Where oh where could this lost just be?
Could it be in Alaska?
Could it be in the Indian Ocean?
Could it be in London?
Duh - it crashed exactly where the radar shows it to have crashed.
SO - why is the media fixed on this story?
What are they hiding?
The Radar:
The letter form a guy who saw it crash exactly where the radar says it crashed:
Please pray - visualize - that whatever Lucifer is hiding is exposed.
Could it be that ALL isra4eli Embassies are closed world wide and all Israeli Ambassador's are heading to underground shelter?
Could it be that the G-7 is about to crash and have the value of the Euro and Dollar fall in a large way, leading to Nuclear War?
Could it be that news reporters - like John B Wells of Coast To Coast - are being fired world wide for speaking the truth?
Pray to expose this fact.
You heard it first here on APFN
Dr William B. Mount