Tuesday, September 15, 2015

The World 14 Sep 2015 - We're In Big Trouble

If you watch the video you will begin to realize we are in big trouble here in America.

President Obama is here to destroy as Lucifer's False Profit.

The World 14 September 2015 - YouTube

So - be ready folks.

BE READY - YouTube

The News You Need

D William B. Mount

Picture Of The Century, Thank You Sorcha:

Monday, September 14, 2015

An Amazing This Did Not Happen Today

An amazing thing did not happen today, or even yesterday, despite thousands of Jewish, Muslim and Christian Predictions.

Despite the Last Year of Jubilee yesterday and the New Year today the world did not end.

Further - despite the New World Order deploying over 100,000 Nukes, millions of men and thousands of ships they did not shoot Jesus out of the sky.

((About two weeks ago they failed to open up a worm hole through the sun to Syrius B using the Hadron Colider in Switzerland.))

This sounds quite silly but this was the purpose of Jade Helm - to shoot down Jesus - at least according to a few top generals and the leaders of the United Nations.

In addition, Putin sort of shuffled some Generals and there was no Coup and Nuclear Launch over the weekend. Koodoes to Putin.

So now they will have to send millions of Soldier's Home because of lack of supplies and money.

They did, however, send several hundred Elites and several planes of food to the Australian Area 51 next to the Opal Mine in Central Australia today.

This area is called Pine Gap and is the location of many of the Elite Living Spaces. Gather all these Bankstas into one place and POOF - they all go together. It is so far out in the boonies no one will know, or even care.

So their next attempt will be the Purim, then 23 September "Asteroid" then the 28th of September, then .....Bla Bla Bla.

We have over a million people praying world wide to shut these folks down who like killing and murdering and GOD will allow them to do what GOD allows them to do.

So pray - visualize - that those who wish to start this war are immediately and completely immobilized for life.

One very interesting fact did appear during the Internal Triangle's Meeting in New York on this New Moon: The United Nations showed a picture we have never seen before of the North Pole and the Hole in the Earth. I tried to copy it but there was no way.

If you get a chance to listen to the United Nations Broadcasts they are more than interesting - especially when you get to know them. They tell you what they are about to do. You gotta love it.

We fight not against Flesh and Blood but powers and principalities.

We are not at war with Lucifer and his angels - GOD is. We are just caught in the cross fire.

One last fact - GOD will send Jesus (Yeshua) back when HE wants to and Lucifer and his Angels will not even see it coming. They are so backwards they are still trying to figure out where Cosmic Rays come from.
The News You Need

Dr William B. Mount

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Where Have All The Holistic Doctors Gone?

Where have all the Holistic doctors gone?

Last week I received a call form someone who was going to a Holistic Doctor in Florida and he ended up dead so she began to research it. She said that there were over 18 dead Holistic Doctors in Florida alone in the last few months that were murdered.

Multiplying this by 50 we can see that there are a whole lot of Holistic Doctors dying all over the country.

These doctors are dying of Mysterious Circumstances, such as being run over by a Semi Truck, having a mysterious heart Attack when they had NO Heart Disease, etc.

They are not just being murdered here in america. The long arm of the FBI/CIA Murdering Jesuit Scum runs across the globe.

Just a few days ago 30 people at a Holistic Seminar in Germany were poisoned by a US Army LSD-Type Drug called "2CE." This drug acts like a combination of LSD and Speed, which is exactly what the CIA Handed out at Evans Hall at University of California  Berkeley back in the early 1970's with the permission of the head of Regents for all California Colleges.

(((2CE, Ecstasy, and a whole host of Pshychodelic Drugs were developed at UC Berkeley and San Francisco by Dr Alexander Shulgin and Timothy Leary and passed out at UC Berkeley and UC Santa Barbara in the late 60's and early 70's and placed in certain water supplies around Berkeley at the time. The Police, FBI, CIA never even tried to arrest two people. I lived there and watched the results. )))

So this poisoning sounds pretty suspicious to, does it not - CIA ish?

This poisoning was actually not only a Jesuit warning to Holistic Doctors in Europe but to the Cowards who run the Germany Government that they can kill whoever they want whenever they want and no one is Man enough to stop them: Not Merkel, not "Wimpy Gimpy Putin" (What the Head of the Jesuits call Putin) not the head of China. They are all cowards.

So now we know who killed them and we can pretty much figure out why - they cut into the Vatican's Profits in Big Pharma - but what can you do about it?

