The video you are about to see is a summary of this Ambassador's latest Intel Briefing on Jade Helm.
It follows pretty closely to what Benjamin Fulford is now stating and appears to be much worse that we initially thought.
Please pray that those in charge of Jade Helm are immediately and completely immobilized for the rest of their lives.
Jade Helm - US Intelligence Briefing - YouTube
The News You Need
Dr William B. Mount
Sunday, May 17, 2015
The Video: The Cure For Diabetes
You Have A Right To Know
And I have lost 80+ pounds, and my wife has lost 23+ pounds.
The News You Need
Dr William B. Mount
You Have A Right To Know
And I have lost 80+ pounds, and my wife has lost 23+ pounds.
The News You Need
Dr William B. Mount
Saturday, May 16, 2015
WA Governor Declares Drought Emergency During Rain Storm
Why would the Washington State Governor declare a State of Emergency over drought while it is sprinkling?
Is not the Columbia and Green Rivers full and are not they expected to be full all summer?
Is there not enough water that is we pump the rivers into the fields we have plenty of water for irrigation?
Are not the Columbia, Green and other rivers flowing high right now?
And where is all the money going since our Gas Tax increased by $1/Gallon last month?
It is not going to road repair, that is for darn sure.
Folks - we are so screwed.
It is their time to Rape and Plunder.
Pray that these Washington State Evil Leaders are completely immobilized for the rest of the our lives.
WA Governor Declares Drought Emergency During Rain Storm - YouTube
The News You Need
Dr William B. Mount
Is not the Columbia and Green Rivers full and are not they expected to be full all summer?
Is there not enough water that is we pump the rivers into the fields we have plenty of water for irrigation?
Are not the Columbia, Green and other rivers flowing high right now?
And where is all the money going since our Gas Tax increased by $1/Gallon last month?
It is not going to road repair, that is for darn sure.
Folks - we are so screwed.
It is their time to Rape and Plunder.
Pray that these Washington State Evil Leaders are completely immobilized for the rest of the our lives.
WA Governor Declares Drought Emergency During Rain Storm - YouTube
The News You Need
Dr William B. Mount
Thursday, May 14, 2015
Jade Helm - We Can Win
In the recent news the media has us all in a "Frenzie" about Jade Helm
Yes - under Operation Devolution the plan here is to exchange the Federal Reserve Dollar for the US Treasury Dollar, then devalue that to the point where we need to bring in the New World Order Gold Backed Currency and then kill off 300 Million Americans.
Yes - some pretty powerful people are behind these changes like the Roman Pope, head of the Jesuits, etc.
We can collectively ask the Living GOD (Visualize) right now to immediately and completely immobilize the people who are driving Jade Helm to the point where they are unable to even move for the rest of their lives.
If we humble ourselves before the Living GOD then HE will act accordingly.
Do not fear the chip. In Deuteronomy GOD says that HIS mark will be on our forehead and on our right hand - it is what we say and do that defines us as GOD's children.
These Demon Possessed Creeps can tatoo me with numbers, cut off a finger, or implant a chip in you but how does that change your relationship with GOD?
Keep in mind "Jesus" means light, or Lucifer.
GOD's name is "The I Am That I Am" - "Yeshu Raha Yeshu"
His Number one sons name is "Yesh- A", servant of Yehsu Raha Yeshu.
Deny Jesus - it means nothing. Sign documents, swear on a stack on Bibles you deny Jesus - you are saying you deny Lucifer.
Deny Yeshua - not a good idea.
There are some pretty powerful folks who do not want Jade Helm to progress the way the US CIA wants it to.
They US Corporation currently has about 65,000 Active Nukes, around 1,500 Active Hand Held Nukes, around 250,000 Surface to Air and Air to Air Nuclear Tipped Missiles, 135 Doomsday Bombs deployed (1 Would destroy Planet Earth), and around 3,000 Missing Nuclear Weapons, not including Davy Crockets, artillery shells, and the like.
These numbers do not include the small, and large, Nukes pre-planted in the Congressional and Presidential Bunkers world wide ---- yes --- they are also in the Chinese and Russian Bunkers.
If some creepy CIA Fudge Boys choose to obey the Rothchilds in London, and begin to destroy this nation somebody is going to go nuts and start torching off these weapons. Since they are located World Wide - by by Chinese, Russian, US, UK, Indian, Iranian, Syrian, German, French, Spanish, Italian.......leaders. You will vanish in a flash.
Ever see a Nuke go off?
It ain't pretty. Pretty much everything in it's path goes away.
So again - keep praying and we may see some pretty powerful allies step up to the plate and stop these Mad Men who are initiating Jade Helm around the world.
For You Intel Geeks:
1) As for the nuke on the move set to go off 17 May - it is currently moving in squares - teh carrier is driving around deciding where to move it to. The two ares he is considering are the Tennessee Nuclear Processing Plant discussed earlier and the second location is two blocks due West of the White House. It would be a pretty good ides to Quietly and Covertly patrol these areas 14-20 May 2015. It would also be a pretty good idea to use some High Tech Stuff to snag the Nuke before another day goes by - DOD, Hint, Hint.
2) There is yet another plot to kill the a Presidential Double in the White House set for 12 June. The Shooter will simply walk in with one of Obama's Friends (Buds) and shoot him. Please - take these Presidential Doubles out for coffee in Paris of Chicago this day and DO NOT use the Current Air Force 2, it's left front landing gear has some issues - tired metal on a shaft.
3) I do not know what is wrong with the Air Force Mechanics - they have missed so much lately. Maybe they need some additional training on spotting fatigued metal - or maybe some new equipment. That Jolt in the last Air Force One you rode in was a computer issue causing the Brakes to malfunction.
Secret Service, FBI, and US Marshals - do not bother to cuss me out again for stopping yet another attempt on Obama - and having the local Police handcuffing me again and parading me about as an AMBASSADOR will not stop my resolve.
Do Not Shoot Obama Or Let It Happen - is this clear Secret Service, US Marshals and FBI?
USC 5: You have sworn to protect and defend this Sitting Presidential Double - so do it and stop complaining about it. If you do not wish to do it then quit. It is your job.
Any Questions Secret Service, FBI, Etc - you have my number. If you call ---- Be nice - You play Macho and I will hang up on you.
OK - Too Much Info .....
The News You Need
Dr William B. Mount
PS - You Were Warned About this here. Thank GOD you listened. I am surprised you did not call me - since I posted the problems ON LINE so you can find them. This is what - the 4th time we have done this for you Mr President?
If I was recalled I could make a closer examination of these OLD jets and then you could nip these problems on the bud - Ya Think?
It's your life not mine.
Obama switches to new plane after mechanical problem grounds Air Force One - The Washington Post
Do not worry, there is nothing wrong with the sun. Be happy, do not worry.........N3KL.ORG
Yes - under Operation Devolution the plan here is to exchange the Federal Reserve Dollar for the US Treasury Dollar, then devalue that to the point where we need to bring in the New World Order Gold Backed Currency and then kill off 300 Million Americans.
Yes - some pretty powerful people are behind these changes like the Roman Pope, head of the Jesuits, etc.
We can collectively ask the Living GOD (Visualize) right now to immediately and completely immobilize the people who are driving Jade Helm to the point where they are unable to even move for the rest of their lives.
If we humble ourselves before the Living GOD then HE will act accordingly.
Do not fear the chip. In Deuteronomy GOD says that HIS mark will be on our forehead and on our right hand - it is what we say and do that defines us as GOD's children.
These Demon Possessed Creeps can tatoo me with numbers, cut off a finger, or implant a chip in you but how does that change your relationship with GOD?
Keep in mind "Jesus" means light, or Lucifer.
GOD's name is "The I Am That I Am" - "Yeshu Raha Yeshu"
His Number one sons name is "Yesh- A", servant of Yehsu Raha Yeshu.
Deny Jesus - it means nothing. Sign documents, swear on a stack on Bibles you deny Jesus - you are saying you deny Lucifer.
