Wednesday, August 10, 2016

War Drums Beat Across The Globe



Video: War Drums Beat Across Globe - YouTube

The Move toward war is now moving across the globe with an expected kick off date by 23 August.

Apparently the powers that be want this war and they must kick it off before 1 October 2016 - the last day of the Year Of Jubilee - it is their belief system

As you read this just pray in the back of your mind these events do not occur - so far we are winning.

1) Last night Russian Nuclear Forces in Russia went on High Alert

2) The US Pacific Fleet (7th Fleet) finished their biannual RIMPAC drills and are headed towards the South Chinese Sea to try and move China away from the Spratly Islands - which were apparently purchased by China decades ago

3) The US 7th Fleet intends to take control of Yanhshaw Island (Scarburough Schoal)  -  a Mountain of Gold jointly managed by China and the Corporation of the Philippines, which is owned by the US Corporation - but the US Corporation wants it all and will do anything to get it - including having a Nuclear War and Kill 90% of the Earth’s Population

4) The Kazar/Lucifarian Mafia (All Masons) also feels they need World War 3 to purge their debts and keep control of THEIR New World Order

5) So Prime Minister ABE has just been re-affirmed as the Prime Minister of Japan and he is implementing Policies that will lead their nation to complete FASCISM and to war.

Prime Minister ABE feels the Japanese are the Superior Race and they want WAR to prove it as he reintroduces Emperor Worship into Japan - something forbidden since November of 1945.

To this end he is re-militarizing Japan using US Dollars and is Pushing Russia so hard that President Putin  has just announced a State of War now exists between Japan and Russia.

6) The Japanese Emperor Akihito is now resigning and warning of the War to come. Apparently the Devine Emperor and his SHINTO Gods he sacrifices Humans to (GOD OF WAR) wants - War.

7) By the way - Allah in the Bedouin Language (Mohammad was a Bedouin) mean GOD OF WAR. This is why Obama is pushing this religion on us.
8) If one follows the Masonic Religion they believe Ialdabuath (Lucifer) is the ruler of Planet Earth and stole it from her mother Sophia Pistis (Sister of Christ), as do those in Rome - who built all their major Churches on top of Churches devoted to Sophia Pistis and Lucifer is the GOD OF WAR

9) So in order to force a Japanese/Chinese confrontation the Japanese Prime Minister claimed his nation purchased a few Islands in the Spralty Sea - but without the approval of China and a New Treaty with New Boundaries being agreed upon and placed into the UN Treaty Vault this claim by Japan has no legal standing.

10)  Only the Ukraine and Israel do not have legally binding national boundaries registered in the UN Treaty Vault so according to UN regulations

……a) What Israel Occupies It Owns

……b) If any province in the Former Soviet Union votes to rejoin Mother Russia it must be honored by the UN and all Nation States. Thus Crimea and Eastern Ukriane are now legally part of the UN State of Russia since they vote overwhelmingly to be part of Mother Russia two years ago. This also means US Weapons Assistance to the Ukraine during a conflict is illegal and all those involved are War Criminals - Hillary, Obama, etc.

OK - enough - Too Much Info

Just pray along with us that  God’s Angels defuse this War Situation  and that they unite us under GOD and turn the Fallen Angels and their allies back to the Living GOD

Further - please pray that the Next Hit on Obama in 7 days (+-) is stopped and the attempt to nuke NYC, DC, and Chicago and - I Believe Amarillo (Obama’s last attempt to start the war) is stopped and the Nuke under NYC is found and deactivated quickly.

Please also pray that all Hillary Doubles and Trump turn back to GOD immediately.

For you Intel Geeks

One would have to be a asleep not to notice the NEW Hillary that gave her speech last night did not have a hole in her tongue - see her latest video - another Double.

The News You Need

Dr William B. Mount

Hillary - No Hole In Tongue..

