Unbelievable Luciafrian (Satanic) activity in the torture and murder of young children. as soon as Nichole Kidman's dad was charged with Pedophelia (Child Rape and Murder) so he ran like a coward to Singapore and was promptly killed.
The White Dragons are now hunting these pigs down.
(((Pray (Visualize)
1) Rain in the American South West
2) The Sacramento River is again allowed to be used to water the agricultural fields of California.
3) These Luciafrian Pigs are exposed and everything they try to do from this day forward fails)))
What you are about to read is true - Men releasing naked children and shooting them and then letting dogs eat them alive - all of this is now being exposed.
Pray that these Pigs, these leaders all over the world like David Rothchilds, are completely neutralized.
Plato: There is a price for indifference towards our political leaders - we will be ruled by evil men.
This article will discussed you but it is real.
I will not now, nor ever, use a TV to bring these Evil Sick Freaks into my home. Read this and you will see:
Nicole Kidman's Father Dies Amid Pedophile, Child Murder ring allegations (video) | Celebrities
The News You Must Have
Dr William B. Mount
Showing posts with label Penis Enlargement. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Penis Enlargement. Show all posts
Monday, September 15, 2014
Thursday, September 11, 2014
You Have Failed New World Order
You have failed New World Order to start your war.
(((Please continue to pray for - Visualize For:
1) Gentle Rainse agroww the American South West
2) The War Mongers are neutralized immediately
3) Those who are harming Mother Earth are completely Neutralized Immediately, including those using the Lead/Arsenic Pesticides now killing children - See Sorcha's Latest.
4) These NWO Bankstas are forced to meet the 12 June deadline set by GOD or leave planet Earth permanently and immediately.)))
Your NWO has failed to throw 13 Jets containing Nuclear Dirty Bombs and Plagues into 13 Buildings around the world today.
Turkey is now refusing to allow the US airbase access to bomb Syria.
Germany and the UK refuse to join Obama in bombing Syria and the Ukraine. President Obama's Coalition to follow the US Corporation to start WW3 has vanished despite his promises in his latest worthless speech. No one is listening and no one cares what he says.
Not one nation will follow the US Corporation into this Damnable World War 3.
Both President Bush's garnered a coalition of nations to invade Iraq twice.
Obama's Gay Boys and Drag Queens at the top have failed to inspire even one nation - go figure. His allies are abandoning him in droves. Many of his allies on Earth are under investigation for Corruption, Child Sex Trafficking, Child Murder, etc.
The Mighty Bear of Russia is now striking back against the US Corporate Sanctions by re-initiating natural Gas Contracts with most of Europe.
The New BRIC Nations (180 of them) are already sanctioning the United States Corporation for things such as Electronics for their Military, Walmart Goods, and all sorts of manufacturing products. Soon they will boycott the US for minerals and the real kicker is that without Chrome our industry here shut down in a few days. The only available Chrome in this nation is......I seen the maps of the deposits.
It is over New World Order - you cannot have your way. Your vision of 4 National Groups here on Planet Earth (Europa, North American Union, Asia, And south America and Africa) is over.
Your idea of permanent war is over.
You also failed in your communication black outs today - you failed miserably. Too many of us are now united in prayer - visualization.
Planet Earth has reached the point where we no longer need you Lucifer so take your allies and get off our planet.
Your bankers are so worthless as Lucifarian Slaves that they cannot even pay me back in accordance with what GOD has directed - they are not smart enough to choose life over death. They are confused, belittled, and unable to even act to save their own skins - perfect stupid slaves.
We all are unified in Praying (Visualizing) that you take your slaves and get off our planet.
Watch the Sun as a sign that GOD is still in charge - not you Loozifer.
Watch your financial system - your New World Order - fall apart as your slaves either leave, are killed, or become neutralized by the Living GOD; Unable to follow even the most basic order you give. You should have paid back GOD's Messenger, but you and your minions are too stupid to do that.
You and your minions may be powerful but you are not that smart.
You will fail at killing an Obama Double in 6 days at Martha Vineyards and you will fail two days later to Nuke New York City with a Missile form one of your Submarines just south of Manhattan. Your days here are over, so says the I Am That I AM, who was and is and is to come.
