This legislation, being made up by our CDC, will attempt to not only throw the election t the Demon-Crats but also make Gun Rights, the Freedom of Speech and the Right To Privacy illegal.
The Deep State is now funding organizations like SERCO, Bloomberg, and many others mentioned in the video to release these "Studies"" in an attempt to destroy our Bill of Rights.
Yet there is no attempt by the White House to either stop funding these organizations not arrest those currently violating the Law while doing this using US Tax Dollars.
In fact - the funding to these organizations has sky rocketed this year - so President Trump is in essence approving their illegal actions.
USC 18 als this Treason - but who am I - a Mere Ambassador and federal officer sworn to protect and defend our Constitution.
The ILLEGAl RED FLAG LAWS are a test to our Bill of Rights - Throwing our FREEDOMS down the tubes - and encouraged bu both the President and every Libtard, Demon Possessed, Governor.
people should be in the street over these Illegal Laws - But instead sit at home drinking hte fluoride and eating the GMO's and watching the TV.
We shall see how long GOD puts up with our Deep State spitting in HIS face, right?
As a side note - "Physically Disabled Vets" who refuse Opium and Mind Altering Drugs such as Ambien and Prozac and Oxycodone still get no health care from the VA after he has been in office for 32 months
President Trump gets an "F" on VA Health Care.
VIDEO: (190) Our Coming Wave Of Anti-2nd Amendment Studies - YouTube
Th all Of Truth
Dr William B. Mount
Brought to you by a company that asks you: Have you gotten your $1,818 check yet?
Its well worth looking at the entire video at: