Friday, October 2, 2015

The Cure For Lawn Diseases

Here in this video we show you how to eliminate all diseases in lawns.

When we used it on Wheat and Corn we increased production by 30%+ in both cases and no additional Fertilizers, herbicides and pesticides were used.

So rather than using 200 pounds of fertilizer per year per acre we used the following:

One Pound of Miracle Grow, 1 Tablespoon Epsom Salt, and 8 ounces of Palmolive Original in one gallon of water and applied one gallon per acre per month.

We then began to add about 1/4 cup of Diatamatious Earth per acre per month and the results were incredible - the grass stalks became firmer and the plants responded in a very positive way.

For large growers it will be more beneficial to create your own formula in a 50 gallon barrel and add it to your irrigation ditch.

The video shows you the results:

The Cure For Lawn Diseases - YouTube

The News You Need

Dr William B. Mount

Thursday, October 1, 2015

Thrive Cooking For Fun The Kitchen Makeover Or Rice And Thrive

Welcome to the New Cooking Channel sponsored by us - we feel YOU have a right to know.

In this New Cooking Video we show how to stretch your food budget using Thrive Life foods and Rice.

The entire meal for 4 - a Huge Meal for 4 - costs about $8 and is filled with Vitamins and Minerals and your kids will love it. That is not easy to do moms.

This costs savings will become very important as costs of everything just keep going up and up, right?

For you single Dads and Moms - we focus on making good tasting meals quickly that your kids actually love.

You will also spend less and less time shopping for food as you will accumulate good, nutritious foods in the pantry very quickly when you do as we have done - purchase $100 a month of Gluten Free, GMO Free, Thrive Foods per month.

We joined to add to our food storage. What we find is we not save Money $$ and time.

I actually paid the $130 bucks to "Join" and now I save about 5% on what I buy and I have a relationship with a company capable of sending me huge amounts of food at one time if I need it.

If there is a "Food Crisis" or "Riots" or "Looting" my food will now come to my front door since I am a "Member." WE can also supply our Nephews Restaurant with food if there is a "Crisis" so he stays employed.

Watch, Learn and Apply.

We also must give credit to my wife and we hope to see her in later videos.

The Video:

Thrive Cooking For Fun Number 2 "The Kitchen Makeover" or Rice And Thrive - YouTube

Cooking From Bill and Jane

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Shocking - Latest UN Broadcasts Outlines The Next Planned Crisis - Economic Collapse

The following video outlines the latest 3 broadcasts that describe how and why the United Nations and the Banking Leaders are bringing down the World's Economies.

You will not believe what is revealed on this video - yet it comes from the leaders of this planet and will effect every part of what you do, how you live, and how you think.


Pray your family is safe

The Next Planned Crisis - US/Europe Economic Collapse - YouTube

The Next Planned Crisis - US/Europe Economic Collapse - YouTube

Dr William B. Mount

Putin - Do You Realize What You Have Done?

President Vladimir Putin, do you know what you have done?

Do you have any idea why you have done to the Great Russian People and the economy of the Common Person you serve?

You were asked to do several things by the Living GOD and you have refused to do thesde things.

Since then HE has sent a Curse upon you and your Mighty Russsia that you are seeing played out only today, a curse that can be removed the moment you do as GOD has asked.

Your nation's Ruble has been brought low.

Your very banking system is under attack by You Now English Lords.

The pipelies heading into China, Europe and yes - now the planned one into India, are now under constant attack

Your South Western Region is also under attack.

You now have wars in a dozen nations like Ukraine and Syria and you soldiers come back in Body Bags by the thousands, although most are burned and buried on sight.

Many of your generals are ready to revolt - as we warned you several months ago.

The Fat Oligarch who shot you during a speech was indeed not happy with you, although he is 6 feet under but many more may be raised up.

The Asherons (Ascended Spirits)who you met with at the Valim Monastary lied - the Ascended Spirits will tell you they cannot 'Reverse The Will Of The Creator."

What you and your handlers allow you and Prime Minister Medvedev to do is on no concern to the Living GOD. Only that HE will direct your paths and if you yield YOU will be come very powerful and your nation will arise above other nations.