Deny Yeshua - not a good idea.
There are some pretty powerful folks who do not want Jade Helm to progress the way the US CIA wants it to.
They US Corporation currently has about 65,000 Active Nukes, around 1,500 Active Hand Held Nukes, around 250,000 Surface to Air and Air to Air Nuclear Tipped Missiles, 135 Doomsday Bombs deployed (1 Would destroy Planet Earth), and around 3,000 Missing Nuclear Weapons, not including Davy Crockets, artillery shells, and the like.
These numbers do not include the small, and large, Nukes pre-planted in the Congressional and Presidential Bunkers world wide ---- yes --- they are also in the Chinese and Russian Bunkers.
If some creepy CIA Fudge Boys choose to obey the Rothchilds in London, and begin to destroy this nation somebody is going to go nuts and start torching off these weapons. Since they are located World Wide - by by Chinese, Russian, US, UK, Indian, Iranian, Syrian, German, French, Spanish, Italian.......leaders. You will vanish in a flash.
Ever see a Nuke go off?
It ain't pretty. Pretty much everything in it's path goes away.
So again - keep praying and we may see some pretty powerful allies step up to the plate and stop these Mad Men who are initiating Jade Helm around the world.
For You Intel Geeks:
1) As for the nuke on the move set to go off 17 May - it is currently moving in squares - teh carrier is driving around deciding where to move it to. The two ares he is considering are the Tennessee Nuclear Processing Plant discussed earlier and the second location is two blocks due West of the White House. It would be a pretty good ides to Quietly and Covertly patrol these areas 14-20 May 2015. It would also be a pretty good idea to use some High Tech Stuff to snag the Nuke before another day goes by - DOD, Hint, Hint.
2) There is yet another plot to kill the a Presidential Double in the White House set for 12 June. The Shooter will simply walk in with one of Obama's Friends (Buds) and shoot him. Please - take these Presidential Doubles out for coffee in Paris of Chicago this day and DO NOT use the Current Air Force 2, it's left front landing gear has some issues - tired metal on a shaft.
3) I do not know what is wrong with the Air Force Mechanics - they have missed so much lately. Maybe they need some additional training on spotting fatigued metal - or maybe some new equipment. That Jolt in the last Air Force One you rode in was a computer issue causing the Brakes to malfunction.
Secret Service, FBI, and US Marshals - do not bother to cuss me out again for stopping yet another attempt on Obama - and having the local Police handcuffing me again and parading me about as an AMBASSADOR will not stop my resolve.
Do Not Shoot Obama Or Let It Happen - is this clear Secret Service, US Marshals and FBI?
USC 5: You have sworn to protect and defend this Sitting Presidential Double - so do it and stop complaining about it. If you do not wish to do it then quit. It is your job.
Any Questions Secret Service, FBI, Etc - you have my number. If you call ---- Be nice - You play Macho and I will hang up on you.
OK - Too Much Info .....
The News You Need
Dr William B. Mount
PS - You Were Warned About this here. Thank GOD you listened. I am surprised you did not call me - since I posted the problems ON LINE so you can find them. This is what - the 4th time we have done this for you Mr President?
If I was recalled I could make a closer examination of these OLD jets and then you could nip these problems on the bud - Ya Think?
It's your life not mine.
Obama switches to new plane after mechanical problem grounds Air Force One - The Washington Post
Do not worry, there is nothing wrong with the sun. Be happy, do not worry.........N3KL.ORG
Wednesday, May 13, 2015
Why The Earthquakes/Train Wrecks World Wide
Following is why we are seeing the large number of Earthquakes and Train Wrecks world wide.
1) On 14 July 1944 the United States Corporation was set up under the Bretton Woods Agreement by the Signatures of the treaty to control world wide populations, maintain the World Currency under the Gold Standard, and dozens of other conditions for a period of 70 years. After this there was to be negotiated a New World Wide Treaty.
2) One of the things the US Corporation did was establish the Office of Population Control under the State Department (Now, Office of Population) with an unlimited budget to control world wide populations htrough wars, murders, disasters, etc.
