Saturday, October 31, 2015

CIA Throws Hurricane Chapala At Yemen - Pray

CIA Shoots Down Russian Airliner

CIA Shoots Down Russian Flight 7K9268

The CIA and their assets just shot down Russian Flight 7K9268, or did they?

Watch The Video And Find Out:

CIA Shoots Down Russian Airliner - YouTube

The News You Need

Dr William B. Mount

Be Ready Folks, The Dollar Is Falling

BE READY - YouTube

Friday, October 30, 2015

Patch Adams Gets His First $100 Check.

If you do videos join and monetize your videos and give part of the money you make to Patch Adams.

It is easy and fun.

See The First Check Headed Out The Door To Patch.

Money I got from YOU watching my videos.

The money I make form Thrive Life will go to a Non-Profit corporation that will be set up by the end of November and it will go to bringing people into our homes and teaching them how to live cancer free.

As a Non-profit Corporation the accounting standards are very high. So when you buy the Trivelife Food the profits go towards the Cancer Camp we are building.

I never would have imagined that by buying food WE could help get rid of cancer or that WE could do videos to support a Free Hospital in West Virginia.

The Video:

Patch Adams Gets His First $100 Form You - YouTube

The News You Need

Dr William B. Mount

Watch the videos

Order Thrive Food:

Dr. William Mount - Thrive Life Consultant

Thursday, October 29, 2015

Must Watch: America Is Falling - Get Ready

America is falling rapidly.

Watch this film to understand how and why and what YOU can do about it.

20151029 123446 - YouTube

The News You Need

Dr William B. Mount

Be Ready America

BE READY - YouTube

Just a private note to Russia: Be very careful in Afghanistan for Mines set up by the US and are unmarked - danger in South Eastern Afghanistan. Please keep in mind that the US still uses Nuclear Mines and they can be seen with IR form the air.