Thursday, October 9, 2014

Passengers Form Ebola Infected Countries Not Screened

Over 3,500 airline passengers from countries infected with Ebola have been allowed to enter the US since 1 January 2014.

(((As you read this article focus (Pray) hard that those who are making these things happen are made totally inept - unable t even move forever. Also - continue to Visualize (Pray For ) rain in the Southwestern USA.)))

That is correct - the Department of Homeland Security, which runs the Airport Security in the US and in all airports connecting to the US, refuses to screen airline passengers for Ebola before coming into the US.

According to a leaked report the Customs and Barder Protections data since 1 January 2014 to June 30 2014 a total of 3,566 passengers with a nexus to Guinea transited through, or arrived at, US Airports.

Further - if you read the articles posted by,mm you will realize that the CDC is currently vaccinating children with Polio (Read between the lines) in mass quantities and the FDA is forcing farmers to use a Lead-Arsenic Pesticide that is also killing American Children In Mass.

These are evil people who run the US COrporation.

Rather than killing those creating and growing Genetically Modifies Crops they are bombing people half way around the world for fun. They are mentally sick - murderers and thieves who need to be killed at all levels.

Pray hard - visualize - they leave this planet immediately and with Prejudice.

Pray hard that the White Dragons, and their allies, win immediately. What is planned for America is the death of as many people as the Roman Pone and the Rothchilds can muster.

This is it folks - we can't kill all of them (Although we can try) but we can sit at home and visualize (Pray for) a world without the Rothchilds, Rockefellers, the Evil Bankstas in Frankfurt, the GMO foods,  and the evil in Rome.

The 9 most evil worlds in the Universe:



Last tow articles on WHATDOESITMEAN.COM

Article from: News With Attitude: Exclusive: Thousands Form Ebola Nations Allowed to ENter US Without Additional Screening.

Ken Vardon posted this article on my Facebook - I have thousands of followers but I am unable to post aa reference here on APFN.

I was unable to pull this article up so you will have to go to my Facebook account to read it. I am: Drwilliammount at Facebook.

SO - what do you do if you get sick:

1) Stop drinking the water - the disease is activated by a water poison that then activates a disease connected to GMO Wheat and Corn. Do not even wash with it - except in hte washing machine and dryer. Sponge bath with uncontaminated water.

Yes - the outbreaks are located around wells, and now municipalities,  contaminated by the Department of Homeland Security.

2) Stop eating any Genetically Modified Foods.

3) Stop eating Meat - 80% of it is gassed with Carbon Monoxide. Eat only Organically grown, and packed, meat.

4) Stop eating Chemicals like MSG (Kills Nerves) and Propyline Glycol - which is a cattle fatner.

5) Do not eat artificial sweetners - or even Corn Syrup. Stevia and Cane Sugars are OK.

6) No Canola Oil - it shuts your liver down.

7) Add to your diet Sea Weed and Immusist.

8) Disconnect your TV as frequency generated through the TV can activate these 300+ diseases attached to the GMO wheat and 100+ diseases attached to the GMO corn.

Do you think the FDA Genetically modified these foods to help you - are you an idiot?

If you are a grower that grows GMO wheat you are dumber than a rock - Spelt Pays better and you can make more money growing it. Call me and I will show you how to fertilize and increase your Spelt production by 30% with NO pesticides and herbicides and your watering should go down considerably.

These products are made to make you sick and die and now is the time the NWO is activating them so stop eating them.

Besides - I have lost 80 pounds following by going Organic and adding Sew Weed and Immusist.

So now you know how to cure Ebola, cancer, HIV, Autism, etc.

If the VA can say they can cure cancer with a 1% cure rate for 10 years, and the clinics we have followed in designing these cures have a 95% Cure rate for 10 years fir all cancers - then I guess we can say "CURE" as well - can't we FDA, CDC, ABCDEFG Agencies?
The News You Need

Dr William B. Mount

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

UN Broadcast 7 October 2014

Coming to you from the heart of the United Nations another live broadcast from their Headquarters in both New York and London.

