Wednesday, January 25, 2017

All EPA Accounts Suspended - Media Black Out - Except Here

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Union Leaders Praise President Trump

Union Leaders Praise Pres Trump - Unbelievable


Union Leaders Praise President Trump - YouTube

That’s correct.

The Teamster’s President James Hoffa praised President Trumpss’ move to crush the Trans Pacific Partnership.

The AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka also praised President Trump’s efforts to “Renegotiate” NAFTA and offer the Canadian and Mexican Governments deals they “No Canna Refuse.”

By the expected addition of 6 million more Manufacturing Jobs  coming back to America over the next 4 years Union Membership should sky rocket and pension funds will thus be stabilized.

James Hoffa said: “Today, President Trump made good on his campaign promise to withdraw the United States from the Trans Pacific Partnership.”

Unbelievable - the Union Leaders praising a Republican President.

Second - President Trump also signed a bill to push through the Keystone Pipeline - from North Dakota to the Mississippi River.

America will not only be energy independent it will also eliminate the US Trade Deficit within 3 months.

Third - President Donald Trump has decided to keep on James Comey as the Director of the FBI. Apparently there have been quite a few visits by some “Out Of Towners”

Fourth - Storms across the Central US are tearing it apart. Look at the wind map - Bizarre. Please pray that these Intense Storms calm down into Gentle Rains and Gentle Winds.

Firth - President Trump has terminated funding to groups that conduct Abortions outside of America. Apparently WE in America have been paying for abortions world wide. President Clinton initiated this, President Bush Cancelled it, President Obama reinitiated it and now President Trump has again cancelled these payments.

Sixth - As the Sun begins to expand the extra energy can be directed out to see to release the excess energy now hitting the Earth.

Finally - Please pray with me that Radio Host Pastor Rick Wiles foot heals from the hairline fracture he received a few days ago when he actually slipped on a wet floor while working.


A Note For President Trump:

First - we love having you in office. If offered a trip on a Boat of any kind next month - say no.

Second - A Pylon on Air Force 2, which I believe is now Air Force 3 as of yesterday,  is cracked. Remember the “Engine” that supposedly fell off a B-52 last month - hint, hint….

Third - Madonna threatened to blow up the White House and Glenn Beck threatened to stab you over and over again - they are very dangerous people - as is Rosie O’Donnell and her friends. You need to deal with them immediately.

Fourth - wear magnets in your pockets to eliminate the effects of the Electronics in the wall. If you need some ask.

Fifth - No more clicking cameras - they need to go No-Flash digital Cameras. Period. Someone is trying to give you a seizure.

Sixth - The New Software Upgrade on Air Force One causes flickering in the program - it has “Lowest Bidder Syndrome“. You might seriously reconsider not upgrading the computers on Air Force 2 (It is about to happen) and 3 until this glitch is worked out.

Finally - You have a mole. The man giving Hand Signals after escorting you into the Armored Limo - Completely Loyal - but…. Payoffable. Please bring people into the White House who can detect those things. We, the people, want you around for the next 8 years as a fully functional and incredibly successful  President.

Finally - a CEO who can manage a business running the United States Corporation

Please pray that President Trump is well protected and every evil plan is thwarted his reviving of America fails.

Please also pray for your families - the storms running across the world are getting more and more intense.
 Be Ready.



Age Backwards - you avoid the doctor.

Last night Jane was up almost all night - an effect of our Anti-aging Process and her face - wowzers - as the wrinkles subside.

She’s Happy

She plans to show her “New Face” to all her friends this week.

Go: Get The Tea, Food For Liberty, Immusist and Citricare

The News You Need

Dr William B. Mount



Trump Signs Executive Orders Renegotiating Keystone XL, Dakota Access Pipelines | Zero Hedge

Trump Is Keeping FBI Director Comey | Zero Hedge - Interactive 3D globe brings weather to life

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Monday, January 23, 2017





This morning President Trump ordered the CDC Headquarters in Atlanta to be raided at 3:00 Am Their Time.

Although Unconfirmed the CDC did tell me on the phone a few minutes ago: "We Are Not Allowed To Comment On That.Please Email me and we will give you a statement about it. "

I also had 36 Posts on my video 10 minutes before it was posted...

Long before the Employees began showing up to work the FBI was busting down doors and seizing computers.

Accompanying these FBI Agents was Dr William Thompson - who is a CDC Whistle Blower.

The raid was ordered by the President and was led by Sally Yates - Acting Attorney General and part of the King and Spalding Law Group, which was also working with President Trump’s huge law firm: “Jones Day.”

All of the records for the Vaccines - what is in them, what they have done to people across the globe - it is all being seized as you read this.
As soon as President Obama took office he granted both the CDC and Monsanto protection in their massive use of GMO Foods and Vaccines to kill people world wide. That protection is now gone. The employees involved in murder and disabling people world wide have two choices: Become a whistle blower or face 20 years to life in prison.