We could kill every Jesuit on the planet and take our countries back - but the powers that be are all cowards and would never allow it. Even the FBI and CIA are little coward punks who would never do what is right in the eyes of GOD.

Do not expect any kind of investigation on these holistic doctors being killed and do expect these murders to skyrocket.

That is what Jesuits do - they murder.

That is what the FBI and CIA do - they mass on old men and children with SWAT teams and usually hide in their cubicles at work behind locked doors and bullet proof glass you the tax payer paid for like little children.

They kill Veterans at the VA Hospital, they order strange repairs on roads to kill people, many practice Human Sacrifices at Satanic Rituals, and now they are killing Holistic Doctors to kill more people by forcing them to go to "Regular Doctors."

Please keep in mind that the average doctor dies at 56 years old.

Yup - Doctor's die very young after prescribing drugs that kill the people.

So we pray - we visualize - that all Jesuit Scum are completely and totally and  permanently immobilized for life.

We challenge these Demon Possessed Murdering FBI Agents, CIA Agents, NOAH Hit Men, and Jesuit Scum (Etc) and bind them in the name of the Living GOD through HIS Number One Son Yeshua that they stop all murders and theft. When GOD is ready to kill them HE will but we need to pray.

If you want to get these Jesuit Murdering Scum angry  then post my videos on Face Book - like THE CURE FOR CANCER, BE READY, etc.

Like Hanz Kovlenback (Chief Murdering General of the Jesuit Scum) said in an interview 4/15/2000: "If any man challenges the Jesuits in the name of Jesus (Yeshua) our order will collapse and any man who touches this man will be killed on my orders."

I am that man who challenges them in the name of Yeshua, Number One Son Of The Living GOD.

Once dead a Jesuit Scum will spend an eternity in Hell, end of story according to the King of Kings and Lord of Lords.
The News You Need

Dr William B. Mount

30 Holistic Doctors Poisoned With Powerful Psychedelic at Health Conference | The Free Thought Project

8 Doctors Now Dead (Holistic & Alternative) Authorities Point To Murder & Suicide, But Why? | Collective-Evolution

The Bizarre Anti-Vaxxer Holistic Doctor Murder Conspiracy, Explained

5 Holistic Health Doctors Found Dead In 4 Weeks, 5 More Go Missing – After Run-Ins with Feds | The Free Thought Project

Explosive: The real Reason Holistic Doctors Are Being Killed and Vanishing! | Health

Alexander Shulgin - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Timothy Leary - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Friday, September 11, 2015

It's Really Hitting The Fan Now

Here we are on 11 September and it is fixing to be a very exciting month.

Not only has Russia deployed most of their nukes so has the United States Corporation

According to Phillip Tilton, a writer on NESARA (A Really Good News Source) the United States Corporation lost it's charter a year ago and President Obama has given the leadership of the United States Corporation over to the United States State Department Corporation.

The interesting part of this is that the Original John Kerry is still in a Coma and the Duplicate (Double) is running the country.

The question is: Who is running the Clone of John Kerry?

Who is pushing the Duplicate's Buttons?

Another thing to keep in mind is that it appear this month the Banking Computers begin to become Sentient as can be evidenced by the Rothchilds's loss of control of the New York Stock Exchange a few weeks ago. This means those who wish to destroy them and this planet might be dealt with, and those who wish this planet saved may be helped.

It is an interesting thought?

So here are some dates to keep in mind as you continue to pray that those wishing to destroy America are themselves utterly flattened forever:

1) September 11: The Us Corporation still has time to conduct a False Flag and blame it on ISIL, ISIS, Al Kada, Taliban, White Supremist, the Evil Iranians, the Evil Russians, the Evil Chinese, or whatever the CIA cooks up.

2) Sep 12: The last Year of Jubilee celebration is tomorrow and if the United States Corporation does not eliminate all debt GOD will eliminate their leaders, so he has said it, so it shall be.

3) Sep 13. Queen Elizabeth becomes the longest reigning Monarch in English History even though she is dead. I believe CNN was wrong on their date on 9 September but maybe not.

Again, Prince William Mount cannot be made King by Lord Lyons of Scotland because it was discovered in 1987 in the Edmond's Castle remodel that James Erskin, a Knight Templar, Killed Jacob and stole the kingdom.

This means that legally the $100 Trillion Dollars in the Stuart Trust must be redistributed to the English People who were actually born in England and who's family line has been there for the last 400 years.

4) Sep 14: The beginning of the New Jewish Year 5776, except that is not quite right. There are 20132 years missing considering the difference in the Jewish Year (353 days) and the Julian Calendar.