(((Continue to pray for Gentle continuous rain in hte American Southwest, and that the Evil on this planet vanishes both within our own hearts but that the entities spreading this evil capitulate)))

Once again, here is a summary of how your World Leaders think on this Full Moon of Libra - the Balancing Scales.

The purpose of these meetings is to come together and unite in common purpose - a "Mass Conciousness Exercise." So around 450 people around the world come together every full moon to achieve their goals of bringing down the energies from Shamballah and the Ascended Masters.

The message given to the members prepares them for Group Meditation so that they are all focussed on the same message in their meditation.

What this meeting discussed is as follows:

The human mind is a complex set of inter-workings that display for us what our reality is. When we look at our fingers, for example, is it our mind that generates the image of the fingers or is it the fingers that bring light into our mind. Is our reality in our minds or actually around us?

Is what we see really an illusion?

These questions have been asked by philosophers for centuries.

Now that we have some form of Modern Science we are actually beginning to look ask the mathematical energy fields that surround a Human hough and by modifying them may be able to actually change reality.

We know that at this level Matter vibrates slowly and the soul much faster.

The full moon at Libra represents a distinct line where we try to balance our world of desires with our desire to climb the Spiritual Ladder.

The laws of right and wrong must be written within our hearts.

We are learning that these laws must be taught in schools while the children are still very young. We must teach them in the schools to be harmless and travel through life balancing Matter with Spiritual.

There are also large pyramid structures of Syrias B (Blue Temple) and in the Pleiades system that interconnect us spiritually with them.

SInce all souls vary in their levels of Spiritual development we must find ways to gather together and unite to pull everyone forward and leave no one behind. Therein lies the challenge.

One last thing - before the Evil is purged form this planet we must first purge it form ourselves.  It is our constant desire for more, more , more - our Greed, which calls in this evil and we must ascend above these desires to have peace within ourselves. Then, and only then, can we expect things around us to change.
A Personal Note:

This was a very unusual Full Moon in that the moon was red, there was an eclipse, and it was 3 hours late as given by the Farmers's Almanac. More than that though - the entrance to Shamballah (Area where China meets Afghanistan) is being shaken hard - see --- IRIS World Earthquake Map.

The Ascended Masters and the Great White Brotherhood are being shaken because they have not done as they should have so we may see some very swift and large changes here on this planet - but that is just a personal note.

I felt, however, huge amounts of positive and negative energies being emitted form above. Time will tell.

One other note: A large number of internal meetings are now going on in the UN building in New York and at the London, Frankfurt and Rome Financial Headquarters for the New World Order. It feels like they are ready to fall apart, break up. (They missed 12 June and GOD is not happy).

Time will tell.
The News You Need

Dr WIlliam B. Mount

Monday, October 6, 2014

White Dragon Society, Ascended Masters, I Call You Out

For the last 3 years all I have heard is that the White Dragon SOciety, guided by the Ascended Masters (Great WHite Botherhood) will lead us out of the economic and environmental  dull-drums we are in.

You will save the day.

Give us projects to help humanity and we are directed by the Great Galactic Federation to step in a  help yoiu.

So I contacted a person doing interviews with the Dragon Family Ambassador and challenged him to fund these projects immediately.

The Dragon Family Ambassador responded: "Humanity is too stupid to accept these products, Humanity is not advanced enough.

Any excuse will do.

Dragon Family - you have lost face, you look like liars.

You now refuse to do as you said you would do.

I Call You Out.

I challenge YOU in the name of the Living GOD to Put Up or GOD will shut you up, so says the I Am That I AM, so was and is and is top come.

Is that clear enough?

Unless you produce NO ONE will ever trust you and your family again.

Fund the construction of the products we identified in the story "A Message To The White Dragon Society" or the Living GOD will knock you into the next century.

GOD gives you until this  Full Moon tomorrow to Put Up or Shut Up and if you refuse HE will "Rip You a New Rear End" and will continue to bear down on you until you do as you said you would do.

