Thursday, January 24, 2019

Busted: Half Of Facebook Users Are Fake


What was exposed was by Facebook

VIDEO:  (806) Presidential Coup Indictments Fly As EU Prepares For Conflict - YouTube

Not only are half of it's users fake - So are their:

1) Likes & Dislikes

2) Number of Users

3) Advertising Statistics

4) Their Home Spun Stories are also lies

5) And they use these Fake People to "HIT ON ADS"  randomly

In other words - Facebook has been lying to it's advertisers ever since it was created.

The DOJ has make no arrests for this fraud

We will also see this exposed with Google, You Tube and any other companies the CIA Controlled Google owns.

Lunatic Liberals are given huge numbers of hits while conservatives have their hits reduced by over 99%

Facebook was funded by - Arthur Patterson who worked for - Wait For It - Savi Technologies owned by Lockheed Martin - The Space Program


The Wall Of Truth

Dr William B. Mount


Facebook Slides After Report Claims 50% Of Its Users Are Fake | Zero Hedge

History of Facebook - Wikipedia

Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Presidential Coup Indictments Fly As EU Prepares For Conflict

Presidential Coup Indictments Opened As EU Prepares For Conflict

Indictments Against Trump Coup Fly As Europe Prepares For War 3

The indictments against those against Trump as now flying

In addition - Europe s now dividing into factions similar to WW1.

Germany, France and Belgium and forming an AXIS of NAZIism.

Video:  (758) Presidential Coup Indictments Opened As EU Prepares For Conflict - YouTube

The Wall Of Truth

Dr William B. Mount


Protests In Key Ares Now Spreading Across The Globe

Lawsiut To Determine If US Is Republic Or Corporation

Yesterday the President ordered 33,000 IRS Employees back to work with no pay.

The ensuing Lawsuit will determine whether the US is a corporation or a Republic.

If we are a Republic then everything changes.

Our 1st, 2nd, 3rd......... Amendment Rights Remain & can no longer be touched

VIDEO: (1589) Stunning: Lawsuit To Determine If US Is A Corporation Or Republic - YouTube

The Wall Of Truth

Dr William B. Mount

Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Well Funded Protests Now Spreading Across The Globe

There are well funded protests now spreading across the globe

These protests are now targeting key areas that are shutting down industries here in America and Europe.

The Elite Deep State will have their Hell On Earth soon if this continues.

VIDEO:  (705) Protests In Key Ares Now Spreading Across The Globe - YouTube

The Wall Of Truth

Dr William B. Mount

Note for Sarah Sanders:

Why not invite You Tubers into the White House for press conferences?