It is our time now.
You lost it over 30 pieces of silver Loozifer. You failed to do as GOD directed with HIS Silver.
Please also Pray (VIsualize) that the US Corporation, now siphoning off Natural Gas to deprive Portugal of their contracted allotment from Russia, cease and desist with the theft.
I will tell you a funny - all of Loozifer's Minnions that get close to me run - Bill Gates, Head of Ford Motor Company, Congressman Adam Smith, most other Ambassadors, and almost all 2 star generals and above - they all run like little children and sissies. Cowards all of them.
The stronger GOD gets in me the more they run. You should see me in the US Army and Air Force AAFES Stores. It is very funny to watch as these people run. I rarely go to those stores because of this, but it is funny to watch.
The Russian Bear Strikes Back: Retaliates against Sanction threats! | InvestmentWatch
The News You Must Have
Dr WIlliam B. Mount
European Nations Natural Gas Imports Form Russia as a %
Finland, Bulgaria, Czech Republlic, Slovakia - 100%
Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania - 100%
Ukraine, Moldov, Bellarus - 100%
Bulgaria - 86%
Poland - 80%
Austria - 71%
Greece - 60%
Slovania - 45%
Italy - 28%
France - 16%
Netherlands - 11%
(((Please continue to pray for - Visualize For:
1) Gentle Rainse agroww the American South West
2) The War Mongers are neutralized immediately
3) Those who are harming Mother Earth are completely Neutralized Immediately, including those using the Lead/Arsenic Pesticides now killing children - See Sorcha's Latest.
4) These NWO Bankstas are forced to meet the 12 June deadline set by GOD or leave planet Earth permanently and immediately.)))
Your NWO has failed to throw 13 Jets containing Nuclear Dirty Bombs and Plagues into 13 Buildings around the world today.
Turkey is now refusing to allow the US airbase access to bomb Syria.
Germany and the UK refuse to join Obama in bombing Syria and the Ukraine. President Obama's Coalition to follow the US Corporation to start WW3 has vanished despite his promises in his latest worthless speech. No one is listening and no one cares what he says.
Not one nation will follow the US Corporation into this Damnable World War 3.
Both President Bush's garnered a coalition of nations to invade Iraq twice.
Obama's Gay Boys and Drag Queens at the top have failed to inspire even one nation - go figure. His allies are abandoning him in droves. Many of his allies on Earth are under investigation for Corruption, Child Sex Trafficking, Child Murder, etc.
The Mighty Bear of Russia is now striking back against the US Corporate Sanctions by re-initiating natural Gas Contracts with most of Europe.
The New BRIC Nations (180 of them) are already sanctioning the United States Corporation for things such as Electronics for their Military, Walmart Goods, and all sorts of manufacturing products. Soon they will boycott the US for minerals and the real kicker is that without Chrome our industry here shut down in a few days. The only available Chrome in this nation is......I seen the maps of the deposits.
It is over New World Order - you cannot have your way. Your vision of 4 National Groups here on Planet Earth (Europa, North American Union, Asia, And south America and Africa) is over.
Your idea of permanent war is over.
You also failed in your communication black outs today - you failed miserably. Too many of us are now united in prayer - visualization.
Planet Earth has reached the point where we no longer need you Lucifer so take your allies and get off our planet.
Your bankers are so worthless as Lucifarian Slaves that they cannot even pay me back in accordance with what GOD has directed - they are not smart enough to choose life over death. They are confused, belittled, and unable to even act to save their own skins - perfect stupid slaves.
We all are unified in Praying (Visualizing) that you take your slaves and get off our planet.
Watch the Sun as a sign that GOD is still in charge - not you Loozifer.
Watch your financial system - your New World Order - fall apart as your slaves either leave, are killed, or become neutralized by the Living GOD; Unable to follow even the most basic order you give. You should have paid back GOD's Messenger, but you and your minions are too stupid to do that.
You and your minions may be powerful but you are not that smart.
