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Friday, October 22, 2021

The Homeless Industrial Complex


VIDEO:   Dr William Mount 2 Report Pure Entertainemnt Reset News 10/18/21 - YouTube

This Homeless Camp was opened for 1 year and housed a total of 30 Homeless, of which they were given $5 Million Dollars

After  year - they packed up and left to build another Homeless Camp for $5 Million Dollars

they left a mess - unpaid power bills, lots of local theft, etc

the homeless burned down their camp across the street from Sonic Burgers on 6th Avenue - another $5 Million Dollar Encampment

Multiply this by 10,000 and you get a nice $ 5 Hundred Million Dollars paid into The Homeless Industrial Complex

Complete with $48,000 a year homeless payments per homeless to the cities, counties and states

Add to this Welfare Housing Payments but no one is housed, medical, dental - lots of payoffs 

We have a multi million dollar Homeless Industrial Complex

The owner of the City of Tacoma loves it 

10,000 Homeless in his city means a profit of :::::

10,000 times 48,000 per homeless = $480,000,000 profit - $1/2 Billion Dollars/Year

And what city would turn it's back on a $480 Million Profit by encouraging Homeless thefts, murders and other crimes?

So now the City Managers, Councilmen, Mayors order the Police not to arrest any Homeless man no matter what they are doing

Money talks, BS walks

The only way to stop this travesty is to cut off the funding - not likely unless the US Dollar Collapses - so here we are

Lucifer is destroying everything in his path by paying off Humans to destroy thei pwn nation and their own people

So next time you see a homeless shooting up on drugs in your face remember - he is worth over $50,000/years to that city in Federal Grants

those in public housing are only worth $2,000 a month and most of the profits go into fixing their apartments

But a homeless Man or Woman of Child - $4,000 + Per Homeless Per Month

Pure Gold in terms of payoffs and bribes and profit to the owner of your city

Yes - Every city is owned by someone - it's INCORPORATED - It's a corporation Owned By Someone - a Person

Every city, County, State  Owned By Someone who calls the shots

Even the Broke US Corporation is owned by someone

And tomorrow - the Evergrande Bonds have another payment they can't make to it's US Bond Holders

The Wall Of Truth

Dr William Mount