Saturday, June 28, 2014

How Does One Man Stand Up To Fascism in America?

How does just one man stand up to Fascism in America?

(((Please pray - visualize - that you have a clear understanding of what your true roll is in life)))

How does on man even stand up to a Fascist Government and try and stop in in this age of Instant Media?

I get calls almost daily now from folks who are either regaining their health or worried about where they are going to get their next meal. The Inflation on food is now hitting everyone.

So how exactly does one man stand up to 60 years of Liberalism and Fascism ingrained all across this once free land?

Seven years ago I was just an overweight disabled vet - no one even knew my name. Then 2 senior Special Forces came forward and asked me to stop the Assassination of President George Bush and the nuking of Salt Lake 4 and 6 April 2007.

I got on my knees and really sought GOD. HE gave me a choice: Let the war come and I will make you very wealthy or stop the planned Nuclear War and be harassed at every turn but stay the course.

I chose hte second option.

Seven years later I have endevoured to follow as GOD has led. I have stayed the course.

Thanks to a lot of very incredible folks like Kieth Ljunghammer and Dr Will P Wilson (All Day Live TV Show) Pat and Mike Schupe (Call 4 Investigation TV Show) and Don Grahams and his TV program and the Incredible Folks here on APFN and on Pravda we have done just that.

Before Alex Jones, before the alternate media - we were fighting this Awful Beast we call the Fascist United States Corporation (USC2, Sec 286, US Senate Report 93-549).

National Socialism (NAZI, or Fascist)must be fought at all levels and at all costs, there is no Peace that can be made with these pigs. They are after world conquest and will do whatever it takes, and kill whoever they please, to get there. Hitler proved that one.

The warnings I gave 7 years ago are now Front Page on the Wall Street Journal.

Look at today's headlines:

1) US Roll Deepens in Syria and Iraq - this week alone Dumb Dumb Coward John Kerry is sending Syrian Terrorists and Sunni Terrorists $500 Million in weapons that means YOU just spent $1.50 this week to kill Syrians and Iraqies. Did you approve this expense?

2) Broad Gains Power Historic Rally. The value of the 30 stocks on the DOW Jones Industrial Average are all up yesterday - yet most companies experience a huge down turn in profits?

3) US Envoy Resigns after trying to broker peace between Israel and Palestine.

Again, what we said the US Corporation would do years ago is now Front Page Wall Street Journal Stories.

Hard to argue that point isn't it?

When I first began down this long and lonely road I had no idea the US Corporations like the FBI, US Marshals, US Secret Service, CIA, Etc would come against me in such a strong way - yelling at me, screaming at me in public, attempts on my life, stealing bank accounts, stealing everything I owned, forcing em to be homeless for months on end ---- I have 3 belly buttons now, two from Knife Wounds

I Suppose this is how a Snake or Scorpion says thank you for saving their lives.

Even now as you read this article  those who run the Federal Reserve System are being targeted for death if they try and stop the elimination of their Federal Reserve Dollar - and targeted by nations that number 5.5 Billion people.

We may beat this Fascist Pig yet?

Nations like Greece and Argentina, now struggling under this Fascist Regime led by David Rothchilds,  would do well to stop paying on their debt and issuing their own currencies and if threatened kill those who threaten them - the Jesuit Scum and their leaders. It is a two way street and the Living GOD will honor their attempts to stop these Fascist Pigs in London and DC if threatened.

So how does one man stand up against a NAZI regime and expose these Fascist Pigs who lead the United States Corporation?

Do as GOD directs and stay the course.

Do not worry about the Transvestite Leaders like Michelle Obama and his male lover's cabinet.

Do not worry about those in Cyber Command all over the nation who take up false names out of fear and criticize you. Maybe if they actually used their real names someone would take them seriously. The Majors and Colonels order these enlisted to do the criticisms because they are Satanic Officer Cowards prefer the "Lower Class People" to take all the risk.

Lower class people - the Enlisted. 

Do not worry about the screaming insane US Corporate Thugs (SS) - they are who they are and too stupid to change. Every one who has touched me in a negative way,  that I went back to see,  is now dead.

Those who handcuffed me seven years ago - all dead.

Let GOD handle the criticism.

If GOD has a roll for YOU - then do it with all your might.

So your roll right now is a Dishwasher - so what. This is where GOD may want you right now. Do it to the best of your ability. I lasted 3 days - it was not where GOD wanted me.

Still when it gets dark and I am alone because my wife is off on some trip - it gets very lonely. I still ask "Why GOD,  why did you not choose somebody with more elegance or money, with more pizzaz or strength - why did you choose an anti-social kind of a guy who started life as a Forester to do this?"