There is no place you can hide on this planet or in this planet.

So what is in Vaccines that make them so deadly???

Of the 202 children we have worked with 2 were autistic due to Vaccines given to the Mothers while she was in the military. The other 200 became autistic the day they were vaccinated and all have Indigo Aura.

All of the Autistic Children had, after the vaccinations: High levels of Mercury, Uranium, Nangalese (Destroys Nerve Cells), Malaria, Relapsing Fever (Mostly Lyme Disease), and a host of other diseases like Babesiosois, Erhlichiosis, etc.

Those with Chrystaline Aura’s were killed outright. This author has a Chrystaline Aura.

So this morning President Trump ordered a raid on the CDC Headquarters in Atlanta and the Intelligence Office below the CDC Headquarters.

The penalty for purposely murdering and crippling American’s is covered in USC 18 and is 20 years in jail to death.

The arrests begin today - the Tribunals (Trials) of these “Paid Terrorists” will begin in late March. They may be televised or they  may be very quiet.

So now what do you do if your child was made autistic.

First - Realize moms that YOU did not do this to your child. Autism is not genetic, period. They were made Autistic by some really sick people who need to be thrown in jail for  life.

Second - Go to You Tube and watch the video THE CURE FOR AUTISM

Third: Most likely you were never given a Vaccine Information Sheet when your child was vaccinated. This gives you grounds for a Law Suit. Against the company that gave your child the vaccination. Unfortunately you are fighting the Vaccine Companies and they are notorious for paying off judges and witnesses.

Fourth - Seek the truth - this is hard to find. If you produced the truth you will be attacked over and over again.

Of all the videos I have produced this one is attacked by the “CIA Trolls” the most. We had over 80 Trolls hit this video in the last two months alone.

Firth - Moms - this is how you reverse the effects of Autism:

…a) No more GMO Foods, no more Food Colorings and no more chemicals for you or your children.

…b) For bread - Eat Spelt and Spent alone.

…c) For Oil - Use Coconut oil, Period, Too many Olive Oils contain Canola Oil - a GMO Rapeseed Plant - which makes Cows sick. What do you think it does to your child???

…d) Sweetener - No Sugar, no artificial sugars. Some Pure Cane Brown Sugar and Birch Wood Xylitol Sugar to harden their teeth is good.

…e) Tooth Paste - No More Fluoride Tooth Pastes. Period.

…f) Immusist - follow the instructions closely. This is the Surfactant identical to what we take out of Kelp and, in my opinion, the only product that will walk your child out of Autism.

…g) Citric are - be careful as it is very powerful. Both Citricare and Immusist maybe purchased at Vim and Vigor. I make no money off any of these companies. This is my country and YOU have a RIGHT to reverse what these Vaccine Companies did to you.

…h) Eat Sea Weed

…i) Pray

It will be a long road but worth while moms. When your non-speaking Autistic Child looks up for the first time and says: “Moooooom Iiou Loovvve Yououou” it will bring tears to your eyes.

There is no other method to remove Autism - no other method.

Not mud baths, not eating clay, not cold lasers. Until the Surfactant in Immusist breaks down the Nangalase and disperses the Viral toxins so your own White Blood Cells can destroy the diseases in your child’s little body - they will always be autistic.
==========================What You Can Expect:

A non-speaking autistic male age 12 named “Sam” (Name Changed to protect them) began eating Immusist. He has now graduated from High School and is almost normal - except his Emotional Age is only about 10.

As  for a 5 or 6 year old child with Extreme Autism - by the time they are 12 to 13 almost all effects are eliminated.

If you catch a partially Autistic child at, say, age 10 by the time he is 20 the All Effects of the Autism will be completely and forever more erased. This is so common.

This “Curing” Autism is a new Field so expect the unexpected.

Please pray that your family has the Wisdom to start reversing Autism in any of your children.

Pray that your family is ready for what the Bankstas are about to throw at America.


Two Cirticare and one Immusist $152.

Anti-aging - I now sleep around 5-6 hours a day - lots of energy.

Hair Restoration - Nothing Yet

Tooth Reminerilization: We will now after a dental appointment tomorrow but so far so good.

CitriCare citrus seed extract

The News You Need

Dr William B. Mount

President Trump Orders FBI To Conduct Massive Raid On CDC Headquarters



Sunday, January 22, 2017

Trump Dumps TPP, NAFTA, Praises CIA

Trump Dumps TPP, NAFTA, Praises CIA


Video:  Trump Dumps TPP, NAFTA, Praises CIA - YouTube

This is an Exciting New Era and we should see allot of great thing beginning to happen - like reversing the aging process thanks to your prayers.

First - As President Trump Promised he has formally begun pulling the United States Corporation out of the Trans Pacific Partnership. This TPP would have made corporations like Monsanto superior to the US Inc, Japan Inc, China Inc and would have given these Elite Globalists and Bankstas Legal Control of every thing across the globe.

