Friday, July 30, 2021

Mount 1 Premier Entertainment 7/30/21

Thursday, July 29, 2021

Dubai Making Rain With Drones



You - the Saudi Arabian government is actually making rain using drones

Knowing that food crops are failing wrld wide htey have decided to make Saudi Arabia athe Farming Capitol of the Middle East

Using Drone that "ZAP" the air with electricity they are making rain

Even the PLA is getting in on it by building a mini HAARP - only my guess is it will not create rain but be used to attack Israel - Especially since it is US Funded By the Democrats - Who Hate Israel.

Isra - People

El - Rock, meaning GOD

ISRAEL - People Of GOD

So if it is that easy to make rain - why the hell are/t governors in the Western USA Using It to Make Rain

Governor Of Texas?

Governor Of Montana

Governor Of Idaho

Either you are retarded OR Traitors and need to be hung for murdering your own citizens purposely.

You need to grow some stones below the belt and man up Governors

The wall Of truth

Dr William Mount

Wednesday, July 28, 2021

UN: Food Prices Soaring World Wide


VIDEO:  (333) Mount 1 Report Premier Entertainment 7/28/21 - YouTube

1st - Pry Those Censoring Us Are removed form Planet Earth Immediately & their AI's Are Destroyed

On to the Stories:

Food Prices across the planet are soaring.

Low harvests combined with China buying up everything in sight have raised Grave concerns about the coming mass station in Emerging Nations

Funny - Ethiopia has been around for over 3,500 years and it is still considered an "Emerging Nation" despite the fact that the US NAZIS broke Eutrea, Somalia and Dijubuti away from their nation

Droughts, floods, Locusts have all contributed to this food crisis now hitting

The cost of basic necessities like Rice has almost doubled on local markets over the last year  in the areas like Lagos, Nigeria

So for the most vulnerable in Africa, South America, etc basic Necessities have double in price

So take a guy earning $40 a week in the Ukraine and food prices double???

These shortages will creat a class that eats and a class that does not eat

The Eaters & the Non-Eaters World Wide

This is what the UN says in their latest reports

IE; COVID Vaccine - 80 Mortality Rate in 3 years, complete Sterilization of this who took it forever

Tomorrow we will give the actions by China & Russia to try and stop NASA and DARPA from destroying their nations through excess heating and massive drought & rain

The Wall Of Truth

Dr William B. Mount

Mount 1 Report Premier Entertainment 7/28/21

Mount 4 Report - Things Gone Bonkers

Tuesday, July 27, 2021

No One Is Voting - America Is Disgusted

 America Is Disgusted

VIDEO:   No One Is Voting - Mine Was The Only Vote

The day before an election and I was the only one who voted in Pierce County

An area of about 1.5 Million People - I was the only vote



America Is Disgusted With These Underground Sock Puppets Bankrupting Us And Now Killing Us

Remember - the VACCINE has an 80-90% death rate within 3 years, 50% within 1 year

First a stroke, then another one,  then MOYAMOYA - Strokes around a dead portion of the brain

The doctors will send you home - they can't treat you

Many strokes cause loss of vision, double vision, dizziness, and then death

The lying doctors send you to "Experts" 

The "Experts" say they don't know what's wrong

Then you die

We cannot reverse a DNA Changes but we can give protocols to keep yuo alive


The Wall Of Truth

Dr William Mount

Mount 1 Report Premier Entertainment 7/27/21