Tuesday, March 3, 2015

The Sun Is Going Nuts

If you look at the sun you will realize that something is not right. When we were kids it was yellow in color, now it is white in color.

Protect Yourself.

It was in October 2009 I raised my hands ion Channel 77  and 23 and GOD said the sun would break out with Sun Spots. Within a few minutes it did and it will to stop until the world does as GOD says to do.

Four more times that was repeated in the next 2 years, each time the sun got worse.

I tell you today: GOD will now make it get even worse since the leaders of Russia, The Red Dragons, the United States Corporation, the Federal Reserve, and he US Treasury have totally ignored GOD. There world will now begin to close in on them. So HE has said it, so it shall be.

What had precipitated this was that President Obama had stated he would close the NORAD base in Omaha. several days later a US Nuclear Armed Cruise Missile was fired at Omaha and it was shot down because I warned them and they were ready.

A Nutty Sun Plus  Full Moon  Equals  Nutty Angry People Plus Lots of Cancer

So just look - forget about what I say - jut look with your own eyes, GOD is never wrong:


Image Unavaliable

Please - cancer is about to go nuts because of the sun and the food and water.

Please see the video on You Tube: THE CURE FOR CANCER
The News You Need

Dr William B. Mount

Monday, March 2, 2015

The Ports Are Really Open?

Just watch the video and tell me what you see.

One ship unloaded in 8 days - ONE SHIP.

Tacoma Ports Still Slow - YouTube

Dr William B. Mount

The Cure For Tree Disease

What you are about to see is the elimination of Tree Diseases for about $1-$2 per acre per month.

Since around 1970 I have been working on a product that eliminated Tree Diseases.

My Masters Degree from Homboldt State University was published in 1991 and in the book the First Tree Disease was developed for Black Stain Root Disease - a type of Tree Virus.

Here is what used happen naturally in the Forests of most the Western US, Australia, China, etc:

Every 7-10 years a fire would travel through the forest - never very big because there was only 7- years of brush. The rotted portions of the trees would burn out and the wood smoke would actually prevent tree disease like Fmes Anosus from actually sprouting. These Old Growth Forests were disease free and animal free.

Lewis and Clark write about not being able to find went though animals to eat in these Old Growth Forests.

The ashes after the fire would then wash in to the dirt and provide minerals for the trees to live on.

If you camp you know that if you mix Wood Ash with Grease you get a rudimentary soap,. This is what would then happen:

1) The Wood Ash, washing into the soil, would mix with the soil from the leaves and form a rudimentary Surfactant. The Surfactant woudl then increase Cation Exchange Capacity in the soil by binding with the soils and washing the excess oils away.

2) The Surfactant would increase the depth at which the Oxygen can go and rooting depths would increase, thus stabilizing the tree in in a greater capacity.

3) The Surfactanst makes water wetter and thus improves Micro Rhiza in the soil, thus increasing Nutrient Intake of the tree.

4) The Surfactant would make water wetter, improving Water Uptake in dyer areas.

5) The Surfactant would increase water tension in the tree and force diseases to be contained by increased turbidity and literally wash the diseases out of the Needle Tips.

6) Leaves, and Needles, and fruit grew a very heavy waxy coating  and when the bugs came to eat them all htey got was a big helping of wax and they died.

7) Bark Beetles - specifically Dendrotonus Valens - that attacked the trees because of the increases water uptake and Terbidity the holes the beetles created would fill sap and the beetles would die with no subsequent disease infection.

8) Further - treated trees would be avoided by these beetles as they flew to other trees.

After testing this around the nation we found Fruit Tree Disease simply went away, wheat and corn production went up by 30% without using fertilizers and pesticides, lawn recovered without thatching in weeks.

This is now same thing we use in Humans to eliminate all diseases like Cancer, Heart disease, MS, CP, Brain Injury, etc. We use Immusist and Sea Weed. We could have cured Steven Hawking.

Further More Tree Production in stagnant trees went form 16 rings per inch to 5 rings per inch in Apple and Pear and from about 32 rings per inch to 2 rings per inch in Douglas Fir Trees. That is a growth from 1 inch per 8 years vs 1 inch every year, and the wood remained very strong - it did not loose its strength due to this increased growth.

That was an 800% Increase in timber production in our test for $1/Ac/Mo.

If you want a job in Forestry - share this with your local timber company.

The News You Need

Dr William B. Mount

See: You Tube: The Cure For Tree Diseases

See: You Tube: How To Increase Timber Production By 200%




Saturday, February 28, 2015

Urban Outfitters New Anti Jew T-Shirt

The T-Shirt you are about to see was just put on the market by Urban Outfitters.

The T-Shirt proudly displays the Star of David used to identify their "Higher" Jews in the NAZI concentration camps. Note the 3 sided Swastika in the center of the Star Of David.

