VIDEO: (47) Russia Wins It All - The Entire Vaccine Game - YouTube
Several months ago the orders came form on high to cancel the Vaccine since it was only meant to kill humans
Faction 1 - Earth Destroyers - Rothchilds/Bauery Boys/Fallen Angels gave the order to create a Fake Pandemic and vaccinate every one and install 5G to kill the entire human race
Faction 2 - -Earth Savers - Those trying not to destroy Planet Earth told the Faction 1 to Stand Down or face extinction - and they were dead serious.
Faction 3 - The Fence Sitters - are waking up and are now supporting Faction 2 - do not kill off the Human Race and they are now stating the Obvious - this is a Huge Scam-Demic, the Facemask is useless and the "Vaccine" is 100% Useless.
Faction 4 - The Clueless - TV Watchers scattered across the planet. These folks will never wake up - there is no hope for these people unless the media can be taken back and the truth told.
the leadership of Russia is in Faction 3, and have eliminate Putin and decided to help preserve planet Earth. To this end they allowed a Russian Company to file an International Patent not only on the Fake Vaccination" but also on the Human DNA that is produced by the shot
This can, of course, be challenged but it;s challengers will loose.
Faction 2 is fully awake and Faction 3 is now waking up
Lucifer & Faction 1 - Do Not Blow My Planet Up You Freaks and Fallen Angels.
One interesting fact - now that the UN has ordered us to stop this stupid Lock Down And Face Mask wearing - Those governors who order it may be guilty or Treason and may be hung
To this wend GITMO Cuba is now being fully staffed and preparing to receive High Level US Traitors - DOJ Employees, Governors & The Like
People Like the Former CIA Director like John Brennan will not be prosecuted but may either be terminated of arrested with no prosecution a the Demons in him run away like cowards.
We shall see what happens
The Wall Of Truth
Dr William B. Mount