Showing posts with label Hole. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hole. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 19, 2025






The Wall Of Truth
Dr William Mount

Tuesday, April 4, 2017

I-85 Investigator Gunned Down


I-85 Bridge Investigator Gunned Down - YouTube

Trihn Huynh - an attorney that specializes in Construction and works for UPS - was gunned down yesterday by a paid assassin and it was caught on camera.

This means that the Assassin’s Eye Prints have been captured and the Atlanta Police have already identified him - but are not working to arrest him.

Shame on you Atlanta Police - you need a new chief who will arrest these thugs.

It also means that the shooter will be paid, and then killed. Dead men tell no tales.

So what happened you may ask????

After the State Of Georgia Department of Transportation released information clearly stating it stored Non-Combustibles under the bridge.  People began to wake up.

In fact - if you look at the photos - there were no stored materials under the bridge - and it seems like everyone is lying about this.

So Trinh filed a  “Force Majeure” in US District Court to have all information about the FBI/CIA take down of the I-85 bridge collapse released.

The Force Majeure would hold all parties involved harmless. She then stepped out of the Federal Court House and was shot 3 times by an FBI Pig and died on the street.

Amazingly no American was armed and shot back at this FBI Paid Assassin.

So - the FBI appointed Andrew
McCabe as chief investigator of the entire I-85 Bridge Collapse - - you know - the one who’s wife took $600,000 in donations for her campaign form Hillary Clinton that was not disclosed on their taxes???

Due to the Evil Nature of these FBI/CIA “Deep State” Satanic NAZI  Pigs you can expect more explosions, more buildings to be blown, more 911s, more Oklahoma City Bombings etc until these organizations are shut down or fundamentally changed.

The destruction of the Intelligence Base under Atlanta - like they did to the one under Denver and Mineral - would be a good start.

Other Deep State Lies you may wish to know bout include, but are not limited to:

1) The Iraq Dinar (Vietnamese Dong, Rwandan Bonds) will be revalued tomorrow - spread throughout the Churches to drain people of their savings in hope of gaining millions. The Dinar you buy is printed in the USA and is counterfeit.

2) Planet Nibiru will destroy Planet Earth is spread to cause fear - which the Demons feed on. The gravitational force of the Binary Star that Nibiru is part of has been changed so that it will not effect Planet Earth any more.

3) We will have a Pole Shift. This was real until about 6 months ago when the Magnetic Pole shifted back to where it was in 1669. Our hand held compasses now have the same declination as they did when I was a kid.

4) The Earth is flat. This rumor is being spread by those who have twisted the words in the Bible to try and hide the Secret US Space Program.

5) Can you think of more lies the CIA is spreading - like Cancer is Genetic???
In other news:

1) Former Hawaii Elections Clerk Tim Adams Was Told Obama’s Birth Certificate Doesn’t Exist - yet he certified the elections in Hawaii.


Here is the Signed and Notarized Affidafit where Tim Adams clearly stated that he swears under oath the was told that the Obama Birth Certificate from Hawaii was fake and there is no record  Barrack Obama JR of being born in either the Queens Medical Canter or the Kapi’Olani Medical Center in Honolulu.

What they are hiding is two things:

1) The Organic Constitution of 1871 - finally signed by President Grant.

2) United States Code, 2, Sec 286 - the United States is a Corporation.

This means all states, counties and cities are Corporations and were made corporations illegally - which is why we had a Civil War - to stop this madness.

This makes the court systems private corporations, as are all schools, private corporations and as an American Citizen you are not bound by their “English Maritime Laws” if you realize your name is really written in all little letters.

IE: james smith

Not James Smith or JAMES SMITH - both Corporations subject to English Law.

That being said - since you are using Federal Reserve Notes as “Money”  - you must pay your taxes.

And now that it was released by Lord Lyons that when they dug up the castle in Edmonds England to rebuild it - it was discovered that James Erskine (Knights Templar) killed King James and then gave England and North America to The Pope illegally - the entire US Corporate Governing System is now illegal and President Trump must now fix this as a Knight’s Templar.

What this means to you and me is that the 1789 Constitution is now in full effect and Gold and Silver are defined as Money and this type of currency must be re-initiated.

The implications of what was just stated have Huge Worldwide Implications and clearly implies that the Entire Federal Reserve System is illegal - thus effecting treaties as far back as 1913.

Perhaps the Russians and Chinese have always known - which is why this March towards Joint USSR/Chinese  Gold Backed Currency began in October 1959.

This Gold Backed  Currency is now in full effect as of Yesterday Morning.

So while the CIA and FBI (Deep State) are blowing up our infrastructure here in America the rest of the world is moving very rapidly to bypass the Bank of International Settlements and create a New and Legal Money across the globe.

President Trump: If you create a New US Money System backed by $10 a barrel Oil - you will solve the US Currency Problem Immediately.


Use LED Lights outside.

Using them indoors apparently caused you to overeat and increases your chance of cancer, diabetes, etc.

Outdoors - they are OK

We have 14 out door lights - and we light our entire ½ acre  using only 50 watts of power. This means our yearly savings are about $400 a year over regular Incandescent Lights; or about $150 a year over Fluorescent Lights.

Further - if I forget to turn them off - no biggie.

So now I can afford to store food and try this Anti Aging Formula.