So - it might be year 5776 or, like a book on Biblical Time Lies estimate, year 6,334 since the birth of Adam.

If this is year 6000 since Adam and Eve were created in the Garden of Eden then the prediction is Jesus (Yeshua) returns on the 14th and perhaps this is why the world currently has around 100,000 deployed nukes - "To shoot Jesus Out Of The Sky."

Not kidding, These leaders really think they can shoot Jesus down with Lasers and Missiles.

5) Sep 15th - Jade Helm 15 is over - all 100,000 Nukes must stand down and hte troop go home - except those doing maneuvers with Indian and Japanese Troops in the US. WE are training them to kill the "Evil Chinese Hordes."

6) 22 September: Yom Kippur. This is the day Yeshua was murdered by the Jewish Priests and this is the "High Day Of Atonement" for all Jewish People.

Here is the day most High Priests are saying the World War will begin.

7) Sep 23. This is the day the US Corporation plans on the Asteroid (US Nuke) to destroy all of the Gulf of Mexico - the entire Caribbean. We shall see. If the "Asteroid" does blow then every nation will know it was ordered by the Rothchilds in London, who take their marching order ofrm the Frankfurt Banks, who take their marching order form the Vatican.

8) Sep 28. Full Blood Moon, last Super Moon for a while and an Eclipse in Israel. The Moon will be red, the sky darkened.

Many scholars feel the Jewish Messiah will come on that date. If nothing happens then every pastor and Imam and Rabi who has been predicting this will be made a fool.

As I recall - isn't there a scripture that says no one knows the time when the Christ will return, only the Father in Heaven?

Let us pray that when he comes we all all ready.

Either way - BE READY

BE READY - YouTube

A Conversation I just had with Phillip Tilton in Puerto Rico concerning the time we are living in - YouTube

The News You Need

Dr William B. Mount

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

An Extremely Important Diplomatic Message To The Chinese Leaders

Chinese  Leadership,since you have refused to communicate with me then I am forced to use other means to communicate with you. Apparently you are too high and mighty to send your Consulate 30 miles south to discuss issues effecting your Great Nation.

For several hundred years your nation suffered the complete and total humiliation through war after war and finally complete conquest by most of the Western Powers working for the English, who work for the Germans, who work for the Roman Banking Families.

Shortly after the 1900 your nation was allowed to vote for a leader and although he was an English Appointee he served your people well .... until the US/UK built the Imperial Japanese Military up to the point where Manchuria was taken by the Japanese.

In 1937 Japan declared war on your nation and pushed hard. Your individual soldiers fought well but your generals were very, very bad. Only through UK/US manipulation was your nation saved form becoming part of Imperial Japan. It would not serve your MASTERS well if the war ended too soon.

In late 1945 the Japanese surrendered and slowly left China, leaving 100,000 US/UK troops in China. As the war ended the US/UK bankers supported Mao with weapons and money to over run the Duely Elected Leader of China and Taiwan was formed. This allowed the Rothchilds to sell huge amounts of weapons to China and Taiwan long after the war ended.

After the war ended the US/UK economies used Japan, Taiwan, Mexico to send off US Federal Reserve Notes and US Treasury Notes in exchange for goods they left each and every nation in both ecological and economic ruin, destroying their nations.

Now the US/UK forces are doing this to China, moving their factories to Vietnam and India and into other smaller nations leaving the Chinese Economy in ruins.

Recently your "Red Dragon Family" (Banking Reps) claimed they had access to unlimited funds through the Marco Polo and St Germain Funds and they would fund Humanitarian Projects. We "Called Them Out" and  found them to be lying in the name of China, and they have since then shut up.

Recently your Chinese Representatives pulled out of the IMF. You were asked by GOD to do certain things while you were there and you did not do them Running away like cowards in no way eliminates your responsibility to do as GOD has asked, nor suffer the consequences for your rebellion to GOD.

Recently we warned you of a Message from GOD: Do as you have been asked or you will loose Trillions. You refused to listen - you have lost $Trillions as your markets have crashed. They will continue to crash until you do as GOD has asked.

We warned you before the Tanjin Ammo Ship exploded in the harbor and you thought GOD was a Myth so you ignored the warning.

We warned you before the US sent in Terrorist to take over the Oil flowing in from Central Asia and force you to pay for it in Dollars - you did not listen.

Shall we go on?

Now I tell you that the Living GOD states as surely as 400,000,0000 Chinese have cancer we will be sending in certain products listed in THE CURE FOR CANCER video and if any one interferes with the distribution of these products they will dealt with by the Living GOD.

President Xi Jinping of China - these products will make your nation strong again. If you honor these producers and perhaps move some of the production facilities to China into an area free of pollution you will gain much in riches and have a strong people again. Hurt the distribution and you will be dealt with by the Living GOD in a harsh manner.

These riches you gain will be far greater than gold - as I have seen Iron Grown at USC Berkeley in 1977 in a basic metalergy class meant for Freshman Students so to I have met those who are now Growing Gold. This is not real wealth - a healthy nation is real wealth.

President Xi Jinping - grow some stones below your belt and tell your handlers to do as YOU say, make China healthy again and GOD will bless you beyond what you could imagine.

Head of all of China, Li Keqiang, stand up for the people of China and allow these products into your great nation and show your handlers this is good for all of China and thus for them as well. If you do this GOD will stand for you and your handlers will melt like butter in the oven as they stand before you, so says the I Am That I Am, who was and is and is to come.

China - you stand on the thresh hold of Great Wealth and a Great Nation or you can shrivel up like Japan, Mexico, Taiwan and other nations the US/UK Frankfurt and Roman leaders have destroyed.

GOD will teach you how to keep the Lucifarians (Satanists) away form China if you listen.

GOD awaits your decision but I urge you to act quickly as the US/UK have currently deployed over 80,000 nuclear Weapons. Only GOD can stop this madness now.

Chinese Leaders - what say you: GOD and wealth or bow to Lucifer and destroy your nation?
The News You Need

Ambassador Mount


Message To The Leaders Of China

This is a diplomatic Message for the Handlers for the leaders of the Great Nation of China.

In the early 1930's your Manchuria province was conquered by Japan and you remained at with Imperial Japan until late 1945. The performance of your individual troops was exemplary but without hte intervention of hte British and America Forces your nation would be part of Japan.

At the end of the war over 100,000 US Troops were stationed in China.

Over the next decade the Rothchild's Sponsored Mao took control of China, killing millions of Chinese in an internal war. The Rothchilds made millions and your currency was given to the Rothchilds when your great nation signed onto the United Nations and accepted a Central Banking System.

In recent years your nation was used by the Rothchilds to supply the United States and England with goods in exchange for US Treasury Notes and US Federal Reserve Dollars. Both the Corporation of the US Treasury and US Federal Reserve System are owned by the Rothchild's Banking System. You have prostrated your nation to your MASTERS in London, Frankfurt and finally Rome.

almost all of hte US Tresury Notes you purchased were fake - the main banks selling the same US Treasury Bond Twice, 3 times, and even up to 4 times - they counterfeited and your Bankeres now hold worthless notes.

In recent years your accumulation of these English Notes you have used hte Red Dragon Family to promise the funding of many different projects and he was called out and it was found he was lying. This entier St Germain and marco Polo Wealth was a lie - and it was a mere Banking Stunt

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

What In The World Is The US Doing Killing Civilians In Central Asia?

What in the world is the US doing killing people in Central Asia?

Why are US troops stationed half way around the world in Central Asia  giving weapons, dollars and ammunition to terrorist in this remote region of the world?

What possible motives could the Obama Regime have in killing these peaceful people?

Let us start from the beginning.

(((First - please pray for the repentance of America.)))

The US Corporation is tasked with the awesome responsibility of destroying Governments that do not meet their population goals as set by the Rothchilds in London in accordance with the Bretton Woods Agreement. As such all currencies are owned by the English Bankers and this allows the US Dollars to be used world wide to kill, main and otherwise destroy both foreign governments and foreign economies.

This Bretton Woods agreement was initially signed by 50 nations, including China and Russia, on  14 July 1944 and ended 13 July 2013 - a 70 year corporate agreement later accepted by every nation that signed onto the United Nations Charter.

(((By the way - the United Nations officially began in San Francisco in 1944 with a grant from the Rockefellars so how can the Obama Regime be celebrating it's 70th anniversary of the United Nations this month?)))

With the recent attempted destruction of the World Markets by the Obama Regime(Russia's Stock Market is Down) in an attempt to start a Nuclear World War 3 the United States has sent  it's troops across the globe to kill people in almost every nation in accordance with the will of the Rothchilds, the leaders of the United Nations, and the Roman Pope as Lucifer Incarnate as the Pope declared himself in 1869.

