VIDEO: (819) Are Evil & Confusion Being Pored Out Upon America? - YouTube
Is this nation being torn asunder while the Demon Possessed Elites - the Deep State - Laugh At Us?
Is GOD really pouring our mass confusion in the White House so much that President Trump cannot even react to part of America being occupied by a Foreign Power - ANTIFA?
Is President Trump too gutless and confused to take these sections of the cities across America back from this foreign power?
Is this a prelude to a Foreign Invasion - a test showing President Trump is a 'GUTLESS WONDER" incapable of giving an order to : "GENERAL FAT COWARD MILLEY?"
Is General Fat Coward Milley really Unwilling to obey the constitution and take back the sections of America now occupied by a Foreign Power - ANTIFA?
Are Our Joint Chiefs Of Staff made up of Worhtless War Mongering Pukes with IQ's below 70?
Is America really occupied by those who would kill us?
You decide........
The Wall Of Truth
Dr William B. Mount