Putin - GOD has raised a Gay Cowardly Freak like Obama (Under Orders From his London Master) and his twisted handlers to torment the Great Russian People because YOU refuse to yield to the Living GOD.

It has been 8 years since I met with your staff - a time for either doing as GOD has directed of facing GOD's Wrath.

President Vladimir Putin - Chose this day death of life for mighty Russia and for your self. You will be remembered for a thousand years for your decision YOU will make today - Giver of Life or Giver of Death, Follow GOD or reject HIS requests.

For You Intel Geeks:

The next attempt on your life will be from your "Loyal" military in November - a sniper from afar who will Martyr himself for Lucifer and the Rothchilds.

Obama - keep your head down 17 October SS keep him contained 2 days before Thanksgiving and get the most pliable Obama Double out of the White House 22 Dec for 3 days - go ---- vacationing ...

Please tow that outdated Oppenheimer Death Machine out of the Gulf and back to Virginia and dismantle it. Your ground wires are clearly rusted clean through.

We pray that you do as GOD has directed.

Putin - This One's For You - YouTube

A man will do what he feels is best.

The News You Must Have

Dr William B. Mount

Putin: Do you realize what you have done? - Yahoo Finance

Shocking: New Bank Scams Erupt In England?

There appears to be a Shocking New Trend in Banking Scams arising in England.

With North Africa emptying their jails into England there appears to be a be new type of Banking Scam erupting.

A man gets a telephone number almost identical to a Bank's number and sets up a Web Page as if we was a banking officer for that bank.

Barristers (Lawyers) are then "Created" to act as if they work with the bank - complete with web pages and telephone numbers from London.

Then comes the contact: in this case it was a call from a man claiming to work with Cooperative Bank wishing to send me $10 Million Pounds because I can "Cure Cancer." OK- it could happen.

These give you their address at the bank, a phone number, and request your ID and Bank Account Info to transfer the money - sounds pretty legitimate, right?

So you call the bank and indeed that man does, or does not, work there. You then cannot verify if this SCAM is real or fake. In this case I could not get a clear answer out of Cooperative Bank so I asked if they would contact their Fraud Department on behalf of this Ambassador - they refused, even to the point o giving me their number.

So apparently Cooperative Bank does care if these Immigrants are using their Bank as a Front to steal money across the world.

With the influx of Immigrants to all developed nations around the world this type of scam is coming to a bank near you.
What Happened:

The Cooperative Bank's 10 Million Pound Scam.

Initially I was contacted on Messenger that a man had cancer and wished to donate to me lots of cash - 10 Million Pounds of Cash.

OK - Plausable.

He showed his face and gave the name of their attorney in England names Kaihatu Marga. She has a presence on Face Book and her picture.

OK - two people, two faces - maybe - then it gets weird:

Two Emails demanding my checking account number and my ID so I called Cooperative Bank to see if this man who is Emailing me is really an employee.

After chatting with them trying to verify an employee actually works there on their chat line they hung up on me.

They refused to verify this information - Refused.

I also did as they requested and tried to have a Private Conversation on their Facebook site - they never chatted back - they just avoided the entire subject.

So the question remains - Does Michael Terry work for Cooperative Bank and does he work in their Money Transfer area and why can I not get a straight answer form Cooperative Bank?

A Nigerian Scam run by Cooperative Bank out of England?

Just arrogant Employees?

I was finally told that this name does not appear on their rosters - they think?

The number for this Fraudulant Man who claims to be the "Director For International Transfer for Cooperative Bank"  is Prof. Micheal Terry 44-741-846-6953 and his Email is

It should not be too hard to find him with a Cell Number in tiny Old England, a man who may single handedly bring down a hug bank like Cooperative Bank?

Dirty buggers.

We may never know.

Would you trust them with your money?

How many 10 Million "English Pound" scams are connected to Cooperative Bank through this Man Of Fraud Michael Terry and how many years has  he been defrauding people?

I will pull this story when I get an answer out of them and their Fraud Department has arrested this man living in England.

Cooperative Bank has my phone number.

I also called Verizon to inform them of the Fraud Number and they could care less. Again - they "Refused" to transfer me to their Fraud Department.

I will post this on other news agencies in a few days if the Cooperative Bank Fraud Department ignores this inquiry.