Central Asia has been relatively peaceful for a very long time until the United States broke apart the Soviet Union. Even still - it has remained fairly peaceful due to it's rural atmosphere until rather recently. This "Underbelly of Russia" has remained fairly loyal to the Russian Motherland and has been largely supported by Russia even today.

When the US invaded Afghanistan because it wanted the Opium Trade the US Army began setting up bases in the northern Mountains and selling weapons for cash.

So the US moved into these Central Asian Nations and began handing out US Money and local currency for locals to go to Northern Afghanistan and purchase huge quantities of weapons - M16s., US made AK-47s, Stinger Missiles and the US Generals pocket the cash.

So basically - you and I pay for the purchasing of these weapons and when they are sold the Generals poclet the cash - of course they do not want to get out of Afghanistan. They also take a cut of the Opium Markets while the privates come home injured to deal with a VA that hates them.

Now these weapons are showing up in mass quantities in nations such as Tajikistan, Khazikstan, Northern Pakistan and many of these Newly Armed People are being paid by US Corporations supported by the US Department of Defense Corporation like ISIS and ISIL to kill.

We warned the President's and Prime Ministers of these coming terrorist strikes right here and in other media outlets - including on You Tube. Now they are hear and soon to also be in Japan and China, so says the I Am That I Am, who was and is and is to come.

Take Takjikistan for example. Here in this nation when they broke away from the Former Soviet Union all of their mineral rights belonged to English Companies. Through a series of maneuvers all of the  resources were transferred back into the hands of the Russians. There is a  Huge Oil Pipeline being built from Tajikistan into China is owned by Gazprom, a Huge Russian Oil Company and one of the few companies in the world that can produce these huge pipes.

If the United Sates can destabilize this nation and kill it's president and Prime Minister then they can seize control of the Oil Pipeline and force China into buying this oil with US Dollars - the US Corporation Lives On. To this end generals and politicians of all sorts are being paid huge amounts of US Dollars in exchange for their loyalty in the elimination of all opposition to the US Corporate Goals - to own the Oil Pipe Line and keep their Empire alive.

Thus, in this little nation of about 7 Million People we see their own generals killing their own police. This murdering General in Tajikistan, of course, hopes to soon be the National President - General Abduhalim Nazardoza. If he is arrested by the Tajikistan President the US Jesuits will try and murder the Tajikistan President Emmomalii Rhamon.

So Emmomalii is asking himself: Do I do what is right: Throw the US Embassy out of Tajikistan and kill all Jesuits Scum there and stabilize my nation and help my people out of our poverty and be a National Leader with Courage, or do I bow to my Lucifarian Masters in the US Embassy and screw my people.

Further complicating matters is that the US is spraying small amounts of Uranium Oxide Powder all over Tajikistan and introducing GMO Killer Wheat to reduce birth rates and kill older people.

So far the population has only increased by 1 Million People in 45 years  and until money began flowing into Tajikistan several years ago for the Oil Pipelines the Birth Rate was dropping tremendously.

Do not feel alone - the US is at risk form these White House Nut Cases as well. In 9 days the Oppenheimer Weapon should be complete and the US Naval Forces will begin towing this weapon from just south of DC to it's target 100 miles South and East of Houston and the AMEC Corporation is readying their 850 KT Nuke under Yellow Stone for detonation on, or near, 23 September 2015.

In a recent call to Wyoming Government offices the Wyoming Governor (Matt Mead) is not to keen about watching his state, and himself, be vaporized.

This is international politics at it's finest.

Multiply this by 192 other nations and 49 other states and you can see that the Obama Regime and the US State Department Corporation are very, very busy devising new ways to sterilize land and kill people all over the globe.

We shall see if the BRICS have the guts to counter this madness.

If they do as GOD has asked them to do then we know they grew some stones below the belt. Otherwise GOD will destroy whatever they do and those who are doing it.

Birth rate - crude (per 1;000 people) in Tajikistan

Toward a New Framework for Peaceful Settlement of China's Territorial and ... - Junwu Pan - Google Books

ystery Surrounds Wealthy Tajik General Accused Of Attacks

Obama Trains and Supports ISIL:

Obama Slips Up: "We're Training ISIL" - YouTube

Obama's Wife Is A Transvestite:

Obama Refers to His Wife as "Michael" - YouTube
The News You Need

Dr William B. Mount

PS - Pete Santilly Radio Talk show Host is still marching on John McCain's Office in Phoenix.

Operation Detain McCain | The Pete Santilli Show

Thank You US Army Cyber Command - only 12 spelling errors between saves - you are getting lazy, or you do not wish to die soon.