Tuesday, May 12, 2015

You Have Been Found Wanting

Over the last year GOD has had me file certain financial forms with different corporations around the world. These were done as a Test from the Living GOD for the people in these Corporations and Governments.

These forms were filed as an Ambassador and member of Foreign Royalty and thus from someone who is "Officially" allowed access to the Blue Temple on Sirius B - for those leaders in high places you know exactly what this means. (See the Illuminati Pyramid of Red/White/Blue).

Since you and your people did not act in a positive way to follow the procedures your master Lucifer set forth not only are you liable for discipline from Lucifer so is Lucifer subject to discipline from the Living GOD for violation of his signed obligations.

In other words - the Living GOD is now legally obligated to crush, and destroy, your organizations at will and in HIS time as long as these obligations remain unmet.

Here are the obligations you have ignored:

1) Treasury Form 5444E: This form requests money locked up in my Social Security Funds on the London Stock Exchange - whose number is in red on the back of a Social Security Card. Since this is held by the Federal Reserve System and they refuse to pay - they are going away and most of their employees will be terminated along with their owners. They know too much.

2) VA Waste Fraud and Abuse Forms: Since the VA refuses to pay on these they will be severely cut back during Jade Helm and no one will hire these Ex-VA Employees.

Since the Red Dragon Family now controls the IMF, and they run the VA, they will also be destroyed along with the Chinese Economy. They should have authorized their payments.

Already their economy is faultering.

GOD will not be mocked.

3) US Treasury Forms 211 - since the US Treasury refuses to honor these forms and they are to be destroyed. As the US Treasury Dollar is devalue to 10% of it's original value what is left of the US will switch to the New World Dollar. Those US Treasury employees that survive the coming DC riots will not be hired by any other corporation.

Further - since the Red Dragon Family now controls the US Treasury through the IMF, and since the US Corporation no longer has Veto Power there (Bretton Woods Agreement), the Chinese have thus legally refused to honor these forms. Therefor the Heavy Hand of both Lucifer and GOD will be upon these leaders until they honor their obligations.

4) The $500 Million Dollar Russian Bond filed at Deutch Bank in Florida. Since Deutch Bank is run by the Vatican and they refuse to honor this form, and since they answer to the Vatican Trust, and they answer to the Vatican Council, these organizations (And their leaders) will now have the Heavy Hand of both Lucifer and the Living GOD laid upon them until they honor this bond.

Further - since this is a Russian Bond, and the leaders of Russia refuse to honor this bond, their economy will now faulter and their financial leaders will now be dealt with by both Lucifer and the Living GOD.

Already they are no longer the financial leaders they were meant to be. That has been taken from them.
For Governmental Leaders of China, Russia and Mexico:

If the planned destruction of America does begin 11/12 September 2015 with the Dollar Exchange and the Nukes China has in Syncranous Orbit over America are detonated in March 2016 - leading to the detonation of the Nukes pre-planted by the Fudge Boys of Langley in the sequence we have already described ---- then your planned invasions of America will occur and the Living GOD will then destroy your armies and tear your nations apart just as the Mormon prophesies.

(Can't Post the video until the 16th - I am out of data
To All Governmental Leaders:

When this occurs the members of Parliaments, Congresses, Judges, Ambassadors, Presidents and Industrial Leaders  around the world will run for their luxurious underground shelters. We have seen several of them.

What does a Fascist underground government need with Judges, Congressman, Presidents, Congressional Staff, Industrial Leaders and Intel Agents?

You will be terminated.

Your only hope for survival  lies in arming their own citizens to protect them from the riotous gangs that must ensue following the dollar devaluations and welfare elimination. You must make this all work above the ground and learn to cooperate with each other.

This is your only chance for survival.

This is the Final Round Up - the elimination of Evil and the preparation for the coming of the REAL YESHUA.

Leaders of major nations - you have been found wanting and GOD now has the legal grounds to act.
The News You Need

Dr William B. Mount

Sorry I can't track the nuke headed South and East of Indianapolis - out of data.

I ran out of data - the nuke 8 Feb in the Eastern Ukraine went off

I ran out of data - The EMP Tiny Hand Helped Nuke created a minor power outage in DC

Now I am out of data - who know where this nuke will go - good luck White House Staff. You will be receiving another Dirty Bomb that may be a little more intense on top of a memorial soon by the Iranians - out of data, can't post it's where abouts.

Remember 21 April 2028, 21 Sep last year?

Monday, May 11, 2015

World Falls Apart A Patch Adams Moves Forward

As the world falls apart Patch Adams keeps moving forward with his messages of Peace.

(Pray(Visualize) the world hears Patch Adams and does as he asks. All the funny funny stuff he does simply helps him promote his message)
1) Bad News of the Day:

a) Twelve hours ago Greece missed their payment to the EU and in a Defacto Method declared Bankruptcy as the Euronations moved to prohibit Greece's Bankruptcy - yet there is nothing in the news about this.

b) Last Thursday the entire World Bond Market stopped - it Pegged Out and was - well - trashed.

c) The US failed to pay China a debt on 17 April and now in May and has - thus - declared Bankruptcy in a Dejure Manner and  can no longer Veto it's Own Bankruptcy in the World Bank or the IMF.

d) In a foot hold intended to sponsor a "War In Greece" the US Corporate Forces have now moved into Macedonia to spark a "Civil War." The Rothchilds demand more money from hte greeks.

The US Embassy in Greece has set aside over $22 Million Dollars to pay "Armies of Violent Protesters" to make life in this tiny little nation a nightmare, thus allowing weapons and more "US Paid Protesters" to flood into Greece to make life there a living hell.

Since the US no longer obeys any laws and it's debt is no longer added up the spending in Greece to create a Civil War and kill Greeks could simply sky rocket through the roof as the State Department  was officially given  "NO LIMIT" on a budget to create Civil Wars around the world.

Next Targets: Moscow, Beijing and Ceylon.
2) As the world falls apart Patch Adams is moving 25 Clowns to Armenia to do three things:

a) Speak on stopping wars.

b) Initiate a planting project where they actually plant 1,300 trees and initiate a program to try and save the Armenian Flying Squirrel form extinction. The replanting of the trees will do more to help the squirrel to survive than all the laws on the books.

3) To teach doctors across the tiny ancient nation of Armenia to treat the Person, not the disease.

If you treat a disease you win some, you loose some.

If you treat a person you win 100% of the time.

This is what our videos are about - treating the person not the disease. When you watch the videos you have a purpose in life - to tell the world that there is hope. GOD can provide. You will never be lonely again sharing this news.

So while the world falls apart Dr Hunter (Patch) Adams moves forward to help give us peace.

Patch Adams (Dr Hunter Adams) now has a free hospital operating and needs Band Aids and other basic needs for those he treats. We try and buy him a Box of Band Aids every chance we get.

In addition - All the money from all the "Cure" videos (If Google Ever Pays Me) is to be sent to the Geseuitheit Institute to support his hospital.

In addition - if we ever get paid all the money from You Tube "The Cure" videos we earn this money will go directly to Patch and the Gensuintite Institute. Free Health Care does cost money.
The News You Need

Dr William B. Mount

Gesundheit! Institute Home - Gesundheit! Institute


Aging Reversed - YouTube

Sunday, May 10, 2015

Fight Back

First - please pray (Visualize) that you understand this article and that these articles go viral to wake up America.

Second: If you have a Microwave Oven of Television you are lost, irradiated on a daily basis. It does not matter what you watch - only that you watch or use the Radar Range (Microwave Oven).

We are being conditioned in America for our own destruction and we feel helpless to even move in any direction. Please be aware that this is a fight between GOD and Lucifer and it has been going on for Eons.

What you can do is pray, do what GOD asks of you, and be prepared for any thing Lucifer will throw at you.

We fight not against flesh and blood but against Powers And Princes of Darkness led by their Commander and Coward Lucifer - or Satan.

Here are some examples of conditioning we all receive daily:
1) The United Nations Conference last weekend was very, very informative. One of the most important things the said was: "We do Not Even Know How Automated Trading on the New York Stock Exchange is Done, it is all done through Artificial Intelligence nad we have Price Setting."

So we have two things going on on Wallstreet:

1st) Prices for metals and many stocks are set in London

2nd) The Artificial Intelligence Programs control much of the stock market prices (NYSE, American Stock Exchange, Japanese Stock Exchange, Chinese Stock Exchange, etc.)

This means that as the market collapses around you that you will believes everything is Great based on the Stock Exchange's Values>.

Example: Stocks are up, unemployment is down - the economy is in a FULL RECOVERY.
2) There are some good generals.

A recent video circulating has a 4 star general stating he will not fire on US Citizens.

