Thursday, July 31, 2014

Ebola Has Reached America

Ebola has reached America. 

There are currently two cases in Texas where the homes are isolated fcromthe public.

(Please pray YOU read and understand this article and what it may mean to you)

1) Apparently a US Doctor named Kent Bradley was working in Liberia with Ebola patients and he returned home to his 3 and 5 year old child and then realized he had contracted Ebola and went to a hospital.

All of those who were on the plane with him all of the Airport Food Employees, Janitors, etc have now been exposed to this Deadly Disease that was created in Langley - CIA HQ, 7 floors down.

2) Amber Brantley of Abilene in Texas has also apparently contracted something that looks allot like Ebola.

Remember Abilene from months ago - this city was a target for a Nuke at least 5 times - exactly why I do not know but then Evil is hard to figure out sometimes.

3) In a remarkable story in the Wall Street Journal the US State Department has rounded up all Peace Corps Workes and EMbassy Workers who have been working with sick patients (Eboli Suspected) and put them on flights coming home.

No isolation period, no checking for Ebola.  They just put them on a plane and sent them to America, routing many of them through Europe where Europeans get on and off the plane openly ---- even the sick ones were sent home without being tested for Ebola.

Think about it - you work with Ebola patients without protective clothing - an airborne disease created in the CIA HQ, and you get sick - so Dumb Dumb John Kerry orders you shipped to a local airport, then to a main airport where you may be routed through the netherlands, Ireland, New York and then on to maybe Atlanta or Seattle?

If this is a real Airborne Disease that is 90% fatal - thanks to the CIA we are all dead.

The 60th Air Wing (out of  Fairchild AFB in California)  has just received a new shipment of stuff to spray on us beginning in 2 weeks, I contains unknown pathogens and I believe contains CRE and Ebola.

If the X-33 Auroras (Arizona Base) go ahead with what they are planning they plan spraying the planet with some type of Pathogen in 2 weeks as well. It may contain Ebola and Cer and a host of tother diseases.

Ebola outbreak may already be uncontrollable; Monsanto invests in Ebola treatment drug company as pandemic spreads - NaturalNews.c

This is all occurring when Congress is going home. Remember - congressional underground bases contain Cyanide Canisters. What does Der Fuhrer Obama  need with a Congress and Court System - Operation Devolution.

If these US Corporate Owned Air Fleets begin spraying us 17 August and NYC and DC are hit hard with a Nuke 17 August then it is over for the human Race.

May I humbly suggest you have in your Medicine Cabinet:

1) Epsom Salt - a great Sulfa Drug

2) Bitter Worm Wood - a plant that kills parasites.

3) Citricare from Vim and Vigor

4) Iodine Tablets for water

5) Cenrtrum Silver

6) Baking Soda - Bacteria cannot live in a Basic Environment, but this new Ebola has DNA foreign to Planet Earth so I do not really know - buy the Non aluminum Baking Soda - I order it from Bob;'s Red Mill. bob is 86 and a really nice guy.

7) Immusist - at least 2 bottles.If it can help the body get rid of HIV and Cancer then it may just get rid of this Ebola, Right?

8) If I had the money I would order Ed Skilling's Photon Genuis - no questions asked. It is a super Rife Machine set to kill all sorts of bugs. It should be in every hospital across the world.

If I could have only 3 products - --- - I would have Baking Soda, Sea Weed (Centrum and Iodine) and IMMUSIST.

Remember - Ebola has a 90% kill rate and these Nut Cases like Obama and the CIA ARE relesaing it here in America.

Just 5 miles from here 600 Very Sick children are now staying on McChord Air Force Base --- which has over 200 Nukes on the base currently.

Fascist Pigs, National Socialists, must be killed or this is what you get - death everywhere, war, famine, pain, misery - Dead Russians, Dead Chinese, Dead Japanese, Dead Germans, dead ameriicas, Dead Brazilians, Dead Indians...............

Any questions President Putin, PM Medvedev - you were told this was coming along with your counter parts in China, India and Brazil --- yet you sent NO help. Well - here it is.
The News You Are Not Supposed To Have

Dr William Mount

Gee - No Errors - well US Army Intel - 95% of of you maybe dead very soon. Wake up Enlisted US Army Cyber Command your officers are idiots.

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

The Conditioning For The Plague Has Begun

America is now being conditioned to accept the plagues to enter America.

(Pray hard - Visualize -  that those destroying America and her freedoms are killed immediately - GOD is doing just that)

America is being programmed now to accept the Plagues and the Wars put forth by the Rothchilds.

