Sunday, May 18, 2014

Obama Dances as Empire Burns

While the Real Unemployment Figures clearly show over 108 Million Eligible America's not working president Obama is dancing in the Lime Light.

Please Pray that those on top are evicted form their lofty position and Godly men take their places.

Dupont Circle Shake Shack

The Threat to the President will not be over until the 18th - so this is actually a great place for him to be.

Here we see Obama playing GOD:

Obama poses as Iron King

Not to be undone - VP Biden has placed his son in charge of the Ukrainian Oil Company Burisma while John Kerry's Son In Law's Close Friend Devon Archer) also gets placed on their Board of Directors.

John Kerry’s friend joins the Board of Ukrainian gas producer, same company as Joe Biden’s son

In the mean time the BLM is conspiring to take more land form Cattle Ranchers, form Texas to New Mexico. Here we see another Land Grab because of a "Jumping Mouse?"

Lincoln National Forest, NM

Just keep in mind Michelle Obama has an Adams Apple: She is a he:

By hte Way Dumb Dumb John Kerry - the world now knows about your War Preparations and your planned destruction of Damascus just so you can kill. You are evil to the core, and a coward to boot. You try anything and it just may boomerang.

Now a personal Message: The folks form Aldabaron in the Taurus Constellation working with the Vrilyah's (Agarta) underground through the Great White Brotherhood in the Bohemian Grove (Southern Germany) are about to get their wings clipped - so says the I AM That I AM, who was and is and is to come.

David Rothchilds (Bauers), has given the orders to kill Putin, Medvedev, the head of the Martial Arts Organization, and Benjamin Fulford, and many others. You also have failed to follow the advice of 6 zeroes.  What YOU started GOD will allow them to finish you Old Evil Entity - your time here is over: "Get off this planet while the gettin's good or it shall be for you and your followers as it was in Jasenovac in WW2." So HE has said it, so it shall be.

You heard this first here on APFN

Dr WIlliam B. Mount


The Roundup Of American's Has Begun, Zeig Heil

The Round Up of American's has begun. No trials, no warrants, no charges - just round up the homeless and put them in FEMA camps.

Please pray that those in charge of the US are immediately replaced with GODLY men.

We are seeing more and more evidence that the Homeless are being rounded up and sent permanently to FEMA camps.

Remember Hitler:

First the Homeless

Next the Blacks

Then the Jews and Gypsies.

Can we Zeig Heil now:

Rather than Belabor this here are two excellent videos showing exactly what is going on?

1) FEMA camps are open for business, The Homeless Are Being Rounded Up.

2) Homeless Roundup Has Begun, Agenda Depopulation!!!

The real problem is: Once they get tot the FEMA camps there is no further trace of them. No graves, no body bags - nothing!

You heard this first here on APFN

Dr William B. Mount

Can We Zeig Heil Now?

Saturday, May 17, 2014

Samo' Samo' - Nothing Is New Under The Sun

There is a pattern and we need to know what it is or we will be fooled over and over and over again.

Is the following quote by:

1) US President McKinley in 1898  over the Philippines?

2) Adolf Hitler in reference to Austria in 1939?

3) President Obama in reference to Afghanistan min 2011?

4) President Bush in reference to Iraq in 2009?

"The United States has come not as invaders or as conquerors but as friends to protect the people in their homes, in their employment, and in their personal religious rights. More Over, the United States wishes to win the hearts, the confidence, and the respect and infection of the people (Unknown Country) by ensuring them in every possible way that their full measure of individual rights and liberties, which is the heritage of a free people, and by proving to them that the mission of the United States is one of Benevolent Assimilation substituting the mild way of justice and rights for arbitrating rule."

The Above was a US Presidential Proclamation 21 December 1898 by President McKinley concerning the Philippine Islands.

What ensued was a long, protracted war that lasted until 1924.

Scary isn't it?


The UK/US Bankstas strikes again.

I wonder who Sec of State John Kerry threatened today?
You heard this first here on APFN.

Dr William Mount

Friday, May 16, 2014

US Corporation Once Again Threatens Nation After Nation WIth War

Once again the US Corporation has threatened nation after nation with massive war.

Please pray with me - Visualize - that those threatening these nations are immediately humbled by the Living GOD and if they do not listen they will be removed form Planet Earth.

Once again leaders of this US corporation have threatened other nations with war if they do not obey their Puppet Masters.

