Saturday, December 22, 2018

Loan Markets Freeze - Next Credit - Then....

We are watching the Death of the US Federal Reserve Bank Dollar in slow motion

Thanks to our President we have time to prepare for the freezing up of credit and then comes the empty shelves - at lest for a little while anyway.

Just be ready for to hit the fan

Video:  (48) Loan Market Freezes, Credit Next, Then Empty Shelves - YouTube

The White Elephant In The Room is now Exposed

The Wall Of Truth

Dr william B. Mount

Friday, December 21, 2018

Something Huge Is Now Happening Now !!!

Something Huge Is Happening Now

We are seeing:

1) Former Head of the NYC Feds, and now Director of Goldman Sachs, stating the Feds will raise interest rates until something breaks - they are destroying the World's Economy.

3) US Recalling all of it's troops in Syria,,, many from Afghanistan and all of it's 11 Carrier Fleets.

3) For the first time in over 120 years the US Fleet will not patrol the World's Waters. We are no longer the World's Police - that is over.

For the rest see the video:

(582) Something Huge Is Now Happening Now !!! - YouTube

The Wall Of Truth

Dr William B. Mount

President Stands Up To Demoncrats

President Stands Up To Demoncrats

Thursday, December 20, 2018

President Trump Stands Up To Demoncrats

Our President is finally standing up to the Demoncrats.

Vidoe: (546) President Stands Up To Demoncrats - YouTube

He has openly stated that if Congress refuses to fund THE WALL he will not sign the Government Funding Bill. Period.

So the bill went to Congress, then to the Senate, then back to the Lower House and there the GOP has stopped the bill - the Demoncrats added too many riders to "The Bill."

So when the Government shuts down on Christmas we can thank the Senate Ranking Minority Leader the Pervert Chuckie Shummer for adding all those Riders to "This Government Funding Bill."

No more funding for the Syrian War

No more funding for the Iraq War

N more riders to the bill that would fund the ongoing terrorists in Iraq

It's over Chuckie Shummer and Rhino republicans and if Lockheed Martin even says a peep GOD will shut down their Space Program. So HE has said it - so it shall be.


1) Thank you KGB for finding the Nuke headed to Moscow today

2) 2 Jan - Still 3 Nukes headed for detonation in USA - Seattle, NYC, One other, Easy to find, old US Made Nukes, highly radioactive.

3) 12 Jan President Travel on Air Force 1 - Left Front Tire cracking. May be on chopper - but I think main jet.

4) 15-18 Nasty Hurricane headed to East Coast created by NASA. keep President's head down due to a FBI contracted shooter. He has tracers. When captured he will talk - sing like a canary.

5) 17 Feb - Nuke headed for Dc and Arlington, both small, easy to detect, will be unshielded but a warning to Patriots from the Elite Bankstas in Geneva, Sw. They must be terminated.

6) 20-22 Mar - Travel - someone will try to lock the Presidential Convoy again and shoot the Main Presidential Limo with Armor Piercing Round - 308 or 50 hollow point packed with Iron. Semi Auto - so I think it is 30 Caliber

7) Over $1 Trillion in Cash unaccounted for in large bills - like $50,000 Bill, etc.

8) Over $1 Trillion in Coins notw unaccounted for - like Penny's, Morgan Dollars, etc.

Would give you more detailed info - if i move to an area more conducive to getting information.

FBI - CIA  - NSA - ETC  - It's your lives on the lone as YOU & YOUR FAMILIES will be the first to be eliminated if this war kicks off.

The Wall Of Truth

Dr William B. Mount

President Stands Up To Demoncrats