The Dollar is literally hanging on by a thread.
We all see the economic indicators - but what is really happening behind the scenes????
This weekend Washington DC will hold it’s annual Spring Meeting to discuss the fate of the dollar
Key Topics to be discussed include:
1) Cities are Where The Future Is Being Built:
IE: How to move more people into the cities. By either destroying their farmland or over taxation.
2) 50 Years After: The SDR’s Role in the International Monetary System
IE: The death of the Dollar through the SDR.
3) Productivity In The Age Of Fewer, Older workers.
IE: Population Reduction.
Perhaps a little history:
First - all Central Banks - including the Russian and Chinese Central Banks are owned by the Rothchlds Banking System, which is supposed to be run by Deutsche Bank, which is owned by the Vatican Trust, a subsidiary of the Vatican.
So understand that all orders come form the Vatican.
In 1944 several key things happened - just as was planned way back, way, way back:
1) The Bretton Woods agreement was signed making the US Dollar the world’s Reserve Currency for settling international debt.
2) The United Nations was created in San Francisco, along with the IMF and several dozen other agencies that control YOUR life without you ever even knowing they actually exist.
3) The plan was put forth for the dollar to die and the Chinese/Russian Gold Backed Dollars to replace the US Dollar.
4) Adolf Hitler was moved to Argentina
With the advent of Computers world wide - in 1969 the SDR was created to replace the US dollar as a form on international trade. At the time the SDR was equal to 0.888671 grams of gold - or one dollar.
Today the SDR is pegged to the dollar.
By the way - .888671 grams of gold is now worth $42.42. So this depegging the dollar has literally caused the collapse of the dollar.
This is why in 1977 when I brought home $10 an hour coffee was 25 cents and rent was $150/month.
In 1973 President Nixon was ordered by members of the CIA to violate the Bretton Woods Agreement and so he took the United States off the Gold Standard.
The SDR’s are used by the International SWIFT System to settle all trade through the use of the SDR.
Two weeks ago the Chinese CHIPS System was set in motion when the Russian Central Bank opened up a branch in Beijing, China to bypass the SWIFT System and the SDR altogether.
Ten years ago the dollar accounted for 40% of all trade.
Today the Dollar is at almost 15% of all trade.
The dollar is expected to go below 15% by 1 August and this will signal a huge change as almost all nations will dump the dollar as the “World Currency” and begin trading in the Gold Backed Yuan.
The key meetings of the IMF occur on:
1) 21-22 April to define what happens to create the collapse of the dollar
2) 13-15 October to define (in Libra the Time Of Judgment) the actual fall of the dollar.
There are 5 things these Lucifarian NAZI Pigs did not count on when they planned this.
1) The Atomic Weapon
2) The Internet - so everyone would know.
3) NATO - Paid for by the US Dollar
4) The $7 Trillion Dollar a Year Secret Space Program paid for by the US Dollar
5) GOD - And HIS Plans.
We hope to have a real financial expert on the show on Monday - Charles who owns Noble Gold - to discuss the what happens at the meeting.
Please pray he has the time.
Whatever happens the News Agencies YOU pay for will feed you garbage through their Media Outlets. Remember:
The GSA funds Serco, which creates all False Flags and feeds Entrust all sorts of lying News Stories.
Entrust sends these FAKE News Stories to all Federal Agencies and ALL major News Outlets - like the Associated Press.
You want to know who makes False Flags - look at the Directors of Serco Corporation.
In other news;
…A) President Trump fulfilled another Campaign Promise and has signed an Executive Order that forces all construction in the US to be done using US mined and manufactured steel.
No more Chinese Government Subsidized Steel will be allowed to be used in the United States.
Seems like he is fulfilling one campaign promise a day .. legally and just as he promised.
…B) Tesla voluntarily recalls 53,000 cars because - get this - their parking brake may get stuck.
Sounds like a take down by GMC to me???
…C) Massive power outages in the New York Subway and in San Francisco - the CIA and FBI are busy shutting down America.
The New York Subway System is being attacked regularly now twice a week ever since Trump won the Republican Nomination.
…d) Finally - More evident the Old Testament is 100% true. They found that after Israel took the Temple of Baal the King of Israel had a special toilet made so he could poop in the temple and make in “Unclean” and therefore unfit to worship BAAL in.
Just thought we would leave you with a picture of a King’s Toilet from three thousand years ago.
Please pray that GOD intervenes and takes those who worship Lucifer out of power immediately.
Please also pray that your own family makes a turn around and turns to GOD 100% and prepares for what is coming.
Please pray that those who caused the New York Subway Black Out and San Francisco Black Out are never able to speak or walk again.
Please keep in mind the story of the 10 Virgins - 5 had extra oil, 5 did not. Those with extra Oil were given in Marriage, the other 5 who went to town to buy more oil - were left outside in the cold.
If is not a bad thing to have extra food.
Now A Special Treat about Savings:
First - go to You Tube William Mount Cooking looking channel and learn about our huge food sales.
We treated our Sick Kitties with Colloidal Silver Water and Immusist - 3 drops per day on the back of their necks - and they all got over their colds.
The News You Need
Dr William B. Mount
Finally - pray that the massive Black Out in San Francisco and the New York Subways ends. ends quickly.
The Black Outs are all George Bushes, I meant the Russian's Fault.
2017 Spring Meetings of the World Bank Group and the IMF, Washington DC - April 21-23, 2017
Upcoming Meetings |
April 21-23, 2017 | 2017 Spring Meetings of the World Bank Group and the International Monetary Fund
Washington, D.C. |
October 13-15, 2017 | 2017 Annual Meetings of the World Bank Group and the International Monetary Fund
Washington, D.C. |
Special Drawing Right SDR
The value of the SDR was initially defined as equivalent to 0.888671 grams of fine gold—which, at the time, was also equivalent to one U.S. dollar. After the collapse of the Bretton Woods system in 1973, the SDR was redefined as a basket of currencies. Effective October 1, 2016 the SDR basket consists of the U.S. dollar, euro, the Chinese renminbi, Japanese yen, and pound sterling.
Moscow And Beijing Join Forces To Bypass US Dollar In Global Markets, Shift To Gold Trade | Zero Hedge
Bypassing the US dollar appears to be paying off: according to the Chinese State Administration of Taxation, trade turnover between China and Russia increased by 34% in January, in annual terms. Bilateral trade in January 2017 amounted to $6.55 billion. China’s exports to Russia grew 29.5% reaching $3.41 billion, while imports from Russia increased by 39.3%, to $3.14 billion. Just as many suspected, with Russian sanctions forcing Moscow to find other trading partners, chief among which China, this is precisely what has happened.
Trump Signs Order Granting Steel Import Sanctions On "National Security" Grounds | Zero Hedge
Gold Created Through 'Advanced Metallurgy'? | Kitco Commentary
We are about to start a process to grow silver using silver wire and 85MHZ as a starting point.
If we can grow irons they did at UC Berkeley in 1976 we can grow Silver, and Gold, and Uranium, and Plutonium.
If US Congressman Jack Metcalf form Washington State can grow it in his home using a frequency generator in 1961 in anacortes, then we can grow it.
Tesla recalls 53,000 Model S and Model X cars for parking brake issue
Massive power outage hits San Francisco, shuts down businesses, BART station, cable cars, traffic lights - SFGate
These Corporations place controls on everything form Banking to the Monetary Supply. If these corporations are stopped then the IMF and Federal REserve System can do as they wish with your monetary supply with no controls or audits.
NY subway service inches back on; power outage cause unknown - SFGate