In order to become a Major you have to be in a Satanic Cult - sacrificing Humans monthly. SO what this "General" is stating is that he will sacrifice Americans monthly but not fire on Americans?

Think about it.
3) In a few recent interviews the "Guerilla  Economist" exposes the US Corporate Evils on their planned attacks on America - an he dies a great job at it.

We are thus conditioned to Hate the US Military and Obama, and fear them killing us. It is a type of conditioning for us to accept our own destruction.

What we need to be doing is praying and preparing, not fearing.
So here is an example:

The Rothchilds Round Table in London has just set up the nuking of America. In their recent plan they intend to Nuke 2 US Cities (Atlanta and San Francisco) before 12 March 2016 using pre-positioned nukes.

On 12 March 2016 (=- 3 days) they will detonate a series of nukes across the world in this order: LA, Sacramento, Portland, Seattle, Spokane, Boise, Capitols of France, Moscow, China, then the nukes will be detonated in the US heading South and East in a V pattern. Simultaneously release of Bio Weapons will then occur to kill around 4 Billion Worthless Humans as they hide underground. They will throw everything they have at us - Earthquakes, floods, etc.

The world will be readied for Lucifer's Return at the beginning of the New Cycle in 2025.
4) So - do we just roll over and die?

Pray - Visualize - that those planning and implementing these Evil Plans are immobilized by the Living GOD for the rest of their lives - and so immobilized they can not even speak.

We can win this by doing as GOD has directed us to do.

Watch the video THE CURE FOR CANCER and stock up.


In the last days even the shadows of the Believers will heal those in the streets.

So - enjoy life and appreciate what GOD has given you.

We live once to be judged, they have to stay here eons and eventually will be cast down into the Lake Of Fire never to return.
The News You Need

Dr William B. Mount

Whistleblower: 4 Star General Foretells Impending Collapse Of America - YouTube

The Guerrilla Economist V's Interview With 4 Star General - YouTube

4-Star Admiral Slams Obama: Muslim Brotherhood Infiltrated All Of Our National Security Agencies - YouTube


He used to be a Satanic Human Sacrificing Priest until he turned to the Living GOD and his son Yehsua.

FIGHT BACK - Most Spirits will roll over, for those persistent ones play Harp Music and pray.
GOD has a plan: If my bond was paid on and the FBI was smart enough to pay me back what the stole from me according to GOD, and the US Treasury paid me all they owe me - these stories and videos would have never been made. I would have moved to Montana years ago and left the press.

If Lucifer was smart - he would have ordered me paid off long ago.

Since Lucifer is too stupid to pay me, and his Minions share this stupidity, imagine what GOD will allow me to print and video tape over the next coming years?

When I open my eyes and I am no longer on Earth my job will be done.


Aging Reversed
Morgellons Reversed
The Cure For Cancer
Stroke Damage Reversed - In A Cat
Fountain of Youth

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

UN Conference 2/3 May 2015 - Fascinating

The UN Conference this weekend in New York City was perhaps one of the most revealing conferences that the United Nations has ever had.

There were about 50 attendees and around 400 who attended via the internet.

So - exactly who are these UN Leaders, where did they come from, what are their overall goals, what do they want from us and what do they plan on doing over the next 10 years?

Most importantly : How will it effect you?

The answers they stated will surprise you.
1) Who Are They:

First you must realize that the Universe is teaming with life. Each plane of exixtance is based ofn frequencies. We live in the 3rd Dimension, 1st Harmonics.
a) Lower Material Planes:

1) Our Plane - 3rd Dimension, 1st Harmonics - We vibrate at about 50 - 100 Mhz.
2) Astral Plane - 3rd Dimension, 2nd Harmonics - Vibrates about 100 times faster - or 10,000 Mhz
3) Galactic Plane - Vibrates at 1,000,000 Mhz.

b) Energy Planes:

4) Celestial Plane - the Angels, where our souls go when we die - vibrates at 100,000,000 Mhz. Here matter and energy merge and here is where the Angels come from.
Those who lead the planet ware the "Fallen Angels." They were thrown out of heaven and down - through a Star Gate through the sun - and into this plane and they are only allowed into the Astral and Galactic Plane.

This explains why they love symbols of the sun and why the Egyptian Symbols all had a Sun Type Symbol.

"The Heavens Are Hidden Through A Golden Disc Of Light"

The came down form the Heavens and inhabit Humans - the "SONS OF MEN."