You will fail at killing an Obama Double in 6 days at Martha Vineyards and you will fail two days later to Nuke New York City with a Missile form one of your Submarines just south of Manhattan. Your days here are over, so says the I Am That I AM, who was and is and is to come.
It is our time now.
You lost it over 30 pieces of silver Loozifer. You failed to do as GOD directed with HIS Silver.
Please also Pray (VIsualize) that the US Corporation, now siphoning off Natural Gas to deprive Portugal of their contracted allotment from Russia, cease and desist with the theft.
I will tell you a funny - all of Loozifer's Minnions that get close to me run - Bill Gates, Head of Ford Motor Company, Congressman Adam Smith, most other Ambassadors, and almost all 2 star generals and above - they all run like little children and sissies. Cowards all of them.
The stronger GOD gets in me the more they run. You should see me in the US Army and Air Force AAFES Stores. It is very funny to watch as these people run. I rarely go to those stores because of this, but it is funny to watch.
The Russian Bear Strikes Back: Retaliates against Sanction threats! | InvestmentWatch
The News You Must Have
Dr WIlliam B. Mount
European Nations Natural Gas Imports Form Russia as a %
Finland, Bulgaria, Czech Republlic, Slovakia - 100%
Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania - 100%
Ukraine, Moldov, Bellarus - 100%
Bulgaria - 86%
Poland - 80%
Austria - 71%
Greece - 60%
Slovania - 45%
Italy - 28%
France - 16%
Netherlands - 11%
Tuesday, September 9, 2014
UN Broadcasts 8 September 2014
Coming to you form the very heart of the United Nations we are giving a summary of two important discussions held both in London and in New York.
Please continue to pray for - Visualize:
1) Gentle Rain in the America South West - it is raining there - you DO make a difference
2) Those who would do us harm to us or Mother Earth either stop these activities or are forced to leave Planet Earth by any means.
3) Before all the US and London Bankers die they do a sGOD has directed them to do 12 June 2014. My guess is they will chose death - that is OK with me. Death or do as GOD has directed
The broadcasts centered on the Virgo Full Moon - the first one since the Planet entered the New Age of Aquarious and began expanding (Through Sonoluminescence).
(((As a side note - the Earth will now shake all over for the next 4-5 days so you know GOD is real and what HE says is real)))
Before we continue is it again good to review the following: There are 12 Dimensions in the Universe. Between each Dimension there are 12 Harmonics.
Each Harmonics vibrates about 10,000 faster than the other harmonics, and so on and so forth up the line. We can only go up to the 8th Harmonics and beyond this matter and energy merge. SO here is a rough idea of what these Harmonics are and what they mean to you.
When the Hindoes (Buhdists) talk about where their Gods are form each one inhabits a higher plane. Gneshu, for existence, hangs out in the 5th Harmonics.
3rd Dimension:
1st Harmonics -Physical Plane - where we are. We vibrate at about 80,000 Khtz. (10/6th Pwr)
2nd Harmonics - Astral Plane. Here is where you go to hang out when doing out of body experiences, where the "Demons" hang out, and where the Cloaked Space Ships hang out. (10/8th Power)
3rd Harmonics: Causal Plane. Here is where out thoughts are and where the Archons and Draconians (demons) actually live. When you think yoru thoughts go here to create things on Planet Earth. So when we pray for rain your thoughts go here and effect the rain patterns in this harmonics. (10/10th Pwr).
Here also is the city of Shamballa and underground cities in the Earth - Agartha.
4th Harmonics: Akashic Plane - where all Human Thought is stored. Your thoughts also go up into this Harmonics. (10/12th Prw)
5th Harmonics: Mental Plane. Here all thought merges and everything thinks the same way. This is also the frequency where material is grown - Gold, Silver, etc. So you can vibrate a Gold Wire in Hydrogen Peroxide at this frequency (For Example) and literally grow gold. (10/14th Khtz)
6th Harmonics: Messianic Plane. (10/16th Htz)
7th Harmonics: Buddhiac Plane. Here is where Lucifer, Buhda, and the "Higher Gods" hang out --(10/16th Htz)
Beyond this no one seems to reflect on.