The answer is always the same: No one else would come.

So the way to try and stop this Fascist Pig US Regime is by following the Living GOD and let him handle the rest.

So to the person who called me a few hours ago and asked me how to stop 100,000 children a month  from being shipped into the US from South America on YOUR nickle and then being put on welfare forever I say:

"I do as GOD directs me. If GOD wanted me to do more HE would give me the ability to do more - like throw these Fascist Pigs out on their heels - but for now this is all HE has given me and I suppose that is enough for now."

Thank you For Being There APFN
The News You Are Not Supposed To Read.

Dr William B. Mount

Friday, June 27, 2014

Lee Harvey Oswald Was Added To The CIA Memorial Wall

Eight months ago Lee Harvey Oswald was added to the CI Memorial Wall at their Langley Headquarters.

(Please Pray that the CIA is shut down)

In order to be added to this Memorial Wall you must be on a mission for the CIA and die in Full Honor serving this corporation owned by the Queen of England.

In other words - Lee Harvey Oswald did officially participate in the assassination of Presidnet Kennedy just like the Chief Jesuit General Hanz Kovlenback said 4/15/2000, as we reporterd here on APFN and in Pravda.

The Jesuits will kill, kill, kill anyone who gets in hte way of the Jesuits and their MASTER Lucifer.

Hanz also said; Kill the Jesuits and you get your money back, you get your country back.

So why are we only learning about this Act done in November in late June?

Why did we not hear about the Full Black Out of hte entire nation of  Yemen 11 June 2014?

Why did we not know ISIS is the name of a US Intel Agency that kills people in the Middle East?

Information Black Outs thanks to orders from the White House and those working diligently ay Fort Belvoir, and Fort Wachuka, and Allied Signal Group - all there to make YOU, the Tax Payer - Stupid and uninformed.

Some Other Tit Bits like his CIA Badge Picture and the CIA admission they helped kill Kennedy.!4TO7a
I am unable to import the pictures from the website - too many viruses.

The News You Are Not Supposed To Have

Dr William B. Mount

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Here We Go Again - This Time China

Here we go again. Another created war by the great United States Corporation, as ordered by David Rothchilds.

(Please pray that they fail at formenting this war in China)

As you recall last fall and winter we discussed the US funding of a war in a region that has historically been very peaceful - the area between Mongolia and Kazakhstan - the Chinese state of Xinjiang.

Here in Northern Xinjing the region is poor and  primarily agricultural and very stable. People tend to live in large family groups and are inclined to know everyone in the area so when a new person shows up in a tiny town every one know them.

For the last year (Actually three years) the United States has not only been transporting weapons and explosives up from Afghanistan from US Bases (By Direct Order Form The White House) - which openly sell US Tax Payers weapons to anyone with cash - they are also transporting them into a base high in the mountains just north and a little East of the region between Mongolia and Kazakhstan using US Air.

Trace the Phone Calls Russia/China from the Afghan Embassy to the US State Department, US Major Military Bases to the White House and from the Afghan President to the US Ambassador there ---- trace the Satellite Feed.

Many readers criticized me horribly - but most are paid by the DOD and are too afraid to use their real names.

This is now our DOD - run by Cowards and manned by Cowards - except the Combat arms.

So now this little bit of speculation has reached the FRONT PAGE of the Wall Street Journal.

The US is trying to create another state in North Western China/Russia to run their military out of to help destabilize Russia and China and cut China's Oil Supplies from Russia and the regions just south of Central Russia.

The war the US Corporation has been ordered to start involves -- YES - Muslims vs every one else. All of a sudden lots of folks who speak Arabic and English are showing up in this area to explain to these Chinese the Benefits of killing your neighbors their brothers and sisters they grew up with.

Now suddenly some "Muslims"  are going crazy and killing people.  It has nothing to do with hte drugs they were fed by these Agents -- I mean Clerics.

Within the last year the Chinese Government has arrested 380 people trying to kill people for "Allah", 315 people hauling explosives and seized 3.15 tones of explosives --- that's about 6,300 pounds of explosives - enough to make about 13,000 Pipe Bombs.

Somebody to the south in Afghanistan, and to the North, is running these explosives into China to destabilize the region an we know exactly who that one is don't we Russian, Chinese and US Intelligence?

What is more amazing is the openness of the US selling these Guns, ammo and explosives in the US bases in Afghanistan is.

OK - so a bunch of Yak Herders are killing each other with US made Guns and Explosives half way around the globe, right?

Well guess what - it really does matter. Today 133 nations have declared the UK/US led Economic System and enemy and signed a document to destroy us - that's about 5.5 Billion people.

The only reason Japan did not sign on this document is that the US has been the primary supplier of Oil and Weapons to Japan since 10 years before the Russian/Japanese war in 1905. Yup - these were US made, and designed, ships that sunk the Russian fleet in 1905, US made and designed ships that bombed pearl Harbor using US Crude Oil, and is now US made and designed ships opposing China.

China and Russia - provide Japan with an alternate energy source and weapons and they will dump the US like a Hot Potato.

By the way - we have already given the next nations the US Corporation has been ordered to kill their leaders and destroy their countries. GOD is never wrong.

A Note To Pope Francis:

1) I personally informed you staff of those ripping both the IMF and Vatican Bank (And Thus You) of billions of dollars. This was given to me from the Living GOD.  If you wish to try and kill the Living GOD for being a Snitch - be my guest.

2) For the Vatican - and Pope Francis - this was a test. You were required to take certain actions directly after these complaints were filed and you and your organizations did not.

3) The King of Kings and Lord of Lords has stated that you have failed you test - you refused to obey your own regulations and laws YOU set in place. Now he will tear you, and your organization, a new rear end. This includes the 5 families in Italy that run the Vatican.

4) GOD has actually show me part of what HE will now do - but that is for you to worry about. The longer you wait to follow your own rules and regulations the worse it will get, for all for you - so HE has said it and so it shall be.

Just remember one thing Vatican:


Do as HE has asked or HE will destroy you: so HE has said it, so it shall be.
For The Intel Geeks:

1) The US/UK funded Sunni Murderers in Iraq have now threatened to bring their murderers to London and the UK/US tighten their grip on Gun Control. This means that the Politicians (Primarily the House of Lords) are the primary targets and no one can protect them.

2) In fact it was reported by one source that they may indeed bring in a Nuke and torch the entire city.

3) If London goes away then New York becomes the primary world Financial House - think about it David Rothchilds and Queen of England really hard.

4) When is YOUR next major holiday - do I make myself perfectly clear?

5) You have disarmed your own people - there is no body left to stop a terrorist in your nations since all the Patriots are without pistols?

6) A nuke blasts up into the 4th Harmonics, does it not?

7) Can we say - sonoluminescence and a compressed titanium rod with air bubbles that is already under the city ready to be used that all your horses and all your men cannot find at the present time?

8) Is there anything left between your ears my dear 15th Cousin (God Help Me) Queenie Elizabeth and your Grandson William Mount?

9) May I highly suggest you and your won make those who can help you very, very happy since time is not on your side?
As For My Criticism on The Net: The only thing worse then people talking bad about you is them not talking about you at all.

By the way - I applaud folks who are Man enough to stick to their guns and use their real names like Dr Will P Wilson, Patrick Sullivan and I am happy to stand by them  because they are men.
The News You Are Not Supposed To Know

Dr William B. Mount

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

IMF Ignored Warning now 133 Nations Vow To Burry Dollar

Right here on APFN and Pravda the IMF was warned that they must finally meet a deadline set by the Living GOD - the failed. Two days later 133 nations met to bury the Federal Reserve Dollar.

((Please Pray that this US Corporate Take over of America ends))

A few weeks ago we contacted the IMF that there was a 12 June deadline set by the Living GOD and they should meet it or 132 nation will reject the dollar.

Well - as it turns out there were 133 nations (132 Plus China) that met to terminate the Federal Reserve DOllar from being the World Reserve Currency.

GOD is never wrong.

Here are some other startling developments that can be found either in the Wall Street Journal or

1)  China has agreed to trade with the British Empire using British Pounds, not the Federal reserve Note or the Euro. The Queen is part of the Dragon Society.

2)  Deutch Bank has pulled away from the English Banks and will now begon to set iit's own price for Gold and silver.

3)  Eric Holder is now going after PNC Bank and the US Bank for International Trade and fine them an amount equal to their Net Worth AND arrest their leaders if they do not pay.

Apparently killing thousands of Mexicans and Americans is not enough for this Fascist Pig. Now he wants ALL the money from every bank he can get his grubby little hands on.

4)  Eric Holder hinted at seizing YOUR large bank accounts like they did in Europe (Hungary, France, Greece...), and offering instead their option to have their accounts back or collect Social Security at 62. No more IRA's, no more savings - all gone.

The Empire is falling simply because the leaders of the IMF did not listen - they were Arrogantly Ignorant.