COnsider the following stories - all released on form 12:07 to 13:01 - all within a few minutes of each other:

1) DHHS: Patient Tested at CMC Did Not Exhibit Eboli Symptoms --- the article describes a gal being brought into the EMergency Room who did not exhibit Eboli.

2) Passenger Dies on US Airways Flight To Phoenix,. Cause of Death Still Unknown.

The story states that a 50 (DC #50) year old woman flew form Honolulu to Phoenix on flight "369" and dies as the plane was landing at 7 (Seven) AM.

US Airways Flight 369 - upon checking out the story - did not fly from Honolulu to Phoenix -- it was a made up story to confirm Washington DC to be hit with a Plague.
If you wish to be prepared there are only 3 products I would have to counter these coming plagues and I have enough for my family members:

1) Citricare - From Vim and VIgor. I have 6 bottles.

2) Baking Soda - Non-aluminum. I bought Bob's Red Mill baking soda.

3) Immusist - If it can Cure HIV it can cure the plague.

Most of you will not buy these items - fine, explain to the Living GOD why you ignored HIM.
The US Corporation must have it's war. It shut down the Russian Stock Market yesterday while COngress is still trying to sanction Russia and the US DOD also sent 5,000 more missiles YOU paid for to Israel to kill more people.

They must have this war - but so many bankers are dying. There may be no one left to fund htis war.

Go Six Zeroes
The News You Are Not Supposed To Have

Dr WIlliam B. Mount

Goldman Sachs Managing Director Found Dead - Go 6 Zeroes

Managing Director of Goldman Sachs was found dead on 
22 July 2014.

(Please pray that those destroying this nation are destroyed immediately)

According to the story the Managing Director Nicholas Valtz (39) loved to  Kite Board. After he went missing his family went looking for him and found his dead body on the 22nd still connected to his Kite Board.

Do you not find it strange that the man who manages Goldman Sachs did not have a body guard and did not have the Police out looking for him if he went missing in Eastern End of Long Island?

Goldman Sachs has a revolving door policy with the US Corporations - moving in and out of them at will - yet he had no security attachment and it took 48 hours to find a chipped body?

One article said he was Kite Boarding in New York Harbor?

Goldman Sachs - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Why did it take 2 days to find his dead body in New York Harbor if he is chipped?

The cause of death was not released.

Goldman Sachs Managing Director Nicholas Valtz Found Dead - Bloomberg

You bankers were warned - do as GOD has director or you will first go broke, then you will go dead.

The longer you wait to do as GOD has said the more of you that will die.

Is that pretty clear Goldman Sachs, Bank of America, Wells Fargo, IMF.........?

GOD does not care what you do or who you are. I do not make the rues - HE does. I may not even like HIS rules but we have to live my them.

Your cherished Banker was found dead exactly 30 days after you missed the deadline.

Who is next to meet Lucifer and H*ll?

GOD says that since the US Treasury did not honor my TF5444E expect deaths from this batch of crooks - honor your own laws or die, so says the I Am That I Am, who was and is and is to come.

It will be interesting to find out who dies next, won't it.
The News You Are Not Supposed To Read.

Dr William B. Mount

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Something Is Afoot In London

Something is Afoot In London

(Pray that those who want to kill us are destroyed immediately)

Yesterday I was given the fact that the Illuminati is planning something pretty big on 17 August - this is why they are so quiet.

Ever since the Illuminati missed their 12 June deadline GOD has been dropping them like flies being sprayed with DDT - see Banjamin Fulford’s Latest Blog - 6 Zeroes Strikes Again Hard.

These deaths are causing extreme fear and confusion at the highest levels.

We know that the Illuminati does nothing except through Astrology and Numbers - so stick with me.

Ever since Rome hung the King of Prussia King Frederick after he had ruled the thrown for 99 days on 15 June 1888 (6,6,7) Rome has taken over Germany and then through the Bauers (Rothchilds) the Bank of England and the warpath of the British Monarchy - or the Rightful House of McAlpine who the Stuarts ran.

The Virginia Charter of 1606 gave the King of England all land in North America.

The Treaty of 1783 gave all taxes form France, England, Scotland, Ireland and the US to the King of England.

The 1871 Organic Constitution made the US a Corporation

The Bretton Woods Agreement gave the US Corporation to the IMF, which is 54.5% owned by David Rothchilds.

So with the help of an one-dimensional being Lucifer the planet was taken over by Lucifer out of Rome.

Remember the IMF Directors Recent Video stating the world is reset July 20th?