3) This Corporate Treaty ran out 15 July 2014 so the US Corporation no longer is in charge - it's veto powers are over -- but, old Dinasaurs die hard and there are many currently in power that feel this US Corporate Empire must be maintained "As Is."
4) One of the things the US Corporation has now done since about 1970 is too not only change weather patterns but also destabilize the Earth's Crust. What better way to maintain populations and status quo than to destroy entire nations by shaking the ground?
This shaking is causing world wide both large Earth Quakes and Train Derailments and - to a limited success - loss of ships.
The feeling at the top is that these Human Sacrificing Lucifarians (Satanists) are doing us a favor by "Reducing Excess Eaters and Poopers." You can watch their interviews on You Tube.
The primary targets for these 2 Figure 8 TRB 3s is the Pacific Plate to to kill people in the Pacific Rim nations.
5) As man turns towards Evil the Sun is being used in a large part by GOD to try and reach us. Last night there was a huge Proton Burst - Protons have weight. This causes earthquakes and train derailments world wide: IE the Earthquakes in Nepal and Northern Japan this morning, along with dszens of smaller ones along the Pacific Rim.
6) One of the things the Underground Cities build in around 2000 was a double TRB3 aircraft that is in the figure of an 8 and uses Magnetic Propulsion for move. A picture of the TRB3 may be found on the net or below. These two Figure 8 aircraft wsit atop the Pacific Plate and are currently using certain frequencies near 152MHZ to create both underground electrical strikes and expanding bubbles to destabilize these plates.
7) The Atlantic Ridge is a bit different and needs Nuclear Stimulation to let loose - so - various US Departments are participating in drilling small holes in this plate and "Nuking" the Atlantic Ridge. To date only small earthquakes have been produced but a large one is planned for the Official Kick Off of Operation Jade Helm. We shall see.
9) So - last night we had a huge Proton Burst form the sun and Nepal has another huge earthquake, along with Japan and there are allot more to come and the Full Moon is not scheduled for another 2 weeks.
10) We also had a nasty train derailment in Philly this morning - although this one was caused by sabotage by a Disgruntled Union Worker. Here comes the CIA created "ISIS" attacks. Symbol for the Jesuit Scum: IHS -- ISIS, Horace, Seth. They worship Lucifer.
11) Also watch the people begin to go nuts - Angry - when the Sun spots out large amounts of energy. Again - you can track this on N3KL.ORG
OK - Too Much Info - GOD says that until we turn towards HIM we will see the Sun increase in volatility. So HE has said it, so it shall be.
The News You Need
Dr William B. Mount
Triangle UFO Above Germany Leaves Questions In Its Wake (VIDEO)
noaa_proton_G8_3d.gif (640×480)
Jumbo Seismic Monitor
1) On 14 July 1944 the United States Corporation was set up under the Bretton Woods Agreement by the Signatures of the treaty to control world wide populations, maintain the World Currency under the Gold Standard, and dozens of other conditions for a period of 70 years. After this there was to be negotiated a New World Wide Treaty.
2) One of the things the US Corporation did was establish the Office of Population Control under the State Department (Now, Office of Population) with an unlimited budget to control world wide populations htrough wars, murders, disasters, etc.
3) This Corporate Treaty ran out 15 July 2014 so the US Corporation no longer is in charge - it's veto powers are over -- but, old Dinasaurs die hard and there are many currently in power that feel this US Corporate Empire must be maintained "As Is."
4) One of the things the US Corporation has now done since about 1970 is too not only change weather patterns but also destabilize the Earth's Crust. What better way to maintain populations and status quo than to destroy entire nations by shaking the ground?
This shaking is causing world wide both large Earth Quakes and Train Derailments and - to a limited success - loss of ships.
The feeling at the top is that these Human Sacrificing Lucifarians (Satanists) are doing us a favor by "Reducing Excess Eaters and Poopers." You can watch their interviews on You Tube.
The primary targets for these 2 Figure 8 TRB 3s is the Pacific Plate to to kill people in the Pacific Rim nations.