What surprises me is that the United Nation is leading the way. The Group of 77 Plus China are now recognized as a Huge Economic Force.

Hold on to your dollars America - it is going to get rough, so says the I AM That I AM, who was and is and is to come. Our laziness is about to bite us in the rear.

A note on the quote form President Obama at the conference he spoke at: A Democracy ends up with a Sovereign Leader, a King more or less, and only a Republic maintains it's individual rights. President Obama knew exactly what he was saying whn he spoke those words.

Just keep in mind - Michelle has an Adams Apple - she is a Transvestite.
A Note To The Roman Pope:

Your IMF did not do as GOD asked - now you will loose Trillions of Dollars.

The longer they wait to act the worse it will get for your Vatican Bank, which is supposed to control the IMF.

It is your world, not mine - but your allies (Reptilians, Greys, etc) are about to get their rear ends kicked out the door.

Just a suggestion - do as GOD even though it is too late.
The News You Are Not Supposed To Know.

Dr William B. Mount

Triple Spell Checked.

Do your best US Army Cyber Command Freaks.

Monday, June 23, 2014

Here Comes The UN Gun Grab

Here it comes - the UN Gun Grab as supported by the White House Rats.

 Like it or not, you need to know who and why the UN leaders think the way they do.

(Please pray that the system fails to take your guns)

The new video clearly shows that the UN s advertising for Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration Officers -DDRs.

The role of these DDRs will be to take your guns and reintegrate you into society if you believe in individual freedoms. You are a threat to these Idiots in the White House.

In the second video President Obama Double #3 clearly states that you are too small minded to run your own affairs.

You can o longer hide - it is here - the Chipping of babies, confiscation of guns, FEMA Camps the VA is now switching from taking care of vets to taking care of FEMA (DOC) Guards. Go - see for yourself.

The liberals believe YOU are stupid and ignorant and have no rights. Watch and weep.

About two weeks ago Preisdent Putin went to the Monistary norht of Saint Petersbugr Russia. There he was given a vision where Russia destroyed America.

Let us expound on this vision he had. In the vision he was taken above the Earth and shown the entire world. He was given a series of events that would occur and then shown Russia destroying America. It involved a series of events: Many Former Russian Nations will rejoin Mother Russia in an economic zone (Free Trade Zone), the US would be led into turmoil by the Illegal Alien in the White House, and Putin would then be forced to take out the US Corporate Command and Control Systems. America will suffer greatly, as will most of the world. Russia, however, who has maintained the morals and dogmas of the Old Testament, will then lead the world.

Already his visions are becoming reality as 2 more former Soviet Provinces have asked to rejoin the great "Soviet" economic System." and the New US Speaker of the house is rejecting the US International Trade Bank in favor of nothing. (Wall Street Journal This Morning) This means US trade is in turmoil as you read this. In other words - those in DC are ready to take America down.

I would give more information but the rest is pretty personal and gives names in succession for the Mighty Bear - who should rule after Putin, Who he can trust, etc.

The News You Are Not Supposed To Have

Dr William B. Mount

Saturday, June 21, 2014

Putin Orders Troops on Full Alert

We need some emergency prayer.

Please pray that whatever the Rothchilds (US/UK Troops) are planning fails miserably.

President Putin is ready to chew nails - President Obama has a hit out on him not such a happy family at the top?

President Putin does nothing on a Whim so for him to call for this war means that what we have printed here on APFN has been confirmed.

Further - the Hits on the Current  Presidents  of: Thailand, Argentina, Ukraine (If He does Not Start a War), and a dozen other nations has also been confirmed.

In a war it is estimated that NATO will take most of Eastern Russia and then be stopped near Moscow due to over stretched supply lines - just like in WW1, WW2 and now WW3. This means that by placing troops in Central Russia on Full alert he is expecting an attack and these forces in Central Russia will then be used to repel NATO.

The DOD real;ly wants this war and has been advertising for Houston Actors to be hired to put a hit on a Houston Oil Refinery 4-6 July 2014 - the same time frame that is planned to hit the rest of the nation with False Flags a False Flag.

Here is the kicker - they plan on doing this 3 days early - 1 July for Maximum Kill rate. It is a High Satanic Holy Day.

Now let's talk about what is really planned:

Imagine if you will a Guy (Jesuit) walking into a restaurant at 10AM on 1 July with a 50 pound present ready to mail to his "Grand Mother on Water and Wall Street - New York City. He is all happy about his Grand Mothers Birthday. He Puts on a headset and broadcasts on a certain frequency 152Mhx into this box containing a Compressed Titanium Rod that is not nuclear and - Voila - no air drops, no remote controlled planes - an explosion that takes out the entire financial district in New York City.