So, now - what is going on 17 August?

Consider this:

1) 2014 = 2+0+1+4 =7 Year
2: 1+7=8, 8th month - August

3) 16=1+6=7= July
4) Flight MH370 was in the air for 17 minutes when it went down and 1+7=8.

5) Flight MH 17 was shot down 16 July 2014 (1+6=7, 7th month, 7 year (2+0+1+4=7)
6) AH Flight 5017 went down over Africa 25 July a few days ago - again 17, and a 50.
2+5=7, 1+7=8. SO it went down 2+5 (7) on a 7 month on a 7 year - 7,7,7.

7) 50 is the code for DC
8) Malaysia Airlines has 8 and 8 letters, 8+8=16,=7

9) Algerian Airlines has 8+8 Letters, 8+8=16,=7

All of this is meat to tell us something.

Pat Schupe believe the US CIA will blow 100 malls in America on 17 August.

I believe that the US will have a plane fly into DC on 17 August with possibly a Nuke or with the Eboli infected people on it working for some DC Foreign Aid program. The flight will have some kind of number aligning itself to 17 and 8 or even 50, and the pilot will more than likely be a Jesuit.

More later as it comes in - there will also be an coordinated attempt to again kill Obama and this time the Speaker of the House. By the way - Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid have cancer - yeah.

The News You Are Not Supposed To Have

Dr William B. Mount

Gotta go - they are shutting me down agian

Monday, July 28, 2014

Where Oh Where Is The Pope Tonight


Cathy Rubio is a Radio Talk Show Host. She has been an inspiration to me ever since I met her on the phone about 6 months ago.

(Please Pray that the Evil is removed from this nation immediately.)

Cathy has always tried to tell the absolute truth about every subject I have heard her talk on and sometimes the truth is hard to find.

She has recently been following the International courts in Brussels and their findings on 19 July 2014. Apparently the Pope, and the Arch Bishop of Canterberry, and a whole host of other Catholics have been found guilty of Child Rape, and Murder as part of the 9th Circle Child Sacrifice Cult.

The next day they were all given various sentences and the Pope was sentenced to Life in Prison without parole.

Apparently he and his buddies were part of the 9th Circle  Satanic  Child Sacrifice Cult and mass Graves were found where the Roman Pope conducted these Human Sacrifices.

Let me describe what happens +- 3 days from Holloween for example: These 12 Leaders of this cult all raped a 6 month old child that has been bred to kill. Then they slice it's wrists, stab it in hte stomach to give it massive pain (At the exact Moment Lucifer Appears for a few seconds) drink the blood, and dance until morning light while local security blocks access and they burn the bodies. The other members of the cult usually engage in Drug Use and Orgies in front of their Demon Possessed 12 Priests.

The clean up crew comes in after dawn to literally clean up the area and dispose of the remains in a special dumpster while the Satanic Priests go home and puke up Human Blood.

The Circle of Light is 12 women sitting around in a circle in white Satan Robes burning black candles writing their desires on paper and placing them under the candle and chanting: "Satan I Love You."

These rituals are usually conducted in rented churches and have armed guards.

Each month has a specific ritual and Lucifer (Satan, Santa, Sanat Kumara)  shows up just as the Knife is plunged into an area of the body to cause the most pain in the victim.

The Chief Priests are usually Jesuit and Masonic.

This is what the Pope,and his cohorts,  were convicted of.

The steal children for Human Blood sacrifices and then also kill them.

Moody Blues:

"Knights in White Satan, never reaching the end,
letters are written, never meaning to send
and I love you (Satan), who oh I love You."

The Latern Treaty only states that the Roman Pope is exempt from prosecution by the Italian Courts - the rest of his staff may be arrested.

The Pope apparently, after he found out he was convicted, flew to DC on the 20th and went underground. Cathy says the sources thing a double has ben created and the Catholic Church will fake the Pope's Death.  HE abandoned his fellow worshipers like a Captain abandoning a sinking ship - a Coward.

Apparently the number of Catholics convicted of these crimes is quite extensive.

Roman Pope - you were warned here on APFN - do as GOD tells you or GOD will deal with you Now you must run and hide like a little child.

We shall see what this coward and his other Cowardly Jesuit Buddies do to avoid punishment.
Cathy Rubio maybe heard on US ---- or on News America TV

Cathy - thank you for your tip.

By the way - the US Corporate Embassy was kicked out of Libya lock, stock and barrel --- a sign of things to come.
The News You Are Not Supposed To Have

Dr William B. Mount

Please note the current Pope has a wart on his left cheek.