5) As man turns towards Evil the Sun is being used in a large part by GOD to try and reach us. Last night there was a huge Proton Burst - Protons have weight. This causes earthquakes and train derailments world wide: IE the Earthquakes in Nepal and Northern Japan this morning, along with dszens of smaller ones along the Pacific Rim.
6) One of the things the Underground Cities build in around 2000 was a double TRB3 aircraft that is in the figure of an 8 and uses Magnetic Propulsion for move. A picture of the TRB3 may be found on the net or below. These two Figure 8 aircraft wsit atop the Pacific Plate and are currently using certain frequencies near 152MHZ to create both underground electrical strikes and expanding bubbles to destabilize these plates.
7) The Atlantic Ridge is a bit different and needs Nuclear Stimulation to let loose - so - various US Departments are participating in drilling small holes in this plate and "Nuking" the Atlantic Ridge. To date only small earthquakes have been produced but a large one is planned for the Official Kick Off of Operation Jade Helm. We shall see.
9) So - last night we had a huge Proton Burst form the sun and Nepal has another huge earthquake, along with Japan and there are allot more to come and the Full Moon is not scheduled for another 2 weeks.
10) We also had a nasty train derailment in Philly this morning - although this one was caused by sabotage by a Disgruntled Union Worker. Here comes the CIA created "ISIS" attacks. Symbol for the Jesuit Scum: IHS -- ISIS, Horace, Seth. They worship Lucifer.
11) Also watch the people begin to go nuts - Angry - when the Sun spots out large amounts of energy. Again - you can track this on N3KL.ORG
OK - Too Much Info - GOD says that until we turn towards HIM we will see the Sun increase in volatility. So HE has said it, so it shall be.
The News You Need
Dr William B. Mount
Triangle UFO Above Germany Leaves Questions In Its Wake (VIDEO)
noaa_proton_G8_3d.gif (640×480)
Jumbo Seismic Monitor
Tuesday, May 12, 2015
You Have Been Found Wanting
Over the last year GOD has had me file certain financial forms with different corporations around the world. These were done as a Test from the Living GOD for the people in these Corporations and Governments.
These forms were filed as an Ambassador and member of Foreign Royalty and thus from someone who is "Officially" allowed access to the Blue Temple on Sirius B - for those leaders in high places you know exactly what this means. (See the Illuminati Pyramid of Red/White/Blue).
Since you and your people did not act in a positive way to follow the procedures your master Lucifer set forth not only are you liable for discipline from Lucifer so is Lucifer subject to discipline from the Living GOD for violation of his signed obligations.
In other words - the Living GOD is now legally obligated to crush, and destroy, your organizations at will and in HIS time as long as these obligations remain unmet.
Here are the obligations you have ignored:
1) Treasury Form 5444E: This form requests money locked up in my Social Security Funds on the London Stock Exchange - whose number is in red on the back of a Social Security Card. Since this is held by the Federal Reserve System and they refuse to pay - they are going away and most of their employees will be terminated along with their owners. They know too much.
2) VA Waste Fraud and Abuse Forms: Since the VA refuses to pay on these they will be severely cut back during Jade Helm and no one will hire these Ex-VA Employees.
Since the Red Dragon Family now controls the IMF, and they run the VA, they will also be destroyed along with the Chinese Economy. They should have authorized their payments.
Already their economy is faultering.
GOD will not be mocked.
3) US Treasury Forms 211 - since the US Treasury refuses to honor these forms and they are to be destroyed. As the US Treasury Dollar is devalue to 10% of it's original value what is left of the US will switch to the New World Dollar. Those US Treasury employees that survive the coming DC riots will not be hired by any other corporation.
Further - since the Red Dragon Family now controls the US Treasury through the IMF, and since the US Corporation no longer has Veto Power there (Bretton Woods Agreement), the Chinese have thus legally refused to honor these forms. Therefor the Heavy Hand of both Lucifer and GOD will be upon these leaders until they honor their obligations.
