plan basically calls for the US to:
1) Cancel it's backing of the dollar with Gold and Silver
2) Teaching such immoral tings in school the system collapses.
3) Declaring all school children disabled in some way.
4) Increasing Welfare to the point where the system collapses. Today, 54% of all American suck off the system.
50 Selling jobs overseas.
6) Shutting down all production facilities.
7) Sterilizing soils with GMOs.
8) Moving all people to cities as they destroy the infra structure.
9) Creating such bad water and food that everyone ifs sick and there for doped up on some drug - "The Opiate Generation."
10) US Dollar will increase in value so high we import everything and our CIA will kill any government that will not buy our debt - like President Yanakovich of the Ukraine. By doing this the WORLD will become the slaves of this Immoral Welfare State where GOD is nothing more than a Tax Deduction. This will force GOD to destroy America Lock Stock and Barrel.
11) The prison systems will become huge because we accept every criminal from around the world and if you defend yourself form some Illegal Alien you to will go to jail.
12) After the economy begins to fall the IMF will simply take and seize all homes across America by theft and murder.
13) The Grid goes down by US forces - and we blame the Evil Russians.
14) WW3 - we Will All Burn Together.
So far this One Man - David Rothchilds - is pretty much on track.
Our Joint Chiefs of Cowards (Staff) - complete with Erectile Disfunction at the top - are too cowardly to stop this trend and the Lucifarian CIA and Homeland Security are moving ahead at lightning speed.
So what happens next?
16 April (+- 3 Days)
The next attempt at a Nuclear False Flag will be 16 April in either Malasia or Indonesia or both. ((Apparently they failed to blow up the capitol of China with a huge Nuke a few days ago - it did not go BOOM! It fizzled in Peking)) They will more than likely be connected to a plane that has already been destroyed - the LOST BOEING 777-200. This should kick off a war with China.
There plans to sly a Jet into the Indian Capitol and destroy New Delhi - they may still be on - I am not in a area conducive to focus. Sorry Indian President - you may or may not die.
Along with this will come 27 US Power Grinds being attacked by Homeland Security. If you see someone attacking an Electrical Grid - dial 911 and begin shooting them - they plan to kill you so fight back or die.
Homeland Security corporation is a Foreign Corporation operating on American Soil.
On the 16th of April these Homeland Security folks are also planning to kill President Obama in a Overt Shooting similar to the Kennedy Assassination. If this does occur kill the shooters - there will be 4 of them. Do not let them get away.
When I was a child I watched President Kennedy get shot and I hear three shots. We were then all called into an auditorium to hear the bad news of this Liberal President (who slept around on his wife and was high on drugs)being shot and we heard 3 gun shots. The next replay only had one gun shot so I asked shy and was told to shut up.Yea - lie that worked. Every one else heard it also.
By the way - President Obama has just declared himself God - everything YOU own belongs to Homeland Security and to him. Please read:
You heard this first here on APFN
Dr William B. Mount
Please also pray that the Ukraine is given back to the Elected President - Yanakovich. I do not like him but the people did vote for him and the UK needs to get it's 1,800 Avanti troops out of Kiev.
First APFN - you did is again. Through visualization and prayer the war in the Ukraine is off. President Obama just gave a speech were he said the US Corporation will not openly invade this tin nation.
So how did we get to the point where we need Nuclear War?
Were the Russians can drop one of our 900 Nukes on Pres Obama's head at any time or any moment without him even being able to wipe the white powder form his none and get tot the elevator leading to the underground shelters?
Way back in 1814 the Rothchilds (Bauery Boys from Bohemia) took cotrol of the English Banking System through a series of illegal moves and the English Royalty was too wimpy to stop it.
Form 1814 through 1914 the English Navy (And Army) "Ruled The World."
WW1 was supposed to destroy this Empire and hand it over to the United States after destroying Russia - and it worked.
During WW2 the Bretton Woods Agreement (14 July 1944) was signed - ensuring the Federal Reserve would become the World Bank - ruled out of London. The US Corporate Military was strengthened to do the bidding of these Evil Rothchilds. So far so good for Lucifer, right?
In 1966 the Rothchilds forced the Cloward-Pivens model onto the US Corporation and began a 40 year plan to destroy the entire worlds economy and then start WW3, killing of all but about 500 Million people.