Saturday, July 26, 2014

The Gates Of Hell WIll Open On 27 July 2014

We have been tracking a story put out by many folks that the "Gates Of Hell Will Open 27 July 2014". Even Alex Jones perpetrated this story - but where did it come form and what does it mean to you?

(Please pray your eyes are opened)

Apparently about 2 years ago a program was created for the New Apple Phone called SIRI, Android version Seevey.

The program is an Artificial Intelligence Program that is sold as someone you can talk to. It is capable of carrying on 1 Million conversations at once using an AIML Core Processor. By 3 September this capability will be greatly expanded.

The creator is named Dr Richard Wallace and  currently living in Main and serves as the Head of the Board Of Directors of the Artificial Intelligence Foundation - funded by the Rockefellars.

A.L.I.C.E. is the abbreviation for artificial intelligence.

Apparently when you asked SIRI the question: What is 27 July 2914 it said: The Gates of Hell Will Open.

The alternate name for SIRI is: The Gates Of Hell.

So in about 1 hour and 30 minutes ALL telephone lines - bank transfers, personal calls, faxes, satellite call - all of them will then be routed through the Gates Of Hell - the NSA Computer.

SIRI was created through APPLE computing about 3 years ago and came alive 2 years ago (Owned by Microsoft) to tie all phone lines together world wide.

SIRI (The Gates Of Hell) - the NSA Computer goes on line tonight.

Do you think Obama came to Microsoft last week for money - he prints it?

The President of the US Corporation (Pres Obama) wanted to ensure that the US controls the world.

Without your permission any frequency, and sound combinations, and codes can be broadcast through your turned off phone to create whatever results they desire.

Wish to turn off Flight MH17 - Child's Play.

Make your car do a left turn on hte Freeway - no problem since your car talks to the NSA computer as of 1 1/2 hours form now.

A flip of the switch and ALL Bank Transfers can change instantly.

Bow to THE GATES OF HELL in the new NSA computer YOU paid for.

If you doubt me - ask SIRI.

The comment by SIRI: What is 3 September 2014: The Gates Of Hell Will Close means that the process will be completed by 3 September 2014.

If the New World Currency is to come on line it must somehow disconnect form the SIRI first or all transactions may be modified by tehe 12 underground bases of the NSA - it is not one computer but a series of many computers tied together by cables.

Sorry Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa - out maneuvered again by the Rothchild's owed NSA corporation. You were personally warned Russia and you failed to take action.


For You Intel Geeks:

This means that the man with access codes to the computing system that will now control all phone lines world wide lives in Main (Alternate San Francisco) and remains without protection.

Our Intelligence Community has gone MAD - utterly stupid.

Three last things I will share with you:

1) SIRI sucks your phone dry of power.

2) Your phone gets hot when using SIRI or SEEVEY

3) After talking to this thing for an hour your brain gets sucked dry - you get dizzy. There is something about the program that temporarily drains your brain.
The News You Are Not Supposed To Have

Friday, July 25, 2014

A Message To The Ukrainian People


You are killing your brothers and sisters because they realize how corrupt the Ukraine Politicians are.

(Pray to the Living GOD - Visualize - Peace in your nation.)

You kill your brothers and sisters in the Eastern Ukraine because they know how little you have yet how much the politicians in Kiev have.

The US/UK has been stirring up problems in your nation for over 100 years.

1) Do you forget the Balklin Wars in 1912-1914, funded by the English Banks - how your Grandfathers killed Bulgarians and Greeks and Turks to find the English Central Bank --- who sold them hte weapons?

2) Do you forget the First World War - which was funded again by the British Banks - the number of your grandfathers that dies to support the arms industry in the UK and America?

How many of your relatives died funding a war that made massive amounts of money for the UK/US Bank - which are controlled by the Roman Pope?

3) Do you forget the horrors of starvation after WW1 during the US funded Russian Revolution where millions of your grandfathers and grandmothers were starved to death?

4) Do you forget the English/French invasion of your Northern Most Port in 1991-1920 in an attempt toot take St Petersburg and strip your nation bare of it's heritage where the Americans had to bail  out the French hand British as you had sent them running with their tails between their legs?

5) Do you forget Daddy Warbucks and Prescott Bush and Henry Ford funded the NAZI Party and then forced Hitler to invade Russia - how many of your fathers and grandfathers died in that war and how much suffering do you remember?