The Fallen Angels just hop from body to body and have a 40,000 year cycle and belive that after this time they will be brought back to their "Heaven,"

They are re-incarnated over and over again.

The SONS OF MEN live only once and then we either go up into the "Heavens" or down into a lower harmonics where things are filed with elemental things like Fire and Brimstone to think like a Cabbage Plant forever more.

They fear the name of Yeshua and run from Harp Music.

Pulsing Energy in the field of 10,000 - 1,000,000 Mhz will destroy them - or at least make them run.

Apparently they were sent here only to Watch, Observe, but somewhere along hte way they were corrupted like Lucifer.

2) What do they want:

They want to go back to "Heaven."

They feel like they need to learn Compasion before they can go back to "Heaven " and they have 40,000 years to learn it and their cycle is over.

They think in a backwards kind of manner which is why they were thrown out of Heaven in the first place.

For example:

They feel like they need to make war to understand the need for peace.

They feel like they need to kill to understand life.

They feel like they need to hate and give out as much pain as they can to fully understand the need for love.

In addition - they "FEED" off of our pain so the live inside Human Bodies and give the bodies pain so they can have what they call an "Esoteric Ecstacy" or an "Esoteric Orgasm." The more pain they dish out - the happier they are.

Since they only reside in a human Body they do not have to feel the pain they dish out nor do they fear dying - so they dish it out every chance they get.

They travel up and down through the Galactic, Astral and our Plane and gain wealth - they take wealth from others so they can have time to try and figure out how to go home. In other words - if you are not a Fallen Angel or have not sworn loyalty to Lucifer - you are screwed.

This is why my requests from the Living GOD are blowing their brains - is they do not cash these bonds or Treasury Forms they GOD will destroy them. GOD somehow tricked them into giving me some incredible titles and if they do not honor them they loose it all. No heaven ever.

Technology is also now being used to try and figure out how to get back to the "Heavens."

They study us to try and determine how to place their souls into artificial beings and have these "ROBOTS" give off the same frequencies we mere SONS OF MEN emanate when we have sex and fear and pain so they can get an Esoteric Orgasm  on a continual basis. In this way they can live forever and get an "Esoteric Orgasm" any time they wish.

We Humans are their mere slaves.

Other beings brought into this plane of existence serve these Fallen Angels.

3) What Are Their Plans For The Future:

Complete Anarchy - THE PLAN must be carried out. Religion destroyed, the economy destroyed - all must be readied for the NEW CYCLE beginning in 2025.

In other words - they plan to disrupt and destroy and kill as much as they can between now and the year 2025. Then they will rebuild in the name of Lucifer and in 2032 Lucifer will throw up a tent over the north Temple Mount and declare himself as god according to Hanz Kovlenback, Chief Jesuit Murderer, 4/15/2000.

4) How Are They Getting Away With This:

These powerful Fallen Angels have taken over the bodies of willing servants and these servants now run the planet. They care little about laws and decency - some of these Fallen Angels are the most perverted freaks you may even encounter and their Slaves (Humans, Tall Grays, Tall Whites, Draconians, Archons)  are just as perverted and will be destroyed along with these Fallen Angels.

As man turns away form GOD they gain more and more power.

Think about it - through the TV we are bringing in lies, perverts, murders, Gays, and Demon Possessed People into our homes and we go to a Corporate Church twice a month and then put GOD back on the shelf when we get back?

Lucifer then goes back and petitions GOD and asks for power in our homes to destroy us because we bring Lucifer's Perversion (Satan' Perversion) into our homes.

We give them power.
5) How does this effect you:

Collapsing economy

Over $1.50 in taxes for every gallon of gas you buy.

Cars in Germany get 250-300 MPH while yours get what - 25 Mph?

Electric Cars with a 3,000 mile range are only available to the Higher Ups in the military. You - the Public - are "Too Stupid" to understand Plate Batteries and this why you can't buy these:  is what I was told by the CIA Director and head of Washington State Technologies.

Disrupted Family Life

Bad Health: Cancer, Heart disease, MS..

6) What About the Tension here on Earth today:

There is an Intergalactic/Interharmonics War and the war is causing huge tension among their Hierarchy as beings in these realms are beginning to understand who these Fallen Angela are and what they are doing.

This war is causing huge tensions here on planet Earth.

7) Why is GOD now opening the gates of Hell to bring in all the Demons?