To this end plans were written like:
1) Operation Devolution
2) OPLAN 8010-12
3) CONPLAN 8010-12
4) CONPLAN 8044-12
5) Agenda 21
There were hundreds and hundreds of plans written that were supposed to start WW3 BEFORE we enter the Age OF Aquarius - which we entered last Sunday at 5:09 GMT.
God had that one handled.
This plan basically calls for the US to:
1) Cancel it's backing of the dollar with Gold and Silver
2) Teaching such immoral tings in school the system collapses.
3) Declaring all school children disabled in some way.
4) Increasing Welfare to the point where the system collapses. Today, 54% of all American suck off the system.
50 Selling jobs overseas.
6) Shutting down all production facilities.
7) Sterilizing soils with GMOs.
8) Moving all people to cities as they destroy the infra structure.
9) Creating such bad water and food that everyone ifs sick and there for doped up on some drug - "The Opiate Generation."
10) US Dollar will increase in value so high we import everything and our CIA will kill any government that will not buy our debt - like President Yanakovich of the Ukraine. By doing this the WORLD will become the slaves of this Immoral Welfare State where GOD is nothing more than a Tax Deduction. This will force GOD to destroy America Lock Stock and Barrel.
11) The prison systems will become huge because we accept every criminal from around the world and if you defend yourself form some Illegal Alien you to will go to jail.
12) After the economy begins to fall the IMF will simply take and seize all homes across America by theft and murder.
13) The Grid goes down by US forces - and we blame the Evil Russians.
14) WW3 - we Will All Burn Together.
So far this One Man - David Rothchilds - is pretty much on track.
Our Joint Chiefs of Cowards (Staff) - complete with Erectile Disfunction at the top - are too cowardly to stop this trend and the Lucifarian CIA and Homeland Security are moving ahead at lightning speed.
So what happens next?
16 April (+- 3 Days)
The next attempt at a Nuclear False Flag will be 16 April in either Malasia or Indonesia or both. ((Apparently they failed to blow up the capitol of China with a huge Nuke a few days ago - it did not go BOOM! It fizzled in Peking)) They will more than likely be connected to a plane that has already been destroyed - the LOST BOEING 777-200. This should kick off a war with China.
There plans to sly a Jet into the Indian Capitol and destroy New Delhi - they may still be on - I am not in a area conducive to focus. Sorry Indian President - you may or may not die.
Along with this will come 27 US Power Grinds being attacked by Homeland Security. If you see someone attacking an Electrical Grid - dial 911 and begin shooting them - they plan to kill you so fight back or die.
Homeland Security corporation is a Foreign Corporation operating on American Soil.
On the 16th of April these Homeland Security folks are also planning to kill President Obama in a Overt Shooting similar to the Kennedy Assassination. If this does occur kill the shooters - there will be 4 of them. Do not let them get away.
When I was a child I watched President Kennedy get shot and I hear three shots. We were then all called into an auditorium to hear the bad news of this Liberal President (who slept around on his wife and was high on drugs)being shot and we heard 3 gun shots. The next replay only had one gun shot so I asked shy and was told to shut up.Yea - lie that worked. Every one else heard it also.
By the way - President Obama has just declared himself God - everything YOU own belongs to Homeland Security and to him. Please read:
You heard this first here on APFN
Dr William B. Mount
Please also pray that the Ukraine is given back to the Elected President - Yanakovich. I do not like him but the people did vote for him and the UK needs to get it's 1,800 Avanti troops out of Kiev.
The Cure For Athesma and Erectile Disfunction
((Please visualize - pray - that as you read this people all over the
word receive and understand this information and that Lucifer's plan to
destroy us through sickness is stopped immediately.)))
For those of us who have Athesma life revolves around an inhaler. We are hooked, we can not leave home without one or the consequences could be severe.
My Athesma came on as a direct result of being exposed to the Gulf War Nuclear/Chemical and Biological weapons.
When I leave my home town Tacoma and travel in the Mountains my Athesma goes away - but thanks to the Joy Boys of the FBI I am stick here breathing in the Toxic Waste products the Lumber Mill burns between midnight and 4AM. When they dump really toxic chemicals into the bay or burn really toxic stuff my Athesma gets pretty bad.
SO hwo do you "Get Over" Athesma?
Well - First - we changed out eating habits. We have eliminated:
1) Wheat - almost all GMO now.
2) Dairy Products
3) Cashews - which apparently are loaded with toxins.
We eat what we discuss in: APFN THE CURE FOR CANCER UPDATE 4
To this end I have lost almost 70 pounds - that's allot of fat.
Finally - we began rubbing our hands with about 6 drops of Uncle Harry's Pure Natural Oils for breathing - an "Essential Oil." The oil contains mainly Pine, Eucalyptus and Peppermint Oils.
after 3 days my Athesma began to leave me.
So - since we have a mini farm and I get bit by lots of bugs we also began rubbing ourselves down with Elizabeth Essentials Bog Be Gone Essential Oils.
After 3 days the bugs stopped biting me.
So every night I rub 4-6 drops of Bug Be Gone and Uncle Harry's Breathing Oil on my hands and no more bug bites and my use of inhalers is down by 90%.
GUY - do not go to the bathroom immediately after using the Oils or your "General Will Stand Up And Salute."
I suppose if you have Erectile Disfunction this is not a bad thing, right?
So I suppose you could say this cures ED?
I will leave the rest to your imagination.
So for about $20 a month no more Bug Bites and no more Athesma - Hallalujah - and I suppose no more ED.
My wife is very happy with these new discoveries.
Thank you for reading - you heard this first on APFN.
Dr William B. Mount
1-888-575-0272, but that may change soon.
To help your body lower it's blood pressure so you do not get a blow out in bed men:
For those of us who have Athesma life revolves around an inhaler. We are hooked, we can not leave home without one or the consequences could be severe.
My Athesma came on as a direct result of being exposed to the Gulf War Nuclear/Chemical and Biological weapons.
When I leave my home town Tacoma and travel in the Mountains my Athesma goes away - but thanks to the Joy Boys of the FBI I am stick here breathing in the Toxic Waste products the Lumber Mill burns between midnight and 4AM. When they dump really toxic chemicals into the bay or burn really toxic stuff my Athesma gets pretty bad.
SO hwo do you "Get Over" Athesma?
Well - First - we changed out eating habits. We have eliminated:
1) Wheat - almost all GMO now.
2) Dairy Products
3) Cashews - which apparently are loaded with toxins.
We eat what we discuss in: APFN THE CURE FOR CANCER UPDATE 4
To this end I have lost almost 70 pounds - that's allot of fat.
Finally - we began rubbing our hands with about 6 drops of Uncle Harry's Pure Natural Oils for breathing - an "Essential Oil." The oil contains mainly Pine, Eucalyptus and Peppermint Oils.
after 3 days my Athesma began to leave me.
So - since we have a mini farm and I get bit by lots of bugs we also began rubbing ourselves down with Elizabeth Essentials Bog Be Gone Essential Oils.
After 3 days the bugs stopped biting me.
So every night I rub 4-6 drops of Bug Be Gone and Uncle Harry's Breathing Oil on my hands and no more bug bites and my use of inhalers is down by 90%.
GUY - do not go to the bathroom immediately after using the Oils or your "General Will Stand Up And Salute."
I suppose if you have Erectile Disfunction this is not a bad thing, right?
So I suppose you could say this cures ED?
I will leave the rest to your imagination.
So for about $20 a month no more Bug Bites and no more Athesma - Hallalujah - and I suppose no more ED.
My wife is very happy with these new discoveries.
Thank you for reading - you heard this first on APFN.
Dr William B. Mount
1-888-575-0272, but that may change soon.
To help your body lower it's blood pressure so you do not get a blow out in bed men:
The US Propaganda Machine
As you read this please visualize - pray - that those who make up false stories in America are shut down immediately.
We all read and hear the news on a daily basis and are all shocked at how bad it is getting.
Today we all head a horrible story about a Pastor who is dying of throat Cancer and Obama Care is killing him. This story is on TV, in the papers, and all over the net in papers like: The Christian Post.
We decided to call him and give him APFN THE CURE FOR CANCER UPDATE 4.
If he really is a pastor maybe we could help him, right?