We do know that the Angelic Realm is the 5th Dimension (10/54th Htz?) and Lucifer was thrown out of the 5th Dimensions and now is here vibrating at 10/16 Htz).
When we gather together at the time of the Full Moon the energy on the Earth is very high and we merge jointly to bring down the Higher Energies that will help us all focus on good things happening to us here on Planet Earth.
We draw energy down each full moon we draw it down from the Constallation we are in - today it is the energy from the Constallation of Virgo.
So as a group of about 441 people we merge our thoughts in a sort of "Mass Conciousness" to help this planet.
This ability to link into a group like APFN or the United Nations allows us to make great changes down here in the Material World.
So when you began praying for gentle rain in the American South West - it went up to the 3rd Harmonics and those who will assist us (Angels) heard our Mass Conciousness and are assisting us at this time - and will continue to do so.
When we prayed for Peace in the Ukraine those Angels hear our cries and helped the Ukrainain Soldiers throw their weapons in mass and surrendered to the Russians - they do not wish to kill their brothers.
The purpose of having the Bankstas pay me all that they owe me is to do exactly what the UN talked about yesterday - create a huge network of people that can focus on helping Planet Earth and thereby throwing out the other species that are causing harm to us and tis planet.
So they will pay me immediately what they owe me (according to their own laws as set forth by GOD) because the Bankstas will choose to live and if they do Lucifer will not be allowed to touch them, so says the I Am That I Am. Somebody way high up the food chain (Leader of hthe Angelic Realm) is in charge of this one.
Since we all have the ability to Choose - Free Will - I am only allowed to "recommend" they pay - if they do not GOD will kill them - Including the Rockefellars, Rothchids, Windsors, The Pope....... they will do as directed or be destroyed. That us HIS job - the Destruction. I am a mere Messenger.
Once this occurs we can use this medium to act as a center point to heal Planet Earth.
In an odd kind of way the UN Virgo Full Moon states we are our own Gods - meaning that as a group we can focus together.
For Example: Let us now focus on destroying Lucifer's Toys that hold this planet back from moving forward into the next higher plane. these toys need to Blow Up, go away and all Humanity to advance.
DEspite all of the disasters the New World Order is throwing at us - the Ukraine, Ebola, Poisoned GMO Food, Poisoned Water and Air - we need to refocus our minds on what is really important.
Push aside all of these distractions and refocus. Your thoughts control your Aura, and your Aura either attracts or distracts good things.
Abraham Lincoln said: We are about as happy as we make ourselves.
So realize we are here only temporarily and push aside the negative and focus on the positive --- and as a Group coming together almost every evening we can push aside these Negative Thoughts and Beings and come together as a Humans and take control of our own planet.
You ARE part of this. Sitting in your own house YOU are powerful as we focus on these goals that will help Humanity progress.
APFN - Thank You
The News You Want To Hear
Dr William B. Mount
Please continue to pray for - Visualize:
1) Gentle Rain in the America South West - it is raining there - you DO make a difference
2) Those who would do us harm to us or Mother Earth either stop these activities or are forced to leave Planet Earth by any means.
3) Before all the US and London Bankers die they do a sGOD has directed them to do 12 June 2014. My guess is they will chose death - that is OK with me. Death or do as GOD has directed
The broadcasts centered on the Virgo Full Moon - the first one since the Planet entered the New Age of Aquarious and began expanding (Through Sonoluminescence).
(((As a side note - the Earth will now shake all over for the next 4-5 days so you know GOD is real and what HE says is real)))
Before we continue is it again good to review the following: There are 12 Dimensions in the Universe. Between each Dimension there are 12 Harmonics.
Each Harmonics vibrates about 10,000 faster than the other harmonics, and so on and so forth up the line. We can only go up to the 8th Harmonics and beyond this matter and energy merge. SO here is a rough idea of what these Harmonics are and what they mean to you.
When the Hindoes (Buhdists) talk about where their Gods are form each one inhabits a higher plane. Gneshu, for existence, hangs out in the 5th Harmonics.
