Saturday, January 14, 2017

Trumpsters Move To Buy CNN

Trumpsters Move To Buy CNN


VIDEO: Trumpsters Move To Buy CNN - YouTube

Supporters of the Trumpster now have made a move to take over Att/Time Warner - which owns CNN - and the other 5 News Organizations which run the News across the world.

The sales will go through the day the Trumpster in inaugurated

Time for the Truth to Emerge.

Most of these CNN Reporters will be lucky to find a job cleaning toilets in about 6 months.

In retaliation for these efforts the Obama Handlers have ordered the NSA to turn over all telephone call recordings to the Satanic NAZI  CIA for immediate release through these FAKE News Sites like CNN and Time Magazine.

Please keep in mind that many, many CIA Agents are Patriots and there will be Hell to pay if they cooperate with this outgoing Illegal Alien.

The intent here is to sabotage the Trump Presidency.

What else would you expect form the Satanic NAZI’s in the Democratic Party?

They are desperate and desperate people do desperate things.

Look how long it has taken to purge our nation of the NAZI’s and their allies - over 70 years now. This Evil does not die easily.

The War Crime Trials have already begun in China - who lost over 20 Million People between 1935 and 1945 to the NAZI Supported Japanese Invasions. Then, with the Communist and US Backed Mao they lost another estimated 20 Million people.

As for the wire tapping - 21 years ago a very close friend of mine who began working with the CIA called me and read me a conversation I supposedly had with an Uncle of Mine. We talked for about 10 minutes and the funny thing is - while he ahd a recording of the Phone Call I had no idea who he was talking about?

The entire Phone Conversation - it was completely fake but he thought it was real. I really had no idea who he was talking about.

So the entire exchange - both the recorded part and the printed version of the call - were fake.

So I suppose - if the Satanic NAZI party could simply make up calls the Trumpster and his staff made to sabotage his presidency.

If they can lie about the Clinton’s Balanced Budget - Spending Money not collected for 3 more years - than they can lie about anything. In the year 2000, for example,  President Bill Clinton was spending revenue that was not supposed to be collected until the year 2003. He spent FUNNY MONEY.

When George Bush Jr took office in 2001 the his first budget he signed for the year 2002 was to spend revenue as not to be collected until  the year 2005.

So when the Left Wing Media is purchased by those who wish to tell the truth - there will be a whole lot of reporters who get fired and may go on trial for War Crimes.


As for other news:

1) The National Guard General for DC is to be fired the second Trump takes office. The new General has agreed to stop any riots that the left may created.

It’s not nice to conspire against the President Elect Major General Schwartz. Way - this General lied in an interview - the Newly Retired General will be able to see these troops back to the Armory as a Retired General. That’s why he is getting fired - for lying.

2) Operation Atlantic Resolve - Please keep in minds US Generals that your locations are know by the Russians as you are all chipped. The first casualties will be NATO HQ and these Generals if they try to invade Russia.

This is not 1941 - you die first Generals as do your families as - the VA has sold YOUR records across the globe and your security has been compromised.

3)  There is a call for two things during the Inauguration:

a) Over 2 Million Bikers are planned to stop the Inauguration NAZI Left Wingers who try to start a riot.

b) There will be Saturation Patrols throughout DC to stop any and all NAZI Nuts who plan to start a riot and they will not be Nicey Nicey.

Bill Ayers - One of Obama’s Top Adviser - admitted to killing a San Francisco Cop with a bomb and blinding another one and he never served a day in jail for it.

We will never forget the Murder of San Francisco’s Police Officer Sergeant Brian V McDonnell on February 16th, 1970 by Obama Presidential Adviser Bill Ayers.


So when you Cops are ordered by the FBI to Molly Coddle these DC Cop Hating Protesters on the 20th and 21st of January remember the name McDonnell.


Please Pray that those trying to start WW3 and assassinate the Trumpster are sent Love and all Evil Activities cease immediately.

Please also pray that YOUR families are ready for what is about to be thrown at them. It was -19 in Kalispell Montana last night - Crazy Cold.



a) When we turn the Thermostat from 72 Degrees to 68 Degrees we save half on our power bill. When we go away for the day we turn it down to 66 Degrees.