You know how to contact me.

Thou Shalt Not Lie Dragon Families and GOD is calling you out.

Deal with it.

Saturday, October 4, 2014

Number Of Jobs Created By President

Following  is the number of jobs created during the reign of each president:

1) Clinton: 22.7 Million

2) Reagan: 16.6 Million

3) Johnson: 12.2 Million

4) Carter: 10.3 Million

5) Nixon: 9.2 Million

6) Truman: 8.7 Million

7) Kennedy: 3.6 Million

8) GWH Bush: 2.6 Million

9) Gerald Ford: 2.1 Million

10) George W Bush (JR): 1.1 Million

11) Obama:  -.316 - That is a Minus 316,000 jobs.

Never before in history has a president lost America Jobs since FDR.

You would think that while bombing 7 different nations and placing US Combat Troops in over 100 nations to start wars there would be more jobs?

Instead almost 10 Million Jobs have gone from around $20 per hour to minimum wage at around $8 per hour - a huge loss of wages for those effected.

When the guys get back from killing and get out of the military not only are there no jobs for veterans the VA hospitals are set to not only sell their records around the world but to just give them pain killers and LSD Derivatives like prozac.

Only Lucifer's False Messenger could accomplish this feat. Continue to pray he and his henchmen are made completely inept and thrown off the planet.

By the way - Lady Rothchilds, another major banker and owner of a winery, died last month. Another Banksta bites the dust we did not read about. 12 June Bankstas.
The News You Need

Dr William B. Mount

Friday, October 3, 2014

The Cure For Autism Update 15

As you recall in previous articles, we have been following 2 distinctly different children in their walk out of Autism.

1) Child A: A 9 year old female. Her prenatal diagnosis was good but after a year she acted very differently than other children. She cried all the time and needed allot of "Mommy" time. Whether it was caused by early childhood vaccinations or in the womb no one can say except that the child was normal at birth.

As with all autistic Children we eliminate Wheat and Canola Oil and Dairy and add sea Weed and Immusist to the diet - 15 drops of Immusit per day ---- and Eat Organic Everything. The poisons used to grow regular foods destroy Autistic Children.

After 30 days she began to speak, connecting eye and hand movement together at age 8.

After 1 year she began reading --- elementary, but she recognized words like Dog and Cat. a Huge improvement over a child that could not dress, shower, or even ride a bike alone.

Now, after a year and a half, she is becoming a person - a real person with a real personality.

A few days ago she cried at school and did not with to do anything. She laid her head on her hands and just cried. Her mom came and picked her up and she brightened up and got all happy. She just wanted Mommy Time.

She did go home and sleep for a couple of days and ran a small fever.

Autistic Children are so effected buy so many things - GMO FOods set \them off, a word form another child - so many things.

Since she has  now been coming out of Autism for about 18 months she is a 9 year old girl with a 2 year old Emotional Personality. She is her Moms' "Special" child - and she is cuter than a bug.

When she reaches adult hood at 21 she will be fully developed mentally but always be a 12 year old in her heart - your Emotional Aging stops at 18.

2) Child B: The second Child is 15 year old male that became autistic a few hours after being vaccinated. and remained so for many years -- unable to speak or read.

His parents have been walking him out of Autism now for about 4 years now.

He has recently been transfered to a special school and is excelling in everything.

His Emotional Personality is like that of a 4-6 year old but his mental comprehension is that of a 15 year old. It is a tough combination to have.

When he grows up to adult hood at 21 he will always be emotionally a 10 year old. His employment possibilities will be limited but they are still there.

Since these kids can focus incredibly well and since most Autistic Children and Indigo Children they have the ability to engineer and Back Engineer almost anything --- hint, hint, hint underground DOD like a magnetic propulsion system using a  5th harmonics drive system.

3) Child C- I encourage you to read Ty Bolinger's Book: Cancer: Think Outside The Box. His experience with Autism is just like every one else. His child was vaccinated, became Autistic in several hours, and he completely changed their diets and he is now just about normal again after 4 -5 years.