Full Speech: Hillary Clinton Rally in St. Petersburg, Florida (8/8/2016) Anti-Trump Economic Speech - YouTube

Japan’s New Fascism | National Review

Pistis Sophia: The First Book of Pistis Sophia: Chapter 1

BBC - Religions - Shinto: Divinity of the Emperor

Kamchatka Missile Forces Put on High Alert Amid Snap Inspection

Japan warns China of deteriorating ties over East China Sea dispute | Reuters

China's Xi calls "purchase" of Diaoyu Islands "a farce," urges Japan to stop - Xinhua |

Russian Nuclear Forces Put On High Alert After Massive American Fleet Ordered To Combat Status

Prime Ministers Grand Dad was Munitions Officer for Imperial Jappan in WW@, charged with War Cimees but never prosecuted.

Same players and Nations starting WW 1,  WW 2 and WW 3

The real Yanhsha Island Chinese Retreat, not Scarburough Shoal and not the one in the Harbor near Beijing....

Mayday! Mayday! Singing Pechora Pipit in Shanghai! – Shanghai Birding 上海观鸟

The Mountain Of Gold I Believe...looks similar to the one near Beijing except there are no houses on the mountain....

Some of the Disputed Islands we will go to war over - Obama Is Insane....He will kill over these rocks......



Be ready folks: Look at the links below our videos. Please get your family ready for what is coming. 

1) Food

Stock Up On Survival Food Today! -

2) Clean your blood

Great Tea To Rid Your Body of Toxins! -

3) Immusist

IMMUSIST - Assist Your Immune System Today!

4) Citricare

5) Breathing Oil. Tooth Ache Oil:

Essential Oils | Uncle Harry's Natural Products

6) Sea Weed - Closed Every August To Harvest

Maine Coast Sea Vegetables, Sustainably Harvested and Certified Organic

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

All US Pension At Risk

All Union Pensions At Risk


We believe that the Union Pensions Funds across this Great Nation may be at risk to be seized by the US Corporation to fund their empire for yet another couple of months.

Video: All US Pension At Risk - YouTube

In May of this year the US Treasury Department ruled that - thanks to your prayers - the UPS Pension Fund cannot be seized by any other Union and is wholly owned by UPS. Thus this company was spared being raided by another Union

On the other hand - it appears that the United States Corporation is exchanging their US Treasury Bonds for Pension Funds around the world and in every state to keep their empire afloat

Several years ago it was reported that Goldman Sachs stole the Federal Retirement System and now this entire fund us gone as they report that they themselves may be having severe financial problems.
What this means is that the CEOs and their leadership seized all the money

Further - several years ago the US Corporation took control of the Japanese Pension Fund - over 500 Billion in size.

Remember the story about the Teamsters Union having their Pension cut by 50 to 75% because they have no money - too much was funneled out to fund the Democratic Party????

The Treasury has denied the Pension Cuts in these pension funds and YOU, the Tax Payers, must now make up the difference.

What this means is - according to a Law passed on 2014 - is that the Pension Funds now belong to - controlled by --- the US Treasury.

So now the Teamsters Pensions Funds, along with any other Registered Union Pension Fund, that cannot meet it’s Obligations,  will now be seized by the US Treasury.

Here - for example - is a letter from IBEW in 2012 stating that their pension funds are in trouble .

The Funding Improvement Plan put forth by the US Treasury Department did not include massive spending to help the Democratic National Convention or the Hillary Campaign. This would amount to the US Treasury Department openly supporting the  Hillary Campaign - not something the US Treasury can afford to do right now

By the way - it is illegal for any registered Union to support any Political Party - so when the local IBEW in Philly made up signs and spent Union Dollars to support Hillary AFTER  their Pension Funds were seized by the US Treasury was really, really stupid.

There is allot of pressure being placed on the US Treasury Department form Overseas Folks right now and here is why:

1)  The US Treasury (Federal Reserve System - They have merged) is spending in a Deficit Mode and no one will support the US dollar any more unless they stop their illegal activities.

2) Hillary - apparently - has been working for the Kazaring MOB to start WW3 and break Russia and China up into little pieces as they kill 90% of the World’s Population.

3) Papa Bush - in 2007 on a large Fishing Boat - spoke to President Putin  about starting a war between the US and China and then Russia invading from the North breaking China up into 6 pieces. IE - see the recent article about Japan threatening Russia.