Long Johns are your friends.

b) On the tooth front: The Liquid Remineralization has helped with the gums allot but has yet to remineralize the teeth - although it did eliminate an infection in an upper left tooth.

c) On the Ant-Aging Front: We will stop over the weekend to allow our bodies to rest. People are beginning to notice Jane’s Wrinkle are going away.  Go Immusist, Citricare, and Get The Tea.

d) On the Autism Front - one little girl we have been working with for 3 years now is mentally reaching the 2s - the “No” stage and simultaneously reaching Puberty. Everything out of her mouth is “NO.”

This too will pass and the Mom knows this now.

Most of walking a child out of Autism is talk is to the Moms and reassuring them that the child is growing and may need a little extra time. The other Brothers and Sisters will always chip in.

To the Smartest, Most active and one of the Largest audiences on the net - thank you for coming.

The News You Need

Dr William B. Mount

Got your coded message 444



Obama Begins Releasing Trump Phone Calls After Trump’s Allies Move To Takeover CNN

Head of D.C. National Guard to be removed from post in middle of inauguration - The Washington Post

Bill Ayers - Wikipedia

This top Obama adviser admitted to killing a COp wish a bomb - he is a Cop Murderer and will be leading a Riot in DC 20 January 2017... . arrest him.

Bill Ayres 2012.jpg

San Francisco Police Department Park Station bombing - Wikipedia

The one Police Officer he admitted killing openly - he is very proud of killing a Cop.

Bill Ayers planted a Pipe Bomb filled with  heavy staples and Police Sergeant had several staples enter his brain.

That bomb also blinded another Cop literally tearing into his face with heavy staples and ripping his eyes out of their sockets.

S.F. police union accuses Ayers in 1970 bombing - SFGate

Never forget Police Sergeant McDonnell.

Thursday, January 12, 2017

Israel Attacks Syria, Options Considered By Russi, CHina

Israel has launched another unprovoked attack on Syria - this time at the Mezze Airport in Damascus.

Video:  Israel Attacks Syria, Options Considered by Russia, China - YouTube

Initial reports state that Israel F-35 Fighter jets launched these attacks on the Syrian Army Depots using Air to Surface Missiles designed to  penetrate the thick cement coverings over the ammo depots.

Some reports claim that the attacks were made from Land Based Missiles, but  Syrian Radar clearly shows Israeli Jets firing the missiles.

Regardless of how the attacks were made, the Ammo Depots did explode and the attacks did come from within side of Israel after the F-35 Fighters were scrambled.

After the Trumpster does take office the Oil Pipeline form North Dakota will be completed and the US will then outsell Arab Oil at $9 a barrel - thus eliminating the need to sell Arabs weapons for oil.

The Elites have only 7 days left to stop the Inauguration and start WW3.
The News You Need

Dr WIlliam B. Mount


We will see how effective Uncle Harry's Liquid Remineralization For Tooth Enamal is today at the Dentist - We are excited because of hte last visit.

Syrian army claims Israel attacked airport near Damascus - Defense/Security - News -

Reports: Israel attacks targets in Syria - Defense/Security - News -


CIA Plot Exposed: Kill Trump & Invade Russia

CIA Plot Exposed: Kill Trump, Invade Russia


VIDEO:  CIA Plot Exposed: Kill Trump & Invade Russia - YouTube

Once again we are facing another CIA led attempt to kill President Elect Donald Trump and start WW3.

Sound Familiar?

Here is the problem - the CIA is now desperate as they know their Satanic NAZI allies are being rounded up across the globe and Desperate People do desperate things.

Now, more than ever, your prayers are needed to stop this insanity.

In yet another Exposed Plot the CISA is attempting to kill the President Elect Donald Trump before their Puppet Obama #4 and 5 leave office.

Then - they will again blame the Russians and send the ever increasing US Military Forces in Europe into Russia and attack.

---See Operation Atlantic Resolve - the Build Up For The invasion of Russia---

“Operation Unthinkable”

If they can’t invade Russia then maybe China, or Venezuela, or Mexico, or any other nation. They just kill the Trumpster and pull a CD off the shelf and put it into the Computer and Voila - a Nuclear War.

You will fail again CIA:

1) Your little US Navy Smoke Bomb has been stopped

2) Your bombs along the Power Corridor leading to the White House are being removed

3) Your Nuke under the Southern Portion of DC has been found

4) Your nuke in the tunnel leading out of the White House to the West has been found and removed

5) Your shooters know that if they shoot at Trump they will die within a week

6) Hillary’s Exploding Podium Idea was exposed so the Trumpster had to buy his own podium.

7) The Hand Held explosive now being contemplated to put under the Platform the Trumpster is going to stand on will be stopped - one of the Maintenance Man working on the Platform hates Trump - in fact, he hates Whites. That is how you can find him.

8) Your attempts to have a Top Secret Destroyer launch form the Potomac to destroy the Inauguration will not work as a certain Very Powerful US Underground Corporation is now in full cooperation with the rest of the world and in full agreement with us:

Do Not Kill Our Presidents, Do Not Crack This Planet In Half.

The world is fully awake as to what you Satanic NAZI Democrats want to do and they are now acting on it.

Again - these Pigs have been mad at the Right Wingers for 155 years for taking their slaves away. Well - too bad, too sad, touche’.
So here are the Stories from across the globe that YOU need to be aware of and pray about.

1)  CIA (Deep State) goes to war with the Trumpster - WAR. That means kill.

2) JC Penney is closing stores  nation wide. JC Penney's has 1,014 stores in the US. There is no time frame as to the closings now did they discuss the number they would close.

3) No more financial Bail Outs for General Motors as they have decided to move a plant to built their mid-sized SUVs from Canada to Mexico. By by General Motors.

My experience with GM Products today is that they are built very cheaply and the local dealerships refuse to fix recall items.

The other dealers - Ford, Honda, BMW etc have no problem with doing this.

Jane ran her dad’s Gas Station and Garage for 40 years so we have some pretty good on hand experience with auto repair.

4) China - who’s leaders are apparently is working with the CIA, moved their only Carrier through waters clearly belonging to Taiwan in an attempt to start a war. Your leaders will be replaced by Clones Soon China. President Xi Jingpin - you may have signed your own death warrant you Satanic Nut Case.

5) North Korea again threatens to launch a US Built Nuclear Armed ICBM at the US.

6) Finally - there is a general collapse of the Mexican, Venezuelan and Indian Economies due to the elimination of cash and the pulling back of credit. There are 3 more Presidents and Prime Ministers that are going away very soon.

The significance of these economic collapses is that the Left Wing FAKE NEWS CIA Controlled Media Outlets all have released stories on how the US must send in troops to stabilize their economies After the Trumpster won the election.
Trumpster: You smoke and joke with these people but please keep in mind that Yanukovyich smoked and joked with President Yushchenko and Tymoshenko in the Presidential Palace in 2007 in the Ukraine while these three parties had rioting in the streets. They drank tea together and laughed and jokes about us Little People.

I was there.

Then - only a few years alter - the US tried to assassinate then President Yanakovich - who‘s money manager dated my adopted sister in Kiev, Ukraine.

So maybe you need to pull someone who can protect you.
Please pray that all attempts on the Trumpster fail.

Please also pray that those trying to start a war with Russia, China, India, Venezuela, Ghana or Egypt also fail and that all ISIS cells in every state in America are shut down immediately.

Hope for the best, be ready for the worst.


Food For Liberty Cheesy Potato Soup 5 Pack $94.75

We are going to a local grocery store to buy their Cheddar Broccoli Soup and will mix this with the Cheesy Potato Soup for dinner tonight - man are they good together when you add rice.

As for the anti aging - Pulse the mixture and add more Life Change Tea to it.
We are increasing our Life Change Tea to a normal dose and stopping the Resveratrol mix on the weekends and adding Citricare to the mix to increase it’s effectiveness.

The Wrinkles are going away - ever so slightly.

The only thing we eat daily is Immusist and Sea Weed.


Putin Orders Combat Alert After SVR Warns Of CIA Plot To Assassinate President-elect Trump

The Deep State Goes to War with President-Elect, Using Unverified Claims, as Democrats Cheer


J.C. PENNEY CORPORATION, INC. | Company Profile from Hoover’s


Deployments Bolster U.S. Presence in Western Pacific, Europe > U.S. DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE > Article

Special Report: Atlantic Resolve



 Protests In Mexico Push Country To Brink Of Revolution And Nobody's Talking About It | Zero Hedge

Taiwan Responds After China Sends Carrier to Taiwan Strait - The New York Times

The Chinese Carrier:

Kim Jong-un Says North Korea Is Preparing to Test Long-Range Missile - The New York Times

WikiLeaks CONFIRMS Hillary Sold Weapons to ISIS... Then Drops Another BOMBSHELL! Breaking News

Why is she not in jail and her handlers dead?

GM to Move Production of GMC Terrain to Mexico From Canada - Bloomberg

The Case For Currency Substitution In Venezuela