3rd Dimension:
1st Harmonics -Physical Plane - where we are. We vibrate at about 80,000 Khtz. (10/6th Pwr)
2nd Harmonics - Astral Plane. Here is where you go to hang out when doing out of body experiences, where the "Demons" hang out, and where the Cloaked Space Ships hang out. (10/8th Power)
3rd Harmonics: Causal Plane. Here is where out thoughts are and where the Archons and Draconians (demons) actually live. When you think yoru thoughts go here to create things on Planet Earth. So when we pray for rain your thoughts go here and effect the rain patterns in this harmonics. (10/10th Pwr).
Here also is the city of Shamballa and underground cities in the Earth - Agartha.
4th Harmonics: Akashic Plane - where all Human Thought is stored. Your thoughts also go up into this Harmonics. (10/12th Prw)
5th Harmonics: Mental Plane. Here all thought merges and everything thinks the same way. This is also the frequency where material is grown - Gold, Silver, etc. So you can vibrate a Gold Wire in Hydrogen Peroxide at this frequency (For Example) and literally grow gold. (10/14th Khtz)
6th Harmonics: Messianic Plane. (10/16th Htz)
7th Harmonics: Buddhiac Plane. Here is where Lucifer, Buhda, and the "Higher Gods" hang out --(10/16th Htz)
Beyond this no one seems to reflect on.
We do know that the Angelic Realm is the 5th Dimension (10/54th Htz?) and Lucifer was thrown out of the 5th Dimensions and now is here vibrating at 10/16 Htz).
When we gather together at the time of the Full Moon the energy on the Earth is very high and we merge jointly to bring down the Higher Energies that will help us all focus on good things happening to us here on Planet Earth.
We draw energy down each full moon we draw it down from the Constallation we are in - today it is the energy from the Constallation of Virgo.
So as a group of about 441 people we merge our thoughts in a sort of "Mass Conciousness" to help this planet.
This ability to link into a group like APFN or the United Nations allows us to make great changes down here in the Material World.
So when you began praying for gentle rain in the American South West - it went up to the 3rd Harmonics and those who will assist us (Angels) heard our Mass Conciousness and are assisting us at this time - and will continue to do so.
When we prayed for Peace in the Ukraine those Angels hear our cries and helped the Ukrainain Soldiers throw their weapons in mass and surrendered to the Russians - they do not wish to kill their brothers.
The purpose of having the Bankstas pay me all that they owe me is to do exactly what the UN talked about yesterday - create a huge network of people that can focus on helping Planet Earth and thereby throwing out the other species that are causing harm to us and tis planet.
So they will pay me immediately what they owe me (according to their own laws as set forth by GOD) because the Bankstas will choose to live and if they do Lucifer will not be allowed to touch them, so says the I Am That I Am. Somebody way high up the food chain (Leader of hthe Angelic Realm) is in charge of this one.
Since we all have the ability to Choose - Free Will - I am only allowed to "recommend" they pay - if they do not GOD will kill them - Including the Rockefellars, Rothchids, Windsors, The Pope....... they will do as directed or be destroyed. That us HIS job - the Destruction. I am a mere Messenger.
Once this occurs we can use this medium to act as a center point to heal Planet Earth.
In an odd kind of way the UN Virgo Full Moon states we are our own Gods - meaning that as a group we can focus together.
For Example: Let us now focus on destroying Lucifer's Toys that hold this planet back from moving forward into the next higher plane. these toys need to Blow Up, go away and all Humanity to advance.
DEspite all of the disasters the New World Order is throwing at us - the Ukraine, Ebola, Poisoned GMO Food, Poisoned Water and Air - we need to refocus our minds on what is really important.
Push aside all of these distractions and refocus. Your thoughts control your Aura, and your Aura either attracts or distracts good things.
Abraham Lincoln said: We are about as happy as we make ourselves.
So realize we are here only temporarily and push aside the negative and focus on the positive --- and as a Group coming together almost every evening we can push aside these Negative Thoughts and Beings and come together as a Humans and take control of our own planet.
You ARE part of this. Sitting in your own house YOU are powerful as we focus on these goals that will help Humanity progress.
APFN - Thank You
The News You Want To Hear
Dr William B. Mount
Monday, September 8, 2014
The Empire Is Falling
The Empire Is Falling and it is likely to change into something we do not like.
