VIDEO: (437) Trump Goes On The Attack - YouTube
People ask me who's side I am on - I am on GOD's Side
GOD says Trump is his Appointed Leader as long as he does as GOD directs - But when he allows Governors to commit treason we call him out on it.
Until GOD pulls him form office I am obligated by the Constitution I swore to uphold and protect to keep him safe.
If the President refuses to move me to a place where I can do this job well - he places HIS life, and the life of his family, in Jeopardy.
Today - Trump Sin #2 is in danger - very grave danger - so GOD has said it, so it shall be. His real #2 Son.
We can fix Autism, Cancer, Alzheimers with Sea Weed and Immusist and with a little extra EDTA & Citricare to fix Cataracs, Heart Disease and most very other disease
But we can't fix Arrogance.
That must come from GOD
So who's side am I on??? God's
Remember - I am just a messenger and as I have learned many time s- I am just one heart beat away from Death - just like anyone else.
No one is above GOD, he can take us home just like that.
Given that I will continue to try my best to save President Trump's and Putin's Life and try and stop Rogue Nukes from being detonated around the world - to the best of my abilities
As for the coming increase in Sun Activity & Earthquakes - they will just come as GOD has already directed.
The Wall Of Truth
Dr William B. Mount

Hello Readers .I am very happy to share this amazing testimony, i was hurt and heart broken when my husband leave me for another woman i was confused and didn't know what to do, i loved him so much, i tried all i could to make her come back to me but to no avail, on one faithfully day as i was coming from work i met a friend of mine whom i explain my problem to, and he told me of a spell caster and a good spiritualist called "Dr. tunde whom also made her pregnant when she was looking for a child, i contacted the spell caster through the email she gave to me, and the spell caster told me what to do and i did exactly as i was told, to my greatest surprise, my husband come back to me and started apologizing and now she is with me brothers and sisters if you know you are passing through any kind problem contact him and i give you 100% guarantee that he will solve your problems. You can contact him via his email: or via his whats-app: +2348143581382 Also specialize in treating all kinds of illness, HERPES VIRUS, HEPATITIS B, CANCER, BRAIN DISEASE, INFERTILITY, DIABETES AND MORE