(260) Trump Focused On Taking Down The Federal Reserves - YouTube
In 1913 the Federal Reserve System was created to steal wealth from around the world by the Elite Rothchild Banking System centered in Frankfurt, Germany
Along with the Masons these Dirty Little Demon Possessed Individuals formented 2 World Wars and are now trying to forment a third world war.
The Goal here is to reduce the Human Population to 500 Million People, Create Total Anarchy, and bring in Lucifer’s Teacher - the Satanic Jesus - to unite the planet.
When the Federal Reserve System was created so ast the Make America Great Corporation p to oppose them.
In 2007 the Russians and Chinese, working with the Make America Great Again, began working to replace this Lucifarian System - which funds the Rothchilds, with a system based in St Petersbug, Russia

The System will use Super Computers like Titan and Titan 2 to control international Trade and create a World Wide Gold Backed System.
Funny - Since we all watched our Prefessors at US Berkeley grow Iran in 1977 in a Metalurgy 101 class.
With the election of President Trump not only has he taken complete control of the Federal Reserve System by appointing 6 of their 7 Board of Directors he is also forcing so many sanctions that nation after nations is turning to the New Chinese Interbank System.
Apparently almost 1/3rd of the Higher Level Elites are now gone - Poof - and anyone trying to hurt Trump will also go - so GOD has said it - so it shall be.
For the First Time in history there are now more users of the CIPS than the SWIFT System.
It is growing so fast that President macron the Pervert is calling for a Special Euro Army to protect these Elites
Italy - on the other hand - is arming it’s citizens.
What we are asking our viewers to do is be ready for the inevitable shortages that accompany and currency change over.
Silver, Food, Water Filters are good things to have on hand for this change.
1) As the Demoncrats are now creating millions of votes out of thin air to overturn the elections in Arizona, Florida and Georgia President Trump is now beginning an investigation into not only Voter Fraud now taking place but also the head of this Voter Fraud Conspiracy - Demoncratic Attorney Marc Ellias.
Marc Ellias will either stop or be replaced with a Double. So GOD has said it - so it shall be.
If the Attorney’s Generals of Washington, Oregon and California fo not start similar investigations they will go the way of Marc Ellias as GOD Directs.
Expect allot of Replacing of Lunatic Lefties in Key Political Positions across the nation with Doubles over the next 10 months. The Originals - Who Cares.
Now that the State Attorney Generals across the state have begun investigating the Demoncrat’s illegal use of Campaign Funds to support the latest Caravan headed to the USA - the funding for the Caravan has ceased and it is stuck in Mexico City.
The Wall of Truth
Dr William B. Mount
The Take Down Tea has really reduced my blood sugar levels and I use it with their Life Change Tea and their Cinnamon every morning.
They wont sell Gold or Silver unless they have it in stock
Call Collin or Conrad 877-646-5347
To make more money:
Bob Kudla runs the academy and has a You Tube and Vimeo Channel
Citricare - On Ebay
Immusist - On Ebay
I would not be without both Immusist and Citricare. Period.
Uncle Harry’s Essential Oils
Love their Tooth Remineralization drops and Powders
Use their Breathing Oil allot to make our house smell good
Today my Allergies and Asthma is gone - GONE - thanks to his machine and his training webinars.
No More Inhalers
With Food Prices Skyrocketing we need food that is good nutritionally, tastes good and does not go to waste and is inexpensive.
Trump’s Solving Of “Triffin Dilemma” Now Has World Poised On Brink Of Nuclear Holocaust

Trump poised to take control of the Federal Reserve
Russia's alternative to SWIFT payment system poised to eclipse the original – MP — RT Business News
Are You Ready For the Next Crisis? Because It's Coming in 2019 | Zero Hedge | Zero Hedge
Bank Of England Refuses To Release Venezuela's Gold | Zero Hedge

Multi-Billionaire Hugo Salinas Price – Trump May Shock The World By Putting U.S. Back On Gold Standard | King World News
Triffin dilemma - Wikipedia
TASS: Russian Politics & Diplomacy - Lavrov confirms agreement on Putin-Trump meeting at G20 summit
France's Macron pushes for 'true European army' - BBC News
Italy Loosens Gun Laws as Matteo Salvini Polishes His Tough Guy Image - The New York Times
Trump Hints At Federal Investigation As Dems Gain Ground In Arizona, Florida And Georgia | Zero Hedge
As soon as Democrats sent their best Election stealing lawyer, Marc Elias, to Broward County they miraculously started finding Democrat votes. Don’t worry, Florida - I am sending much better lawyers to expose the FRAUD!
Tired and angry, migrant caravan splinters in Mexican state | nola.com
Caravan migrants arrive in Mexico City, bed down in stadium - The Washington Post

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