1) US State Department threatened Iran with War if they do not comply, but comply with what?

The US thrusts massive stock piles of Nuclear, Chemical and Biological Weapons on SYria sold to them by the La Farge Company (Hillary Clinton, See Senator Reigel's Reports) and then we threaten them because they have them?

The Secretary of State Dumb Dumb Kerry) threatened Iran with compliance or more sanctions by July 20th. The Iranians are still wondering what they have to comply with.

As you recall the US gave Iran the "Ultimatum" back in 2012 and 2013.

US Corporate Leadership has gone mad, Utterly MAD.

2) The Pentagon had a conference with the leaders of the Chinese Military. In the exchange both sides threatened each other.

These Adults who lead the militaries of the world actually "Sniped" at each other like little children. It was down right childish.

There they were, grown men, threatening each other like little babies. Put me in there - the "Sniping" would end in about 1 second -- state your piece and be down with it.

3) We have Secretary of State John Kerry sending explosives and Blasting Cap through the mail to US Embassies world wide in "Diplomatic Bags."

Only a fool would do this - a absolute fool.

You do not send Blasting caps through the mail - Dumb Dumb Kerry  has lost his marbles, he has gone batty, he is 3 bricks short of a full load, his elevator does not go up all the way.

4) VP Biden sends his son to the Ukraine to take charge of an Oil Company there - to frack the nation and permanently pollute the Ground Water and destroy Ukrainian Farms forever.

5) Senator Harry Reid's Son wants the Bundy Land because it has  --- ready --- OIL. So now Senator Harry Reid has ordered the murder of Nevada Ranchers.

Senator Harry Reid has gone mad.

6) Perv Snyder, Governor of Michigan -- outlaws chickens on small farmers in Michigan - he has lost his marbles.

7) The VA has recently has a story about how the Phoenix VA Hospital  had two appointment listsw and purposely used tis list to kill vets who they did not like.

That is called Murder.

Guess what - that list is also kept here in Seattle. Patients who refuse to act as Guinea Pigs for tests so the doctors can pad theyir pockets get NO health care --- they die.

If they complain then the 100% Disabled vets have their claim messed with in various ways and there is not a darn thing you can do about it.

It is called Murder and no one is holding General Shesenski (VA Director) accountable.

8) All New Born Babies in NATO are now chipped with a Computer Chip in their left inner arm.

9) Tonight I listened to a Washington State Governors Banquet that was awarding children awards for reading and writing. All of the awards went to those who loved Homosexuals and DIversity - screwing the White Male.

They have gone insane - what is wrong is right and what is right is wrong.

A Message form the White Dragon Society to the US/UK leaders I have been asked to pass on, and it is sanctioned by the Living GOD the King of Kings and Lord of Lords:

"If you go along with the White Dragons you will be taken care of. If you do not go along with the White Dragons you will be taken care of."

You heard this first here on APFN

Dr William B. Mount

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Syria Weapons Agreement With US Breaks Down

Over the last 24 hours all previously made agreements between the US and Syria have been violated by the us so talks have broken down.

(((Please Pray - Visualize - that all that Lucifer does over the next 30 days fails and that the radiation in Fukushima vanishes.)))

Two days ago Secretary of State John Kerry said that the US had collected 95% of all hte Chemical Weapons room Syria and things were going well.

A Few hours later the UN Secretary General announced the US Peace Negotiator for the UN had resigned and it is unlikely they will appoint another Peace Negotiator.

John Kerry, after getting a Phone Call form the leaders of Saudi Arabia, was told that the US Airbase in Jordan just south o Damascus was done, the 5,000 US troops there were ready to invade Syria and the 30,000 Saudi Arabia Funded Troops in Jordan were ready to invade Syria and a Local Contractor was ready to release a large amount of Gas Tomorrow and blame it on Syrian's President Assad.

The Attempt to start a war by killing Obama has failed - he has cancelled his trip to the Far East. Obama also left New York City this morning just in time for yet another Nuke to be brought into the city. I do not know what the CIA wants to do with this one - nuke the city or store it under ground - the energy here in Tacoma is very confusing --- and these terrorists are also on some type of Performance Enhancing Drug that has clouded their judgement. Time will tell.

The CIA nuke Sorcha Faal talked about in Detroit was seized by foreign agents after a few CIA Goons were terminated.