There Is Hope  Moms.

Honorable Grace
Dr William B. Mount
Knight of Malta -- Russian

For you moms - my name is Bill

For the CDC and FDA - that's Mr Ambassador, or, Your Grace

IMMUSIST - Assist Your Immune System Today!

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Marijuana Can Be Made To Cure Cancer

As you have read earlier - we are looking for methods to make Marijuana useful in not only reducing  the pain and nausea caused by cancer but also as a plant to CURE Cancer.

((((Continue to pray for
1) Gentle, constant rain in the American South West
2) The Evil is purged from this planet immediately - Lucifer's Allies))))

We set a protocol to CURE cancer of either One Centrum VItamin per day and 2MG of Iodine per day as a supplement to that (Pule 15 drops of Immusist per day) ---- or --- 1 ounce of Sea Weed per week - preferable Kelp. Sop far so good - everyone using this protocol looses all signs of cancer in 6 months.

Without the Immusist - the Nurtrients are not absorbed.

So how do we administer Dope to help alleviate the Cancer Symptoms AND reduce the cancer in the body.

Imagine, though, walking into a cancer clinic with a "Magic Pill" or "Brownie" that not only makes you feel good but gets rid of the cancer?

The hospitals would fear you - they would come against you. The AMA would cuss you out and the American Cancer Society and GLOBAL FUNND would curse your name - yet we think we have done it.

If we reduce the Cancer too quickly they may loose the cancer and their disability as well because they are cancer free. The key is to not only strike a balance in these two factors but to administer the Dope ion a pleasing and usable fashion.

to be able to fertilize a Commercially grown Dope Plant with enough Iodine to match Sea Weed is a daunting task as a full grown plant can be 8 feet by 8 feet and weigh as much as 50 pounds or more wet. This means we would have to use huge amounts of Iodine to fertilize the plant with.

Tests for this high level of Iodine on plants begins on a patch of lawn tomorrow to see the results within a few months.

In addition - when the Dope buds are used to add to food they can be as much as 25% THC and when baked additional Cabanoids (?) are created that make the Dope even more potent - so only tiny amounts are needed to for the Cancer Patients - an incredible daunting tasks to add enough iodine to even be detectable when using these small amounts of plant materials.

When a Butter is made of the THC - who knows what the nutrient content of this butter is and it is very doubtful that the manufacturer will part with enough to test it for Nutrient Content.

There is also one other wild card - all Dope Plants are not alike. Each Subspecies of Dope not only has different effects on the human body (One makes you hungry, one makes you go insane, one makes you sleep...) but each subspecies may absorb nutrients differently.

So what can you do?

So here is what we are about to do to the food they are given to help these cancer patients.: We will give the patients the usual dose of  Dope in their cookies and sprinkle Sea Weed and ground up Centrum Vitamins on top of the cookies and then put an icing on top.

The patients eat their daily cookie so fast they do not even know what is in it.

Then - in addition to the cookie or brownie  - we give them a Sunkist Orange Drink - mostly Sugar - with 15 drops of Immusist in the Drink plus 2 MG of Iodine for the first 3 months.

If they are diabetic - as most of them are - we will also give them a couple of Cinnamon Pills to stabilize their blood sugar levels.

Voila - Cancer and Diabetes and Heart Disease cured and  the patient feels great.

We will let you know how the tests come out soon. We will not disclose the type of Sea Weed we will use until the tests are done with.

Dope That Cures Cancer.
The News You Need

Dr William B. Mount

Will somebody contact High Times and let them know about these 2 articles - there maybe money in it for you. SInce I use the word CURE I cannot make money off of these articles - but you can.

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Can Marijuana Be Made To Cure Cancer

Several weeks ago I got a tour of a Dope Farm.

((((Continue to pray for
1) Gentle Rains in the American South West
2) The evil Leadership of the US Corporation leaves Planet Earth
3) The Ascended Masters (Shamballah) either help us remove the Evil or get off this planet forever and leave us alone - stop lying to us.))))