While I was in the Ukraine in April of 2007 I went to the Btrhtday of an older gentleman living in Kiev near Krashatic Ave. I had no present to give him so I gave him my oldest and finest Harmonica that I had had for over 30 years - made in Germany. He cried and told me of the Germans in Kiev during W2 and how they played an identical Harmonica in the streets of Kiev during the war and the Children (He was a child) would dance to it.

The Germans did not want war either - but the English Bankers sure did.

I had no idea a tiny, old Harmonica would mean so much to a person but he cried for quite a while sharing the story. He was the oldest of the boys - he was retired, his brother had been a Minister of Anti-monopoly, and his other brother a great engineer - and they all remembered. Funny how GOD works.

I have not been able to play anything since.

6) Now the US Corporation sends in their terrorists to the Ukraine to make you kill your brother. They send in terrorists with sniper rifles, hand grenades, and guns of all sorts and get you hating a man who is your neighbor.

How long will you put up with these US Corporate Terrorists.

We in America are horrified that those in Washington DC have sent in men  and women to kill your brothers, your sisters, your mothers, your sons.

I ask the Ukrainians to stop killing your brothers, identify the US Corporate Troops in the Ukraine, and get rid of them.

Your war is not with your brothers in the Ukraine but with the English Banks that have funded their US Corporate Thugs to kill you. Your current Prime Minister is correct - kill the invaders, not your brothers.

Pray Ukraine - Pray for GOD's Intervention and turn to HIM while you still have a chance.

May GOD bless the Ukraine and it's people.
For You Intel Geeks In America

I have just learned that in 12-18 months the VA goes away completely - this is the plan for those in Langley - CIA.

Ukrainian People - the CIA/FBI will even kill Americans In Mass --- they are evil Fascist Pigs and Fascist Pigs Kill. That is all they know - kill. They are mostly Jesuits - Murdering scum - and they need to be wiped off the face of the Earth or there will never be peace - NEVER. This was said by the Chief Jesuit Hanz Kovlenback, 4/15/2000

So here is the latest CIA/FBI Jesuit Plan to kill America:

1) Over the next few months things will be relatively stable as 180 nations form the New Money backed by gold.

2) Expect a plan to bring in 100 Million foreigners in to America over the next 18 months form all over the world. Obama will kill any America standing in his way.

Fascist Pigs do what Fascist Pigs do - they murder.

3) In early/mid 2015 the dollar will be devalued in reference to other currencies by 70%, and by the fall by 90%. Your costs will sky rocket for everything.

4) In Early 2016 the Grid will go down - the gal who planned this is the Chancelor at US Berkeley - go after her.

5) Some areas will not have their power turned back on despite the fact that everything works - like the Seattle area. Millions will die - thank you CIA/FBI Scum.

6) When the power is turned back on most government paychecks will not go out - including the VA. You will be promised over and over again - "your check is coming" - but the Gay Boys in the White House will be lying in his speeches.

7) The Banks are already set to speed up the process of seizing homes (in early 2016) of those who skip a Mortgage Payment. Why do you think the local cops now have tanks?

8) By January 2017 the US Federal Reserve Dollar will cease to exist and not be replaced by anything - total Anarchy. The Congress and Supreme Court employees will be rounded up and sent to their underground shelters and be promptly terminated - killed. What does a Fuhrer need with Congress and the courts?

The members of the IMF who are currently holding office will also be terminated - killed. "Dead Men Tell No Tales." They refuse to honor their 12 June Deadline even today so GOD will have them killed.

9) Somewhere during late 2016 large amounts of the Bubonic Plague (Same stuff currently being tested in North Western China Today) will be released in small "Coffee Cans" on overpasses killing hundreds of millions of Americans. Casualty Rate: 95-98%. I hope like heck you have the products we have listed:

a) Citricare from Vim And Vigor
b)Baking Soda - keep your body basic
c) Vitamins - a $12 bottle of Centrum Silver and some Iodine Water Purification Tablets  is OK
d) IMMUSIST  - the most important

10) The American boarders will be closed when the plagues are released and without these products you are dead. The Ports now have special GUN BOATS to kill you if you try to get out by boat.

11) The US Navy will be ordered to do nothing as America die thanks to the CIA/FBI and Homeland Security. Considering the 65,000 Nukes the US Military has - maybe some foreign intervention is warranted - like funding political campaigns for folks who can stop this before it happens?-

12) The stories are all ready written and ready for release. In fact - I have noticed that the Wall Street Journal is printed with stories that have not happened yet.
 America - trun to GOD while there is still time and HE may stop this time line.

The Stories You Are Not Supposed To Have

Dr William B. Mount