The Nuke headed for Chicago was - sort of - intercepted. It may be used n South Central Eastern Ukraine to start the war in exactly 28 days after US forces referbish it - it's electronics were slightly damaged by a fast traveling piece or soft metal.

So what else can hte US/UK do to start a Full Scale Nuclear War?

There are  US/UK Funded Mercanaries and US troops starting revolutions  in:

1) Pakistan
2) Indonesia
3) Venezuela
4) Western Brazil
5) Eastern Brazil
6) Pakistan
7) Afghanistan
8) Ukraine
9) Beellarus
10) Moldovia
11) Serbia
12) Nevada - Bundy Ranch is loaded woth oil

The US FBI Joy Boys are also preparing 50 armed Agent Sabatoeurs to stir up this crowd headed for DC in the "American Spring."

American Spring ---- Arab Spring ---- Same MO, just coming home.

The CIA/FBI do not care if you are Russian, Egyptian, or American --- they want YOU dead.

If you see an armed man in the crowd pullout a gun - beat him senseless and hang his body on the front door of the nearest FBI Office.

Evil is as Evil does.

Fortunately the rest of the world is waking up to the US Joy Boys and their desire to kill, kill, kill.

They are also waking up to the fact that US/UK banks cook the books world wide

In the Wall Street Journal today it was announced that Citi Bank - which has small branches all over the world and a great bank to deal with - cooked the books to the tune of around $350,000,000.

In addition - the IMF tried to pawn off their new WORLD DOLLAR - the SDR and no one wanted it. It is only backed by air.

Combined with the Bank of America $4 Billion Dollar Scandal and the:

1) $76.65 Trillion Dollars we identified taken form Ambassador Wanta and the US Treasury

20 The $15 Trillion Dollars transfered from HSBC to the Royal Bank of Scotland landing on the European MTN Market in Europe over night to cause Greece to go bankrupt.

3) The $2 Trillion on the TOMFLOCCO.COM website stolen from the US Treasury.

4) Fortress FInancial being created out of Thin Air and buying banks like PNC.

5) The latest PNC Scandal.
What is happening all around the world is that the energy of Lucifer is growing but it is being scattered. FOr example - rather than focussing on one issue - like a war in the Ukraine -- they have troops all over the world trying to start WW3. These Luciafirans (Satanists) cannot focus --- they came agianst GOD's messenger and GOD's people.

Thank you APFN for your prayers - they are working.
For Medical Community: FISH ON

We got a call from a close relative who just got a probe stuck up her rear 4 feet - it was called a Colonoscopy. She like  it so well she scheduled another one in 5 years - that's called a FISH ON.

All the pre- appointments and Follow Up appointments - you (The Tax Payer) pay around $5,000 for her to go get this procedure. She has around 35 feet of intestines and they examine only 2-4 feet of it for 5 grand.

Further: Cancer treatments have not changed in 50 years since my wife's grandma died of cancer - not on iota. You get sick, the doctors make you sicker, you die broke and in pain so they put you in bed and administer Morphine so you die painlessly and all your relative can cry for days.

So why would anyone not choose to eat Sea Weed and Immusist and EDTA?

Instead eating healthy and loosing 150 pound this relative got this procedure done. She has Polyps in her upper intestines and lumps in her breast and the Doctor said: It's OK, we are watching them.

This relative of our is what the medical community calls: FISH ON.

She is dumb enough to go back over and over again while they watch her tumors grow. SOrry - they are Cysts and Nodules until they wish to try some new US Army Chemical Weapon on them p then it is "Cancer" and they get allot of money to administer this "Cancer Fighting Drug" on you.

If you want to live in pain and feel like crap - this is your business - not mine or GOD's - I told GOD I will not lay hands on anyone else and have them healed because they get healed and go back to their old habits.

The medical community will drag my relative around form appointment to appointment  and suck her dry until she has no more insurance and then they will let her go on a Morphine Drip.

She brags about it: "I got to go to the "National Cancer Institute" to get this procedure done - She sounds so special and her nose goes into the air with Pride that she got to go to this clinic.

By the time they are done with her they will throw her out out into the wind after they have taken her for every dime she has and then after she dies they will sell her organs.

I urge you, if you wish to be healthy - to read these stories here on APFN about health.

How you live YOUR life is up to you - but there is a pain free alternative.


For You Intel Geeks

1) The forces of the US COrporation and UK corporation are currently scattered. The idea of nuking any city - including and especially London and DC - is on the table. These Round Table folks are trying to come up with another "Believable" terrorist group and a New Osama Bin Laden. The one in Nigeria is not bad enough.