We looked him up and found he was a pastor for a four square church - so we called the church --- no answer.
We looked up the church on Zillow by it;s address - it does not exist.
We called the Four Square HQ in Los Angeles and the Regional HQ in the Heartland District - The Church did not exist and the Pastor was not on their computer. HE did not exist, nor did his wife.
We looked him up by address and then went to Zillow to see if his home really existed: Nope. It had no bedrooms, no bathrooms, no living room, and no picture form the street.
we tried e-mailing him - no response.
We looked at the article of him taking office as a Pastor- there was a reference on Google but the News Story was never actually written.
He and his wife were in the Yellow pages but - YUP - no address of phone number.
We all saw him on TV and heard his horrible story on the radio - but apparently this older gentleman does not exist.
Think this is an isolated incident:
Think is may have been "SnowJob," a lie to get you all riled up?
Think Edward Snow Den.
Den meant King, or one who brought you news or gave you work - a job.
Edward meaning rich, colorful.
Edward Snow Den - Rich and Colorful News - a lie.
His real name is Tony, and he is a liar to distract you form the truth.
Watch the left hand as the right hand picks your pocket.
You have once again been lied to by the Main Stream Press.
You heard this first here on APFN.
Dr William B. Mount
We all read and hear the news on a daily basis and are all shocked at how bad it is getting.
Today we all head a horrible story about a Pastor who is dying of throat Cancer and Obama Care is killing him. This story is on TV, in the papers, and all over the net in papers like: The Christian Post.
We decided to call him and give him APFN THE CURE FOR CANCER UPDATE 4.
If he really is a pastor maybe we could help him, right?
We looked him up and found he was a pastor for a four square church - so we called the church --- no answer.
We looked up the church on Zillow by it;s address - it does not exist.
We called the Four Square HQ in Los Angeles and the Regional HQ in the Heartland District - The Church did not exist and the Pastor was not on their computer. HE did not exist, nor did his wife.
We looked him up by address and then went to Zillow to see if his home really existed: Nope. It had no bedrooms, no bathrooms, no living room, and no picture form the street.
we tried e-mailing him - no response.
We looked at the article of him taking office as a Pastor- there was a reference on Google but the News Story was never actually written.
He and his wife were in the Yellow pages but - YUP - no address of phone number.
We all saw him on TV and heard his horrible story on the radio - but apparently this older gentleman does not exist.
Think this is an isolated incident:
Think is may have been "SnowJob," a lie to get you all riled up?
Think Edward Snow Den.
Den meant King, or one who brought you news or gave you work - a job.
Edward meaning rich, colorful.
Edward Snow Den - Rich and Colorful News - a lie.
His real name is Tony, and he is a liar to distract you form the truth.
Watch the left hand as the right hand picks your pocket.
You have once again been lied to by the Main Stream Press.
You heard this first here on APFN.
Dr William B. Mount
Monday, March 17, 2014
The Great Ukrainian Screw Job of 2014
Before you read this visually focus - pray - thet Lucifer's plans in
the Ukraine fail miserably and back fire on those politicians keyed into
this horrible plan.
What you are about to read is typical and has occurred since the Rothchilds (Bauers form Bohemia, Germany) too over the managing of the UK/US budgets and the Vatican banking system way back before our grandfathers were born.
At first the English acted as their the Military Might for these German Scum, then the US took that roll when the Pound collapsed.
The current DC Government (US Corporation) has 3 star on their flag: One for the US Corporation's military, one for the Rothchild's money, and one for the Roman Pope - Chief Priest to Lucifer.
I have been to the Ukraine three times. Each time I enjoyed the people and culture of this remarkable nation. This Ukriain Take Down is personal to me.
Unfortunately this nation has a bad history of being destroyed over and over again in the 20th century.
1) WW1 - 1914 - The German War and occupation of the Ukraine, funded by the Rothchilds.
2) 1917-21 the Russian Revolution, funded by the Rothchilds.
3) WW2, German Occupation. Funded by the Rothchilds.
4) Break Up of the Soviet Union. Funded by US Ambassador to Russia (Leo Wanta) through President Reagan ( A good loyal Catholic Knight of Malta), backed by the Rothchilds directly.
