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Showing posts with label read. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 30, 2018

US & Chinese Re-Education Caps Fully Active


(1578) US & Chinese Re-Education Camps Now In Full Operation - YouTube

In Red China there are perhaps as many as a Million People now detained in what they call Re-Education Camps, in what used to be called “Concentration Camps” a few short years ago.

Here they are beaten, raped, tied up for extended period of time, fed large amounts of Brain Altering Drugs and harassed at every level until they state god does not exist and the State is their god.

When they die they are cooked in ovens just like the NAZI’s used to do.

Red China is currently targeting Christians, Jews and Muslims for “Re-Education.”

Further - the technique many of these Godless Red Chinese use is to seize children away from those parents professing in god and forcing them to Deny God to get their children back and force massive vaccinations on the children before they go to Mandatory Schooling - much like is happening across the United States.

Here in America we have over FEMA 800 Detention Camps in areas where there is a large amount of Fluoride in the causing the local population to act in very stupid was.

So here in America it was determined that the entire population is so compliant, so stupid that we will take their vaccinations, accept the Chemical trails put out by NASA, and eat the poisonous Genetically Modified Foods and watch the Television and have our minds altered through this medium.

Why have Concentration Camps when we have ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN  and FOX pummeling our brains with Frequencies and Sounds to fry our brains and a President who refuses to arrest those committing Treason against America?

Further - it has been reported over and over again that through lies and deception Internet Monopolies like Google and Facebook are using frequencies and sounds to dumb people down worldwide and - Again - we have a US President who refuses to take actions against these thieves, murderers and Traitors?

Now DARPA has just announced the release of Retroviruses to make us totally compliant and shut down our ability to reason - but again we have a US President who refuses to take action against these Treasonous people.

Monsanto is now taking over a Company that admits to purposely giving thousands of children HUIV and sentencing them to death - and again we have a US President who refuses to arrest these folks who admit to Mass Murder for - “FUN.”

So the Elite Limousine Lefties - those who tell the Lefty Loonies how to think - have an open door to destroy this nation.

The few who resist Vaccinations, have no TV and  live in areas away from Cell Towers are so few and far between they are not even worth dealing with.

These “Resisters” to the New World Order will eventually be hospitalized for something - broken leg, kidney infection, etc where they can be implanted when they get there through Mandatory Vaccinations required now for Hospital Treatments.

So apparently we are so brainwashed that we are convinced a Massive Wind Storm is about tto hit Puerto Rico.

Look at “Meteo Earth” and their Traffic Cameras.

Pray that Lucifer and his evil Minions are neutralized immediately across the globe permanently.


1) The Trucker’s Strike in Brazil  is in it’s 10th day and there is no end in sight as Livestock such as Chickens and Turkeys begin mass die offs die to a lack of feed. The nation of Brazil is crippled as goods no longer move anywhere.

Pray the Government stops stealing so much money from the people and  gives back what they have stolen immediately.

2) Yet another TESLA on Auto Pilot caused an accident. This time the car veered and rammed a parked Cop Car. Thank god no one was seriously injured.

3) The Spokesman for the UN World Health Organization Tarik Jasarevik began discussing how Ebola could enter any nation - including the USA.

In other words - someone in the Rothchild’s Family in the CDC Headquarters is planning a New Vaccine containing Live Ebola Viruses.

Will it be your children that receive the virus?

Pray the man with the Mustard Stain on his collar organizing this is stopped in his tracks immediately.

4) No Mamma - it is not safe to roast marshmallows over Hot Lava.

It is Official - the “US Geological Service Volcano Watch Branch” has officially stated that it is not safe to roast any Marshmallows over hot Lava or over Hot Lava Vents.


Here he stands - America’s Last   Loony Lefty President - with a Iran’s Foreign Minister Zarif planning to give Iran more of OUR dollar - a man who was just caught on camera yelling “Death To US, UK, Israel.“

We used to call these actions Treason. Today we reward the Elites for their Treason agaisn America.

If President Trump refuses to act the Living GOD will - and it will not be pretty in the White House - so HE has said it - so it shall be.


In 1832 the first Electric Car was built by Scotsman Robert Anderson and had a range of 40 miles.

Today, 185 years later, Chevy just completed a new electric car called the Volt and on a cold night it has a range of 28 miles.

Think we are being lied to?

Its time we pray for your family and again pray for the President’s Safety.

Be ready folks for what is coming.

These stories come from you - the viewer

YOU have a voice

The News You Need

The Wall Of Truth

Dr William B. Mount


Communist China’s re-education camps use “forced medication” to alter the minds of prisoners… sounds a lot like America, doesn’t it? –



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Iranian FM caught chanting death to US, UK, Israel

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