It is called: Urban Outfittters "Wood Wood Kelley Tee" and sells for $100.

Urban Outfitters - it does not matter how much the US NAZI SS (DHS) paid you to produce this shirt to stir the pot and try and initiate a World War - the King of Kings and Lord of Lords has now placed a curse on those who have agreed to produce, and market, this offensive T-Shirt.

Shame on you.
The News You Need

Dr William B. Mount

holocaust remembrance day News and Photos | Perez Hilton


The NAZI Concentrations Camps and their symbols:

png nazi concentration camp jpg nazicc jpg star of david concentration ...

US Troops In NAZI Concentration Camps:

If you are not careful, this is YOUR future:

It Never Happened, Right?

American soldiers view the bodies of prisoners found in the newly ...

US and Allied Troops:

Today We Remember The Holocaust… Never Again

May those who support the NAZIS here and in the Ukraine die and may FREEDOM once again ring.

Death to the National Socialists, Death to Fascist Pigs..

Funny thing is - the King of Kings and Lord of Lords is about to do this, So HE has said it, so it shall be.



holocaust remembrance day News and Photos | Perez Hilton

Friday, February 27, 2015

Operation Lightning Strike - The Destruction of America Is In Full Operation

Operation Lightning Strike is the Destruction Of America and is in full swing today.

(((Please Visualize (Pray) that those who did this act become violently sick until they stop.)))

As you read this the Department of Homeland Security was busily cutting 3 major internet cables in:

1) Arizona
2) Oklahoma
3) Florida

This "Terrorist" or "Vandals" as every major TV station reported cut cut all:

a) 911 Communications
b) TV
c) Radio
d) Internet
e) Bank ATMs
f) Access through the banks to your bank accounts
g) All cell phones were cut except Verizon - the DOD provider

So here is the time frame - much of it has already been stopped and funding comes from the IMF - which is now run by the RED DRAGON FAMILY:

1) Nuke, Ukraine - 8 Feb - it happened
2) Nuke Stalingrad (Volograd) 11 Feb - Nuke was intercepted

3) Nuke Murmansk 13 Feb - is in hiding
4) A Second Nuke near Donetsk - broken detonator

5) Nuke - Chicago - 15 Feb - Intercepted, same place as last time
6) Nuke NYC - 16 Feb - Intercepted on rout to

7) Nuke - DC - rerouted, two men got scared and ran
8) Preliminary Cable Cuts to shut down net in three areas. If you see this happen again - kill the Security Guards - they wand you dead and they are FBI Contractors.

9) FEMA Funding FIght. They are now ready to round up Americans and they need extra money to do this
10) Killing of Obama Double 17 or 27 March in a door way either in DC or Martha's Vineyard. Both dates will be tried - they need their Nuclear War.

11) 3 April  Ww3. The plan is to detonate a few nukes, cut at lease 25 Internet Cables and start throwing nukes.

These people - these Demon Possessed People are evil to the core - you and I mean nothing to them - NOTHING.

The people involved in this test include: Homeland Security, Russian and Chinese representatives (Red Dragons) and the North American Electric Reliability Company.

China (Red Dragons) buys US bonds and therefor they have unlimited funding. Prove me wring Red Dragons - prove me wrong in this. Send one of your Consulates in Seattle to meet with me.
Consider these 2 facts:

A) Why does Homeland Security need more money in February?

To round us up and to run the FEMA camps.

B) Why dod the Democrat Socialists in Congress vote against their own funding bill?

As a ruse - watch the TV and ignore what is going on in your own back yard.

FEMA, Homeland Security - they are your enemies. They are private corporations owned by Eurpoean Bankstas that want you dead.

The FBI is part of Homeland Security.

The Red Dragon Family is currently funding these Departments through the IMF and English ROyalty Income.

Rand Corporation Report: America's Population to be: 69 Million in  the year 2025.

They want you dead.

Definition of Department in a 1946 dictionary: An Agency Of A Fascist Government.
And so it has begins - funded by the Red Dragons and the Rothchilds.  The Rothchilds own the IMF, the red Dragons run the organization - World War 3. A Jointly funded war to kill off most Surface Dwellers.

Watch out Russia and China and all others involved - it backfired on Marduk, it backfired on Adama, and it backfired on Mars. GOD will now deal with you ever so harshly for your War Like Intentions, so HE has said it, so it shall be.
You need: Food (Medications), Water, TP, Ammo, Heat and COmmunications for at least 3 months.
The News You Need

Dr William B. Mount

Perhaps I will tell the Chinese about the Nuke headed towards Beijing to an Odd Colored Water Tower - or not. After all - they have not asked their corporations they control to honor my debts with them - so why tell them - they dishonor me?
