I have just finished a two day briefing on Gun Laws now coming into effect.
As an American we are so screwed.
basis of these new laws are based on what has happened in the Sandy
Hook Elementary School Shooting - yet this never occurred and we on APFN
have seen the proof.
For Example: The sidewalk they led the kids out of the school on, that hasd tar repair on the pavement?
Look at the aerial photo - not only was there no sidewalk, but there was no tar repair in hte parking lot.
Case Law is also set on the Aurora Colorado shooting - yet there was no blood in the theater and 2 shooting directions.
only will you forget these facts if you watch TV you will do as you are
told to do because you will believe that being Fascist Pigs makes you
Ritious in some perverted way.
You will believe that by sending
US troops all across the world killing people that we, as a nation
(Cor4poration) are the only Ritious folks in the world.
The US is
spreading "Democracy" by putting a $5 Billion Dollar hit on the
Democratically elected President of the Ukraine is Ritious.
You may defend this to the death.
is the power of the media and America will now get clobbered by the
Living GOD for their arrogance, so it has been said, so it shall be.
pray that those in America wake up really fast - I mean really focus on
this one. This next war will not go well for America.
You heard this first, here on APFN
Dr William B. Mount