4) The $500 Million Dollar Russian Bond filed at Deutch Bank in Florida. Since Deutch Bank is run by the Vatican and they refuse to honor this form, and since they answer to the Vatican Trust, and they answer to the Vatican Council, these organizations (And their leaders) will now have the Heavy Hand of both Lucifer and the Living GOD laid upon them until they honor this bond.
Further - since this is a Russian Bond, and the leaders of Russia refuse to honor this bond, their economy will now faulter and their financial leaders will now be dealt with by both Lucifer and the Living GOD.
Already they are no longer the financial leaders they were meant to be. That has been taken from them.
For Governmental Leaders of China, Russia and Mexico:
If the planned destruction of America does begin 11/12 September 2015 with the Dollar Exchange and the Nukes China has in Syncranous Orbit over America are detonated in March 2016 - leading to the detonation of the Nukes pre-planted by the Fudge Boys of Langley in the sequence we have already described ---- then your planned invasions of America will occur and the Living GOD will then destroy your armies and tear your nations apart just as the Mormon prophesies.
(Can't Post the video until the 16th - I am out of data
To All Governmental Leaders:
When this occurs the members of Parliaments, Congresses, Judges, Ambassadors, Presidents and Industrial Leaders around the world will run for their luxurious underground shelters. We have seen several of them.
What does a Fascist underground government need with Judges, Congressman, Presidents, Congressional Staff, Industrial Leaders and Intel Agents?
You will be terminated.
Your only hope for survival lies in arming their own citizens to protect them from the riotous gangs that must ensue following the dollar devaluations and welfare elimination. You must make this all work above the ground and learn to cooperate with each other.
This is your only chance for survival.
This is the Final Round Up - the elimination of Evil and the preparation for the coming of the REAL YESHUA.
Leaders of major nations - you have been found wanting and GOD now has the legal grounds to act.
The News You Need
Dr William B. Mount
Sorry I can't track the nuke headed South and East of Indianapolis - out of data.
I ran out of data - the nuke 8 Feb in the Eastern Ukraine went off
I ran out of data - The EMP Tiny Hand Helped Nuke created a minor power outage in DC
Now I am out of data - who know where this nuke will go - good luck White House Staff. You will be receiving another Dirty Bomb that may be a little more intense on top of a memorial soon by the Iranians - out of data, can't post it's where abouts.
Remember 21 April 2028, 21 Sep last year?
These forms were filed as an Ambassador and member of Foreign Royalty and thus from someone who is "Officially" allowed access to the Blue Temple on Sirius B - for those leaders in high places you know exactly what this means. (See the Illuminati Pyramid of Red/White/Blue).
Since you and your people did not act in a positive way to follow the procedures your master Lucifer set forth not only are you liable for discipline from Lucifer so is Lucifer subject to discipline from the Living GOD for violation of his signed obligations.
In other words - the Living GOD is now legally obligated to crush, and destroy, your organizations at will and in HIS time as long as these obligations remain unmet.
Here are the obligations you have ignored:
1) Treasury Form 5444E: This form requests money locked up in my Social Security Funds on the London Stock Exchange - whose number is in red on the back of a Social Security Card. Since this is held by the Federal Reserve System and they refuse to pay - they are going away and most of their employees will be terminated along with their owners. They know too much.
2) VA Waste Fraud and Abuse Forms: Since the VA refuses to pay on these they will be severely cut back during Jade Helm and no one will hire these Ex-VA Employees.
Since the Red Dragon Family now controls the IMF, and they run the VA, they will also be destroyed along with the Chinese Economy. They should have authorized their payments.
Already their economy is faultering.
GOD will not be mocked.
3) US Treasury Forms 211 - since the US Treasury refuses to honor these forms and they are to be destroyed. As the US Treasury Dollar is devalue to 10% of it's original value what is left of the US will switch to the New World Dollar. Those US Treasury employees that survive the coming DC riots will not be hired by any other corporation.