5) Now, 100 years later, the Great US Occupation of the Ukraine. - funded Directly by the Rothchilds. Remember - USC5, Sec 103 - the US DOD works Directly for David Rothchilds now, not the US Corporation and the CIA is owned by the Crown of England and their money is directly corporation by David Rothchilds in exchange for keeping the crown.
So here we go again - more Bread Lines and lack of jobs due to the IMF and Rothchilds.
For the last 7 years the UN has been sending in reps to try and tie the Power and Water systems of the Ukraine in with the Euronations bu the infrastructure is literally falling apart and without the money to upgrade such things as "New Power Poles" and New Wang Computers for the Power Grid (Now GE Computers)it will never be done so the Ukraine will remain seperate from the Euro Nations.
In comes the CIA - Avanti - with $5 Billion Dollars of Local money. They send in 1,800 troops (Mostly from the US) and start riots, shoot up the place with weapons stored at teh American Embassy, and try and kill President Yanakovich with Machine Guns.
The Ukrainian people do not have guns. The average wage there is between $200 to $400 a month so where are they going to get $500 for a pistol and ammo and import taxes?
Yea - exactly.
These were weapons form the US Embassy Weapons Storage Locker, When the initial rioters went home in the morning (Brown Shoes, Baseball Caps) they went to the American Embassy with their guns.
So in comes the IMF Thugs and they kill those who support Democracy and put in place a "US Backed" government.
Next Step: In come the US troops to Kill - just to kill. That is what we do best - we kill.
Then comes $50 Billion in loans to the Ukraine Government, of which $20 Billion must go to Russia. Of course - in a war ALL DEBTS are cancelled.
The other $30 Billion will be split among the IMF Politicians. They will borrow at 3 1/2% and invest in Russia at 7 1/2%. Not bad for killing a few folks and putting up with dirty streets for a couple of weeks.
In the mean time - the interest the people of the Ukraine must pay for the $50 Billion is about $200/yr - or about 2-4 weeks of pay for the average worker there and about 2 months pay for someone living on their Social Security.
(((((And YOU wonder why I hate Politicians and could not stand other Ambassadors.)))))
Within a few months the Ukrainian Currency will go away and the New Gold Backed Rubble will once again be used in there as a money.
(Iraq, and many Arab Nations are now dumping the Dollar as a currency)
Funny - seven years ago I had dinner with a retired Minister of Anti-Monopoly. I toasted their currency and he laughed and said: "The Ukrainian Currency is a joke. We all use Rubles and US dollars."
So what can be done about the destruction of hte Ukraine once again by the IMF?
In recent years the Russian Federation has purchased about $160 Billion in US Treasury Bonds. If they had any brains they would offer the Ukranian People the opportunity to buy back their debt for Natural Gas and then cancel it in exchange for them rejoining the New Soviet Economic Block and allow them to remain an independent nation.
Unfortunately the Living GOD will now allow this to occur while passport aa-00029 remains outside of Europe, so HE has spoken, so it shall be.
So once again the little guy gets screwed and the Rothchilds and their Lucifarian Friends make enormous amounts of money all backed by the might and power of the Insane Obama US Military and Homeland Security.
Sounds allot like the NAZI take Over of Austria MARCH 12th 1938, doesn't it?
Then came the assassination of the Blacks, Gypsies and Jews in huge prison camps across Europe. IDF - GOD has a solution, but you are not looking so get scared, really scared.
See any burning Synagogues in Kiev lately - YUP, and Jews openly attacked on the streets by IMF backed Avanti troops - Obama's Brown Shirts. Scares me Israeli Defense Force.
Can we Zeig Heil yet?
You heard this first here on APFN
Dr William B. Mount
What you are about to read is typical and has occurred since the Rothchilds (Bauers form Bohemia, Germany) too over the managing of the UK/US budgets and the Vatican banking system way back before our grandfathers were born.
At first the English acted as their the Military Might for these German Scum, then the US took that roll when the Pound collapsed.
The current DC Government (US Corporation) has 3 star on their flag: One for the US Corporation's military, one for the Rothchild's money, and one for the Roman Pope - Chief Priest to Lucifer.
I have been to the Ukraine three times. Each time I enjoyed the people and culture of this remarkable nation. This Ukriain Take Down is personal to me.