The Idiot New York Governor removed the public's rights to carry pistols so there is no one left to stop this Jesuit.

The already prepared stories  will be sent to the BBC and CNN ahead of time show a:" White Male NAZI Russian Separatist Extremist Racist Gun Toting America yelling some anti-gay slur" and thenBoom! No New York City Financial District.

A Few days later Nukes -- both Dirty Nukes and Dirty Bombs - go off all across America - the July 4th Surprise.

The Houston and Anacortes Refineries will be hit hard to raise Gas prices.

The dollar falls, the US is at war with Russia, all Federal Reserve Debt is cancelled, all Social Security, VA Disability and Welfare is cancelled, and we have a full scale Nuclear War only the Terrorism is done using Sonoluminescence "Bombs."

The Social Security Offices around the nation are closing - no one to complain to when your income is terminated - yet you will be told: Do not worry, everything will be back on line soon."

Nothing will come back on line - not the banks, not the Social security - nothing.

The Rothchilds could also use these new Bombs to blackmail the world - undetectable little bombs that could eliminate a city in a single blast - or an underground bunker.

Never Forget: Adama, Marduk, Mars, and now Earth.

These people who work for the Rothchilds are sick, perverted, weird - whatever you call them - they are War Mongering Freaks bent on total control.

That is pretty intense but remember - Michelle Obama has an Adams apple, as does the Next Queen of England Kate Middleton. These people are sick.

So now you know the rest of the story.

One last Note: Yet another Banker Died we did not hear about - 6 Zeroes Strikes Again.

None of the deadlines were met by the IMF so now their bankers will die in droves, so says the I AM That I AM, who was and is and is to come.

Die well Bankstas - your next life will not be a happy one - so says the King of Your Universe.

OK - Enough, TMI

If you cannot find these references look on whatreallyhappened TODAY.

The News You Are Not Supposed To Have

Dr William B. Mount

UN Conference 14-15 June 2014

UN Conference 14 - 15 June 2014

Please pray you get what you are supposed to get out of this. Whether you agree with these ideas  or not - this is what the World Leaders believe so it is very important that you understand this.

The Conference was held UN London in celebration of the last Major Holy Day for the UN - the Great Day of Invokation and the Day of Goodwill for the First Year in Aquarious.

The conference focus was really on coming together as a group and using the Group Conciousness to draw in energies from above - the Higher Harmonics.

Now that you understand Sonoluminescence one can comprehend, at some level,  that as the Earth passes through this Magnetic Influence the Harmonics will begin to come together. By 2015 the 2nd, 3rd and 4th Harmonics will join with the First harmonics and we will see incredible things.

Many who are associated with the Lucis Trust have had Out of Body Experience (OBE) and thus describe the higher harmonics in various ways. I have never done this so all I can do is learn.

One way is to say that as one climbs the Harmonics and Fire begins to enter these Harmonics. Since we are increasing in Vibrational Frequency as we climb the Fire will feel cool to the touch.

I believe they are trying to prepare us for what is coming in terms if the Harmonics crashing down on us. If we have no fear as we see this then their will be no hate shown to us. If we fear and hate uit will be heaped on our heads like Hot Coals.

Jesus said: I do not insult for criticize Lucifer, only GOD does this. To criticize and fill your hearts with hate is not a good idea.

(((((Yes - there are times when those who transgress from GOD's Word need to be killed or banished - but the killing must be done without hate --- they broke the law, they must be banished or killed. Period. This is why the Old Testament is in Black and White - no Wiggle Room no room for useless emotions and the killing was to be done swiftly.)))))

The most remarkable speaker talked about the Firey Paintings of  Nicholas Roerick's paintings. These depict this planet form a higher harmonics - fiery, yellow in color, details merging into one another.

Apparently much of the art work in the world is painted by those who are revealing what it looks like at the higher Harmonics.

What is most remarkable here is the amount of detail we find in every aspect of life - from the details of a leaf to the details of metal grains. Here ion htis plain matter is completely separate form energy. The two do not merge.

Finally - as the Harmonics Converge we shall see the coming of the New World Christ and Teacher emerge through our Heart Centers and enter this world in Love to teach us hos to climb the Spiritual Ladder up into the 4th Dimension.

That us a brief summary of the 2 day UN Conference in London.

It was primarily a time to come together and meditate during the Full Moon - which was 90 Minutes Late.

The News You Are Not Supposed To Have

Dr William B. Mount