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The US army admitted to using the American Public as Guinea Pigs for hundreds of Biological Tests without their knowledge.
In 1977 the US Army admitted that is secretly conducted 239 Germ Warfare Tests in open air cities from 1949-1969 --- or about one a month.
Some of their tests involved spreading toxins is two tunnels on the Pennsylvania Turnpike, spraying Germs into the air on military bases or Fort Deitrick ad Fort Belvoir,
pine Bluff Arsenal and at Dugway Proving Grounds.
What the report did not say is that these offices that conducted these tests are still in full operation and that in the latest budget these offices have been given unlimited funding to continue to test Biological Weapons of We The People.
Many folks died as a result of these tests and no one was jailed for these murders.
But I suppose if the Frazzled Rat and Huma Abadeen are not arrested for a Video clearly showing them torture and murder an 8 year ond child - why arrest a bunch of Generals for conducting Mass Murder - Right?
After all - Didn’t Wolf Blitzer just state ton CNN that killing civiliandss in Yemen is good for our economy?
So according to the Snow Flakes who run CNN the death of 10 or 20 or even 50,000 children greases the American Economy with the blood of the Innocent?
The corporation of the Department of Defense just admitted that 126 bases have water contaminated enough to cause a high rate of Birth defects and Cancer.
Part of the reason for this release is to cover up the effects of Vaccinations on the victims in the military and cover up the Drug Tests they are conducting oin the Military Water System.
As a side note: The military has never been responsible with it‘s Toxic Wastes. For example:
1) When I was a kid the US Air Force National Guard used to remove Truck Engines here in Western Washington and put them on the cement and wash them down with Leaded Gasoline that ran into “American Lake.”
2) As the military leaves it’s bases in countries such a the Philippines and Guam the toxic waste left behind is killing farms who farm on the abandoned land. We did a story on this not long ago.
3) On Fort Lewis when I first arrived the Army and Air Force used to dump large amounts of Toxic Waste just above a Public Beach across the bay for Ketron Island. Now the area is a Toxic Waste Zone but the beach is open to the public for swimming.
4) Just south of Seattle on Alki Beach the center of the Beach is highly radioactive (We tested it) due to a - well - you figure it out…….a package that fell out of an Air Force Transport Plane and dissolved in Salt Water. The beach is open for swimming by the public.
The list just goes on and on.
Look at how these Generals and Admirals think.
Admiral Phillip Davidson (4 stars) just released a 50 page report ad testified before Congress on the fact that the Chinese now control the Chinese Sea - the South Chinese Sea to be exact and we need to take action.
A) Emotional Support Animals are proliferating on the Yale College Campus. There are now 14 “Emotional Support” animals living in the Dorms - everything from cats and dogs to - yup Hamster.
To highlight the Snowflake Atmosphere of our little spoiled brats you pay to go to college the University of Utah in Salt Lake just installed a “Cry Closet.”
You may enter the closet and cry - hugging the stuffed animals for a period of ten minutes.
What was meant as a joke was literally taken as a serious “Closet” for our little emotionally failing students.
Just another Lefty Loony waste of TAX DOLLARS
Pray that these tax Dollars are immediately cut from all schools and universities.
b) Chinese sales of I-Phones have collapsed in China. Maybe that’s why a new Software Update destroyed all I-Phones late last year and the owners had to buy New Phones despite the fact that Apple Admitted to destroying tens of thousands of phones purposely.
The gal who worked for a phone company who alerted me to this is now still paying off her broken I-Phone and a new phone.
Again - no one was arrested at Apple for purposely violating FCC rules and forcing people to buy now phones.
Pray that these employees at Apple who did this are immediately neutralized for life.
More and more doctors are confessing to diagnosing health people with cancer to make money.
For every $2 you, or your insurance company, spends on a Cancer Drug the doctor is paid $1.
So if you get an Experimental Drug or Treatment that runs around $500,000 your doctor gets $250,000 put directly into his bank account.
Take Dr Farid Fatsa in Michigan, a Cancer Doctor. Not only did he purposely diagnose healthy people with cancer for money he also prescribed drugs to get a Kick-Back.
With a load of 1,200 patients that charged Medicare $62 Million per year he actually charged Medicare $150 Million.
If you would like to see the Doctor you may still book appointments with him despite these Murders he openly admitted to in court.
Despite the 5% survival rate for US cancer patients in the US we have been sending out Immusist and Sea Weed for 12 years and we have never seen cancer not go away or come back.
The pain may be reduced by using the Native American’s Ancient Life Oils.
The Real cost to get rid of cancer runs between $50 to $100 per month - as it is with Alzheimers, Autism, MS, Lymes Disease, Traumatic Brain Injury, etc.
Please pray for President Trump’s Safety and that he begins to listen to GOD.
YOU make the difference. We can not emphasize that enough.
Please pray that your families and prepare for any emergency.
This is OUR country and here WE stand for FREEDOM
This is YOUR channel where about 90% of the stories come from YOU
Often times I have another story read to go - but since is YOUR channel we report on what YOU have asked for.
YOU have a voice
The News You Need
The Wall Of Truth
Dr William B. Mount
Conspiracy Theory? US Army Has Admitted to Conducting 100s of Germ Warfare Tests On Americans
DoD: At least 126 bases report water contaminants linked to cancer, birth defects

Yemen War Great For US Jobs: Watch CNN's Wolf Blitzer Proclaim Civilian Deaths Are Worth It | Zero Hedge

Top US Admiral Warns China Now Controls The South China Sea | Zero Hedge
Emotional support animals proliferate at Yale
College Installs "Cry Closet" As Safe Space For Student Snowflakes | Zero Hedge
Chinese Smartphone Sales Collapse In "Biggest Decline Ever" | Zero Hedge
More Doctors Confessing To Intentionally Diagnosing Healthy People With Cancer To Make Money - Anti News Network

Dr. Farid Fata MD Reviews | Lapeer, MI |


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