President Trump has been nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize for ending World War 2.
Pres Trump Nominated For Nobel Peace Prize - YouTube
When President Trump took office a few days ago he entered with 122 Executive Orders ready to be signed. His first day he initiated these orders.
Further - VP Pence worked out for each appointee has certain duties - certain milestones - they needed to accomplish within 10 days, 25 days, 50 days, 75 days, 100 days, 150 days, 200 days and one year.
They all were appointed by President Trump within days after being elected and all were given OPERATIONS ORDERS… or what we call: MARCHING ORDERS.
Please pray that one of these orders stops the Veteran’s Administration form selling Active Duty Military Records around the world.
A few days ago, in following his orders, Pres Trump has dispatched his Secretary of Defense James Mattis - Mad Dog - to meet with the Japanese and prime minister Shinzo Abe to sign the Peace Treaties with both Russia and the United States. What was signed on the USS Missouri in 1945 were Cease Fires, not peace treaties.
These new Peace Treaties will:
1) Eliminate all Japanese Military Bases North of Russia and end their moving huge amounts of military equipment to these bases.
2) Eliminate the Chinese Plan to invade Russia’s Eastern Provinces.
3) End the Formal Occupation of Japan by US Troops.
4) Japan and Russia will join the US in a meeting and propose Joint Economic Activities in the South Kuril Islands those islands just North East of Japan seized by the Russians during World War 2. It appears that these islands may be jointly managed by a contingency of Japanese and Russian authorities.
This Joint Economic Meeting will include China if they humbly ask to be included. They will not be left out like at Yalta in 1943 IF they ask to participate.
In the mean time - The war between the Pope and Jesuits vs. Masons is about to go live.
Please realize that the Jesuit Order and all Catholic Leadership that supports this insane war and now Cursed by the Living GOD. So HE has said it, so it shall be.
As for the Catholics worshipping the Living GOD in the way they feel fit - just keep doing what you are doing and GOD will bless you for it. Give to Ceasar what is Ceasar’s and to GOD what is GOD’s.
I once again openly challenge Loozifer in the name of the Living GOD to change the sun back to Normal. You can’t do it and the Bible says that ONE angel protect the sun. You and all your minions cannot fix the sun, can you.
Before darkness falls another 100 of your TOP Worshippers will be changed back to worshipping the Living GOD. All who worship you are now cursed by GOD until they repent. Those openly removing my Subscribers and reducing my You Tube Hits by 95% are also openly cursed by the Living GOD - as are their families to the Third Generation, until this stops and all is returned.
Look at what happened to Deutch Bank when GOD cursed their bank in November of 2014 until they do as GOD has directed them to do.
Look at the US Treasury - starting in 2014 - when they were cursed until they do what they were told to do by the Living GOD.
The hand of GOD now will go across the globe and accomplish these mighty tasks.
For You Intel Geek:
President Trump fired a Nerd either yesterday or the day before and the Nerd said: “You can’t Fire Me“, and the President said “Want a bet - get out.”
He stashed some chemicals in the White House Basement that when mixed will make everyone gag and evacuate the White House.
Do not let this little Nerd back in the White House to clean out his desk. Bring his stuff to him in a box along with some relocating cash. He is very smart - so keep him in a tight leash - get him a good job and use him. He could be a great friend or great enemy but fro now he is an arrogant little left wing snot nosed brat.
As for arresting Governor Jerry Brown: I was on the Panorama Fire in November of 1980 in Los Angeles when the US Forest Service told us he had “Arrested” Gov. Brown for being stupid and arrogant and interfering with the USFS Management of the Fire. He escorted Brown out of the Fire Camp.
I was there.
If the USFS head of a Fire Camp can arrest this Arrogant Weirdo - why can’t President Trump arrest him for Treason?
President Trump: Cut all Federal Funds to US Berkeley except those to run their Nuclear Reactor under Evans Hall and close the Intelligence Base under the campus and arrest the Governor - recount the votes - and appoint as Governor the Real Winner of the race.
Please keep in mind President Trump that AR 210 allows the US Army 10 Million in a Prison Labor Force.
Time to start arresting Paid Rioters - Terrorists - across the nation.
There is a Curse now from GOD against all those who are working to Crack this planet in half - Loozfer has lost - get off our planet.
It was -12 in Kalispell, Montana last night. Please pray that your pantries are full as food production falls world wide.
We are decreasing the amount of Get The Tea’s D-365 in our Anti-Aging mixture. The base is their Grape Seed Extract with Life Change Tea in it.
You will see on our William Mount Cooking how I seem to be not aging.
The News You Need
Dr William B. Mount
Vatican In Chaos After Trump Gets Nobel Peace Prize Nomination For Aiding Russia And Japan
We Are Now In A Cold Civil War | Above the Law
World War II: Not Over For Japan and Russia | The Diplomat