2) In the mean time these IMF/US/UK and Vatican Banks will continue to be hit as their corruption is exposed, so say the I  AM That I Am, who was and is and is to come.

3) IMF DIrectors - you were shown how to fix the economy. Maybe London and New York City need to be turned to dust for you to wake up - it is up to you?

4) With a nation of  316 Million folks and 108 million out of work and 96 Million working full time, 54% of all people now on some form of Government Handouts, you might as well bend over and kiss it good bye because you underground DUMB bases are all targeted. The Cloward Pivens Model Works.

5) The corruption of the Nigerian People (Lotto Scams is just the beginning) has reached the ears of the Living GOD and this nation will now be destroyed, so HE has said it so it shall be.

6) One final note: The Roman Pope stated today he "Demands" a redistribution of wealth. When is he going to release all of the wealth the Catholic Church has stolen from the people?
You heard this first here on APFN

Dr WIlliam B. Mount

Syrian Chemical Weapons Pact is Collapsing

Two day ago the US Secretary of State Dumb Dumb John Kerry spoke in Europe (I Believe) stating that the US has already collected 95% of all gas weapons from Syria and things were going well.

Please pray - visualize - that all that Lucifer and his Minions (US Corporate Leaders)  do to start World War 3 fails.

The very  next day John Kerry announces that Peace Negotiations had broken down and that the US is planning to go to war with Syria.

These are the same Chemical Weapons that Hillary Clinton sold to Iraq (US Senator Riegel's Reports) that General Colin Powell announced were taken by Semi Trucks to Syria - over 2,000 semi trucks worth of Nuclear, Chemical and Biological Weapons.

That afternoon the head of the UN had a press conference whereby the Syrian Peace Negotiator form the UN resigned and the UN was not going to assign another one.

Now John Kerry, after assembling an Air Base just south of Damascus and now has 30,000 Saudi Troops and 5,000 US troops and over 5,000 contract Employees + 2,500 US troops in Syria, wants war.


So where do you begin?

1) US/UK Funded war in the Ukraine
2) US/UK Funded War in Northern Thailand
3) UK/UK Funded War in the Philippines
4) US/UK Funded War in Pakistan
5) US/UK Funded War in Libya
6) US/UK Funded War in Indonesia
7) US/UK Funded War in Nevada - Bundy Ranch, over oil
8) US/UK Funded War in DC - DC Spring, the FBI has 50 armed Agent Sabatoeurs ready to start Martial Law by firing weapons at US troops guarding the White House. If they pull out a gun in the crowd - kill them and nail their bodies to the front door of the nearest FBI Freaks Office.

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

UN Meetings 13 and 14 May 2014

Once again coming to you from the heart of the United Nations - it's temple library - as a member of Theosophical Society - another report on a fine set of meetings.

Pray with me that YOU learn what YOU are supposed to learn from these meeting.

I am once again grateful to the United Nations and Lucis Trust for allowing me to not only listen to these broadcasts but report on them as well. About 50 people are present at these meetings and around 400 listen to these broadcasts world wide.

Only here on APFN will you be able to read, and understand, what those who control so much of your lives are thinking and doing. These reports are backed up on Dr William Mount  Blogspot.

The two meetings (New York, and London) we set for last night and this morning.

As in all meetings they center around the small group of  followers using their minds to reach up through the harmonics (12 Dimensions, 12 harmonics) and bring down the energies of those who live in the higher harmonics, what some call: Archons, Spirits, Demons, etc.

The meetings are filled with meditations and ask all of their followers to join their minds together and form a sort of "Group Fusion" at times that correspond to the time of the full moon --- apparently the Energy Grid surrounding the planet is weakest at this time thus allowing these beings to be brought down form a higher Harmonics.

During this time of Aquarius these energies are becoming very strong.

These particular meetings correspond with the First Full Moon of Taurus in this new Age of Aquarious.

The main focus of the talk was on the teachings of The Buddha. As a prince he had apparently rejected all worldly good and began focussing on the Spiritual End of things. While sitting under a tree he had an Out Of Body Experience (OBE) and was thus "Enlightened" as to what is important and what is not.

This date of Buddha's first OBE was at the full moon of Taurus - so it is termed the Holiday of Weesak.