(((Please continue to Pray For Visualize
a) Gentle Rains in the US SouthWest, It is still raining there.
b) Those etheric beings that would do Freedom and Planet Earth, to leave forever.
c) Those physical beings here on Earth stop destroying Freedom and Planet Earth.
d) The US/English Bankers meet the 12 June deadline before they are all killed)))
About 1,000 years ago the Holy German Empire was formed and became the protectors of the Holy Roman Empire. In 963 the Germans took over the reins Rome and for the next 850 years the leaders of the Roman Empire were all from Germany with the primary Wealth and Banking System being held in Frankfurt, Germany.
In the early 1700s the Bauers (Rothchilds) moved much of their banking system to Germany as the German Kings then began to rule mighty old England.
In the treaty Of 1783 the united states of America gave their treasury to the English Crown (who in 1203 had signed all they owned over to the Roman Pope). The Newly Fred Americans became slaves of the Roman Pope.
In 1815, days after the Defeat of Napoleon at Waterloo, the n"Rothchilds" consolidated their wealth in the Bank of England and became the "Treasurers" of the English Empire - they owned it Lock, Stock and Barrel.
With the Organic Constitution 1871 the "united states of America" was killed and replaced by the Corporation of the United States - owned primarily (54.5%) by the Rothchilds. Literally - the leaders that did not comply were killed by these filthy beasts named the Rothchilds.
In 1944 (July 14th) under the Bretton Woods Agreement the English Bank created the IMF and the United States became under the laws of "Redevelopment" solely owned by the IMF - which os again 54.5% owned by David Rothchilds - USC 2, Sec 283, US Senate Report 93-549.
For about 300 years these Evil Creeps have used English and American Blood to build their empire and now that the wealth has been fully stripped they are leaving America and England and returning back to Frankfurt - leaving America and England to fall. Evidence of this is found:
1) The SEC (English Owned Corporation) is now surveying different Mutual Funds to see what would happen is Interest Rates rose dramatically and several major banks failed. Of course - the America and English Bankers would then be killed. See the Wall Street Journal today.
Dead men tell no tales.
2) The European banks, in a desperate attempt to save themselves, are again moving to inject the worthless Euro into banks - allowing these bonds to be turned into cash and disrtibuted among the very wealthy --- the Trickle Down" theory. See the Wall Street Journal today.
3) The Federal Reserve is now forcing Major Banks, States, Counties and Cities to convert their savings into Federal Reserve Bonds and seize their Stocks and Bonds. again - Wall Street Journal Today.
4) The plan here is to default on their Bonds and then as interest rates sky rocket negotiate to pay their lein holders 0 - 1% return while real rates go above 12%+ and inflation hits 30% and Federal Gas Taxes rise $1.00 per gallon.
5) The White Dragon Society - a very powerful Alien Race - has asked China to stop funding the US Corporation as of 1 October. When this happens there are only 5 contractual obligations the US Corporation must honor or it's leaders must be killed - see Contractual Law. These are:
a) Provide for an Army and Navy - the Air Force is part of the Army.
b) Pay for retired soldiers and sailors and for physically injured soldiers (Vets).
c) Veterans Pension.
d) Social Security for Retired Americans who paid into the system
e) Social Security Payers who were Physically Injured on the job
f) There must be placed a heavy burden on the Army to completely destroy those who create monopolies, those who Frak, Heavily Pollute, Make and distribute Poisonous Foods (GMOs) and hold back alternate energy source like the Tacheon Generators, Water Powered Motors, The N-1 Generators, Wood Powered Generators.... Already 22% of the worlds energy comes from renewable resources not including Dams.
6) The States must pay for an Army to defend it's state - it's National Guard.
7) The counties must pay for roads and a local Police Department and Fire Departments
8) The cities must pay for roads and sewers and a local fire and Police Department.
State and Federal Forests, National Parks, National Monuments and other such entities must pay for themselves like they did in the 1970s before Affirmative Action destroyed this abilities to be self sustaining. In other word s- Affirmative Action Hirees must be terminated immediately and Real Foresters with Real 4 year degrees put in their place.