Further - since the Red Dragon Family now controls the US Treasury through the IMF, and since the US Corporation no longer has Veto Power there (Bretton Woods Agreement), the Chinese have thus legally refused to honor these forms. Therefor the Heavy Hand of both Lucifer and GOD will be upon these leaders until they honor their obligations.
4) The $500 Million Dollar Russian Bond filed at Deutch Bank in Florida. Since Deutch Bank is run by the Vatican and they refuse to honor this form, and since they answer to the Vatican Trust, and they answer to the Vatican Council, these organizations (And their leaders) will now have the Heavy Hand of both Lucifer and the Living GOD laid upon them until they honor this bond.
Further - since this is a Russian Bond, and the leaders of Russia refuse to honor this bond, their economy will now faulter and their financial leaders will now be dealt with by both Lucifer and the Living GOD.
Already they are no longer the financial leaders they were meant to be. That has been taken from them.
For Governmental Leaders of China, Russia and Mexico:
If the planned destruction of America does begin 11/12 September 2015 with the Dollar Exchange and the Nukes China has in Syncranous Orbit over America are detonated in March 2016 - leading to the detonation of the Nukes pre-planted by the Fudge Boys of Langley in the sequence we have already described ---- then your planned invasions of America will occur and the Living GOD will then destroy your armies and tear your nations apart just as the Mormon prophesies.
(Can't Post the video until the 16th - I am out of data
To All Governmental Leaders:
When this occurs the members of Parliaments, Congresses, Judges, Ambassadors, Presidents and Industrial Leaders around the world will run for their luxurious underground shelters. We have seen several of them.
What does a Fascist underground government need with Judges, Congressman, Presidents, Congressional Staff, Industrial Leaders and Intel Agents?
You will be terminated.
Your only hope for survival lies in arming their own citizens to protect them from the riotous gangs that must ensue following the dollar devaluations and welfare elimination. You must make this all work above the ground and learn to cooperate with each other.
This is your only chance for survival.
This is the Final Round Up - the elimination of Evil and the preparation for the coming of the REAL YESHUA.
Leaders of major nations - you have been found wanting and GOD now has the legal grounds to act.
The News You Need
Dr William B. Mount
Sorry I can't track the nuke headed South and East of Indianapolis - out of data.
I ran out of data - the nuke 8 Feb in the Eastern Ukraine went off
I ran out of data - The EMP Tiny Hand Helped Nuke created a minor power outage in DC
Now I am out of data - who know where this nuke will go - good luck White House Staff. You will be receiving another Dirty Bomb that may be a little more intense on top of a memorial soon by the Iranians - out of data, can't post it's where abouts.
Remember 21 April 2028, 21 Sep last year?
Monday, May 11, 2015
World Falls Apart A Patch Adams Moves Forward
As the world falls apart Patch Adams keeps moving forward with his messages of Peace.
(Pray(Visualize) the world hears Patch Adams and does as he asks. All the funny funny stuff he does simply helps him promote his message)
1) Bad News of the Day:
a) Twelve hours ago Greece missed their payment to the EU and in a Defacto Method declared Bankruptcy as the Euronations moved to prohibit Greece's Bankruptcy - yet there is nothing in the news about this.
b) Last Thursday the entire World Bond Market stopped - it Pegged Out and was - well - trashed.
c) The US failed to pay China a debt on 17 April and now in May and has - thus - declared Bankruptcy in a Dejure Manner and can no longer Veto it's Own Bankruptcy in the World Bank or the IMF.
d) In a foot hold intended to sponsor a "War In Greece" the US Corporate Forces have now moved into Macedonia to spark a "Civil War." The Rothchilds demand more money from hte greeks.
The US Embassy in Greece has set aside over $22 Million Dollars to pay "Armies of Violent Protesters" to make life in this tiny little nation a nightmare, thus allowing weapons and more "US Paid Protesters" to flood into Greece to make life there a living hell.
Since the US no longer obeys any laws and it's debt is no longer added up the spending in Greece to create a Civil War and kill Greeks could simply sky rocket through the roof as the State Department was officially given "NO LIMIT" on a budget to create Civil Wars around the world.
