Monday, July 1, 2019

The Reset - What Is Planned - The Briefing

The Reset - What Is About To Happen

We have been briefed - So as of This Morning ----

President Trump's Plate Is Full - so while he is dealing with

1) New Nuclear Treaties with France, Russia, China, England, etc.

2) While Turkey is about to be thrown out of NATO

3) While War looms with Iran and Libya

4) while We Have A Huge Economic Expansion While The World Is Falling Into AA Huge Inflationary Depression

5) While The American Traitors Do Not Go To Jail - Especially In The DOJ, MSM and Social Media Platforms

60 While The Threat To Trump's Life Accelerate Because The Traitors Are Not In Jail

7) While Oil Refineries Explode Across The Globe

8) The Distraction Of Running For President

President Trump has come up with a plan to stabilize the US Economy during this coming RESET - that is currently planned for ending in November - Maybe, Possibly

That is if the Traiterous Lunatic Liberals Do Not Get In The Way

At that point Gold should hit $9,000/Ounce and Silver $800/Ounce

However - Those Unarrested Traitors do plan to get in the way so ....

The real question is - When will President Trump arrest those 20,000 US Traitors like Mueller, Comey, Rosestein, Shift, Pelosi, etc???

If There Are No Immediate Arrests - It may All Fall Apart

VIDEO:  (560) The Reset - What Is Planned - The Briefing - YouTube

The Wall Of Truth

Dr William b. Mount

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Saturday, June 29, 2019

Reset Nears - Huge Cracks Appear In US Dollar Reserve Status

Reset Nears As Dollar Begins To Crack

Huge cracks are now appearing in the dollar across the planet.

The Reserve Status is falling as INSTEX now goes on line.

INSTEX is a system set up by President Obama in Europe in 2015 to bypass the US Dollars.

Run out of a Bank in France using a German to run the entire system through France, Germany and England these "Frenimies" are now trading with Iran and bypassing the Dollar.

What this means is that when the Chinese CIPS/Belton Road project is fully implemented - the US Dollar as a Reserve Currency will die - Killing the Elite Deep States ability to destroy this planet through continual wars.

VIDEO:  (524) Reset Nears - Huge Cracks Appear In US Dollar Reserve Status - YouTube

The Wall Of Truth

Dr William B. Mount

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