Unfortunately this nation has a bad history of being destroyed over and over again in the 20th century.
1) WW1 - 1914 - The German War and occupation of the Ukraine, funded by the Rothchilds.
2) 1917-21 the Russian Revolution, funded by the Rothchilds.
3) WW2, German Occupation. Funded by the Rothchilds.
4) Break Up of the Soviet Union. Funded by US Ambassador to Russia (Leo Wanta) through President Reagan ( A good loyal Catholic Knight of Malta), backed by the Rothchilds directly.
5) Now, 100 years later, the Great US Occupation of the Ukraine. - funded Directly by the Rothchilds. Remember - USC5, Sec 103 - the US DOD works Directly for David Rothchilds now, not the US Corporation and the CIA is owned by the Crown of England and their money is directly corporation by David Rothchilds in exchange for keeping the crown.
So here we go again - more Bread Lines and lack of jobs due to the IMF and Rothchilds.
For the last 7 years the UN has been sending in reps to try and tie the Power and Water systems of the Ukraine in with the Euronations bu the infrastructure is literally falling apart and without the money to upgrade such things as "New Power Poles" and New Wang Computers for the Power Grid (Now GE Computers)it will never be done so the Ukraine will remain seperate from the Euro Nations.
In comes the CIA - Avanti - with $5 Billion Dollars of Local money. They send in 1,800 troops (Mostly from the US) and start riots, shoot up the place with weapons stored at teh American Embassy, and try and kill President Yanakovich with Machine Guns.
The Ukrainian people do not have guns. The average wage there is between $200 to $400 a month so where are they going to get $500 for a pistol and ammo and import taxes?
Yea - exactly.
These were weapons form the US Embassy Weapons Storage Locker, When the initial rioters went home in the morning (Brown Shoes, Baseball Caps) they went to the American Embassy with their guns.
So in comes the IMF Thugs and they kill those who support Democracy and put in place a "US Backed" government.
Next Step: In come the US troops to Kill - just to kill. That is what we do best - we kill.
Then comes $50 Billion in loans to the Ukraine Government, of which $20 Billion must go to Russia. Of course - in a war ALL DEBTS are cancelled.
The other $30 Billion will be split among the IMF Politicians. They will borrow at 3 1/2% and invest in Russia at 7 1/2%. Not bad for killing a few folks and putting up with dirty streets for a couple of weeks.
In the mean time - the interest the people of the Ukraine must pay for the $50 Billion is about $200/yr - or about 2-4 weeks of pay for the average worker there and about 2 months pay for someone living on their Social Security.
(((((And YOU wonder why I hate Politicians and could not stand other Ambassadors.)))))
Within a few months the Ukrainian Currency will go away and the New Gold Backed Rubble will once again be used in there as a money.
(Iraq, and many Arab Nations are now dumping the Dollar as a currency)
Funny - seven years ago I had dinner with a retired Minister of Anti-Monopoly. I toasted their currency and he laughed and said: "The Ukrainian Currency is a joke. We all use Rubles and US dollars."
So what can be done about the destruction of hte Ukraine once again by the IMF?
In recent years the Russian Federation has purchased about $160 Billion in US Treasury Bonds. If they had any brains they would offer the Ukranian People the opportunity to buy back their debt for Natural Gas and then cancel it in exchange for them rejoining the New Soviet Economic Block and allow them to remain an independent nation.
Unfortunately the Living GOD will now allow this to occur while passport aa-00029 remains outside of Europe, so HE has spoken, so it shall be.
So once again the little guy gets screwed and the Rothchilds and their Lucifarian Friends make enormous amounts of money all backed by the might and power of the Insane Obama US Military and Homeland Security.
Sounds allot like the NAZI take Over of Austria MARCH 12th 1938, doesn't it?
Then came the assassination of the Blacks, Gypsies and Jews in huge prison camps across Europe. IDF - GOD has a solution, but you are not looking so get scared, really scared.
See any burning Synagogues in Kiev lately - YUP, and Jews openly attacked on the streets by IMF backed Avanti troops - Obama's Brown Shirts. Scares me Israeli Defense Force.
Can we Zeig Heil yet?
You heard this first here on APFN
Dr William B. Mount
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