Apparently there is no more integrity or Honesty in the English Banking System.
Contact Numbers for Cooperative Bank, note how close the Criminal's Number is to theirs and note how easy it is to contact the bank yet no one seems to care about the fraud . Kind of odd, don't you think?

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Some Emails from The Crooks:::::::

From:Michael terry <>
To:williammount <>
Date:Mon, Sep 28, 2015 11:51 am
Beneficiary: Wiliam Mount.

As per our conversation on phone today dated 28th Sept. 2015 We have been instructed by barrister Kaihatu Marga under the supervision of AT bell insurance to transfer the amount of 10 million Great British Pounds  and we want to inform you officially that we checked the transaction code and identification code of the fund and we can confirm the availability of the fund to you and we are ready to make the transfer of the fund to you as all the legal document for the transfer of the fund has been submitted by your lawyer.Before we initiate transfer of your fund we request you furnish us below with your account details and also scan copy of your ID.
Finally, immediately we receive your account details we will proceed with the transfer.
Yours truly.
Director for international transfer.
Prof. Michael Terry.

The Cooperative bank plc/fund transfer process
From:Michael terry <>
To:williammount <>
Date:Mon, Sep 28, 2015 11:51 am
Beneficiary: Wiliam Mount.

As per our conversation on phone today dated 28th Sept. 2015 We have been instructed by barrister Kaihatu Marga under the supervision of AT bell insurance to transfer the amount of 10 million Great British Pounds  and we want to inform you officially that we checked the transaction code and identification code of the fund and we can confirm the availability of the fund to you and we are ready to make the transfer of the fund to you as all the legal document for the transfer of the fund has been submitted by your lawyer.Before we initiate transfer of your fund we request you furnish us below with your account details and also scan copy of your ID.
Finally, immediately we receive your account details we will proceed with the transfer.
Yours truly.
Director for international transfer.
Prof. Michael Terry.

The Cooperative bank plc/fund transfer process
From:Michael terry <>
To:williammount <>
Date:Thu, Oct 1, 2015 1:36 am
Beneficiary: Wiliam Mount.

If you want the fund to be sent to you via Courier service then we will issue you a cheque valuable to your fund and send it via courier service to you and that will cost 420 Pounds for first class delivery you will receive your cheque within the interval of 24hour.
Finally, confirm to us your readiness to pay fee for courier service delivery of your cheque.

Yours truly.
Director for international transfer.
Prof. Michael Terry.

The Cooperative bank plc/fund transfer process
From:Michael terry <>
To:Dr. William B. Mount <>
Date:Wed, Sep 30, 2015 12:51 am

We will be having a meeting with our board of directors regarding your choice method of fund transfer which is delivery of your fund to your home address. we will update you after 2 hours. 
Thank you.

-----Original Message-----
From: Michael terry <>
To: williammount <>
Sent: Mon, Sep 28, 2015 11:51 am
Subject: The Cooperative bank plc/fund transfer process

Beneficiary: Wiliam Mount.
As per our conversation on phone today dated 28th Sept. 2015 We have been instructed by barrister Kaihatu Marga under the supervision of AT bell insurance to transfer the amount of 10 million Great British Pounds  and we want to inform you officially that we checked the transaction code and identification code of the fund and we can confirm the availability of the fund to you and we are ready to make the transfer of the fund to you as all the legal document for the transfer of the fund has been submitted by your lawyer.Before we initiate transfer of your fund we request you furnish us below with your account details and also scan copy of your ID.
Finally, immediately we receive your account details we will proceed with the transfer.
Yours truly.
Director for international transfer.
Prof. Michael Terry.

The News You Need

Dr William B. Mount

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Watch Putin Rip Obama A New Rear End At Latest UN Meetiing

Watch Vladimir Putin rip Barack Obama The Coward a new rear end at the United Nations.

Vladimir Putin steals Barack Obama's thunder on world stage -

The News You Need

Dr William B. Mount

How Can Obama Once Again Black Mail You?

Once again President Obama has used his executive powers to blackmail YOU the America People for higher taxes.

This is what Fascists do - they kill their enemies and blackmail their friends.

Watch the video and find out how.

The News You Need To Survive What Is Coming

Dr William B. Mount