4) Recently - the Hillary Handlers met with the Chinese to  Create a United States of China including China, Both Koreas,  Japan and Eastern Russia - IE the Live Fire Drills by China last week in the South Chinese Sea.

5) China’s President initially agreed to support Hillary for US President until they spoke with President Putin and realized it was a Double Cross after the Red Dragon Elders had sent their feelers out.

Politics at it’s finest.

So anything the US Treasury is involved in is being Audited by those now accepting worthless US Federal Dollars and since China are now leasing 10,000 tons of Gold to the US to support their New Treasury Dollar the idea that a Pension Fund supporting Hillary that is controlled by the US Treasury Department is hard for the Chinese to swallow.

So now we see the Philly office of the IBEW raided by both the IRS and FBI - a justification to seize all Union Pension Finds and then place all Union Members on Social Security. Thus a Union Member’s Retirement may fall from $3,000 a month (A Friend of Mine) to around $1,200 a month - or even less.

A cop once told me: You sleep with Dogs, you get fleas

In other words - you play with FASCISTS, You get burned really bad

Very Important:

Please note that the letter from the IBEW Local 98 is posted by the DOL.GOV website - the IBEW is at risk for loosing their license to even be a union because of their Theft and Fraud right under the noses of the US Department of Treasury....

Please pray that those Union Workers who have worked all their lives - like a neighbor of mine - are not hurt in this latest US Treasury Shuffle.

Please pray that Hillary and Hillary’s Handlers turn back to GOD immediately.

We - as a race - cannot afford petty squabbling as the entire Globe is at risk either by Nuclear War or the Sun Changes. We need to work together to fix this mess.

To the smartest, most active and one of the largest audiences in the world - we appreciate each and every one of you.

This story came from YOU, the viewers….

The News You Need

Dr William B. Mount

PS - Thank you for your prayers.

YOU make the difference.

FBI raids IBEW union hall, labor leader John Dougherty's home | PhillyVoice


Feds Raid IBEW Union Office - Supporters of Clinton - Uncle Sam's Misguided Children


Feds Raid IBEW Union Office – Supporters of Clinton

USPS Going Postal with Enormous Debt

The Truth About The Post Office's Financial Mess

Treasury’s Teamsters Bailout Ploy - WSJ

Goldman’s profits tumble 56% as revenue dives -

The World's Biggest Pension Fund Is Switching to Stocks - Bloomberg

U.S. Treasury rejects cuts to the Teamsters' pension fund -


Ben Fulford | Kauilapele's Blog

Pension Notice FORM Local IBEW in Philly


For You Intel geeks:

Please notice the IBEW Local Union No. 98 Benefit Fund Office letter is on the DOL.GOV website - Department of Licensing Webpage - they are at risk of loosing their license to even be a union for the Fraud and Theft they have committed.

Please also note that after the Organic Constitution was passed in 1871 and the US Corporation was created the Real US Supreme Court is located in Pennsylvania in Harrisburg - only a few short miles from Philly. A Fact the Chinese and Russians are fully aware of so this crime occurred only a few miles from them.

All Trump has to do to win is watch Hillary's Campaign implode and keep his head down...

So we pray for both of them that they both turn towards GOD immediately.

The Sun Today - so we pray....we may have some Out Of Towner's Help - the Angels on this one...

Monday, August 8, 2016

Obama Promises To Leave US In January - Permanently

Obama Promisses To Leave US In January - Permanantly



This is correct

Video: Obama Promises To Leave US In January - Permanently - YouTube

The President of the US Corporation has promised to leave the United States After his term is up in January - If Donald Trump is elected

Since Trump is ahead by 60 Points in an independent study that is a given


Since Hillary is having all sorts of Medical Issues - like not being able to walk up stairs

It is highly likely that Hillary will be force to resign because she, and all her doubles, are literally falling apart
Further - because the Election Fraud is now well known it is likely that those who control the Polling Machines will be stampeded if they commit Election Fraud this year. Their addresses have been published already.