Property taxes must become illegal and any other local services must be provided by municipalities - private corporations.
All else would violate both the Constitution and Contractual Law and again, out of the necessity of the laws, lead to the deaths of those who would counter these contractual obligations. Work camps would be preferable to death - it is a choice but they must be removed.
When this Empire does begin to fall, when we see the devaluing of the dollar world wide, to do anything else would mean Marshal Law and World War 3 ------- Adama, Marduk, Mars, Earth.
Let us continue to pray, visualize, that these goals are met as the dollar unwinds and we regain our footing in the world as a Nation - the united states of America - not a corporation.
1) CIA: You Cannot kill the Gay Boy in the White House on the 17th - sorry. You can arrest this president and his Drag Queen for treason but you cannot kill either of them. Those in his cabinet setting up this next assassination attempt will be stopped.
2) CIA/Naval Intel Out Of Norfolk: You cannot Nuke any more cites - like Chicago or Jersey City on 17 September - this is being stopped as we speak.
3) CIA: You cannot throw planes into Paris, New York, San Francisco, Salt Lake, Altanta, Rome, Madrid, Hanover, and 6 other cities in 3 days - containing Nuke Dirty Bombs and several diseases - you have been found out by someone way high up on the Galactic Food Chain.
Intel Geeks: Let me ask you this. I have a dozen titles - mostly diplomatic and much higher than Congressman or Senators - and yet I expose allot of stuff. I am only Flesh and Blood yet someone way high up in this Galactic Food Chain obviously wants me around - allot more powerful than your boss Loozifer or this story would not have been printed.
Do you not think it Prudent - Wise - to listen to HIM?
You will meet the 12 June 2014 goals or you will see lots of death in YOUR ranks starting now.
Does GOD make HIMSELF perfectly clear?
The News You Are Not Supposed To See
Dr William B. Mount
(((Please continue to Pray For Visualize
a) Gentle Rains in the US SouthWest, It is still raining there.
b) Those etheric beings that would do Freedom and Planet Earth, to leave forever.
c) Those physical beings here on Earth stop destroying Freedom and Planet Earth.
d) The US/English Bankers meet the 12 June deadline before they are all killed)))
About 1,000 years ago the Holy German Empire was formed and became the protectors of the Holy Roman Empire. In 963 the Germans took over the reins Rome and for the next 850 years the leaders of the Roman Empire were all from Germany with the primary Wealth and Banking System being held in Frankfurt, Germany.
In the early 1700s the Bauers (Rothchilds) moved much of their banking system to Germany as the German Kings then began to rule mighty old England.
In the treaty Of 1783 the united states of America gave their treasury to the English Crown (who in 1203 had signed all they owned over to the Roman Pope). The Newly Fred Americans became slaves of the Roman Pope.
In 1815, days after the Defeat of Napoleon at Waterloo, the n"Rothchilds" consolidated their wealth in the Bank of England and became the "Treasurers" of the English Empire - they owned it Lock, Stock and Barrel.
With the Organic Constitution 1871 the "united states of America" was killed and replaced by the Corporation of the United States - owned primarily (54.5%) by the Rothchilds. Literally - the leaders that did not comply were killed by these filthy beasts named the Rothchilds.
In 1944 (July 14th) under the Bretton Woods Agreement the English Bank created the IMF and the United States became under the laws of "Redevelopment" solely owned by the IMF - which os again 54.5% owned by David Rothchilds - USC 2, Sec 283, US Senate Report 93-549.
For about 300 years these Evil Creeps have used English and American Blood to build their empire and now that the wealth has been fully stripped they are leaving America and England and returning back to Frankfurt - leaving America and England to fall. Evidence of this is found:
1) The SEC (English Owned Corporation) is now surveying different Mutual Funds to see what would happen is Interest Rates rose dramatically and several major banks failed. Of course - the America and English Bankers would then be killed. See the Wall Street Journal today.
Dead men tell no tales.
2) The European banks, in a desperate attempt to save themselves, are again moving to inject the worthless Euro into banks - allowing these bonds to be turned into cash and disrtibuted among the very wealthy --- the Trickle Down" theory. See the Wall Street Journal today.
