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(13) President Declares State Of Emergency - YouTube
Four Days Ago President Trump declared a State Of Emergency in response to both 6 Terrorist Attacks and the Collusion between the NAZI Democratic Party and the Elites in violating our: Basic Human Rights.

First of all - President Putin thanked President Trump for providing him with information about several Terrorist Attacks scheduled for 17 December in St. Petersburg Russia meant to kill both the Russian President & most of his staff as well.
Then President Trump requested support from all Major World Leaders in supporting this US Declaration of a State Of Emergency and received it.
This declaration included invoking the following acts:
1) Emergency Economics Powers Act
2) National Emergency Act
3) Global Magnitsky Human Rights Accountability Act
4) Immigration and Nationality Act of 1952.
President Trump then forced a Huge Tax Cut through Congress he signed only a day ago - one that has already boosted Retail Christmas Sales by 18% over last year.
The first tax cut I have seen in 42 years as a voter.
The President made a Promise - either Congress would act or he would to stabilize our nation’s economy. So now he is fulfilling yet another Campaign Promise.
This is the one we have all been waiting for.
To show you what the President is up against consider the following:
1) Barney Frankengrope has decided not to resign to avoid jail time. Fortunately - the National Emergency Act voids the Congressional Immunity for Sexual Assault.
2) Wife of Fusion GPS Owner states she is proud of her husband breaking a story that directly damaged a sitting President even if the story was a lie - implicating her and her husband for Treason.
3) Top FBI Legal Council James Baker helped break the Fake Story about Trump’s Russian Collusion - so the entire thing was funded by the FBI - absolute Treason here.
4) It has just been revealed that the Theranos Corporation was not a High Tech Company developing special blood testing machine but a funnel to support the Frazzled Rat (Hillary) for her election bid - as so many companies are today..
The “Chief Scientist” of Theranos was going to rat out the company and was suicided.
Fortress Financial - a company that just appears out of nowhere 11 years ago and was suddenly worth $6 Billion Dollars with unlimited funding - decided to bail out this company. So we have Foreign Made Up US Dollars bailing out Democratic Party Funding Sources - it‘s called Treason.
5) Not only are Private Pension Funds Failing due to large Political Donations - in violation of their Pension Insurance Policies with the US Treasury Department (Felony Fraud) it appears that almost every state Pension Fund is also failing.
We did our own analysis and estimate that the California Pension Fund alone will be dead broke in 3 years due to these Political Donations - yet the State of California in their CAFR clearly states - as we have shown over and over - they have over $5 Trillion Dollars in reserves of Cash, Stocks and Bonds.
6) Moving Forward in the Bundy Ranch “Uranium One Deal” organized by the Frazzled Rat we see clear Collusion, Lies and Murder put forth by the French Owned Corporation the Bureau Of Land Management in support of Donations to the Clinton Foundation.
The judge on charge of the Bundy Trial has suspended it ending more evidence.
Pete Santilly - you were 100% right
7) Finally - We clearly showed the news Stories on Television several times where our Beloved Secretary Of State - the Frazzled Rat (Hillary) sold North Korea 56 - 100KT Firecrackers and 10 Minute Man One ICBM’s with warheads - range 6,500 miles.
Later our New Beloved Secretary of State - John Kerry - sold Korea another 100 Large 100KT Firecrackers along with more to Vietnam & Saudi Arabia under the “UN Atoms For Peace Program” in violation of the “Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty” as signed by the United States and United Nations cancelling the Atoms For Peace Program.
In other worlds - clear treason by both the Frazzled Rat and John Kerry.
What happens next we do not know so we pray for President Trump’s Safety.
Finally - the “Soft Disclosure” we have all been waiting for: President Trump’s Space Council Chief Scott Pace said Space belongs to Corporations, not We The People.
Not only are these Concepts part of the Outer Space Treaty the United Nations clearly has backed these Principles.
Further - he clearly stated that the US owns the Super Duper Top Secret Space Program that we all know is run out of Lockheed Martin’s Headquarters and who’s underground Headquarters is under King’s Peak just 60 miles East of Salt Lake City.
Merry Christmas
If you do not have a gift yet - stay home today- go to Patriot Pantry and buy your family an Emergency Food Pack. It won’t be here for about 10 days but you can leave a certificate under the tree.
Get the Stove and Heat Packs as well for them.
Don’t buy it for your kids - buy it for your Grandkids so YOU know they have ffod in any emergency.
If you buy it from:
You will also be feeding some one else’s Grand Kids as all dollars we earn go to helping feed people around the world.
You may never meet them - you may never even see them - but you will be feeding them just the same.
More details on:
You Tube
Pray for President Trump’s safety as those who stand in his way will fall to the wayside - so GOD has said it - so it shall be.
Please pray that all is exposed and those guilty of this Collusion are neutralized immediately.
YOU make the difference. We can not emphasize that enough.
Please pray that your families and prepare for any emergency.
This is OUR country and here WE stand for FREEDOM
This is YOUR channel where about 90% of the stories come from YOU
Often times I have another story read to go - but since is YOUR channel we report on what YOU have asked for.
YOU have a voice
The News You Need
The Wall Of Truth
Dr William B. Moun
Telephone conversation with US President Donald Trump • President of Russia
Trump Declaration Of National Emergency Throws US Media Into Silence, And Global Elites Into Terror


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