There is allot at stake --- and her actions did not set will with Foreign Leaders:

1) Like the fact that Hillary wants a Full Scale Nuclear War and has emails stating her desire for it over and over again

2) Further - her ordering of the death of Ambassador Christopher Stevens in order to capture the Commission on 400 Tons of weapons sent to the Muhujadeek Al Kaleek, of which 100 tons were shipped to Chetzniea in Russia up the Caspian Sea (We warned the Russians and they intercepted the weapons, we did a story on it) has not set well with those over seas.

3) Nor has Hillary’s shipping of weapons to the far Western regions of Mongolia from Afghanistan to start a rebellion among peaceful people and break off regions China and Russia did not set well with the Chinese

4) Further - her shipping of weapons to Western Brazil to break away a State of Brazil to form another nation did not set well with the Brazilians

So there may be some “Out Of Towners” helping her out of the election - time will tell.

Finally - is a desperate attempt to stop the destruction of the Bush Drug Cartel the GOP and CIA have set it up for  one of their agents to openly take the White House.

Evan McMullin , CIA Agent, former Goldman Sachs Employee, has launched an independent bid for presidency.

Why not?

…1)…The CIA is owned by the British Royalty

…2)….All Lawyers swear loyalty to the BAR - British Authorized Registry

…3)…The CIA owns allot of companies like World Vision and many small corporation on the New York Stock Exchange - this is how they hire so many Hit Men… they hide them as US Corporate Executives.

So pray that the truth all come out and that these traitors turn back to GOD before our economy crash

The News You Need

Dr William B. Mount


For You Intel Geeks:

Do not let Hillary pretend she gets shot in a few days - she can’t even walk. She does not belong in the Presidential Race.
In a recent Intel Brief the plan to destroy the US maybe put on hold - we shall see how quickly these Out Of Towners can change the hearts of the leaders at the top.

One last note - there is a 1 mile wide Pyramid slightly out of Phase that suddenly appeared in the Asteroid Belt suspended between two asteroids magnetically and it is emitting some sort of Ray that scares the heck out of the leaders of this world - quite remarkable actually.

And then there are the growing pyramids on the asteroid CERES which we have already shown

So things may not be as they appear

Your prayers are essential to the survival of Planet Earth.

In the Intel Brief it is estimated that the changes on the sun may end life on Earth by the year 2024 and we need to work together as a planet to fix this mess. That is all I know.

All we are told we try and share with you - the audience - so we can work together as a team and save this planet…

We need to end this greedy little FASCIST regime run by the United States  and begin to work together as a planet.

20160808_mcmullin1.jpg (699×611)

NEW CIA Presidential Candidate:

Hillary Health Issues:

Is Something Wrong With Hillary: Bizarre Behavior, Seizure Allegations Raise Doubts About Her Health | Zero Hedge

By By Mr Obama:

Good By:

Good By Obama:

Image result for obama waves goodbye


Good Night to FASCISM:

Image result for hitler waves good by


Winston Churchills Last Speaking Engagement at Princeton New Jersey he said:


NAZI SS "FEMA"  Camps:

US SS (FEMA) Camps already set up:

Occupied FEMA Camp In US:::

FEMA Owned Coffins:




Be ready folks:

1) Food

Stock Up On Survival Food Today! -

2) Clean your blood

Great Tea To Rid Your Body of Toxins! -

3) Immusist

IMMUSIST - Assist Your Immune System Today!

4) Citricare

5) Breathing Oil. Tooth Ache Oil:

Essential Oils | Uncle Harry's Natural Products

6) Sea Weed - Closed Every August To Harvest

Maine Coast Sea Vegetables, Sustainably Harvested and Certified Organic

Sunday, August 7, 2016

Trump Leads Hillary By 60 Points, Independent Study


Video:Trump Leads Hillary By 60 Points, Independent Study - YouTube

My entire childhood was spend learning about polling from my father.

We discussed over and over again the methods used to conduct a Scientific Poll. My fingers got warn out dialing from a Black Rotary Wall Mounted Phone.

For many  years I spent the Summer in the woods as a Forester and the winter conducting Polls

Several things we learned in those years - especially my early years: People like Georgie Gallop - they would lie for money - Especially Mr. Nielson who does the TV ratings.

As for the Kennedy Election - completely rigged from the inside - so many Dead People voted and the Real Polls - both before the election and the Exit Polls - showed this discrepancy. Completely CIA Rigged.