The Marijuana farm consisted of the about 30 plants that several families were growing legally top help with their cancer. The farmer who allows this growing does not partake in any form.

I was show the difference between seeds, leaves, stems and the "Buds." These "Buds" can have as much as 25% THC and each different

Different Dope plant can do different things to you - like make you hungry, desire sex, be stupid, stand up and be crazy.

In addition, different part of the plants do different things. The Stems are good to chew on - you might get a "Buzz" The leaves you smoke or eat. The seeds you put into a stew to get you "Buzzed" and the "Buds" get you all Fu..ed" up. Like I knew.

Since these families with cancer ate the Dope to alleviate the symptoms of the cancers they had they got all the vitamin and mineral that can be had form the plant yet despite this their cancer is growing inside them - it is getting worser.

So what do we know:

1) Eating and smoking Dope does not cure cancer.

2) Eating and smoking Dope Oil of any kind does not get rid of cancer.

3) Eating Dope "Cures" the lack of appetite you get when the Hospitrals (DOD) feed you chemicals and irradiate you like a microwave oven does to chicken.

4) Immusist allows the Human Body to absorb nutrients so it "Cures" Cancer.

5) Eating Immusist and Kelp together knocks all of the cancers I have looked at into the next century.

6) So - The Cancer Virus released by the US Army causes large amounts of Minor Nutrients to be used up and it is this lack of Minor Nutrients that causes cancer, Primarily Zn, Mn, Mg.

7) Pigs fed buds with the THC boiled out of it get higher than a kite - so there must be several chemicals in Marijuana besides THC that get you  high.

So what if I could design a fertilizer to make these nutrients available in high enough quantities to eliminate the cancer virus - or counter the US DOD created Cancer Virus?

That is exactly what I am doing.

The difficulty lies in the fact that it does not take that much Dope to get you higher than a kite - so can you ingest enough Dope Leaves to get the nutrients to "Cure" the cancer?

So I am personally designing a fertilizer we will be using on an area that will be used to grow Dope next year and we will then - if we have any money - test the leaves for higher levels of minot nutrients and see if it comes close to Sea Weed leaves.

Imagine - eating "Alice B Tokely" brownies that cure cancer.

A Cancer Curing Dope Plant - you get high and can eat, and then watch the cancer and Heart Disease go away.

With no money this test will take about 9 months to complete and I will let the APFn reader know what the results are. If ewe had money we could do it in about 30 days.

Until then we will feed the cancer victims Immusist and Sea Weed to make sure they live long enough to eat the Dope.

Of course - you could always just eat the Seaweed and Immusit and not worry about the Dope - but then, where the fun?

By the way - I do not drink, I do not smoke, and I do not use drugs of any kind except and inhaler - and getting high has never really appealed to me so I make the perfect Test Scientist since I will not eat any of the products I am testing.

One last note - Dope smells like Skunk so unless you want your house to stink like Skunk dry it outside if you plan to dry it. I mean this stuff really stinks.
For You Intel Geek:

The Yuan now trades directly for the Euro. The dollar is goiung away. It appears it will not fall in value - just not be used as a trading currency..

The rise and fall of empires This is huge: Chinese renminbi becomes directly tradable with the euro

As for Russia - their Ruble is falling away. As you recall- they were told to move theri blessings back to Russia or they would play second fiddle to China. It appears they will play fourth fiddle - behind the Yuan, Dollar, Pound and then the Ruble.

This is huge: Chinese renminbi becomes directly tradable with the euro

A note from Charles - an APFN writer: Keep your kids in plain sight as he feels the DOD will orchestrate some Children's Beheadings and blame it in ISIS this Halloween.

Also - keep the Obama Doubles in Plain Sight as the Main Double is going to do something stupid this Halloween and keep his head down LOW (Hint Hint) on his trip in a few weeks - shooters you know.
The News You Need

Dr William B. Mount