Next Targets: Moscow, Beijing and Ceylon.
2) As the world falls apart Patch Adams is moving 25 Clowns to Armenia to do three things:
a) Speak on stopping wars.
b) Initiate a planting project where they actually plant 1,300 trees and initiate a program to try and save the Armenian Flying Squirrel form extinction. The replanting of the trees will do more to help the squirrel to survive than all the laws on the books.
3) To teach doctors across the tiny ancient nation of Armenia to treat the Person, not the disease.
If you treat a disease you win some, you loose some.
If you treat a person you win 100% of the time.
This is what our videos are about - treating the person not the disease. When you watch the videos you have a purpose in life - to tell the world that there is hope. GOD can provide. You will never be lonely again sharing this news.
So while the world falls apart Dr Hunter (Patch) Adams moves forward to help give us peace.
Patch Adams (Dr Hunter Adams) now has a free hospital operating and needs Band Aids and other basic needs for those he treats. We try and buy him a Box of Band Aids every chance we get.
In addition - All the money from all the "Cure" videos (If Google Ever Pays Me) is to be sent to the Geseuitheit Institute to support his hospital.
In addition - if we ever get paid all the money from You Tube "The Cure" videos we earn this money will go directly to Patch and the Gensuintite Institute. Free Health Care does cost money.
The News You Need
Dr William B. Mount
Gesundheit! Institute Home - Gesundheit! Institute
Aging Reversed - YouTube
(Pray(Visualize) the world hears Patch Adams and does as he asks. All the funny funny stuff he does simply helps him promote his message)
1) Bad News of the Day:
a) Twelve hours ago Greece missed their payment to the EU and in a Defacto Method declared Bankruptcy as the Euronations moved to prohibit Greece's Bankruptcy - yet there is nothing in the news about this.
b) Last Thursday the entire World Bond Market stopped - it Pegged Out and was - well - trashed.
c) The US failed to pay China a debt on 17 April and now in May and has - thus - declared Bankruptcy in a Dejure Manner and can no longer Veto it's Own Bankruptcy in the World Bank or the IMF.
d) In a foot hold intended to sponsor a "War In Greece" the US Corporate Forces have now moved into Macedonia to spark a "Civil War." The Rothchilds demand more money from hte greeks.
The US Embassy in Greece has set aside over $22 Million Dollars to pay "Armies of Violent Protesters" to make life in this tiny little nation a nightmare, thus allowing weapons and more "US Paid Protesters" to flood into Greece to make life there a living hell.
Since the US no longer obeys any laws and it's debt is no longer added up the spending in Greece to create a Civil War and kill Greeks could simply sky rocket through the roof as the State Department was officially given "NO LIMIT" on a budget to create Civil Wars around the world.
Next Targets: Moscow, Beijing and Ceylon.
2) As the world falls apart Patch Adams is moving 25 Clowns to Armenia to do three things:
a) Speak on stopping wars.
b) Initiate a planting project where they actually plant 1,300 trees and initiate a program to try and save the Armenian Flying Squirrel form extinction. The replanting of the trees will do more to help the squirrel to survive than all the laws on the books.
3) To teach doctors across the tiny ancient nation of Armenia to treat the Person, not the disease.
If you treat a disease you win some, you loose some.
If you treat a person you win 100% of the time.
This is what our videos are about - treating the person not the disease. When you watch the videos you have a purpose in life - to tell the world that there is hope. GOD can provide. You will never be lonely again sharing this news.
So while the world falls apart Dr Hunter (Patch) Adams moves forward to help give us peace.
Patch Adams (Dr Hunter Adams) now has a free hospital operating and needs Band Aids and other basic needs for those he treats. We try and buy him a Box of Band Aids every chance we get.
In addition - All the money from all the "Cure" videos (If Google Ever Pays Me) is to be sent to the Geseuitheit Institute to support his hospital.
In addition - if we ever get paid all the money from You Tube "The Cure" videos we earn this money will go directly to Patch and the Gensuintite Institute. Free Health Care does cost money.
The News You Need
Dr William B. Mount
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