I may be getting older but I am fighting every wrinkle every step of the way.


Please pray that President Trump is safe and that his Security listens very carefully to every viable threat against him and that they are all neutralized.

Please also pray that YOUR family is safe in what is coming and that GOD guides the hands of President Trump to stabilize our economy.

Deep State - Do not even bother to meet with me or call me to tell me not to save President Trump’s and Putin’s Lives or stop a Nuclear War any more. This is what I do here.

There are forces here you cannot even comprehend and by holding me here in Tacoma you are only risking your own lives. So GOD has said it - so it shall be.

Do not kill my president’s and do not start a Nuclear War.

The News You Need

Dr William B. Mount

Atlanta Attorney Assassinated After Filing Request For I-85 Bridge Explosion Documents

Victim identified; Suspect sought after deadly shooting on busy - CBS46 News

Homicide Suspect 988 Peachtree St NE - YouTube








Sunday, September 13, 2015

Where Have All The Holistic Doctors Gone?

Where have all the Holistic doctors gone?

Last week I received a call form someone who was going to a Holistic Doctor in Florida and he ended up dead so she began to research it. She said that there were over 18 dead Holistic Doctors in Florida alone in the last few months that were murdered.

Multiplying this by 50 we can see that there are a whole lot of Holistic Doctors dying all over the country.

These doctors are dying of Mysterious Circumstances, such as being run over by a Semi Truck, having a mysterious heart Attack when they had NO Heart Disease, etc.

They are not just being murdered here in america. The long arm of the FBI/CIA Murdering Jesuit Scum runs across the globe.

Just a few days ago 30 people at a Holistic Seminar in Germany were poisoned by a US Army LSD-Type Drug called "2CE." This drug acts like a combination of LSD and Speed, which is exactly what the CIA Handed out at Evans Hall at University of California  Berkeley back in the early 1970's with the permission of the head of Regents for all California Colleges.

(((2CE, Ecstasy, and a whole host of Pshychodelic Drugs were developed at UC Berkeley and San Francisco by Dr Alexander Shulgin and Timothy Leary and passed out at UC Berkeley and UC Santa Barbara in the late 60's and early 70's and placed in certain water supplies around Berkeley at the time. The Police, FBI, CIA never even tried to arrest two people. I lived there and watched the results. )))

So this poisoning sounds pretty suspicious to, does it not - CIA ish?

This poisoning was actually not only a Jesuit warning to Holistic Doctors in Europe but to the Cowards who run the Germany Government that they can kill whoever they want whenever they want and no one is Man enough to stop them: Not Merkel, not "Wimpy Gimpy Putin" (What the Head of the Jesuits call Putin) not the head of China. They are all cowards.

So now we know who killed them and we can pretty much figure out why - they cut into the Vatican's Profits in Big Pharma - but what can you do about it?

We could kill every Jesuit on the planet and take our countries back - but the powers that be are all cowards and would never allow it. Even the FBI and CIA are little coward punks who would never do what is right in the eyes of GOD.

Do not expect any kind of investigation on these holistic doctors being killed and do expect these murders to skyrocket.

That is what Jesuits do - they murder.

That is what the FBI and CIA do - they mass on old men and children with SWAT teams and usually hide in their cubicles at work behind locked doors and bullet proof glass you the tax payer paid for like little children.

They kill Veterans at the VA Hospital, they order strange repairs on roads to kill people, many practice Human Sacrifices at Satanic Rituals, and now they are killing Holistic Doctors to kill more people by forcing them to go to "Regular Doctors."

Please keep in mind that the average doctor dies at 56 years old.

Yup - Doctor's die very young after prescribing drugs that kill the people.

So we pray - we visualize - that all Jesuit Scum are completely and totally and  permanently immobilized for life.

We challenge these Demon Possessed Murdering FBI Agents, CIA Agents, NOAH Hit Men, and Jesuit Scum (Etc) and bind them in the name of the Living GOD through HIS Number One Son Yeshua that they stop all murders and theft. When GOD is ready to kill them HE will but we need to pray.

If you want to get these Jesuit Murdering Scum angry  then post my videos on Face Book - like THE CURE FOR CANCER, BE READY, etc.

Like Hanz Kovlenback (Chief Murdering General of the Jesuit Scum) said in an interview 4/15/2000: "If any man challenges the Jesuits in the name of Jesus (Yeshua) our order will collapse and any man who touches this man will be killed on my orders."

I am that man who challenges them in the name of Yeshua, Number One Son Of The Living GOD.

Once dead a Jesuit Scum will spend an eternity in Hell, end of story according to the King of Kings and Lord of Lords.
The News You Need

Dr William B. Mount

30 Holistic Doctors Poisoned With Powerful Psychedelic at Health Conference | The Free Thought Project

8 Doctors Now Dead (Holistic & Alternative) Authorities Point To Murder & Suicide, But Why? | Collective-Evolution

The Bizarre Anti-Vaxxer Holistic Doctor Murder Conspiracy, Explained

5 Holistic Health Doctors Found Dead In 4 Weeks, 5 More Go Missing – After Run-Ins with Feds | The Free Thought Project

Explosive: The real Reason Holistic Doctors Are Being Killed and Vanishing! | Health

Alexander Shulgin - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Timothy Leary - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia