Monday, February 4, 2019


Ain't No One Buying nothing Right Now

For 4 straight months now Factory Orders have fallen - and fallen hard

Gm lays off 4,000 workers today

Further - the White Dragons, according to Benjamin Fulford - are now hunting down these Elites who want to start WW3

Tomorrow begins the Chinese New Year: Of The Pig

Tomorrow Large Bounties go Out On The NAZI PIGS who want to start WW3

Video:  (1403) Ain't Nobody's Buying Nothin' - Everything's Tanking - YouTube

The Wall Of Truth

Dr William . Mount

President Discusses Need For National Emergency -------

Global Warming - Really Folks?

Global Warming, Really???

1st Day -53*
Two days later +50*
Two days alter -50*
Same Place Here In The USA

Just watch the video

VIDEO:  (1710) Global Warming On Steroids - YouTube

The Wall of Truth

Dr William B. Mount

Our House:

60* 3 Days Ago

Last Night - Was 11* and Snow