If these Fallen Angels repent and turn towards GOD and ask GOD to change the way they think - to abandon the ways of their MASTER Lucifer - and do this through HIS #1 SON (Yeshua) then the Living GOD will accept them back into "Heaven."

There time is very short.

Those that refuse to repent will tear this planet apart like spoiled little children.

Those that do repent will need to prove it through their works here on Earth in reversing some of the Evils they have perpetrated.

It is that simple.

If you read the Bible in the original Hebrew and the New Testament in the Greek and have GOD's eyes to understand then this is no surprise to you.

If you mind is filled with the teachings of Demon Possessed Men then you will never understand this.

OK - Too Much Info.

I wish to thank those at the United Nations for allowing me to participate in this two day conference.

I will now break ranks and talk about two other issues:

(A) Nuke is SE of Indianapolis in a warehouse - --- I am seeing a Train Station.

The Nuke is headed towards a Nuclear Facility either in Southern Ohio -- Waverly? or towards Western Kentucky at the tip - just as the river heads South?

Something about Langley Fudge Boys Pay Back?

Your Langley Fudge Boys Assistant Director will understand - also - you killed an FBI Director. Bad Jujubees Fudge Boys.

Detonation 17 May (+- 3 Days). The war will cancel all debts with China and allow the US Corporation to nationalize all of the Chinese holdings in North America.

The location of the final destination is changing as this Fudge Boy has an attitude.
Look up - N3KL.ORG

While the rest of the world is saying the Solar Cycle is over GOD DOES NOT AGREE.


Any questions?
The News You Need

Dr William B. Mount

Red Dragons To Be Taken Down By CFR

In a recent report entitled Revising "U.S Grand Strategy Towards China" the Council of Foreign Relations (CFR)  has decided to take the Red Dragon Family, and thus the Chinese Economy, down a notch.


Through the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) the Council of Foreign Relations plans to control China through their corporations.

The CFR answers directly to the Rockefellar Round Table.

The Rockefellar Round Table answers directly to the Rockefellars and Brazinskis.

The Rockefellars answer directly to the Rothchilds (Bauers)

The Rothchilds answer directly to the Bauers - Deutch Bank - in Frankfurt.

The Frankfurt Banks answers directly to the Vatican Bank.

The Vatican Bank answers directly to the Vatican Council - the Pope, Lucifer Incarnate - according to the Pope's Declaration in 1869.

Lucifer hates life - he and his cohorts were thrown out of Heaven and down here and all they can do is destroy.

So thus - the Roman Pope has ordered the Chinese Economy to be taken down a notch.

If the Red Dragon Family would like to remain a World Economic Power they need to do as GOD has directed them to do. If not the CFR may be successful - so says the I Am That I Am who was and is and is to come.

Any Questions Red Dragon Family?

((Please Pray (Visualize) that the Red Dragon Family gets this message.))

Just as surely as that nuke went off on 8 February North of Donetsk and the EMP (Hand Held Nuke) crippled the DC Power Station a few weeks ago, the Red Dragon Family will be dealt with by Lucifer unless they do as GOD has directed them to do in previous articles we have written. So HE has said it, so it shall be.

The News You Need

Dr William B. Mount


CFR Says China Must Be Defeated, & TPP Is Essential to That RINF Alternative News & Alternative Media | Breaking News Real Independent


This video will prove to you that you are being watched, recorded and monitored everywhere you go.

You are not crazy - you are being watched.


Dr William B. Mount

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Jade Helm - Russian Intel Reports

Here is what the Russian Intelligence is saying about Operation Jade Helm:

Video: William Mount Jade Helm - Russian Intel Report

Jade Helm - Russian Intel Report - YouTube

Articles Confirming what the Russian Intelligence Services say on Pravda:

US army exercise on preventing civil unrest spread to Tennessee - English pravda.ru

Marines to suppress domestic disorders in the US. Video - English pravda.ru

US plans military operations inside USA in response to statement from Chechnya Parliament speaker - English pravda.ru

The News You Need

Dr William B. Mount

More on the 17 May Detonation when Info comes in - but after the 8 Feb Nuke in the Ukraine and the Nuke Hand Grenade near the White House causing the Power Outage (Both Nuke I tracked) there does not seem to be much interest in a Nuclear Detonation from any Intel Service.

Not from the Fudge sickles from Langley, or the Russians, or Chinese - or anyone for that matter.

How odd.