NAFTA - The North American Free Trade Agreement was initiated in 1994 and was designed to destroy the American Economy. It allows other nations to place Tariffs on American Made Products but prohibits the US from putting Tariffs on Foreign Made Products.

So the US could import a Chinese made car with no additional fees but a US made car would have a 100% Increase In Cost when it arrived in China - making it very, very expensive.

A Pearl Necklace sells for around $1,000 in Kiev, Ukraine yet I sent my adopted sister enough pearls and supplies to make a dozen necklaces for under $100. That’s how Tariffs work.

NAFTA is over and will be renegotiated immediately in favor of real free trade.

The Council of 50 +1 is in absolute turmoil.

Second - President Trump praised the CIA in a speech and got a resounding ovation form the agents in attendance

There are some GREAT Agents who have tirelessly worked with the FBI and KGB to stop these terrorist attacks on America.

Third - the House introduced a bill to pull the US out of the United Nations HR 193, the American Sovereignty Restoration Act of 2017. Actually - the US would maintain it’s role in the Security Council and have 1 Ambassador present in the General Council but would no longer fund 80% of the UN Activities. The UN would then have to pay it’s rent or get out of it’s current building.

Remember we stated years ago the UN is moving to Astana, Khazikhstan and the New UN Building has already been built???

This has been in the workings for decades.

Finally - we are seeing the breaking up of the Holy Catholic Church - the Church that has run the planet for Millennium.

Yesterday it was announced that the Roman Pope fired the American Free Masons that were Catholic Knights of Malta and who answered to Arch Bishop and Cardinal Timothy Dolan. Can he do that?

A Bishop in the Roman Catholic and Russian Orthodox Churches are authorized to own an “Ecclesiatical Corporation.” This Special type of Corporation was created almost 1,700  years ago in Rome -  before the Virginia Charter of 1706 and the formation of the America in 1717.

As the United States was formed it was formed as an Ecclesiastical Corporation and as Governors took their places and Attorney Generals offices formed most were formed under these laws.

These types of Corporations are untouchable by any type of Government or Royalty around the world and unless there is gross money laundering and murder involved corporations like the IRS are not legally allowed to interfere with the way they are run. Agents disappear who try and conduct these operations.

The IRS is a corporation owned in London and not licensed to operate in any state in the union this is why taxes are “Voluntary.”

(((Unless you have $ Ten Million sitting around in your living room - pay your taxes.)))

So the Arch Bishop Timothy Dolan - who officially President over Donald Trumps Inauguration as President of the United States Corporation  - controls an Ecclesiastical Corporation and each church is a local LLC controlled by this Master Corporation.

Yes - Members of the churches are liable for crimes they commit but it means that what the church does with it’s donations is there business - as it should be.

The US Organic Constitution of 1871 cemented these laws in place.

Please keep in mind that all Bishops in the Roman Catholic and Russian Orthodox Churches are Consecrated and therefore not impeachable  and cannot be excommunicated or removed even by their respective leaders.

Thus - Cardinal Arch Bishop Timothy Dolan does not have to listen to the Roman Pope and may now stop sending tithes to Rome.

As other Bishops around the world learn how this can be done they will follow and we will see the breaking up of the Holy Roman Catholic Church using the laws they implemented over 1,800 years ago.

The Jesuit Hit Men were supposed to stop this kind of Legal rebellion but they too are learning they do not have to send in their tithes to their respective leaders either.

Further - in the announcement of the Roman Pope yesterday about these USA Catholic appointed Knights of Malta being fired exposes the fact that the Roman Pope apparently claims ownership and control over the Anglican Church and the Episcopal Church - which are all separate Ecclesiastical Corporations.

We encourage all Catholics, Anglicans and Episcopals to continue to Worship the King of Kings and Lord of Lords in a way and manner that you see fit and let those who are on top figure this one out.

Worship GOD and GOD alone and let the politicians sort it out.

Please pray that all of  the Evil Deeds now coming against America are neutralized immediately.

Please pray your families are ready for what is coming.

Keep your pantries full

Tonight we will feast on Gluten Free Pasta Primavera from Food For Liberty and add vegies and chicken. This $16 packet will last us about 3 nights as we change it every night.


Products in Get The Tea we are suing to reverse the aging process are on sale.

To be blunt - Holy Canoli - Janes Wrinkles are going away fast. Wowzers.

The News You Need

Dr William B. Mount

Bill Introduced to TERMINATE U.S. Membership in the United Nations

Trump Receives Standing Ovation After CIA Speech (FULL SPEECH) - YouTube

Trump Formally Invokes U.S. WITHDRAWAL from the Trans-Pacific Partnership - Then Declares Re-Negotiation of NAFTA



Pope Francis Compares Trump To Hitler As FBI Arrest Of Freemason Spy Shakes Italy To Its Core