3) The Federal Reserve is now forcing Major Banks, States, Counties and Cities to convert their savings into Federal Reserve Bonds and seize their Stocks and Bonds. again - Wall Street Journal Today.
4) The plan here is to default on their Bonds and then as interest rates sky rocket negotiate to pay their lein holders 0 - 1% return while real rates go above 12%+ and inflation hits 30% and Federal Gas Taxes rise $1.00 per gallon.
5) The White Dragon Society - a very powerful Alien Race - has asked China to stop funding the US Corporation as of 1 October. When this happens there are only 5 contractual obligations the US Corporation must honor or it's leaders must be killed - see Contractual Law. These are:
a) Provide for an Army and Navy - the Air Force is part of the Army.
b) Pay for retired soldiers and sailors and for physically injured soldiers (Vets).
c) Veterans Pension.
d) Social Security for Retired Americans who paid into the system
e) Social Security Payers who were Physically Injured on the job
f) There must be placed a heavy burden on the Army to completely destroy those who create monopolies, those who Frak, Heavily Pollute, Make and distribute Poisonous Foods (GMOs) and hold back alternate energy source like the Tacheon Generators, Water Powered Motors, The N-1 Generators, Wood Powered Generators.... Already 22% of the worlds energy comes from renewable resources not including Dams.
6) The States must pay for an Army to defend it's state - it's National Guard.
7) The counties must pay for roads and a local Police Department and Fire Departments
8) The cities must pay for roads and sewers and a local fire and Police Department.
State and Federal Forests, National Parks, National Monuments and other such entities must pay for themselves like they did in the 1970s before Affirmative Action destroyed this abilities to be self sustaining. In other word s- Affirmative Action Hirees must be terminated immediately and Real Foresters with Real 4 year degrees put in their place.
Property taxes must become illegal and any other local services must be provided by municipalities - private corporations.
All else would violate both the Constitution and Contractual Law and again, out of the necessity of the laws, lead to the deaths of those who would counter these contractual obligations. Work camps would be preferable to death - it is a choice but they must be removed.
When this Empire does begin to fall, when we see the devaluing of the dollar world wide, to do anything else would mean Marshal Law and World War 3 ------- Adama, Marduk, Mars, Earth.
Let us continue to pray, visualize, that these goals are met as the dollar unwinds and we regain our footing in the world as a Nation - the united states of America - not a corporation.
1) CIA: You Cannot kill the Gay Boy in the White House on the 17th - sorry. You can arrest this president and his Drag Queen for treason but you cannot kill either of them. Those in his cabinet setting up this next assassination attempt will be stopped.
2) CIA/Naval Intel Out Of Norfolk: You cannot Nuke any more cites - like Chicago or Jersey City on 17 September - this is being stopped as we speak.
3) CIA: You cannot throw planes into Paris, New York, San Francisco, Salt Lake, Altanta, Rome, Madrid, Hanover, and 6 other cities in 3 days - containing Nuke Dirty Bombs and several diseases - you have been found out by someone way high up on the Galactic Food Chain.
Intel Geeks: Let me ask you this. I have a dozen titles - mostly diplomatic and much higher than Congressman or Senators - and yet I expose allot of stuff. I am only Flesh and Blood yet someone way high up in this Galactic Food Chain obviously wants me around - allot more powerful than your boss Loozifer or this story would not have been printed.
Do you not think it Prudent - Wise - to listen to HIM?
You will meet the 12 June 2014 goals or you will see lots of death in YOUR ranks starting now.
Does GOD make HIMSELF perfectly clear?
The News You Are Not Supposed To See
Dr William B. Mount
Tuesday, September 2, 2014
Why We Pray For Rain In California
Let us look at the Before and After pictures of a Key Dam, Oroville Dam, in California.






It will take decades to refill the Aquefers - but you have to start somewhere,
The News You Are Not Supposed To Have
Dr William B. Mount
It will take decades to refill the Aquefers - but you have to start somewhere,
The News You Are Not Supposed To Have
Dr William B. Mount
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