Saturday, June 1, 2019

DOJ Investigating Google For Anti Trust Violations

Yup - Unbelievable But True

Unable to trust either the FCC or the FTC the President has ordered the DOJ to begin investigating both Google and the Alphabet Company for violating Anti-Monopoly Laws

My guess is that nothing but a few fines will occur

So the attack on his convoy 19 days ago - leaving 3 Louisiana Troopers on the ground - did not wake him up maybe the 4 attempts on his life we outlined will..

Either way - is seems unlikely that this President will do anything productive towards uncensotring the truth

If President Trump  does not listen to GOD he may just be replaced in December with a Double - not kidding.

A Complete CIA controlled puppet, and not by the good side of the CIA.

Just in time for the supposed 'Economic Crash" to bring about a Demon-Rat into the White House and a massive Nuclear War.

We wish this was a joke but after 3 more UN Broadcasts from those who run the UN - this is their plan and the US is still funding these Fallen Angels in the UN.

President Trumps Life May depend on him doing as GOD has asked him to do.

In fact - all of our lives may depend now on whether President Trump does as GOD has directed him to do.

So we pray for President Trumps Safety and that he does as GOD has asked him to do.

The first thing he asked him to do is remove the Internet form ICANN and stop censoring the truth and go after Election Fraud and shut up and build THE WALL

Not to hard to remember - right?

VIDEO:  (478) DOJ Launches Anti-Monopoly Probe Against Google - YouTube

The Wall Of Truth

Dr William B. Mount


Is This The Event That Starts The Crash ???

Friday, May 31, 2019

Is This The Event That Starts The Crash ???

Is This THE EVENT To Crash Markets???

First - let me thank the You Tube Viewers and my wife for bringing this story into it's true light.

As we move into June the layoffs will begin and the Elites need an excuse to trash the World Wide Markets.

Planned 2 years ago by the IMF, these tariffs on Mexico are meant to destroy the 15th largest economy in the world - Mexico - and have the "Financial Contagion" spread to the United States and to the world.

The coming Depression will be unlike anything we have ever seen.

If the Elites are successful hey plan to destroy even Social Security through both Mass Layoffs, placing Million More on Socials Security Refugee Pay and through Hyper Inflation.

There is nothing we can do but pray these evil plans hatched by Lucifer are thwarted and that all f Lucifer's Workers are neutralized immediately and forever.

Pray also that we can continue to broadcast the truth everywhere so people can be ready for what these Lucfaian Cockroaches have already set in motion.

If they can''t have their war they want economic collapse.

Either Way it is about to get REAL exciting - starting tomorrow - as 4 Hits on President Trump are planned in June aloe - which we have already described in detail.....

Expect Anything --- Form FBI False Flags to CIA Attempts at starting a Full Scale Nuclear War Every Single Day.

Video: Is This The Event That Starts The Crash ??? - YouTube

The Wall Of Truth

Dr William B. Mount

Get your wealth out of paper - We Went To:

Home - Noble Gold Investments

Then We Called Them At: 877-646-5347



Is This The Event That Starts The Crash ???

One More Push - US Dollar Goes "Poof" - Depression

One More Push - US Dollar Goes "Poof" - Depression