Do we see the Dow hitting 30,000 by December despite the fact that half of the stocks on the Dow Jones are issuing Bonds at a BBB Rating - Just Above Junk bond Status?
Despite an unlimited QE to US Banks amounting to over $50 Trillion in the last 13 years we have seen no Structural changes during this time to correct what is happening.
As long as the Libtards reign across America and President Trump refuses to arrest over 20,000 now committing Treason there can be no real changes made.
Further - there are several Congress Men/Women who are in our nation Illegally serving in Congress
Until President Trump arrests these Illegal Aliens in Congress nothing will change - just more destruction.
Before any changes those currently serving in Congress and the US Supreme Court Committing Treason must be arrested, charged and placed in jail for no less than 20 years per USC 18 including the Head of the US Supreme Court.
Until that happens the rest is all a BS - A Clown Show.
Further - Watch the video and learn about "Printer Gate"
And an Update on Garbage Gate
Video: (1022) Is The US Committing Financial Suicide? - YouTube
The Wall Of Truth
Stock Up On These herbs Now And Avoid Getting Sick
We Went To: Home - Life Change Tea
Sometimes we call them at 928-308-0408

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