Richard Nixon was told by his Handlers not to sue and that he would be President in a few years - “let the dust settle.”

Fast forward 56 years and we are involved in an election that would over turn the existing Bush Drug Lords if Trump is elected.

Not one real poll - so we decided to do our own Independent Poll among voters who are not only registered to vote but are legally allowed to vote

Roughly - 70% are voting for Trump

Roughly 10% are voting for Hillary

(((((Almost all Bernie voters (80% of all Democrats) are voting against Hillary - they are very angry))))

Roughly 20% of Eligible Registered Voters have not decided - even after watching Hillary have 2 Seizures on stage and screaming she will raise taxes on the Middle Class

One thing about the Hillary Voters - all 10% of them -  they tend to love Government Hand Outs.

Several Notes Here:

1) Since most voters know that Hillary/Obama plan to cut Social Security by 20% and conduct Bank Bail Ins - (CIA Theft of 20% of your Money in both Banks and Savings and Loans Nation Wide) anyone who works for a living, or collects Social Security, or has any savings in any accounts, “HATES” Hillary

2) Again - Illegal Aliens unable to vote overwhelmingly will vote (Yes - they will vote) for Hillary to keep their checks coming in


So - we pray for Hillary and Trump - that they both turn back to GOD immediately.

Pray your families are ready for what may come - a Hurricane, CIA Created Natural Disasters and Power Outages, etc.

The News You Need

Dr William B. Mount

Donald Trump Polling Ahead of Clinton – But Did He Really Get Polling Bounce?… | The Last Refuge

• U.S. car sales 1951-2015 | Statistic

Reuters Baffled As Clinton's Lead Over Trump Suddenly Evaporates | Zero Hedge

Trump Leads Hillary By 60 Points, Independent Study


Video:Trump Leads Hillary By 60 Points, Independent Study - YouTube

My entire childhood was spend learning about polling from my father.

We discussed over and over again the methods used to conduct a Scientific Poll. My fingers got warn out dialing from a Black Rotary Wall Mounted Phone.

For many  years I spent the Summer in the woods as a Forester and the winter conducting Polls

Several things we learned in those years - especially my early years: People like Georgie Gallop - they would lie for money - Especially Mr. Nielson who does the TV ratings.

As for the Kennedy Election - completely rigged from the inside - so many Dead People voted and the Real Polls - both before the election and the Exit Polls - showed this discrepancy. Completely CIA Rigged.

Richard Nixon was told by his Handlers not to sue and that he would be President in a few years - “let the dust settle.”

Fast forward 56 years and we are involved in an election that would over turn the existing Bush Drug Lords if Trump is elected.

Not one real poll - so we decided to do our own Independent Poll among voters who are not only registered to vote but are legally allowed to vote

Roughly - 70% are voting for Trump

Roughly 10% are voting for Hillary

(((((Almost all Bernie voters (80% of all Democrats) are voting against Hillary - they are very angry))))

Roughly 20% of Eligible Registered Voters have not decided - even after watching Hillary have 2 Seizures on stage and screaming she will raise taxes on the Middle Class

One thing about the Hillary Voters - all 10% of them -  they tend to love Government Hand Outs.

Several Notes Here:

1) Since most voters know that Hillary/Obama plan to cut Social Security by 20% and conduct Bank Bail Ins - (CIA Theft of 20% of your Money in both Banks and Savings and Loans Nation Wide) anyone who works for a living, or collects Social Security, or has any savings in any accounts, “HATES” Hillary

2) Again - Illegal Aliens unable to vote overwhelmingly will vote (Yes - they will vote) for Hillary to keep their checks coming in


So - we pray for Hillary and Trump - that they both turn back to GOD immediately.

Pray your families are ready for what may come - a Hurricane, CIA Created Natural Disasters and Power Outages, etc.

The News You Need

Dr William B. Mount

Donald Trump Polling Ahead of Clinton – But Did He Really Get Polling Bounce?… | The Last Refuge

• U.S. car sales 1951-2015 | Statistic

Reuters Baffled As Clinton's Lead Over Trump Suddenly Evaporates | Zero Hedge