VIDEO: (987) Are You Ready For Sharia Law? - YouTube
Are you ready for Women To become Property?
Are you ready to worship Allahuah - Bedouine God of War - Lucifer - Or Die?
Are you ready for Pedophelia to become Law?
Are You Ready For The City Sponsored Hit Squads to kill you if you do not worship Lucifer (Allahuah)?
Are you ready for their Master to terminate the Human Race like the Fallen Angels said they were doing - you know - the ones who run the United Nations ???
This is what the Lucifarian US Federal Agencies are after - the complete worship of Lucifer and elimination of the Human Race
Well - maybe you should get ready
Maybe you should stand up and fight?
By the way - the Vaccines to turn you into a Cyborg are already made up
The Wall Of Truth
Dr William B. Mount