(30) Dateline Korea: Army Not Taking Peace Lightly - YouTube
This week President Trump and king Kim Jung-Un of North Korea signed an historic agreement where the United States Nuclear Energy Institute has agreed to buy back all 156 Nuclear Weapons sold to North Korea by Secretary of States Clinton and Kerry at around $3 Million Dollars a piece AND the 6 remaining Minute Man 1 Missiles included in the original deal way back in 2011.
Further - the Koreas have begun opening the phone lines between the Military leaders of both nations to coordinate the tearing down of the DMZ separating the two nations beginning with opening Freedom Bridge in order to send rice nto North Korea to prevent mass starvation of the children
Further - in a show of Good Will President Trump cancelled the joint US/South Korean military exercises currently being carried out across South Korea and then announced that he would like to bring all 37,000 Americans home after saluting the Top General of the North Korean Army in a show of respect.
In response the Main Stream Media (Putting out a SERCO Fake Story) a story in Army Times stated that
“Un-Named Military Analysts”
Claimed that the cancelling of these drills would weaken the US Solidarity with Japan and South Korea.
Whatever that means.
So by saving huge amounts of money and easing tensions between the two nations the Army Times reported further (Using Unknown Experts) that this kind of action was irresponsible.
Senator Chuchie Schummer, a Democrat (NAZI) stated: “I guarantee our military men and women are squirming when President Trump called off our joint military drill exercises.”
This Lefty Loony Senator is absolutely Whacky Insane and Stupid….
Pray that Senator Chuckie Schumer the NAZI looses his ability to speak forever.
We in the military love it when we get a day off in the middle of a tough exercise and I speak from experience.
Senator Marco Rubio, a really weird guy, also voiced his concerns about Peace breaking out in the Koreas.
Further - it was reported that Mike Pompeo - now head of the US State Department - did not say what the Main Stream media reported him to say.
What Pompeo actually stated was that as soon as the Nukes are removed form North Korea all US Sanctions will be eliminated.
However - the Army Times also is reporting in response to this New Peace - that they are requesting retired military members go back into Full Time Service (Active Duty) in an attempt to recruit more soldiers.
Further - In a show of strength - the US Army Tanker Corp competed in the Third Annual “Strong Tank Competition” Challenge
The US Army - led by the 70th Armor regiment 2nd Battalion - did not win the Car Smashing Contest but did place first in the shooting competition.
Good job guys.
You won where it counted.
Paul Manafort was placed in jail for tampering with witnesses today.
President Trump’s Response was:
“Pretty tough sentence”
“I did not know he was the head of the mob.”
Further - the IG Report now released clearly showed that the leaders of the FBI committed Treason and President Obama Lied.
You can’t make this stuff up.
A new Bird Flu released in China through vaccinations has a Human Kill Rate of 40% - far below the 90% the CDC expected kil rate for “Disease X”
China - Stop the vaccinations, you stop Disease X.
Finally - we need to pray for Jim Willie and ask GOD to neutralize those Lucifarians now attacking him viciously, and neutralize them for life.
It’s time we pray for your family and again pray for the President’s Safety, sit back and enjoy the show.
Be ready folks for what is coming.
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Dr William B. Mount
Trump-Kim meeting: US and North Korean leaders sign historic peace agreement - Vox
Trump on video saluting North Korean general at summit
Trump’s halt of ‘war games’ could weaken defenses in Korea

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Trump says Pompeo "got along really well" with Kim Jong Un:The Asahi Shimbun
Calling all retirees: The Army is looking for recruiters and instructors to go back on active duty
Tankers smash up piles of cars in Strong Europe Tank Challenge

Army ammunition plant to restart operations after fire
Trump: “Very unfair” that Manafort was sent to jail after alleged witness tampering - Vox
IG Report Confirms Obama Lied About Hillary Email Server | Zero Hedge
'DISEASE X': New Strain Of Bird Flu Kills 40% Of Those Who Contract, 100s Dead In China | Zero Hedge

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