Buddha was taught by these spirits during his OBE that all human suffering is caused by our incorrect desires - desiring things we do not need and that we must purge our minds of material desires and live a simple life so we too can reach enlightenment - especially during this time of "Weesak."

Th Business Plan of the UN clearly states that these folks will eliminate all religions by penetrating the minds of your children  through:

1)  Send in Elementary School Teachers to teach our children these thoughts. David Rockafallar: "Who cares what you think, we have the minds of your children."

2) Begin writing books to support these teachers.

3) Create Book stores to sell these books and Crystals, and other "New Age" stuff.

4) Publish these books in every language and send their authors around the world to speak.

5) Send in Radio Talk Show Hosts to penetrate the market with these ideas and slowly take over the market

6) Begin with a few movies and then slowly saturate the market with these movies.

7) Slowly penetrate TV stations and Newspapers until the entire market is controlled and sends out these ideas and theologies.

8) Finally, this was added rather recently, penetrate the internet and saturate this new medium with these thoughts and ideas. If you do not agree you will be discredited and pushed off the net.

This is their business plan and they will achieve it.

Here again are the first 8 Harmonics:

3rd Dimension:

1) 1st Harmonics - (10 to the 5th) The Human Body does best when it vibrates at 78Mhz, poorly at 52Mhz. This is where we are.

2) 2nd Har (10 to the 8th Mhz) (1st Ray of Light) - Astral Plain - where the Demons, Angels, Shadow People, Orbs, etc hang out.

3) 3rd Har (10 to 9th) (2nd Ray) Mental Plane. Where our thoughts go.

4) 4th Har (10 to 10th Power) (3rd Ray) Astrology and Magnetic Forces - here at a vibration of 10 Million Hertz the Magnetic Propulsion Systems can send a ship across the galaxy at really high rates of speed making Warp Drive look like a Ford Model T.

5) 5th Har (10 to the 12th) (4th Ray) Physical development - where Lord Gneshu hangs out.

6) 6th Har (10 to the 14th) (5th Ray) Alchemy where metal can be grow here on Earth when it's frequency is matched.

7) 7th Har (10 to the 16th) (6th Ray) Altrusm, love, service.

8) 8th Har (10 to the 18th) (7th Ray) Ceremonial Magic - where the Devos (Lucifers Bunch hang out). art is an expression of this harmonics.

9) 9th Harmonics and above - (10 to the 20th Power) (8th Ray) Energy and matter merge and US Space Craft cannot penetrate this Harmonics.

Thus the 4th Dimension should vibrate at somewhere around 10 to the 30th power.

Now for some other really interesting stuff:

We here on Earth act to bring down the energies of the Archons (Asherons, Annanauki) which apparently hang out in the 3rd Harmonics in a planet on the rings of Saturn. The have no creativity and throve on our emotions and spiritual energies.

The Tall Grays are their slaves - the "Gem Hadar" on Deep Space 9.

The Draconians control the Tall Grays and are themselves slaves of the higher beings  which live on Shamballa - the "Wayoons" on Deep Space 9.

We are the mediators which allow these folks to operate here in this harmonics. Their energy is transported through us to allow them to operate here in Earth.

In the 4th Harmonics on another nearby planet lies Shamballa - I believe it physically lies under Tibet and is accessed through the Temples and caves under the temples in Darjling, India and through some areas in Tibet. This is where the UN Christ resides and this Christ can access the Mind Of God - or, Lucifer - the Angel of Light.

Nibiru (Annanauki) may actually be, or greatly connected to, the planet of Shamballa., or maybe the planet that has the Archons on it in the 3rd Harmonics - the Jury is still out on that one.

As you recall in the VRIL projects Hitler send his minions out looking for these entrances and through the Small Grays (Now off of the Earth) was able to contact them and gain some technology through them for these flying craft.

The link between the 3rd and 4th Harmonics - Asheron Planet and Shamballa Planet - is Lord Buddha.

(((The link between the 3rd and 1st Harmonics is us.)))

Lord Buddha is supposed to come to planet Earth every Weesak for a few minutes.

The two UN meetings were focussed on using the minds of all those listening to fuze together and fight the forces of Evil that are destroying Planet Earth. These forces of Evil are formitable and therefor we really need to focus to bring down these Asherons.

The meetings ended with meditation and at the time of the Full Moon thee group was to meditate on these group goals.

Again I would like to thank those at the UN Headquarters for allowing me to listen to these remarkable broadcasts.

Dr William B. Mount